The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 25, 1920, Image 8

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    !$sk&c:s:iw : , -
wkd won, Mmmi, osur
JnmL atwtiM Mtmdt ifobh
for Highest Possible Qjwlity at f
Lowest Possible Price
"it's more like
a Smoke!
There you have Spur's big reason in a
nutshell. It's what an American
Legion man said after he had pufFecl
a Spur for a moment or two.
He knew cigarettes. Found how com
forting a good one is. Had' 16 months
in France. And he ncw what he was
talking about when he said:
"More Lie a Smoke"
That's because you can taste the good
tobacco in Spurs. You get the aroma
of a new and delicious blend of the
finest leaf grown in Turkey, fine Bur
ley and other homegrown tobaccos.
Unmarred bystarch because the seam
is crimped not pasted.
Longer and sweeter in the smoking
slower in the burning. Fresh and
fragrant as you open the pack, be
cause it's triple-wrapped.
Priced to be popular and packaged to
be select.
See for yourself "more He a Smoke.
Liggett &? Myers Tobacco Co.
MlWWHPTfty jf .ym.fync
Straight' arid
Lutheran Church
Sunday School at 10 A. M.
Confessional Service at 10:30.
Regular Service at 11 o'clock.
Rev. 0. Heinitz, Paster.
If you want a farm loan call and
sec mo for I am ready to make loans
with absolutely no delay.
Have You EVER
IiaYV Vl went to get
in your car on a cold day when
your foot slipped on the running board,
giving you a bad fall?
If not, you are lucky. If you have you will be in
terested in our line of running board mats, made
of rubber and do not absorb dirt. Come in and
see them.
Miller Tires and Accessories
Vulcanizing - Re-treading Re-lining
El Side Main st. Work Guaranteed. Red Cloud, Neb,
Sheriff's Sale
Notice In hereby given, that undor ami by
vlrtuunfiin (.inter of Hnlo Issued from tho
olllcoof IMltli I.. Mck'eUhtin Work of tho
District Court ol tliu Tenth .Judicial District
within mid for Webster county, Nebraska,
upon a decree In an nctlou pointing, therein,
wherein John K. WiiUcllcd Company Is I'laln
till, mid illinium The Memo Auditorium Asso
ciation, ft ul DefciidnutH, 1 shall oiler ti.rsalo
at public vendue, luccirdlin: tp tlio tcrnm of
until dLcrtf, to thuhltthcU lildder for riiih In
hand, nt tin-south dour of the Court house, at
Hid Cloud. In Kiild WubMtcr county, Ntbrau
l.a, (that being tho building wherein tin Inwt
termofKiild court una holden) on tho iith
day oi November A. !. HIM nt 2 o'clock l.
M., of until day, tho following described prop
erty, tu-wlt:
UitHoue ill, two (2), thrco (U), tweutyano
i2i, twentytwo Vil), twentythrco (2:1) nml
tucim four (21). nil In block r. In thoOrlulnnl
i town of ltcd cloud, Nobrnnka,
I ill ... mi.ln .., I. ..! 4 It to !,.,. lm, fllllAtn.
,l,i;i until;, tuj imtlll ima , um; wwv,tu-
btr A. I). 11H0.
I'ltANK IlUl'KEH Kherlir
New Sleeve Linings, New Velvet Collars
And you Wear it all Winter.
Phones Red 88103 M lied Cloud, Nebraska
Wo Call und Deliver We Pay Return Charges on Out of-Towu Work
Notice of Probate
In tho County Court of Webster County
State of Nebraska, I ss
WobHtor Couuty, f
To all persons Interested In tho cmato of
Gcorgo II. McCnll Deceased;
TAKINOTICK, that a petition has been
filed praying that tho Instrument filed In this
court on the 'AM day of November, A. I). nr20,
purporting to bo tho last will and testament
of said dcccnscd, may bo proved and allowed
and recorded as tho last will and testament
of Ucorgo II. McCull, deceased; Hint said In
strument bo admitted to probate
It Is hereby ordered by tho court, that nil
persons Interested In said estate nppear nt
tho County Court to bo held In and for said
county on tho 17th day of December, A. I).
11)20, at ten o'clock a. in.,ito show cause, If any
thcro bo, why tho prayer of tho potltloncr
should not bo granted, nnd that notlco of
tho pendency of said petition and tho hearing
thereof, bo given to all persons Interested lit
said matter by publishing a copy of this order
In tho Ilcd Claud Chief, a lognl wcokly now-
paper printed In said county, for thrco conso
cutlvo weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand nnd tho seal of said court
this 22d day of Novombcr, A. D. 1920.
(Stfcil.) A, D, Uaunoy, County Judge.
The Chief is the Home of Quality Job Printing
Turkish Debtor's Home Exempt
' It Is unlawful In Turkey to seize ri
man's residence for debt, and sufll to support him Is also ex
eropt from seizure.
id). 19Q. Western Newnpaper Union. )
Whin Mlllvllk' graduated f1" n
mero struggling lumslt't Into n growliif!
village It hud two well trn versed thor
otuihftires only. The llrt oni' liml been
called Straight treut from time Im
mi'iiiorlnl nnd w.if uptly so designated.
Itruiichlug nil" from it wu what hud
been originally n more cow path. No
effort was made to untangle lt.s sltni
0'iltlcM. The precise opposite of tho
hi oud, fur extending struct called
Straight, II was nnttirally termed
Crooked stieet, Ah time went on and
the town grow they changed tho name
to IScllcphiluo nvenue, hut the old set
tler nnd even the younger generation
very often called It by Its old name.
It was probably mere clrcumstnncu
thnt lodged Vernon Blnlr on Straight
street. The thoroughfare was respect
able nnd he was of a character that
would peek such an eirvlrontnent. It
wns predilection, however, thnt drift
ed I'.lake Massey to Crooked street.
Gradually that avenue had b.'cotne ob
scure, Its houses dilapidated. It was
Hip social dumping ground of the town
uud what there were of drinking plncei
and the like found a harbor that suit
ed them. Massey had decent rooms
nbove a pawn shop. lie liked to be
ntnld scenes of nctlvlty and excitement
and tho place stilted him. He never
stopped to think that the eomp'nnlon
ship ho Incidentally gained wns not
elevating, hut he cherished his lively
evenings among men who liked to see
what they called "life."
He had charge of it lloor In the
principal department store of the
town and Vernon lllulr was tho man
ager of another paying the best sal
ary In the establishment. l.Inlr had
worked hard and faithfully to gain
thl pre-eminence. He had honest
dreams of a future nnd when ho fell
In love with I.esblu Htirrow he fan
cied he saw .success before him.
Jllnlr was uneasy when he learned
that Massey had been Introduced to
Lesbln by a mutual friend nnd noted
thnt his flnhy ways had a certain
effect In Interesting Lesbln, her fami
ly nnd her friciuR
There was' n Haunting, specious fel
low named Orcg Barth with whom
Miioy trained and one day nt tho
noon hour these two met In a restau
rant near the store,
"Well, I fancy I've set the ropes,"
wns the greeting of Bnrth. "So far
its this Burrows girl you are so wild
over, Is concerned, I don't think her
folks will tolerate much of Blnlr's
company after a letter I Imvo got a
particular friend of mine In Etnpton
to write reaches them. That will bo
his quietus."
"Now then, nbout his position at
tho store."
. "You know that little cousin of
mlno, Ned Trotterr, wns transferred to
Blnlr's department last week?"
"Well, leave the rest to Ned. I've
posted him and he Is clever ns they
make them. Pretty soon Blnlr's de
partment will be In a muddle, missing
goods, neglept In deliveries nnd all
thnt. You understand?"
"I do," nssented his unprincipled
confrere, "nnd I won't begrudge a
liberal rake off when I get the new
A month Inter to the amazement of
everybody who knew him, Vernon
Blnlr was dismissed from the service
of the store. Because the parents of
Lesbln began to act coldly and sus
piciously toward him he left Mill
vllle, attempting no explanation of his
dismissal, and took a subordinate posi
tion In Empton. Thifi confirmed n
cortnln suspicion Mr. nnd Mrs. Bur
rows entertained, for a letter that
coupled his name with n young lady
who came from that town had reached
them. Lesbln mourned, but she bore
her grief In silence for clrcumstnuces
allowed no meeting with Blair again.
One day Lesbln was passing a
street corner when nn automobile
furiously driven turned It Sharply. A
Ind of about sixteen was directly In
its path. lie was borne down nnd
then tossed against the curb. 'Iho
spot wns only n square from Lcsbla's
home. She recognized tho lad as Ned
Trotter, know thnt ho lived poorly
with strangers and In her sympnthy
and Interest In nn orphaned hoy had
him conveyed to her own home.
For n week Ned wns given tender
nnd willing enre by tho Burrows fami
ly. Ills Injuries were quite serious,
hut he mended rapidly. Ho was seated
In an invalid chair on tho porch one
dny, when he noticed Lesbln gazing
nt a photograph, her eyes brimming
with tears. The original of the pic
ture at a glance ho knew to be Ver
non Blnlr.
Tho better nnturo of Ned stirred
within him. lie rccnlled tho plot
ngnlnst Blair In which he hnd been In
duced to act. He knew nbout tho
falso letter, no had come to Idolize
these new friends who had done so
much for him.
"Miss Burrows." he ppokc, "I have
done you and Mr. Blnlr a great
wrong. Will you help me right it?"
And then the whole story came out.
It presented Ned In no enviable light.
"But I'm willing to suffer If I have
to," ho docfared plucklly. "My pn.rt
I will freely, confess. All I say, about
tho letter I will prove."
It took only a few days for Lesbln
to straighten out the tanglo thnt
threatened to destroy her happiness
and that of Vernon Blnlr. Quietly
Massey wns discharged, as quietly
Blair wns reinstated. The plotter de
parted for parts unknown. Ills victim
won the bride of whom ho wns truly
.worthy. . ....,.'
E. S. Gsvrber fi r rniBft)
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and; 11 . II. la UiiJIIX
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You with Fixtures
Office 76-M
Residence 190-Y
Office 2 Blocks North of Fireman's I lall
A Few of My Bargains in
fllu acres 4H miles from good town, (rood prnfs, 15 feet to water,
for quick sale S12.C0 per aero will carry buck 81000 at (J percent.
(110 acres. 8 mi I or from town all in gins'-, 2G0 acres bottom land all
enn be fanned but about 10 ncret. close to school, good neighborhood,
uud surrounded with good imptovetneiits, fi() feet to water, 20 per aero
will carry back S.'iCUO at 0 percent.
ISO acres, with improvements, 8 miles fiom good town. ."0 foot to
water, 8() acres under cultivation, adjoins school, a bargain at 825 per
acre, S1S00 back at 0 percent.
ICo acres 8JiI miles from town, level ns e. lloor, good grass, S.10 per
acre, S1000 back.
:!2( acres DJ-j miles from town, 40 acres in wheat, delivered, 1C0
acres mnr broke which could be put in barley in spring, every foot can
be ( ulliva'pil, priced at ?!l0 per acre, 100(1 back at 0 percent.
100 ueies fine level quarter exeopt about lo m-ief., lTiOiri cultivation,
HU) acres I j wheat ,lj of wheat at machine goes wiih the place at 810
per acre, S'JGO.) back ut 7 peicer t.
tl'JO acre, .'500 tillublM, 200 acres tinder cultivation, 120 in pasture, 7
room house, barn, granary, well and mill, leased for lli'Jl, for one third
delivered, 5 tulles fiom town on guided road, a tinttmiu at $40 per acre,
81000 back ut 0 pet cent
000 ncics. I miles fi oni town, llue-t iniprovi'd farm in county, 100
acres jrood nlflfn land, piiinpinir plant irri(,'atinjr 10 notes, jjood spring
in pasture, 200 acres seeded to wheat oe- with the place for 110 per
acre, terms ut t per cent.
100 aures i;i miles tiorn town, all in tftiiss, level, fror.d .sell, this tfoes
fcr -4 per acre.
If yon are interested in any of the above come in and see me and
set a date to go down and look it over. I make the tiip in unto and
nbout three days is till that Is requiied to make the i rip and look the
land over to your sRtisfdct ion I belelve I am givinti ,m u good adviho
when I toll yon to act quick for bind is sure to advance, lib parties in
northwestern part of Kunsns are selling their land llieio and coming in
hero to buy.
Geo. W. Hutchison
Real Cstate, Insurance, Loans, Abstracts
Ind, 63
Red Cloud
! "
1- m (Aj2'' 'jl '
Let Us Show You This Good Washer
Change wnsliday to wash hour nnd Ret away from rubbing nnd wringing
working your machine by Imncl.
&ijp jiSvA
Wc have one for you single or double tub that you can operate with
gas engine or electric power. The wringer swings four ways is reversible
and operates with the washer. A One Minute gives you a tub full of clean
cfothca every five to fifteen minutes. It is the washer with "a million
satisfied users."
Come in and let us show you this washer, built by washing machine
manufacturers of 20 years' experience.
The Father of Success is "WORK
The Mother oi Success is AMBITION
The Oldest Son is COMMON SENSE
Some of the Boys are PERSEVERANCE, HONESTY,
The Oldest Daughter is CHARACTER
Some of the Sisters are CHEERFULLNESS, COURTESY,
Get acquainted with the 'old man' and you will be able
to get along pretty well with the rest of the family
One of the Greatest Aids to Success is a Good Bank Connection
Edward Flotsnce, Preiident Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Flounce, Cwhiei
DtpoiUt Quarantetd by the Dtpoiitort Guarantee Fund cf the State of A'ebraeka
Record tor Potatoes..
Tho department of agriculture says
that tho weight of tho hirguM potato
recorded In their olllce Is between suv.
ren and olght pounds. There may liavo
been larger ones produced, but tho
department has no record nt tKun.
Cats and Dogs at Peace. ,
Thero Is ono place near PhlladeH
phla where cats and dogs dwell to
gcther In pence. It Is a cemetery de
voted to decensed pets. It Is at Praw
clsvlllo and contains many handsomq
tombstones. ,
,m i, 11 ' . trvt fit .
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