RED CLOUD, HBBSASKA, OHHF f i THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY (Cnterod In thn I'oMpfllcD nt lUrt Ootm Nob a Socond Class Matter ' z- "" A. D. iloAllTHURiEdltop and Owner STOCK JUDGING TEAM Webster County's Stock Judging tenm composed of Alfred Fringer, Lawrence Means, and Lylo Ashby, fought their last b'attlc October 19 to 23, nt the International Club Judging Contest, hold nt Atlanta, Georgia. They met defeat, Texas winning the big prize, a free trip to the English Iloynl held at London, England. The Southeastern Fair Association, gives $7000.00 to tho winning team. Texas had spent $3000.00 and several months at tho leading stock shows training their team. The bankers qf Texas put up tho financial lmckifigto 'train the team. The Nebraska team won its share of tho cash premiums, put up by tho breed associations. Twelve breeds of live stock were judged, as followd: Angus, Hereford, Shorthorns, Jersey, Holstcin nnd Gurnsey cattle; Hamp shire, Duroc, Poland China and Berk shire hogs; Shropshire and Southdown sheep. There were 4 animals in each class. CO points was score on placing and 50 points on oral reasons-. Tcxms had Nebraska bested on oral reasons. Nebraska won 1st on Angus cuttle, 1st on Poland China hogs, 1st on Shropshire sheep, 3rd, on Holstcin), Cth on Shorthorns. Lawrence Means of Red Cloud, ranked 2nd, score 97, on Sh'orthorns, and 4th on Hnmp shires, score 92. Alfred Fringer or Guide Hock, ranked 2nd, scorcy 89, on Angus cattle, 3rd on Hercfords, .icoro 9G, and 3rd on Poland Chinas, .score 9G. Lylo Ashby, Guide Rock, was 4th in Angus ctttlc, score n82. The trip t'o Atlanta, Georgia, was a great trip. Many interesting tilings were seen. It is hoped that Webster county will come out next year with a strong team and not only win at Nebraska and Sioux City, but will be strong enough to clean up the Soutii. VETERINARIANS' MEETING A district meeting of tho Veterin arians in the south part '& the state, was held in Red Cloud on Tuesday, November 9th. 30 veterinarians w-ue present. Dr. Spraguo of Lincoln was in charge of the demonstrations. IB head of re-actors wore secured from Mr. Steward's Bang herd, and demon strations were made, demonstrating the three mcth'ods of testing for Tuberculosis. Stato Veterinarian, Dr. W. F. Spencer was present for the evening meeting and while here se cured Mr. Chas. Steward as one of the principal speakers at a State meeting of Veterinarians to be held December 15, at Grand Island. Dr. Beyers, of Osce'ola, Dr. Giffic, of Geneva, -Dr. Lea, of Hastings, all be ing connected with the Bureau of Animal Industry, were also present. 'Webster county is one of the lead ing counties in the state for accredi ted herds under Federal supervision for Tuberculosis eradication. All the Purebred breeders of the county ex cept 3 or 4 arc having their herds ac credited. . Tho latest additions to tho list are: Frank Bean, Red Cloud, Alf Nolan, Red Cloud, Carl Rudd, Inavale, and C. II. Miner, Red Cloud. Dr. Spencer reported that sinco Januarylst, 1920, 47,500 head of cattle had been tested under the co operative tost and 2,011 re-actors found. HENRY R. FAUSCH, County Agricultural Agent. LIBRARY NOTES Cutchcon. Prairie Mother Arthur Stinger. Miss Lulu Bott Zona Gale. Matrix Daviess. Sunny SlopesEthel Hucston. Hnppily Married Cora Harris. Sand Holler Mnnlntcs. Voice of the Pack Marshall. NON-FICTION Tarifff nistory of tho United States Taussig. A Summer in a Canyon Kate Douglas Wiggin. . Both Sides of 100 Public Questions Shutrcr & Taylor. American Politics Johnston. Chief Contemporary Dramatists Dickinson. Economic History of tho United States Bogart. Captains of Industry Parton. Some new books for the children are: "Magic casements a second fairy book" by Knto Douglas Wiggin and Nora Archibald Smith. "Tales of Laughter" A third fairy bobk is by the same authors. "Wigwam Stories" by Mary Catherine Judd is an inter esting book of Indian customs, tradi tions and myths, and there is "Uncle Remus His Songs and Sayings" by Joel Chandler Harris. Some good things for tho boys are: "Hero Tales from American History" by Theodore Roosevelt nnd Henry Cnbot Lodge; "American Pioneers" by W. A. Mowry and "Heroes of tho Middle West" by Mary II. Cathor wood. There arc three interesting "Mark TJidd" stories by Clarence B. Kolland they arc "Mark Tldd"; "Mdrk Tidd's Citadel" and "Mark Tidd in the Backwoods." The little children love tho Brown ies and there arc two new Brownio books by Palmer Cox "The Brown ies Through the Union" and "The Brownies in the Philippines." Population of Orphanage Increases Tho population of the Christian Homo Orphanage, located at Council j BluflN, Iowa, lms steadily increased xnee January 1st, in spite of the far1 ' that more children have bcn placet for adoption in private families than' over before in a similar period of time. This institution is known na-j tionally and for neaWy forty years has been a haven for homeless and destitute children ard aged dependent women. It has a da'ly average of 250 inmates to provide for. It is non sectarian has no endowment, employs no agents, but is supported entirely by the voluntary contributions of char itable people from nil parts of the country. The Orphanage is endeavor ing to raise funds jxt Thanksgiving to enable it to properly carry on its humane efforts. A Thanksgiving do nation from you to this worthy work will help provide for some homeless, motherless child. Address, The Christian Home Orphnnage, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Now that the evenings arc long you will want something interesting to read. Stop at tho library and take n good book home with you. The fol lowing new 'ones have just been re ceived: FICTION Great Impersonations E. Phillips Oppenheim. Trumpeter Swim Temple Bailey. The Quirt B. M. Bower. Leave it to Doriu Ethel Hucston. Miss Minerva and Willinm Green Hill Calhoun. Billy and .the Major Sampson. Miss Minerva's Baby Sampson. Oh, You Tex I W. M. Ralno. A Woman Named Smith Ocmler. Mary Marie Eleanor II. .Porter. Skyrider B. M. Bower. River's End. Curwood. Picadilly Jim Wodehousc. Lightnin' Bacon. Tho Killer Edward Stewart White. Youth tind the Bright Medusa. Willa Cather. Valley of Silent Men Curwood. JUridgo of Kisses Berta Buck. No Defense Gilbert Parker. Poor Wise Man Mary Roberts Rhinchart. i Divine Event Will N. Harbeu. Tho Portygce J. C. Lincoln. Harriet und tho Piper Kathleen Norris. 'Anderson 'Crow,'" Detective Mc WHY AN EX-SERVICE MAN SHOULD JOIN AMERICAN LEGION Because he is helping to take care of his disabled Comrades. Tho Amer ican Legion during tho pnst year helped the disabled men more than any other organization. Millions of dollars have been procured for these men. This alone should make the real American want to remain a Le gionairc. ' Because last year the Legion men sent over $20,000 to France to deco- rato the graves of those comradeB who did not return. The men who fought and who returned crave this amoount to decorate those graves. More that all the other citizens of the United States gave. Isn't that a rrocd reason for belonging to tho Legion? Because the Legion is doing a great deal for the veteran who is not dis abled. By organizing and sticking to gether we can accomplish things. The legion put through ton laws last year and has many more through one or the other branches of Congress but not completed. ISIIMYV Qt the Realism Test help you "measure" The MEW EDISON. as a JCtEtas' OiFt 7yOULDN'T you like to know why v the family will get more enjoyment out of the New Edison than out of any other phonograph? Come in and ask for the "Per sonal Favorites" Real ism Test. We've said that listening to the New Edi son is the same as listening to the living&rtist. We've said you get the same emotional thrill when you hear your favorite music Re-Created by the New Edison, as when you hear it by the living artist. Jacobean Every New Edison is a Period Cabinet Select from 17 Models L III The Realism Test will help you test these claims for yourself. If you find what we've said is true, you will know the New Edi son is the phonograph your family wants for Christmas. You know they'll get more enjoy ment out of the New Edison than out of any other musical instrument Xmas Tip! Investigate our Budget Plan. It brings your New Edison for Christmas makes William ft Mary VJAl neip pay. teJSo 1 1 ' E. R NEW Authorized Dealer Red Cloud, Neb HOUS 3 i V $ I ICi I ' B ffl I 1 - - - , , , , IDTHE AMERICAN II llftRSD CR7SS imSB! mpEACE -LME qm j .1 With t.i. luui i JSr 1$ in- ii r - i '" ii Lfi 1 K r . "fiiv "Kit va!X Vz rfSar Mrjm i ISffiSsfiiifiw HBaMygf- iF.nwy : . CITY OF EVANSTON DEPARTMENT OF STREETS Evanston, Illinois iwnRiirn iwonw Cominlftiontt Our Street Deptrtmrnl has in icrvice five two-ton. Model "J" Reo trucks and one Model "S" Reo rod'tr. The two truclct f.rit purctmred, equipped with Lee automatic tide dump 3-yard tteel bodies entered invuc April 2, i 'J IS. Oiieol these was wrecked August 8, 1918 and replaced August 24, 1918. On July 26, 198, our Special Garbage Truck entered service, equipped with a wooden body designed to carry ' -0 garbage cans oi one cubic loot each. On March 26 and Apr.l 0, 1919 tvo more trucks entered service. These are equip ped with 3.yetd Woods' hydraulic hoist rear dump steel bodies. ,The road.ter entered service May 14, 1918. These trucks have hauled crushed ttanc, sand, cinders, ashes, rubbish and garbage continuously over phved and unpaved tlrcett and alleys in all kinds o( weather. The consirnption of g" nd 'l bas been very low, the repairs small, and I consider the results remaikably good. I am told the Model "F" truck, in imice from March 26, 1919, equipped with hand hoitt rear dump steel body and operated by the Sewer Department is giving equally bock! results. . Signed ROBERT M. BROWN, Commissioner1 of Streets. SUTTON & SHIPMAN KIMMMlMUTIffllM iniil H The Standard of Excellence We have always endeavored to give our patrons the very best merchandise that can be obtained on the markets. The utmost care is exercised in the selection of the brands of goods we offer our customers. Our many years of experience in the Grocery business enables us to determine just what brands will meet with the approval of the trade. We wish to call particular attention to our line of CANNED GOODS. When buying be sure to specify DELHONT Jli AUTHORIZED AGENTS GARAGE RED CLOUD, NEB Tncre roninln In nrmy hoapltnli llirouKltout the country more thun 20, 000 soldlt'fs still liplng treated fot wounds received nvurtieiis. Red Croat workers give them tho Bntne sort a friendly aid only more o: It tliutwa; given during Uie war. Furttiermorq the Red Cross la teaching these lad occupations at which they can latq make a living and U keeping In toucl Slth their home fojkj in order tht 01 ependoota may uv ar lack A DAINGE RED CLOUD, NEB. In The Besse Sale Pavilion Having handled this line for many years wo do not hesitate to recommend any kind of Canned Goods bearing this name. Our personal guarantee stands behind every can we sell. When you want the best in Staple and Fan cy Groceries call on or phone us your wants and they will have our prompt attention. P. A. Wullbrandt I Groceries and Queensware 0l)MIImiraiMI!M .ftuJ, Thanksgiving, Thurs., Nov. 25 8 p. m. Given on BehaU of American Legion Post No. 238 Good :JicfAjgaision $1.5(JL. Spectators 25c Dr.W.H.McBride i DENTIST 1 U O.VBR STATE HANK Rod.Clond : .- . Jfbbrft-akA Dr. SS.V. NEchsiison DENTIST i Ottlco Over Alurlght'a Btnre .Ve:f Cptid T'-ufctua! t - Nebraska K . -vf,' V ' , v .( n '.', .- " ? H $ ,:, -'i !fes v .wwrw xvitLmi wa i W "