The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 18, 1920, Image 1
iiuiorlcnl Society patrona :. JgR ' M v-WTO vS- ?' . " :-IS1 3Sr .faSfll K 1 issai I-T!JS V i T . --' FSg- i S'vrr-l 'liim ' Mh& , .vf TOteT- 7B NSE ' -P3 v .'iCia C ? P mirnmw' t- .afe ':i' 'fJQr&r4P- PO 'CJUT 8 ic . F'STSst '. S A Newspaper That Gives The News flftyt Wocka Each Year For 12.00 VOLUME 48 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. NOVEMBER -IB. 1920 jLuumatMii.tximiwmuwjiimMjLUiMtinM wmi iwmtmimm iiiiinwaron NUMBER 47 who mammmm IWI "' ' " "M"'"w,"Tnmr"W" A fci. nfm .ll.1 M. V. A. Class Adoption Armistice Day Program Draws Many People n ".diiy evening, November 12ft h. In tlio I MtttontohiiU Deputy Hnmmot who is , N 1fiF?i!s,t Vff ,- V.1 Vrt-n 0 MATTER what you want to buy nor what you want repaired, if it is in the jewelry line 'twill pay you to come here. In the purchase of jewelry or its repair, the reliability of your dealer is of prime importance. This is why your interests are best served by coming to us. Tlio local M. V. A. lodjri. will hold ivj c'iism nilontinu of uiMiiltriiitus on V'il. s. DPhpltu tlio ftict tluit the wuatlier wits aiiythitiK but plnasnnt on Armis- huio wrltliiff up the. chias huu wrltti'ii . " ""J" i' usual laru crowd us. some thirty cntulidiitf who will bo m'iuW-iI here for the event, and the. tilten into the lodo that evening, All , profjnun wur curried out In dill to the the members should attend us the o ' comlilcto HHtlbfaut.ton of everyone. In will be "dottiKs'' Mint evening. all it was olio yreat bljj soelal altair , . r Tlimxserviee men were on hutul!rc& T I? TI n i I i cd Irt iinlfonn and uiiido an (mpiessive lwo fcgg thieves Break JadHpi)0nrilIieOi A llllsllul!lS h0llMa tteic Woods and Froderiok, who wore ro- closSil cluiiny tlio ufteriinou and all enntly arrested, charged with atonllnK j intof.'sts centered on tlio bi day the and selling onus, and placed In the' most Important of .ill days in the his county jail to await the next term of tory of the country. HBIVCVS&r HBSEEBS EB33 PHOTOGRAPHS For Christmas Gifts JUST THE THING We are making a Special Offer for November. Take advantage of it and at the same time be re lieved of a dozen Xmas worries Don't Forget the Location Ovor Smith's Shoe Store- The Gleason Studio WWWAftWV.VVV-VAVAV.VJ".VAVJVVVAVVWWVVWft If a Car is Worth Driving it is Worth Building A Garage . . . See us for Up-to-date Garage Designs. ' The IWaioneGeilaiiy Co- j: VWVUftWAVV-VAV.V-JVVAAVAVAV-VAVA,VWS court made their escapo last Thursday afternoon while the Armistice Day celebration was ocoupyitiK the altent. ion of all of our citizens. The sheriff states that they made their gct-a-wiiy at nbntit six o'clock In the evening, as a few minutes before that time they wero safe behind tlio bars. When ho weut Into the jail to malic his prisoners safo nnd comfortable for the night he found that they had tukou their departure, securing their liberty by sawing vay yio bars covering the window'. The hack saw blades were found on the window sill. An investigation revealed that the man who had been picked up on a vagrancy charge last week, and who had been working out his lino on the city streets and tiie paving hud pur chased the saw blades from a local dealer and delivered tbem to the pris oners prior to his departure from the city. Ho was brought back from Hastings by Sheriff Huffcr and held for tho next term of court, barged with aiding, the prisoners to escape. At this time no olew to the where abouts of tho egg thieves has been se cured. K A Good Game of Foot Ball Thursday afternoon, although being very cold, tlio best foot ball game that was ever played on tho Hedge field was put on by tho Ansley High School and tho local team. Ansley made tluiir scores in tho llrst and second quarter, when they made two touch downs and kicked goal. Red Oloud made their only score in the last half of the game. Score: Ansley 11, Red Cloud 7. The game was hard contested and when the playora tackled some body was sure to go down hard. The Ansley coach and the players were u different sort or fellows from the McCook "crub bers" nnd they bolioved in playing foot ball like tho gaio is supposed to bo played. Thoy wore well pleased with tho treatment that they received here nnd spoko highly and complimentary of tho local team and tho citizens in gcnornl. Max Towlc of Lincoln was the roferoo and his decisions wore not questioned by any body. If tho day had bocu warmer probably the crowd would have boon much larger and tho local boys state that tho scoro might have boon different. Our boys took their defeat manfully and stato that It was no disgrace to bo defeated by a team like tho opponents in this. game. The Red Cloud team goes to Super ior tomorrow afternoon whero thoy will play tho local team of that city and a largo numbor from hero aro planning on accompanying thorn. Tho heason will closo hero Thanks giving Day with tho Kournoy team playing tho local team, B'?JS0IC53 oes Yoiir Watch Or Glasses Need Fixing ? D We waul to do your REPAIRING yvJvrtwv,.v.vAv"Av.v.v.vJv."AA.v.vvvuv Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Phone, Store Ind. 158, Res, 93' RED CLOUD, NEB lyvwvvArtWAAvuvAvVAvA'wvBvAVAVvvwftrt The Uusse Sale I'avilllou was fitting ly decorated and adequately heated andjut the noon hour it wut crowded to Its utmost capacity by the soldiers unci citizens. Dinner was served cuf etor a stylo and ovor ltK'l) feasted on the :nany good outs that wore found there. Kried chicken, numerous kinds of studwlches, picklcH, doughnuts and huuUreds of gallons of good collee composed the menu. Right here we wish to compliment tho exhomo guards on tlie most ellegant brand of "Moelm and Java" that they made and served. After tho big dinner tlio people ad journed to the Uestio Auditorium whore tho program was rendered. It was opened by the singing of "America" by the Community Chorus and the audi ence. This'was followed by the ad dress of welcome by Post Commander, Robt. S. Mitchell. numbers on the program were: Vocal Solo, Miss Ruby Koon; Music, Instrumental Quartette; Reading. Qleo King; Vocal Solo, Mrs. Prank Hughes; Saxophone Solo, Frank Gaston; Read ing, "Whon Poppies Illoom on Fland ers Fiold", Mrs. George Kalloy. Tho principal address was delivered by Attorney J. S. Gilliam. He plctur ed'tho condition of alfalrs at the time Undo Sam entered the great conflict, and at this the darkest hour, our boys serving to turn tlio tide and turning defeat into victory. During the entire time tho speuker received tho undivid ed attention of the audience. The program was closed with tho singing of tlfroo selections by the Com munlty Chorus. The parade, consisting of the bund, firing squad, colors, and the exservlce men, the ambulance, with Dr. Crcigli ton and Carey Derr as drivor, two font bull teams, formed at the 1'avllliou nnd marched north to the hchool house, thence south to tho flag pole, whero the exsorvico men stood retreat, tho firing squad firing tho evening salutof after which they marched to tho fool bull grounds to witness the game. At six o'clock the cx-soldlors end tho Ansley foot ball team met at the Pu villion whero they wero served suppor. After "chow" H. S. Foo made a short talk on "Why theexscrviconon should join the American Legion". At eight o'clock tho big dunco com menced and there was a largo crowd present who enjoyed themselves at this passtimo. J. E. Itctz had chargo of tho orchestra and thoso in attend ance speak loud in pralsbof tho orches tra that furnished tho music. Tho peoplo of tho community were woll pleased with the way tho orents wero curried out1 and much praise is being given tho American Legion for getting up this colebration. A "bettor sires better stock" cam paign Is being conducted by tlio fann bureaus of forty Nebraska counties in an effort to improve, tho quality of stock lecptj on general farm3. Many farmers realize that it pays to uso 1 WE WILL DO IT RIGHT AND AT A REASONABLE PRICE. WHETHER IT IS A WATCH, CLOCK, JEWELRY OR EYE GLASSES, WE HAVE THE MATERIALS 'AND WE KNOW HOW TO FIX IT SO IT WILL SYAY FIXED. WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF OPTICAL GOODS, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE AND WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU WHAT YOU WANT. WE TEST YOUR EYES AND FIT YOU WITH CORRECT GLASSES We Make 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right E.H.Newhouse Red ctoud Jeweler and Optometrist rdbc$k ft m B LI The flctaelle. Greater than the Phonograph Different in construction Superior in tone Actual In reproduction THE ACTUELLE-a Pathe Freres in vention marks the first really radical advance in the science oi sound reproduction since sound recording was invented. The result achieved a natural purity of tone which would have been beyond belief less than twelve months agn. Now comes the real revolutionary ad vanceand again it is the Pathe organizat ion that has won out with the Actuelle. Exit Sound Box, Tone Arm, Horn The problem of the phonograph maker is to take out of . the way of the tone obiticals which affect the reproduction in a lesser way. The tone box, the tone arm, tho tone chamber and horn aro in the way. The ACTUELLE dis cards all the obstacles. A taunt wire carries the tone di rect from the record to a parchament cone which amplifies and reproduces the tone in its natural, vivid vigor, with a full fidelity that no phonograph could ever equal, Come in and hear this wonderful instrument play your favorite records. Wo will bo pleased to have you call. GRICE& GRIMES Red Clo PATHEPHONOGRAPHS Neb raska AND PATHE RECORDS In A Dickcn3 of A Fix It was at a funeral. An Irisluaan had died. Tho friends were invited to 'nothing but purebred sires. It costs no wo past tuo colon and havo last Joolc m0ro to feed an nnimal of good at tho departed one. breeding than It does a scrub, and tho Pat, a former acquaintance, stood results aro much moro gratifying. Tho HE 3ME 3E DUG 3E 3ME heforo tho deceased nnd n nmlln iminrli over his face. Ho chuckled, a time or two and then moved on. Somcono accosted him later and asked what mado him laugh on such a solemn occasion. H - l. "By Gory," ho said, "Miko didn't bolicvo thero was a heaven and be didn't bcliovo thero was n hell nnd I though as I stood thoro patching htoi. By Gory I hero yo aro, Mike, all dressed up and no placo to go." Ex. uso of purebred sires to produco animals for tho feed lot is of much impprtanqc, ns most feeders realize. To encourago tho uso of better sires, farm bureaus award an emblem to farmers who uso nothing but purebred sires. ' And Every Inch Outlaw. Mexico la 1,000 miles long from northwest to southwest, and Its width varies from 1-10 to 750 miles. H The Price of Lumber and building material is so much less than it has been and the prospects for it going much lower is so slight that we feel justified in advising you to build now PLATT & F ),. v 1 m 323 3l A iElT Ti! AMI cr rM