RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i- ,-. V j. Cop for Thin Department tie American l.eclon New FAMOUS ATHLETES ENTER IN fW AC - .-ir ' ": -'; -vi "j Over the top (of the hurdles). Meanlx, Barron and Loomis, of Olympic fame In the220-yfard low hurdles which Barron won. Yeomen (F) of Posl 50, Philadelphia, sending the cinders flying In the 75-yard dash. With winners In the Olympic games end other famous nthlctes entered In many of the events, the tlrst annual track and field meet of the Philadel phia posts of the American Legion presented an array of stars that made athletic history In tta city. Le gion posts from Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and other states were represented In the events open only to members of the veterans' organization. More than 8,000 persons attended the meet which was staged at Frank lin tleld, University of Pennsylvania. One of the most novel events on thn program was the 75-yard dash for yeoman (P) of Post r0, Philadelphia, which was won by Miss Marie Baxter In 11 1-C seconds. J. W. Drlscoll, a' Boston Legionnaire, captured first DONNED THE BLUE CHAPEAU Members of Legion Secret .Order Were Conspicuous at the Recent Cleveland Convention. Members of Lo Soclete des 40 riom mes et 8 Chevaux, the leading secret order within The American Legion, wero everywhere to bo seen nt the Cle eland convention wearing the pic turesque blue chupeaii of their orgunl- A Voyageur of 40 Hommes, 8 Chevaux. zntlon. Ono hundred nnd ten of the voyftgeurs mtlltnlrcs, headed by A. W. lireen, chef de chemln do fer, made the trip, to the convention city from Plflln delphla In box cars. RED MAN APPEALS FOR AID Indian Preacher Urges That Land Be longing to His Tribe Be Not Opened for' Settlement. Reverend Whltcfenthcr, Indian preacher and veteran of the World war. has appealed to the American Legion Weekly for tho protection of the Innd that belongs to his tribe, following n proposal to open up the reservation near Stillwater. Nov., for settlement. "Make a law that no white man or Mexican cati take our land or mnrry In this tribe," he wrote. "Put all poor Indians In good shape nnd I know that tho government .will bo well pnld In tho long run. Wo have no lazy Indi ans here nt all. Tho white man would like to see us poor IndlnnB give up our land and work for them. A man. no matter who ho Is, If he works out for othors Is tho loser." ltftverend Whltefenther Is n member, of tho Fallon (Nev.) post of the Legion. During the war he served with the Three Hundred and Sixty-fourth ma chin gun battalion. , Supplied b fciTVfy c " service l PHILADELPHIA POSTS' MEET place In the national Legion' 000-yard run. ' An undress race exhibition given by members of Prince-Forbes post of West Philadelphia and n tugof-wnr between Prince-Forbes post anil the 8tnte Fenolbles post aKo were on the program. Another event with a military flavor, the bugle competition, was won by Iflchnrd Singer of Phila delphia, n bugler of 20 year's experi ence. He. Is sixty-five years old and served overseas with the motor me chanic. Practically nil the leading ntlUtlc clubs within a day's Journey of Phila delphia were represented at the Le gion meet. The trophy for the team winning the most point's was award ed t the Meadow brook club of Phila delphia. LEGION MEN ON STRIKE DUTY Ex-Servlce Boys Aided In Maintaining Order In Recent, Disturbance at Denver, Colo. American Legion men have again played a part In maintaining law and order during n strike, without taking part In the controversy. During the disturbance In Denver which accom panied the tramway walkout, Legion naires extended their assistance In directing traffic, patrolling the resi dence district nnd doing general guard duty. In the course of this service one Legionnaire was ntttacked by thugs nnd badly beaten. The Leglnnnnlres were mobilized for duty Immediately following receipt of an appeal from Governor Shoup. A statement was Issued declaring that tho Legionnaires "will be used In no capacity except the maintenance of law and order In the community, nnd not In any manner hearing upon tho controversy between the tramway com pany nnd its employees." That this decision As adhered to Indicated In editorial comment by Den. ver newspapers which complimented the veterans on their usefulness. "Tho American Legion made It perfectly clear that It was out for the purpose of maintaining lnw and order," said one paper, while another asserted that "Denver owes him (the Legion mnn) nn everlasting debt of gratitude." A number of persons were killed and Injured In riots during the strike. POSTS PAY HONOR TO DEAD Military Funerals Are Conducted by Legion Men In All Sections of Country. Military funernls In honor of the soldier dead returned from overseas nre one of the most widespread activi ties of the posts of The Aincrlcnn Le gion. In nil sections of he coutitrj services have been conducted by Lo American Legion Military Funeral. glon posta over the bodies of the he roes of the war brought back to lie In the soil of their native land. The pho tograph shows the procession of honor at the funeral services for ' Harvey Clark, conducted by Ralph Courtrlgbi pout of Coshocton, (X IrfrnOVED UMFCSH INTEMATIOm SDwrSaiooL Lesson (By IlEV. P. li. FITZWATEK, D. D.. Teacher of Kngltsh Ulble In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (, 1920. Western Newspaper Union ) LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 7 PRINCIPLES OF CHRISTIAN LIV. ING. liRPSON TnXT-Mntt. 6:1-7; 12. GOLDHN TKXT-Seek yc first the IcInK dom of God and his rlKlitoouitnoRH; iiiul nil those things shall bo aihli'd unto you. Matt. 6:33 ADDITIONAL MATmtlALr-Mark 10: -i: i.uko 11:2-4: 12:22-32. PHIMAKY TOPlC-Our Iloavenly Fa ther's Cure. JUNIOIt TOPlC-Jesus Teaching JIow to Pray. INTHRMRDIATR AND SHNIOtl TOPIC -Ooldon Ilules for I.lvlnif. YOUNO PEOPt.K AND ADUI.T TOPIC Counsels for Dally Living. Having set forth In the previous chapters the standard of righteous ness.' Christ now exhibits the under lying principles which control the heir to the kingdom. I. As to Giving (0:1-1). Doing alms before men Is not con demned, ns that would contradict Matthew r:10, but the doing of them before men to be seen of them. To seek publicity In doing our nlms Is to miss the reward of our heavenly Father. II. As to Praying (n:fi-1.r). 1. False prayer (vv. f, 7). This con sists (1) In praying lo be Fcen nnd ' heard of men (v. 5). (2) Using vain repetitions (v. 7). This does not menn thnt we should ask but once, for we 1 hnve examples of Christ nnd Pnul praying three times for the snme thing ' (Matt. 20:30-40; II Cor. 12:7. 8), but ' the using of meaningless repetitions. I 2. True prayer (v. 0). Since prnyer Is n transaction of the soul with God, we should hnve n real desire for fel lowship with the Father, then go and meet him fh secret. 3. The model prnyer (vv. 0-15). Tills Involves (1) right relationship "Our Father" (v. 0); (2) right attitude "Hallowefl be thy name" (vv. 0, 10) ; (3) right spirit "C.lve ns our dally bread," "Forgive us our sins," "Lead us not Into temptation" (vv. 11-13). III. As to Fasting (vv. 10-21). The Lord knew the temptation which would befall his children In tticfr pilgrimage here below touching wordllness, nnd the anxiety to which It would lead ; therefore, he sets forth the proper attitude toward them: 1. The nature of earthly riches (w, 10, 21). (1) Uncertain (w 10, -20). Earthly trensures corrode, or are taken from us. (2) Seductive (v. 21). Christ called riches deceitful (Matt. 13:22). It Is not wrong to possess earthly treasures, but when earthly treasures possess us they become a snnre. ' 2. The effect of earthly riches (vv. 22-21). (1) They blunt the moral and spiritual perceptions (vv. 22-23). When the heart Is upon earthly treasures It Is taken off God! (2) They render null nnd void all service (v. 24). IV. As to Faith In the Heavenly Father (vv. 25-34). 1. Re not anxious about food and clothing (vv. 25-32). Recnuso (1) It shows distrust for God (v. 30). (2) It Is useless (v. 31). Anxiety can bring nothing. (3) It Is heathenish (v. 32). Those who have not learned to know God may worry over tem poral affairs, but those who know him as a loving Father should be free from care. 2, Re anxious to seek the kingdom of Ood nnd serve him (vv. 33, 31). This does not forbid proper fore thought In making a reasonable sup port for one's self nnd family. V. As to Censorious Judgments (7:1-12). 1. The sin nnd folly of censorious Judgments. This does not forbid us making an estimate of the lives of those about us, for "by their fruits ye shall know them;" neither does It prevent us from administering re buko to those who deserve It. It re bukes that reodlness to blamo otners and to magnify their weakness and on-ors 2. The duty of discrimination In dealing out holy things (v. 0). The gospel should be preached to nil, but there should be discrimination, for "dogs and swine" havo no comprehen sion as to holy things. 3. Qualification for discrimination (w. 7-12 (1) A life of prayer (vv. 7-11). A life of prayer Is a requisite for rightly divining tho word o'( truth. (2) A disposition to trent others us one would be treated (v. 18). Confu cius set forth this principle negatively, but only tho Christ could do It posi tively. Rctween the nognjlvo and pos itive sides of this rule Is found the , difference between heathenism and Christianity. Xo man can live this rule unless he has been bom from above and abides with Christ In the school ot pruyer, till. he becomes like him. What God Requires. What God requires Is nn undivided will a yloldlug will, desiring only what hu desires, rejecting only what ho rejects, and both unreservedly, Where such a mind Is, everything turns U good, nnd Its very amusements be come good works. Happy Indeed U aucb a one. Fenelon. When Death Conies. When death, the great reconciler, bas come, It la never our tenderneat that we repent of, bat oar aaverltar- George Eliot. TWICE EGGED, HE TOTES GUN Connecticut Parson Declares He's "Not Afraid of God or Man." BOMBARDED IN HOME Arouses the Village Against Him by His War on Lotteries and Public Gambling Gun Loaded With Ammonia. Stamford, Conn. They threw fresh eggs at him and tomatoes that wero overripe and It made the minister soro he has been pnlng $1 a dozen for eggs m he has declared war on Stam ford and on Darlen, Conn., too. And his chief weapon right now Is a squirt-er-gim tilled with ammonia the se lectman wouldn't Issue lilui n permit to carry a real one. The Itev. U. H. Hlchter, the minister In question, has open enemies In tho volunteer dre department, the Knights of Columbus, the Kagles and the lied men of these two communities, Thesn organisations hnve been having enrol' vaks with lotteries, which the minister charged was own gambling. Bombarded In His Home. His Ire aroused, lib innde his feel ings publicly known. The nforesnld enemies, being a bit piqued as they hail loxt much money because of tho minister's condemnation gave him n vegetable bombardment during two nights. And early one morning they scrennded him, but It was not the kind of serenade one expects to henr also It was unprintable. Moreover, the remarks that greeted Hev. Mr. Hlchter while on his way from his home to Btnmford cannot he repeated. "I nin not afraid of God. or man, or the dcll, or" Doctor Hlchter pnused during n recent address, his voice choking "ithe baptism of eggs that has greeted my efforts1 to purge these communities of low gambling and drinking. And I shnll carry n gun, 110 matter what the plllcluls of Dnrlen say. ' "I Shall Carry a Gun." "I will not kill anybody, I merely want to defend myself against tho rowdies of Dnrlen the low gambling element thnt Jeered me nnd threw eggs nt me and plnstered my roof nnd my windows with tomatoes. I shnll curry a gun!" But tho gaunt, grny-luilred crusader failed to tell his audience that his gun wus n water pistol, charged with am monia. Furthermore, nt nights hls Threw Eggs and Tomatoes at Him. pistol protrudes from under his frock coat ns he hurries from his duties In tho city to the adjacent village ol Dorlcn, where he makes his home. Moreover, slnco Selectman John II. Sclleck has refused to permit him to carry n revolver, ho has Injected all of his 0 feet 2 Inches Into a political battle In his efforts to defeat him nt next week's election. THIS WOMAN OUTDOES'PONZI Financial Wizard From Texas Prom ises 300 Per Cent Profit In Ten Days. Hutte, Mont. Charles Ponzl wns n tightwad compared with Mrs. Mary E. Phillips of Fort Worth, Tex., who has Just been detnlned here by the police following her public offers of 800 per cent profit In ten days on nn Investment of $100. Mrs. l'hllllns admitted that she had told a Mclstn'ne (Mont.), woman that she was a member of a prominent de tective 'agency seeking counterfeiters. Bho.snld, according to Chief Murphy, thnt she was selling valuable oil royal ties to locate tho counterfeiters. ' "She makes Ponzl look like a piker," Chief Murphy snld. Dislocated Jaw While Chewlna Qum. Blyrla, O. John Carpenter, chewing gum, felt Ms Jaws click, but thought little of It Later ho attempted to eat and was unable to move his Jaws, Ex asalnatlon showed dislocation, VJiyJyBjP m Plr Another Royal Suggestion DOUGHNUTS and CRULLERS From the'NEW ROYAL COOK Book DOUGHNUTSI There is nothing more wholesome and delightful than dough nuts or crullers rightly made. Doughnuts 3 tablespoons aliortcnlng cup aunr 1 CBK cup tnllk 1 tonRpoon nutmeg 1 tennpoon salt 3 cups Hour i teaspoons rtoynl DukltiK 1'owiler Crrnm shortening: add sUKnr nnd wull-Dcnten ckk! stir In milk; ndtl nut mes, suit. Hour nnd bak ing powder which hnvn been slfffd tnKotlmr and rnotiKti aadltlnnnl Hour tn miikf dousli stiff rnousb to roll. Holt out on llourcd bonrV to about U-lnch thick; cut out. 1 ry In ilocp fnt lint rnoiiRli to brown a piece, of bread In CO seconds. Drain on tin glared pnper nnd sprinkle with powdered bukbt. Crullers i tablespoons shortening: 1 cup sugar i CKK 3 cups (lour 1 tenspoon cinnamon U teaspoon salt s teaHpoons'Koynl Daklntc Powder cup milk Cream shortening: add sugar gradually and beat en eggs; sift together flour, cinnamon, salt nnd baking powder; add one half and mix well; add milk and remainder of dry Ingredients to maka soft dough. Holt out on floured board to about Mr Inch thick and cut Into strips about 4 Inches long fcnd tt-lnch wide; roll tn hands nnd twist each strip and bring ends to gether. Fry In deep hot fat. Drain nnd roll In powdered sugar. Exemplary Service. Phoner "Hello, Central I Oct me Jllank r 107 and, say, get It quick, like they do In the movies." Boston Trniis- crlpt. irja i'm swZT3 4 1 profitable as ns those from growing wheat, osts, barley, and flax have been made fas raising Horses, Cattle, Sheep mn4 Hogs. Brig'.it, sunny climate, nutrit lout grasses, good water, enormous fodder crops these spell success to the farmer and stock raiser And remember, you can buy an easy tarsns) Farm Land at land equal to that which through or wneat 10 in aerei grazing lanu grain tarms at oroDortionatev low Dricea. every rural convenience: good schools, churches, roads, tele phones, etc., close to live towns and good markets. If you want to get back to the farm, or scale tnan is poasiDie unacr your present conamons, invasii gat what Western Canada has to offer you. for IlloatraUd literatim with naps and particulars nsardlos radocad railway ratea.locatian of loc4.aU., spcU to Dapartstaoi et IfflOlcrar Uoo, Ottawa, Canada, or W. V BENNETT, Room 4, Bee Bulldlij, OMAHA, NEB, Canadian Government Kill That Cold With CASCARA E QUININE FOR teVtift AND Colds, Coughs OjMV La Grippa Neglected Colds arc Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first so. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relloves Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache , Quinine in this form docs not affect the head Caacara la beat Tonls Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT The One Absorbing Topic. Tho reason some people don't talk more thun they do Is that they can't think of anything to say about them- bcIvch. Iloston Transcript. , WARNING Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, yo'u are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 21 years, and proved safe by millions. Say "Bayer"! M SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken package" o! genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direc tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheu matism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally. Strictly American I Bandy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost bnt a few cents Larger packages. ama is ue ursaa mora et Barer Maaufaour ef Uonoac-Ucactdostor et SalUrllei ROYAL BAKING POWDER Abmolutmiy Purm Mad from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes. FREE Haw Ilojftl Cook Book con taining these and icorra of ethar dalkhtfnl raelpai. Writ for It TODAY. ROYAL PAKINO rOWDEIlCO. Ill Fulton btraat. Haw York City Small Savings Important. Small savings are like stones In ft bridge; they build a firm support t carry one over tho flood of an cmer geney. TIT 4 Wei it WESTERN CANADA. train trowlnc. Successes aa wonderfal 915 to 30 An Acre many years has yielded from S0t4S bushel convenient 10 gooa 1 nese lands nava to farm on a larger fittti Acont. I Manslaughter Is a penal offense, bat man's laughter Ibu't heo? It lit always better to shuke handa than to Hhnko friends. !