The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 04, 1920, Image 8

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    IV VU9V9,
Df . h. e. gamp
PHONES ) Office 76.M
IND. ) Re.idence 190-Y
E S. Geurber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
picture: framing
(Work Guurnntorcll
Electrical Goods of all Kind
Office 2 Ulocki North of Fttcmin'i Hull
RED CLOUD NEBRASKA Furnish You with Fixture
Will Wire Your House; And
iraffiniiwaitiM ' " '" "' ,i,t'," ww "
ml T "WViT W fcWW & V JC J
went to get
in your car on a cold day when
your foot slipped on the running board,
giving you a bad fall?
IE not, you are lucky. If you have you will be in
terested in our line of running board mats, made
of rubber and do not absorb dirt. Come in and
see them.
Miller Tires and Accessories
Vulcanizing - Re-treading - Re-lining
E Side Main st. Work Guaranteed. Red Clcud, Neb,
School Board Proceedings.
Red Cloud, Nebraska
November 1, 1920.
Honrd met purauunt to adjourn
ment of October 4th with members
Ovcrlng, Sherwood, Perry nnd Pope
present Ovcrlng presiding.
Minutes of previous meeting of Oc
tober -Itli, rcud und approved.
The following bills were read and
Graham Furniture Co $ 8 .10
Hed Cloud Chief -. 17 75
Al Slaby CO
Grice & Grimes - in 'J8
Pope 15ros 1 04 40
Plutt & Free Co. 11182 80
Turnuro & Son . 1 25
K-ll. Printing Co. .. 1 04
Lorenz Pub. Co 1 31
A. T. Holtzon 15 13
Hcssic Gantz 50
Ni'br. School Sup. House 28 04
Longmans, Green & Co. 2 11
Hnmmond & Stephens 0 11
Atkinson & Mcntzcr Co. 2G 76
Chas. Scribner's Sons 9 13
Omaha School Sup Co. 4 70
The Macmillan Co 2 77
Ginn & Co 31 53
American Hook Co. 148 33
On motion Board decided to grant
the schools, Thanksgiving holidays, on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
November 24, 25 and 26, also to give
a vacation of two weeks for the
Christmas holidays.
No further business adjourned to
meet Monday, December 6th.
C. J. POPE, Secy.
ywsL cwtuib jiwtft cdlfH
for Highest Possible SluaUty at Lowest Possible Price
i VI I
you " Know 'Ifr' AH"
' , ' ' ' ' I
riNCE in a while we run across a man who Says,
Vy "Aw, they don't make cigarettes like they used
'q one's as good as another nowa-days." ' '
All right, we'll give that smoker any kind of odds he
wants on Spur and win hands down.
Perhaps you arc looking for that good old-time to
bacco taste. Spurs arc chock full of it. Couldn't help
tut be, with that jim-dandy blend of choice Turkish,
nc Burlcy and other homegrown tobaccos.
Light up a Spur take a long puff and quicker than
you can say "Jack Robinson" you will jump for a scat
on the Spur band wagon.
Spurs have another surprise for you they're
crimped, ot pasted. No other cigarette is rolled with
the erfmped scam, and you benefit by easier drawing,
longer burning, better taste.
And here's extra measure three-fold package of
, rich brown and silver to keep Spur3 fresh and fragrant
it ' usc dodging-Spurs meet you at every turn. -'
T'l Vl'jT Liggett tf Myers Todacco Co.
.A."1 -'fW-.jw,,,..
t f t- , .
- ,i
Man, what a wonderful tobacco fra
grance it wafted up to you as you cut open
the covers of the new Spur tin. Fifty
cigarettes kept freshvacuum scaled.
I y " 'f
Si-T-SSV ff jfl It
MiaiflVVVTfiUjAWifly' !
John L. Christian of Red Cloud,
Nebraska, has passed to the other
He was born in Atchison county,
Missouri, on December' 28th, 1855 and
lived in this county until 1911 when
he removed to the city of lied Cloud,
Nebraska, whore he lived till his
death which occured October 21th,
He was laid away by his old friends
of mi earlier day, upon his former
home grounds near the cityof Tarkio.
The name "Christian" ranks in the
front, among a few grand old fam
ilies that arc honorably and inscpar-
bly blended with the history of Atchi
son county. John L. Christian was a
big member of this family. He was
a big man wherever ho was, at home
or elsewhere, a masterful man in all
the walks of life. He was fearless to
a fault. He was insistent nnd con
tentious for his ideas of right, yet
kindly disposed and forbearing. He
was both feared and respected by his
enemies If he had any, but it was m
fault of his if ho had an enemy, for
he never harbored ill will to any for
any length of time. He feared no
man, but preferred to render a benefit
rather than injury to any and all. His
judgment was sought by many and
philosophic counsel wbb heeded by all.
He was a big man among his many
friends in all the humblo walks of
life, and so .highly was ho prized that
he was called in counsel by the Gov
ernor of his state. Ho always" en
deavored to brighten up the corner
where he was, and taught all to look
on the bright side and not give way
to worry. .
Ho was a Democrat, and served 6
years as a member of the State
Democratic Central Committee under
the administration of Gov. Lon V.
Stephens. He was a member of the
State Board of Agriculture. He
was a warm personal friend and
confidential advisor of Gov. Joseph W.
Folk. No man ever ranked so high
that John L. Christian was not wel
comed to his innermost circle, and no
man ever fell so low by misfortune
or even crime but John L. Christian
would bo among the first to extend
the hand of welcome, back to favor,
fortune and rectitude.
His first love on this earth was his
own family, his second lovo was his
father's family, f after which his
friend&'tilp was valuable to all with
whom he came in contact. No dis
ttnee was ever too great, no weather
too cold or night too dark for John L.
to arise and go to the call of a Chris
tian in distress.
On March 28, 1876, he was married
toJMrirtha Haffner, who, with their
soni'F16yd, their daugthers, Hattie,
MirinieVimd Mary of Red Cloud, Ne
braska;fand their daughter, Mrs.
Wade .Tate of Tarkio survive him,
and' theyi have the profound sympathy
of their many friends in this county.
Attorney L. D. Ramsay, Rockport,
A Few of My Bargains in
(!i0 aurcH 4 mll-8 from xmid tout , ncil gin-s. in Wot t" wntur, ,
for qtilclc snip M'J.fiii por iicre will enrty bncU 64000 nt ti pnircitt. ,
OlOacri-s. 8 mile from town nil In gitib-, 25(uuit.-N butioin huid all
cim be funned lint n limit IU, in icIimi', jimmI neighborhood,
and Miriounik'd wttli youd lini'iovi'im-nts", 50 fti-t to whIit, 20 t. or cr
will entry buck SMJOO at J pcrcc'tit
8() nurv- with Improvi itifti h, 8 miles finin (tooil Inivn. r0 fcul to
water, 80 nt'i'i" nil It'i- iMiltlv.iti i , mljollii school, a Imipiiln nt I'.Ti pur
nor?, 81800 buck nt U i iivnt
1CJ0 iicm ! 8Ja uiii's from town, li vi'l n. i Moor, Kind K'iifs, SUo ptr
HCIl'. SI 000 luii! I;. f
,t'2i Mfifs i)j$ mill's finiii inwii, 10 aeii's In wlicut. .. dellvpteil, 1(10
tierf- iuof. binlie whip i poiiuI lip put In IihtIuv in spiiiiK, evpry foot can
w i iilllvu't-il. prb'pd ni $.'10 pir iump, $1000 bncl nt ( pi-ropiil. ,
100 iipi-ps f in !ivp (puirtpr pxi-opt nliout in uuips, IfiUlu cultivation,
1H0 iierps I- wliont ?j ' wheat ni innolilnp goes with Hip plnce at SK)
per uere, S-000 buck nt 7 pel cert
iJSO llLlH, .'loo tllltible, ','00 iiereb under eiiltivntloii, 120 In pnsturp, 7
room luni'-c, burn, grtuuiry, well and mill, leased for 11)21, for one third
delivered, 5 miles from town on grnded road, u bargain at 610 per acre,
$1000 back at 0 percent
DGO notes, 4 rallps fioin town, ilue$t, improved farm In enunty, 100
iicres good nlfulfn hdiil, pumping plant Irrigating 40 acres, good spring
in pasture. '.'DO acres seeded to wheat yav, with lh place for S00 per
iioip, tprins nt tl per cent.
100 in'ies 111 miles from town, all in grass level, gocd soil, this koos
fcr $21 per acte.
If yon nre Intprestpd In nny of lh above come in nnd see me and
spt a date to gn down and look It over. I make the trip in auto und
about three days Is all that is required to make the trip and look the
land over to jour satlsfnclion I beluive I am giving you good advise
when I tell you to act quick for land Is sure to advance, as patties in
northwestern part of Kidmis are selling their laud I hero and coining in
here to buy.
Geo. W. Hutchison
Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Abstracts
PHONES jfen,373; ,nd'63
Red Cloud
Farm Power In Simplest Form A simple, de
pendable machine requiring least repair and adjustment
is the most economical and easiest to handle thus it is
the one that is becoming the leader in the tractor field.
The Wat Us U 12 yean old and has ttood the test of time. It has been tried
on thousands of farms all over the world. It is sold by a company established
half a century known for its Integrity and square business dealing:,
hen pojiderpig the, cost of a. tractor don't overlook these, Important points,
POWER, ASSESSIBILITY and SIMPLICITY. The principal element is the
life ol the tractor, plus the upkeep during its llle.
Descfiptive'illu-ta effcuW odho&. o. W'-ilOOME; AD SEE IT.;
Sutton & Shipman
l jn - -
r County School Notes
"(He Ciuiii.Iv Superintendent)
Ttfo Fanners' Institute was very
well attended. Some of the exhibits
were very good indeed, but the teach
ers in' most cases made excuses show
ing that they can get bettor work yet.
There will be an Annual Exhibit some
time' In April to show the work in tho
exhibit books. It is from these books
nnd from some special work that the
work for the Annual Exhibit, the
BInden Fair and the State Fair is to
como. Eckloy received S3.00 for their
premium at the Bladen Fair and dist
No. 40 received $4.00 for their card of
water colors.
Tho parade was very cood. The
judges were from Lincoln, Hastings
and Humboldt. They decided that dist.
No. 75 stood first; dist. No. 85 second
and Dist. No. 3 third.
Tho following of the country schools
drew prizes:
Dist. No. 90
Dist. No. 'R Innvalc
Dist. No. 47
Dist. No. 25 ,
Dist. No. 49
Dist. No. 26
Dist. No. 39
Dist. No. 75
Dist. No. 33
Dist. No. 15
Dist. No. C8
Dist. No. 40
1 Lylo White
Tho Ucd Cloud School also had a
i?ood showing. Thelr'a was made in a
h firry so did not represent tholr best
work. "Wo hopo they will begin right
, oil' to prepare for nest year.
j Card oF Thanks
We In U n this iiu'thoil nf thanking the
many kind rrluiiclB, neighbors, the Vol
unteer Flromon, Royal Neighbors nnd
Yeomun Brotherhood for their 'assist
ance during the sickness und burial of
our beloved wife und daughter, also
for the many beautiful lloral offerings.
May (lod bless you Is our wish.
Roy Rust nnd son.
E. H. Fitz and family.
There will be Enidlsh Lutheran
services In tho Adveutist church next
Snnday at 11 a. m 8nnday school at
10 a. m, O. HE1NITZ, Pastor.
Hie Margin of Safety
Ih represented 'by tho amount of
itiHiinuiee yon carry
Don'Llull yourself into a fancied
Becutisn lire Iiivh nover touched you
It doesn't follow t'lmt you're iiumuno
Tomorrow -no today, If you huve
time and yon better Und tlmo
oome to tho oflloo and we'll write
a policy on your house, furniture,
store or merchandise,
Sheriff's Sale
Ithe wallisI
The Standard of Excellence
We have always endeavored to give our patrons
the very best merchandise that can be obtained
on the markets. The utmost care is exercised in
the, selection of the brands of goods we offer our
customers. Our many years of experience in the
Grocery business enables us to determine just
what brands will meet with the approval of the
trade. We wish to call particular attention to our
line of CANNED GOODS. When buying be
sure tq specify
Having handled this line for many years we do not
hesitate to recommend any kind of Canned Goods bearing
this name. Our personal guarantee stands behind eyery
can we sell. When you want the best in Staple and Fan
cy Groceries call on or phone us your wants-and they
will have our prompt attention.
P. A. Wullbrandt
Groceries and Queensware
R.elia.ble Insur&.ice
Notlco'ls hereby alvon, mat uinliir runt by
vlrtupolun Order o( !-iilo ImiiiciI from ihj
uim-uuf Killth L. MeKi-Ulinn V irk oftliu
DUirli-t Court ol the Tenth Judicial District
within unit for 'Wolwttr eoiinty, Nclirmtkn'
upon n ih eroo In nn pollon pomllnfj, therein
wherein .lolui K. Wnkelleil Coniimuy Is lM.iln
till', tmJ auiilriHtTho llcwo Auditorium Ahso
clsiUun, ut ill IHtleiiiliuitH, I Hhnll oiler forsule
at public vendue, nccordliiK to tho terms of
mild ike roe, to tho highest bidder lor cash In
hand, nt tho south door of thu Court houso, nt
Hod Cloud, In wild Wobnter county, Nobras
kn, (that belm; tho building whoroln tho lost
term of said court was liolden) on tho 2Utlt
dny of Novombor A. 1). !D3) nt 2 o'clock 1".
M of said day, tho followlntc described prop,
crty, to-wlt:
Lots ono (I), two (2), thrco (3), twentyonv
(21), twontytwo (22), twentythrco (23), nnd
twontyfour (21), nil In block b, In theOrlglual
town of lied cloud, Nebraska.
Qlvcn under my hand thlilGth day of Ccto
ber A. U. littO.
I niANii Jiur -ristt anonn,
Ik i. cpp
'" ?'' A