.,..,).., lypu; (. til.,.. RF.D ALOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF I' - . J. wH K i Hi or. b A VBBBBFWV V Hbb-VI li BBBBMdAtjl RS?aJ Lval BrBk. .T BB Costs little, benefits much. &mH I Still 5 ifeJ Everywhere K9 JJS LASTS WMM IAMw-..JjfTVfti3aXfa afaW ffl BsaW t v Tliljf 6 A-153 PAD HIM TO KEEP The children love Wri2ley's-and Ifs cood for them. Made under conditions of absolute cleanliness and brought tG them in Wricley's sealed sanitary package. Satisfies the craving for sweets, aids diestion,sweet ens breath allays thirst and helps keep teeth clean. AT LEAST IT'S NOT PROBABLE Judge Was Likely Dead Right When Ha Told the Elderly Lady About His Gown. i The Judges of tho Marlon county courts recently adopted and published rules relating to formal openings of court sessions, requiring nil persons In the courtroom at the time to stand. This and the other requirements are designed to Insure dignity and deco rum. An elderly woman employed at the courthouse accosted one of the judges In thP corridors of the building and complimented the bench on Its atti tude In conducting court. "In fact. Judge," she added, "I think all of you Judges ought to do like some of the big eastern courts nnc' wear 'gowns." Without hatting an eye the Judge replied: "I do wear n gown ubout one-third of the time." "Why, I never saw you in one." the woman wild. "And you never will." gravely an swered his honor ns he proceeded to bis courtroom, chuckling to himself. Indianapolis News. Airman Lived on Jack Rabbits. Stranded In a Kevndn desert. Enrl Ailor, former urmy aviator, lived lor Biz weeks on Jack rabbits, while re pairing a defect In his plnne. QUIET Incident of Wall Street That We Pub lish Without Any Affidavit aa to Its Truth. There was a man In Wall street, em ployed as thirty-second nsslstant cash ier in n bank. It took the hank di rectors several weeks to discover whe was talking to the financial reporter! nbout certain things supposed to be known only to Insiders. Upon learning his Identity tho di rectors immediately advanced him tc ciihliler, on the theory that his new responsibilities would preclude hit conversing with outsiders on Impor tant dinners. Hut it didn't work The cashier was In n more favorable position to relay important things tc the financial scribe-. He was pro nioted to a vice presidency. He talked louder and more frequently. In desperation the bank directors made him president of the institution It worked wonders. He stopped tnlk lug. Thereafter he spoke only through prepared statements, and while they were long and windy they reveuled nothing disturbing. From Life. Noncommittal. Friend Can your wlffl Bachelor cook 7 Young Husband (evasively) Well, she can mako n good family stew. WRen Coffee Disagrees Vsi Postum Cereal Coffee drinkers, who switch from their accustomed table drink, almost always turn to Postum because of its deli cious coffee-like flavor. There's no harm to health in Postum. Much as it tastes like coffee, there is no coffee in it. Boil Postum a full fifteen min utes, and you develop that rich flavor you so much like, " 4 There's a Reason Tor Postum Made by Postum Cereal Company, Inc., Battle Cwek.Mlch. IHHHbbiIJ illlil WhcxWell Dress3 ifomeri Will Weac Choooooooooaoooooaoaoooooooooooooooaoaoaoa R v 4y r , .M-ffi BaK fci jHsaMaaaaaCKawfo. -M.ffl bbbbrxAbRPv aaaHaaW bbbbbbbbV KojjJJ'v Fashion Indulges the Flapper. THE wisdom of the nrbltrnry god dess of fashion Is often In ques tion, but that Irresponsible and errntlc deity goes on her wayward way. often side-stepping the axioms of good taste. One of those axioms Is that young girls should be simply dressed nnd, to the Joy of the flapper, fashion has seen lit to Ignore It for n while any way. She Is Indulging tho younger girls In their henrU' desire clothes like thoe of their grown-up sisters not to speak of mothers and grand mothers. The flapper Is usually Inn need of something to make her happi ness complete and now she has It in luxurious frocks nnd coats for eve ning. These rich trappings nre beauti ful, but lack the flavor of youthful ncss, which Is a more appealing charm than any other. Frocks for cverydny wear Include muny pretty models that nre l ot too much fussed up to be youthful, al though they reflect the mode for dec oration by following It at a little dis tance. These arc the most Important of the young girls belongings and two of them, as Illustrated in tho picture, may be worn with the 'assurance that they aro both good style and good taste. At the left, a frock of gabar dine In dnrk brown Is ornamented with rows of stitching In beige-colored Bilk and narrow brown silk bruld. The skirt is gathered Into the waist, hut folded at the sides to form a panel, defined by rows of cloth-covered out tons at each side. The Ingenious waist reveals a llttlo blouse nt the waist line of tlgured beige satin across the front nnd bnck. Stltchery, like that on the skirt, appears under tho arms at the sides and ns a finish for the three quarter length sleeves, nnd covered buttons In a row at each side add the charm of neat precision to a very clever waist The other dress of blue serge makea the most of accordion plnlts, small hone-buttons nnd Itomau-strlpcd rib bon. Stripes cut from the ribbon bind the collar and sleeves and n sash about the hips mnkes n spirited, youth ful finishing touch. gt3fi. .A Fine Feathers In Millinery. IN ALL the representative dlsplnyH of hats for .Inter much plumage und much manipulation of p'.umngo are In evidence. Tho ali-fentner lint Is always a part of tho autumn mil linery parade, but It has never ap peared In such numbers or In so many combinations and colors as this fall. Feather and fur hats are usually mall and expensive. This season finds a generous sprinkling of larger shapes among them, and ns compared to other millinery they contrive to be less ex pensive thau heretofore. This couu try has always supplied great quanti ties of raw feathers and during the war may have learned to rely on home manufacturers Instead of sending feathers over-seas and Importing the lints made of them. It takes a great deal of work to make a good feather hat. hence wo ought not to expect low prices on them. Three of the hnts shown above 'are made entirely of feathers. Curled nnd uncurled ostrich plumage grows every day In favor nnd the uncurled vnrlety covers the brim of the hat at the top of the group with a crown of even more popular hackle feathers. Just below It at the right a velvet shnpo has a wide, upwnrd (hiring hrirn covered with slightly curled ostrich flues. A hnnd some tnm at the left Is entirely cov ered with hackle, arranged In light nnd dnrk stripes, the dark i tripes run ning through rings made of the light fenthers. A turban with Indented coronet finishes this group of repre sensntlve feather hnts. (54. lkiO U-.Mrn Nkwhiomi.., i nimi tKr.t Contents lSPluid Prachn 3: m Clf JJV isfl ECS5 ?- 1 AVcicfaWcrfcpafnt.onforAsJ I. ulai1nlil I Illlil 111 W- I llngUtcStomachsandDgreM TteRSSSStfliSffiS neither Oplum.Morphtaenor Mineral. Not rjAHy .- jfgWSdlOMJ""" Sim Trtrw J S knf , ..inr,.tDpmcdybr essjsar iJlSSOFStEEP I NAihfrom-miniBuv- ILVOULi' ....m rtcSlmileStfnaWtw . TM1SW TU CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of M M " && 1 rvrv Use Exact Copy of Wrapper. For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TNC CCHTAUII COMPART. NtW VONK CITY. IIOnSES COCOUINGT CBB Spohn's Distemper Compound to break it up and set them back In condition. Twontr-ilx yeara' ui haa mutla "Spohn'a" Imltipcnaabla In treatlnx Couf ha and Colda, InHurnxa and Dlitemper, with their reaultlnc compll catlona, and all dlieaaea of the throat, noaa and lania. Acta marvelouaty a a preventive, acta equally welt aa a cure. centa and ft, 20 per bottle at dru atorea. flrOUN MEDICAL CO SIT ANY, Qoahen, lot. KilLThat Cold. With CASCARA L QUININE om5 FOR Clis. Ctagbt AND La Grippa Neglected Colds are Dangeroua Taka aa ehancaa. Kap this standard ramadr bandr for tha Ant saaaaa. Brasks up cold In 24 hours Rallavas Orlppa In 3 days Excellent for Haadacba Qelidna In this form dots not affect tha haad Cascara Is bast Teas Laxatlva No Oplatt in HiU's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT TWO KINDS OF ADVENTURE New Yorker Who Offered to Sell Life's Services Already Has Had Takers. His Jack nardy, a former sailor, living In New York, who advertised that ho was ready to sell his services for t! o rest of his life to the highest bidder who had a career of useful udventuro to offer, has received two bids. A woninn offered hint $5,000 to ho ber bodyguard on u trip to Egypt "providing the trip was successful." Jack doesn't think he'll take this, not being certain whnt tho woman regards as a successful trip to Egypt. Tho other offer wns from a man and his wife who described themselves ns tho wealthiest couple In Scrantnn, ln wanted Jnck to help hunt for their flf-teen-y car-old son with $5,000 and adoption as tho reward. That Is more promising, tho young man thinks, hut ho tins reached no de cision yet. Ho Ib twenty-two years old. 'Tin not looking for a soft berth," bo said. "The hnrder tho Job, tho bet ter I like It." KILL OWN CHILDREN AT BIRTH Concentration. "I see where a woman hnd her hus band haled to court for "kissing her 800 times a day." "Some women aro hard to please." "Sure." "It's evident this chnp wasn't scat tering hlaY affections around tho neighborhood." Birmingham Ago-Gerald. Arlol of Tahiti Look Upon Attempt of One of Their Order to Rait Child as Sin. ', Lovers of laughter, song, music, llowers nnd birds, tho Arlol of Tahiti killed their own children nt birth, and looked upon tho attempt of a membel of their order to rear a child as ai sin. While religions causes wera given for this by tho leaders nnd, no doubt, believed In, tho real cause, Frederick O'Brien tells In tho Century, wns u natural one whereby the spocles, to prevent over-population of tha South sea Island, destroyed Its owr With perfect health ana no enemlea, the Islnnd would soon have had a bard time finding food. t The Arlol were wandering minstrels, actors, priests nnd wonder workerB td which belonged both men nnd women. The natives of Tnhltl who nave ee caped the blight of civilization art) living proofs that at ono tlmo the raca was ono of tho most beautiful in tha world's history, while Investigator declare that arts and civilization wera brought to a high piano hundreds oi years ago. Some Fan. on Urst and l where we work th MA man on Urst and third, saU he. "Here's squeeze." "Oh, Charlie, dear, not right out hero. It Is so public please." Cornel Widow. Nature Responds Nature is on your side every time you eat Grape Nuts For this sturdy blend of wheat and malted barley supplies body and brain with juit the elements of nutrition that Nature demands for health and vigor. GrapeNutss is a Sugar Saver "There's a Reason" , j' m