The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 04, 1920, Image 2

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Ready to Try Niagara Falls Again
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J mmm& AMEjVRi 2 IS
le?' JaaaVa-BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaffF vfl
ixmp Cv 4&9BL aaaaaaaaaaflaaaaaBaBaaaaaaHe v mm
eSu' . 7v tsw sSBBBaBBBalBBBBBBBBaaw
2v . .iiii IJ9HBffPasMaHHBjiBflF
If he ta ffercil BUillclent money, Hobby Leach, tlio tlity-nlne-yenr-old dare-
eJert, my arinln undertuke to shoot the
fee ateei barrel In which he performed
-svMek he la Bitting In the photograph.
Expedition to Visit Channel Group
. in Paclfio Off Coast of
Wands Ara Within 82 Mllea of Call-
farnla'a Shore, Yet Leas Than BO
Pefaeae Annually Vlalt Them
Discovered by Cabrlllo.
San Francisco. An expedition ef
Mleatiflc students has been mnde up
ta Catlferaln and Oregon to explore
tJtoreaghljr the channel Islands off that
part at the coast In California known
M Santa IJarbnrn and Ventura coun
ties darlag tho next six months. The
party, snys the Dearborn Independent,
la to be eustalned by Stanford univer
sity largely and to n less extent by
several denominational colleges In
sonlliera Cullfornln. Anthrotiologlcnl
and archaeologlcnl students, who have
spent several weeks each on these Is
lands, any they arc one of the very
richest fields for work In that depart
vent ef knowledge on the I'nclilc
Tho channel Islands constitute Cali
fornia's only archipelago, with the
possible exceptions of thu rocky and
scanty Farallnno lslnnds. They have
keen objects of romance, legends,
cariosity and mystery for a generu
Me. The Islands nre within 82 miles of
Calif or aln'a shore, yet nre unfrequent
ed and years roll by with visits to
then erf lens thnn K0 persons annual
ly. Hack island has Its own particu
lar strange, uncanny traditions of the
tribes a red men, and each has the
cauntless traces ef an occupation by
theusauds and thousands of Indians.
Discovery of Channel islands.
When Juan Hoderlguez Cabrlllo,
the Portuguese navigator, snlled up
tho coast f California In 15 12, he
Ktoppcd for a day or two nt each of
tho channel lslnnds, and his records
Joha Dotoctnskl. aged thirteen, who
fcas Just arrived In America from Po
land, where he spent two and a half
yeara to the Polish army. He
wEUti Mwppr'ejy$& .MCtrf
ta more than a doaen battlea,
Niagara Fnlla. Ho nays he may use
the Blunt on July 25. 1911, and on
hoar testimony that on the Islands of
Siintn Unrbnrn, Cutaltna, Clemente
and 8t Nicholas there were a "vigor
ous and lusty ruco of natives, who
thronged the ahores of the little hays
and nendlanda," and gazed in mute
wonder at the white-sailed ship of Uie
Today the Islands stand as they did
more than 350 years ago, but the na
tives are only a memory, represented
by Immense quantities of stone Im
plements, barrels of line wampum and
cart loudft of human banes.
'No Man's Land'
Once Gay Capital of Russia Is
Now a Nightmare of Hor
ror and Death.
Death Stalks on Every Side, Waiting
for Winter to Aid In the Grim
Work of Mowing Down
Paris. A graphic, eye-witness de
scription of the fearful conditions ex
isting In Petrograd Is given by the Fin
nish lied Cross In an appeal JiiHt Is
sued to tho Red Cross Societies of the
World. It Is accompanied by docu
uieutH prepaied by Professor Zelder
formerly head of the Petrograd Hed
Cross, but now a refugee In Finland.
Tho documents tell the stpry of tho
r.gony of a dying city. Petrogrnd's
present imputation based on the food
cards, now Is from 500,000 to 000,000,
and the former capital of tho czars Is
described as having shrunk to one
fourth its pre-war size. The report
"Death stalks on every side, wnltlng
for winter to aid In the grim work of
mowing down the silent, hungry sick,
and dying ny thousands. With streets
und houses choked with filth that Is
already spreading spotted nnd inter
mittent typhus the cold weather will
finish tho task with pneumonia and
abdominal typhus.
Wreck Houses for Fuel.
"The fuel situation was nover so
bnd. Wooden houses have been
torn down for fuel. Tho material Is
distributed equally among the popula
tion but during tho night the more
active citizens stcul the quota of wood
from others.
"Attempts to repnlr the streets,
which nre full of holes, owing to burst
ing water pipes, foiled because tho
wood blocks used for pavement hnd
been stolen during tho night for fuel.
"Lighting Is allowed only two hnlf
hours each day, nnd then not nil
houses nre supplied on tho lines fur
nished by tho authorities. Kerosene
costs 4r0 rubles. There are no can
dles. Most homes are la darkness.
There Is no means of trnasportlng
things by waterway, because the
barges were long since demolished for
fuel. Die railway transportation Is
devoted almost exclusively to the dis
tribution of flour. Oaly 200 persona
nre permitted to leave Petrograd dally
by passenger train.
Workmen 'receivo half n ponnd of
bread daily; seme times other food Is
given. The prices of foodstuffs con
tinue to rise to Incredible heights.
Many products have almost conralete
ly disappeared from tho markets.
"The mortality has reached a star
tling rate, owing to the lack of tA
fit. N'rtintn" Wnml 'r- ntlN' tin
miM'iuH.v o!iNtf Hie little t-liy .n
Sun ItuiMin Ventura (recently mtled in
the uiort rnoilt'i ii mid mitne il
Wtitiirn) mi. i lx tin niiwt lntir(tlnu
of till the cliiiniu'l IsiiuitN from mum
points of view. Ah far luiclt as the
memory of any perxnu In Southern
California cxtciiils. Iiiiinlrcils of white
skeletons have dotted the valleys ami
hillsides. Strange utensils of serpen
tine sandstone mid Mi utile lire found
there among the litiiiinn hones, and the
Island and Its erstwhile Inhabitants
have a history so curious that It Is dif
ficult of comprehension.
In 18.'!." the Franciscan padres In the
Santn Mnrhiirii mission, learulni: that
tlicro were but 1 0 of the strange and
almost extinct human race then living
there, determined to rescue them from
the Island. They went over In a slop
and succeeded, as they thought, In get
ting all on hoard
At the last moment nn Indian wom
an returned for her child, and, one nf
the frequent stormn of the chnnncl Is
lands springing up. the Hoop was driv
en away without her. The sloop went
on the rocks o(T Point Conception uud
all were lost.
8t. Nicholas.
St. Nicholas Is 10 miles long and
four miles wide nt tho widest point.
Its topography shows n nearly level
plateau, with an elevation of 800 to
1,000 feet. Two-thirds of tho surface
Is covered with drifting sand, and the
remainder grows n species of nutri
tious grass nnd moss, on which a
thousand sheep find pnsture.
As far as the eye can trace there are
barren levels with Innumerable circu
lar depressions, showing where primi
tive dwellings onco stood. Not n ves
tige remains of tho materials used In
tho construction of these rancherlns.
Hundreds of shell mounds are scat
tered about nnd are found to consist of
astonishing numbers of mnllusca, the
hones of every ppecles of fish found In
the channel, skeletons of seals, sea el
ephnnts. whales, sea otter, the Island
fox nnd various aquatic birds.
An examination of some mounds dis
closes nil sorts of curious utensils
stone cooking pots, ollas, mortars, pes
tles, drills, hone needles nnd fish
hooks, shell beads, charm stones,
pipes, cups and n few arrowheads,
Bpoar points, nnd swords mado of
bone. The nbsenco of many weapoas
proves the peaceful attributes of the
islanders. Smnll imitations of boats
nnd fish carved from crystallized talc
and mrpcntlne nlso show a rudimen
tary knowledge of the art of sculp
ture. Is
and tho Insanitary conditions of
houses und streets. Fat has left tho,
majority of tho population long ago.
At present the muscular tlasue is con
sumed. The faces of the people have
taken on a waxllko color.
City of Ghastly Horror.
"In order to till their stomachs with
something, they drink different substi
tutes for tea and coffee, or great quan
tities of plain water, resulting In pulll
ness nnd drops', which change the ex
pression of the face so thut even old
acquaintances are unrecognizable.
"There Is no fuel, no hot water or
bqths, no janitor, doorkeeper or serv
ants for cleaning yards, streets, build
ings, or for tho removal of garbage.
("Pelrogrnd Is facing n dreadful
phnntnm of epidemics. Thousands nre
already dying every month of spotted,
abdominal, nnd intermittent typhus,
dysentery, Spanish Influenza, small
pox, pulmonary diseases, auiiger nnd
exhaust Inn.
"The homltals are overflowing with
dropsy victims, mostly women, elderly
men and children."
Gets $1,000,000 Worth of Product Dur-
Ing August, Says Report to De-
partment of Commerce.
Washington. Jnpnn Imported
$1,000,000 worth of German dyes dur
ing August, according to reports re
ceived by the department of commerce.
Although their sale has been retard
ed by tho business depression which
has prevailed In Japan Importations
continue. Importing tlruis fulfilling con
tracts made before prices slu'tuped.
Tho department also was Informed
thnt the Japancso government has
taken steps to halt the transfer back
to Japan of funds held In other coun
tries for the purchase of Imports.
As n result of n decrease In the de
mand for Imported goods specie to the
extent of SIO.000.000, which hnd been
reserved In America was returned to
Japan during July by exchnngo banks,
the department wns advised.
Sunflower Grows in
Trunk of Big Maple
Mtddletown, N. Y. A curios
ity which Ib attracting ninny per
sons in the yard of Mrs. Mary
O. DeWItt hero Is n sunflower
growing out of tho trunk of n
large maplo tree some illstanco
from the ground. It hns n stem
three feet In length nnd n flower
In bloom tho size of a snurer.
A bird Is supposed Jto hnvo car
ried the seed Into tho tree,
whore It sprouted and took root
in tho bark.
Timely News Culled From All
Parts of the State, Reduced
for tho Busy.
Tho Alliance Country club has been
organized and will be Incorporated for
$10,000. Forty acres of land border
ing the northern edge of ISroncu lake,
have been leased as the location of a
golf course and the site for a club
house which is to be erected next
Mrs. Clayton Ilyutn, whose husband
has charge of nn American packing
plant nt Montevideo, Uruguay, traveled,
10,000 miles to her former home In'
Omaha In order that her baby might
be born on American soil.
Harold Hlg Fire, Gordon, Neb., In
dian, enlisted nt the Omaha recruiting
station recently. He was given u fur
lough to go after some more braves in
his home town.
January ft Is the date set for the
hearing by the supreme court of the
mnndnmus suit ngalnst Secretary of
State Ainsbcrry involving a referendum
on the code Inw.
The registration nt tho University of
Kchrnskn, including tho colleges at
Lincoln nnd the medical college nt
Omaha, Is greater than Inst yeur by
nearly ICO,
Casper H, Sliradcr, one of the few
remaining civil wnr veterans in the
neighborhood of Itnvennn, Is dead. Mr.
Sliradcr was a pioneer farmer near
thnt place.
A barn belonging to Joe Fisher nt
Columbus $vas burned to tho ground
when his automobile caught fire In the
barn. Ho was unable to get the car
Lincoln wns chosen ns tho place for
next year's state gathering of the Odd
Fellows' bodies nt the session of the
Grand lodge nt Hastings last weel:.
Bonds for improving tho waterworks
nnd fire stntlons nt North I'lntte were
voted on nt u recent election nnd car
ried by n lnrge majority.
The harvesting of com, potatoes, and
sugar beets has begun, nnd the de
mand for corn buskers nnd laborers Is
good all over Uie state.
The Episcopal diocese of Nebraska
will hold n speclnl council nt thu
church of the Holy Trinity, at Lincoln,
on November 3 nnd 4.
At n special election ut Nebraska
City $100,000 bonds were voted for the
erection of a municipal community
hall in that city.
Work on the Sherman county court
house, which has been held up for over
sixty days by lack of materials, bus
been resumed.
The Coulter farm southeast of Bea
trice has been bought by Ben Kroos
of Gage county for S1S0 an ncrc, or
A new cholera outbreak amongst
Saunders county hogs is reported, but
prompt attention hns saved nearly ev
ery cuse.
Tho Nebraska Farmers' Co-operative
Grain nnd Live Stock Association will
meet nt Omaha November 10 to 18.
The Stnto Association of County
Commissioners, Supervisors nnd Clerks
will meet In Omaha December 7 nnd 8.
Nenrly 200 persons were confirmed
by Bishop James Duffy nt St. Patrick's
church ut Grand Island last week.
The first snow for western Nebraska
this season Is reported on Pine Ridge
between Alliance and Crawford.
Itev Charles W. Snvldge, "Marrying
Parson," celebrated his 70th birthday
at Omaha last week.
Thousands of acres will be plnnted
to sugar beets in tho neighborhood nf
Cozad next spring.
Over HOO blnckstnlths attended the
fouri' nth annual convention nt York
Ins! ek.
Oil in paying quantities Is believed
to have been discovered In the vicinity
of Genoa.
The next session of the grand lodge
I. O. O. F. will bo held In October,
1021. ' ,
Six nutos, valued nt $25,000, were
stolen at Omaha In forty-eight hours.
Tho government hns declined to give
Alliance a recount on her census.
Brnyton farmers nre raising funds
to purchase a $10,000 elevator.
Four oil wells are being sunk in the
vicinity of Chndron.
Bayard is making efforts to secure
n pickle factory.
A new Episcopal Cathedral, to cost
In the neighborhood of $100,000, Is to
be erected nt Hastings. It is Intended
to begin work nt once.
Nebraska cultivated land Is now
third highest in thu big agricultural
section of the United States, nccord
lug to the 1010 yearbook of the De
partment of Agriculture. The average
vulue per acre of plow lands Is given
by states ns follows: Iowa, $210; Ill
inois, $170; Nebraska, $123; Indiana,
$110; Ohio, $105; Wisconsin, $100;
Mlnndsotn, $100.
Dr. und Mrs. W. Morrow, and three
nurses employed In the Morrow liospi
tnl nt Seward, narrowly escaped death
when a water heater In tho basement
.exploded. The building wns badly
The new constitutional amendment
provides thnt after January 1 of next
year no state lands shall be sold ex
cept nt public nuction. Under tho pres
ent constitution and statutes state
lands nre sold at their appraised vuluo,
to be tlxed by the county commission
ers. Itev. Roland Mackintosh and wife of
North Platte wero presented with a
chest of sliver by tho Episcopal con
gregation at that place on tho eve of
thejr dopnrturo for Houston, Texas,
whero they go In search of health, Rev.
Mackintosh having been gassed while
In service over seas.
Two large drills aro operating on
the Georgo Cox farm six miles north
west of Falrbury. An eastern cement
company Is paying for tho experiment.
Sixty holes will be drilled, some of
them to a depth of 75 feet nnd sam
ples of the earth at different depths
dent east for analysis.
Fall cultivation Is one of the prlmo
essentials of a good garden, says tho
Stnto College of Agriculture. Since
many Insects pass tho winter In weeds
or vegetation uud ruhbage, n thorough
denning of the garden will decrease
thu amount of pest trouble next yeur.
Eggs arc now retailing nt from 00
to 05 cents a dozen In Nebraska cities,
and some selected Nebraska eggs have
been sold In New York City for DO
cents. With declining feed prices, u
caiefully managed poultry Hock should
retutn good profits this winter, says thu
Nebraska College of Agilculture. Ex
press charges from Lincoln to New
York nre 7 cents ti dozen, leaving u
return of S.'t cents. This Is an example,
of what can be done with properly
managed poultry and the grading of
Bills requiring that each motion pic
ture theater In the state he required
to register In the otllcc of the stnto llro
marshal and that hereafter no theaters
be allowed to open without such regis
tration nnd n consequent approval of
the state fire department, nnd also n
bill fixing a penalty for thu violation of
Uie Inw which prohibits motion plcturo
machine oiwrntors from smoking while
in the machine booths will bu recom
mended to the next statu legislature.
The Statu Farm ilureau has an-
nounced that It considers 0 or 7 cents
u bushel a fair price for husking corn.
This announcement came after u series
of conferences with country farm bu
reaus to learn the sentiment of farmers
In the different Fcctlous of the state.
Six cents Is the figure agreed on wheru
nn elevator is provided for unloading
and seven cents where there is no ele
vator. Otoe, formerly cnlled Berlin, suf
fered u disastrous wind storm Inst
week, In which n number of buildings
were badly damaged. On March 'S
1013, the town was practically demol
ished und seven persons were killed
by n tornado.
The new constitution of Nebraska
will give soldiers of the regular army
who are legal residents of the state u
right to vote. Under the old constitu
tion, every elector In the actual serv
ice of the United States and not In the
regulnr army wns entitled to vote.
When D. C. Hlbbard, Potter farmer,
could obtain no cars In which to ship
his grain to the Omaha market he
loaded 110 bushels of wheat on hit
two-ton truck nnd hauled the wheat
450 miles to Omaha over the Lincoln
Florence Dotmcller, a cripple, was
burned to death at her home near
Osceola, when a gasoline can exploded.
Her crippled condition prevented her
from extinguishing the flumes, which
enveloped Uie upper part of her body.
Armistice day, November 11, will bo
celebrated in Grand Islnnd In an elab
orate way, If the present plans of tho
business Interests of the city in con
Junction with the American legion aro
carried out us contemplated. I
An enormous porcupine, weighing !
nearly GO pounds, was shot nnd killed
by Ben Price, a farmer near Ilemlng
ford. Old residents cannot recall free
ing one of the animals In the neigh
borhood before.
The federal grand Jury for the dis
trict north of the Platte has been
called to convene nt Omaha November
3. A very large number of criminal
cases awaits the action of this body.
Ord recently voted bonds for, nnd
will begin thu erection as soon ns pos
sible of u city lutll nnd lire station,
40xS0 feet In size, two stories and base
ment, of semi-fireproof construction.
A cottonwood tree, measuring seven
feet In diameter anil tweniy-thice leut
in circumference, and claimed to be tho
largest in the stnto, is growing on tho
Ryan farm In Dodge county.
Preparations nre being made to en
tertain 3.500 teachers from over the
state, who will he In attendance nt tho
tenchers convention which meets at
Omaha November 3 to 8.
If plnns under way materialize, a
special train will uccompany the Uni
versity of Nebraska football team on
Its tour enst, where they play Rutgers
and Penn State.
Every hour 2,000 automobiles enter
or leave Omaha, making n total of
20,000 a day, according to figures com
piled by the Chamber of Commerce,
publicity bureau.
The statu free poultry show will bo
hold at Omaha November 22 to 27.
More thnn 1,000 exhibitors are expect
ed from all parts of tho United States.
A field of potatoes from which the
tubers nverago slightly over n pound
In weight Is the result of three years'
experimenting by It. II. Murray, a
Holt county farmer. The yield Is un
usually henvy, even In a most produc
tive potnto country, nnd the spuds ex
ceed in size the prize specimens of the
Irrigated sections.
A baby show, under tho nusjilces of
the county medical association, was
the feature of tho Johnson county fair
nt Tecumseh. There wero twenty-five
entries, and of this number eight girls
and thirteen boys were awarded pre
miums. A statue of Abraham Lincoln will
mnrk tho Lincoln highway through
Fremont. The statue will bo life size,
six feet four Inches high, of bronze,
standing on u huso seven feet from the
ground. Beneath tho figure will be a
bronze tnblot with Lincoln's Gettys
burg address. It Is tho intention to
have tho unveiling on Lincoln's birth
days One of the longest parades ever seen
in Hastings was held by tho Odd Fel
lows In the annual convention nt that
place. A number of cities sent floats
and there were many uniformed men
In lino.
Stomach Catarih
Cain untold misery nd rufftrtng.
aa milfLltf and Blir-lv Oil Cft
tarib ol the itomach andborelfj
3 m run oi
CxcrrUra aootb-
ilir. honllng efltctup
l ll mueou Union.
Odditis' caa. iourrtom-
ath. nausea. Yomltlnc.
cramp, palna In the abdo
men, diarrhoea, conjtlpa-
uon aro iu yronioina ei a
catarrhal condition ta th
organs of digestion.
Don't miliar another day.
It U ntedlM and dancer
out. Two g-tterations bars
found Pa-ru-na Just tha
medicine naadtd for auca
Sold Everywhere
Tablets or Liquid
If yoa are troubled wth pains or
aches; feel tired; hava headache,
indigestion, insomnia; painful pass
age af urine, you will find relief in
The world', atandard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric add troubles anJ
National Remedy of Holland enc 1690.
Three aliea, all druggists. Cuaranteed,
Look for lie nam Cold Medal sL rerr W
- ' "-- - Injltellekt
tn $100, $300 and $1,000 denomination on farm
and hit h class city property to net 5, 8H and 6 pel
cent Some can be cashed any day belere due fas
a commission ol one months Interest MorthU
paper (or inrestoH sent free.
12 North lllh Street LINCOLN. NEeV
Scott-Omaha Tent & Awning Go
15th and Howard. Omaha, U. S. A.
Omaha Crematory
Sand for Illustrated booklet
Address or call on
Forest Liwi Cemetery Asm
720 BraadYis Theatre Osaka, Nek
a---- OPTW1AN
1123 O Street a Lincoln, Neb.
Stove Repairs
For All Stoves, Furnaces,
Heaters, Etc
Developing, Printing
and Enlarging '
Lincoln Photo Supply Co.
(Raatinan Kodak Co.)
Dept. K, 1217 O St. Lincoln, Neb.
The Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Cora-
pany, Lincoln, Neb., Is ottering to Investor
at par, 10t per abare, some of Its tax-free
1 stock that baa paid quarterly dividend
for the past 11 yeara. This la a safe and con
venient Investment, chocks for dividends be
ine mailed to your address for ll.TS per
i $100 share In January, April. July and Oo
tober. For Information or for shares of atooa
address C. I". Ruasell. Secy. Lincoln Tele
phone & Telegraph Company, Telephone
UIUK., j'incoin. nift
What Yoi Want
BATTigy iinen iou nani 11
Elsctri- Starter Specialists
Distributors of Presto-Lite Batteries
11721 S. lllh SI. LINCOLN. Itti.
Located en enr am pretnisaa
ana asea in iae
Nat.ral Mineral Water Batis
Onsurpasaed la the treatment ol
Heart, SioMch, Kldaey and
Liter Diaaaaea
UodeeaU charges Adareas
OR. a W tVCRtTT.Msr.
4aaeaIMSts. , Llaceoa, Net
FBaM rams developed free where prtaU
are ordered, rrlats S So. Mall alma U