I! k I1 i: USD OLOUB, NEBRASKA.?;, CHIEF Tvwawmir; uli-rv Kninffimmmm School ." . I ' . . W. X C Clothes School is now in session and the school children need sturdy clothes. Have a nice line of the following goods that are priced right. What is more serviceable for a school dress than a good gingham, well made for wear and the styles are right. If you are in need of a good sweater come, in and look my line over before buying Always ready and willing to show goods. ' THE7KE0T.CLOUD CHIEF -. . Kftinciottrf. !Sebrak 7 BUSHED tVERytTnUESDAt 4 ' Th.t be Poclffflce at YtA (loud. Neb ' Clrt1 U Second Clots Matter A. B McARTfJUR,Edilor ntid Owner UK ONI,Y DEMOCRATIC PAPBK IN WUUHTEK COUNTY BARBARAfHARES inn3unracuiunnura2ijmuiit::K utniiuuiumni innau . h uj aimiwiiuaii am:mniin :n nimnimmcinn n uunnnnun tntuunLin cuiamiuiuitnraaunnct Edith L. McKeldhan for Clerk oT District Court Edith L. MuKetghan, ClerU of the Dlntrlct Court, who Is a candidate (or roolotlon on the Democratic ticket tills foil, him tlnrtriK her incumbency of office carried out the duties faithfully mid efficiently. Shu han conducted the olllce in Buoh a manner that il has not bt'Bii necessary for the county to pay out money for extra help. Economy'haB ben second only to otlloiency. The work of our courts re quire experience and ability. Miss McKeiffhan nossesses the ability and necessary knowledge, and is in averf- way qualified to All the office satisfhet ory to the public. . 3. ,' .-'.'-',' Li.1 " Vjtfi' not to if.ject Mr Hufcntif UeM tb- wuVolr-'dpir of oif pnMlc fu'ftK ,TbrMjt of'vttif crtftiini'binitft'' uw in outcp Mr. H-publlcsns, unfit, you tlltftk thnt ICU aV'O'l identn hnvl some democrhto On 'he board?. There fonivot for Htihatkn, Wright end Gurney Char. E. Gurncv for Cemm'sslonf.r Chorl" E. Ourney is rur fntididitte for commissioner irom the nhtlhttlot. He Is hii old settler of the county and a pood citizen and bushier num. Mr. Gtirnoy entered the men benniMO. his friends urged htm to do so Kleor Ourney and you will do much to pro. tect your own Interests. wpyTffffpeywsW A Few of My Bargains in KANSAS WHfcAT LAND QiO acres. 4J miles from good town, pood grais', 1ft feet to water, for quick salo 812.1)0 per acre will catry bnck 84000 at (J percent. . C40 acres. 8 miles from town all in grab, 2D0 acres bottom land all can bo farmed'but about 40 acreSj elobe to school, good neighborhood, and surrounded with good improvements, 60 feet to wnter, S20 per acre will carry back 85000 at 0 percent. T 480 acres, with improvements, 8 miles from good town. 50 feet to water, 8o aores under cultivation, adjoins school, a borgalti "Mi 825 per acre, 81800 back at 0 percent. ICO acres 8H miles from town, level as a floor, good grus, $30 per acre, 81000 back. 320 acres 9X miles from town, 40 aores in wheat, i delivered, 1C0 acres more broke which could be put in barley In spring, every foot can be cultivated, priced at 830 per acre, 84000 bacfc at-0 percent;1- " 1C0 acres fine level quarter jjscaptbout-lO-oereerlOO in cultivation. - 100 acres In wheat U of wheat at Machine goes vitu the place at 80,.. per acrefHap(MXatJ percent. J7; "w- f' 320,80:88, 300 tillable, 500 acres, Under cultivation, J20.Ib pasture,? room bouSe, barn, gYaVary, well arid mill, leased for 1021, for one third delivered, 5 poijes frflnj.ton.)a'graded.raad, a bargathkt'f40 peracre iiwu papa, m o.perceui. ,, jnrr jou Ice. J uv ,tfej) acfesmjjes ffOpi, to wn,flueat Improved faro- lu njounly, lOo' acres'cood alfalfa lapu, puroptDyplant'lfrigatlng 40 acres, gtfdd spring- In pasture, 29CHjre? seeded to wheagaea jvith the .plAeb-for 360 per" -acre, terms 'a Vd poVc'cnf, ' !j"i,('" "-" ' ' ' "?s&i - loo acres 13 nines rronrtown.ii in grai, ic rei, goou iou(nnis goes irft. . . '.' i t ' . Alfred McCall for State Sciater ' Alfred McCall, our nominee for state Senator needs no Introduction to the people of Webster county. Be has liv ed among us for over forty years. Ue knows the needs of this part of Nebraska. He is a practical farmer and knows all about the farmer's pro blems. Mr. McCall is not a politician but a good clean man and we should elect him Vote for McCall and you will be vdt itig for the right man. For County Assessor Seth Oreene from Bludmi is the Dumoorrttlo nominee for1 county usc-s-or Mr. Greotu lins been local ussessor from Hidden' hii'I knows the values of property in the county. Be Is the right muif to elect county assessor. His experience will bo to 'he tax pay er's Advantage. WEU9TER COUNMY DEMOCRATIC CENTRAL COMMITTEE HgSCSBHfHW N. V. Anderson for Rcpicsentatlve Vic iiderson Is a real farmer. He has worked and got bis start in this county.. , , , ilo knows what is needed in Webster county. He has been a democrat some tuuejaud will not desert the cause Send Anderson ,to the legislature and yo'ulwlll send, a man that will, re- prese7it'you without fear or favor. Mr. Auderson is too busy tomaku.au active canvas, but be sure and put, the X afterlhts name. Henry Wright for CommlMlooer ,. Mr. Wright needs no introduction to most of the people of the county'.' He Uamercbantdfarmerof:Ros4m6ut.' cioud 2? '.j 16 0pen' gilts. His neighbors call him "Hobm r- n, - - rao p r-, ,. . A - .7 .Q . f V W WMMJ vxVfc" SEED CORN SELECTION Fall selection of seed corn is the the best method, but not. generally jracticcd by farmers. If you can't go out and select seed early in the fall, the next best method is at husk ing time, by putting a box on the wagon. Selecting seed corn by the above methods has two advantages. First, it insures a supply of seed for next year and second, by going into the field you .can select ears from vigorous stalks, ears that husk easily and are the right height on the'stalk. After the corn is picked it should bo properly stored for the drying. Wo have a sample of a corn rack at the oflke, that some of the farmers are using and they would not do without them. POULTRY CULLING Many inquiries are coming in for poultry culling. We will try to handle this work during November. Those wanting their poultry culled, pleuse let us know- and we will make out our schedule and notify you.- It is very important that you pick out the onn-laying hens and put them on the market. HOG- SALES Webster county Breeders of Po land Chinas and Durocs are t trying out for the first' time, Combination .Soles. . . i The Poland .China Breeders will self on Saturday, November 6, .at Red fr.r S'i.1 nir i If you are Interested in any of tnuubove poine m and see" me and set u date to go down and look It over. 1 make jthu trip in auto and about three days Is'all that Is required" to make the trip and look the land over to your satisfaction I belelve I aku glvlDg you good advise when I tell you to act quick for land Is sure to advance, as parties In northwestern part of Kunsas are selling their laiid there and coming In here to buy. j . , 1 r Geo. W. Hutchison Real Estate. Insurance; Loans; Abstracts pwowcq 1 0fce Red 33. lnJ, 63 Red Cloud I HONti J Rcidenee. 177 Nebraska fflU'S'iuaiuirasaaoiiiiiK Land Sale! sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ivTnq South West Quarter- tf Section Jhirteen , ,(13) Township One (1) Range Eleven (11) Web ster County, know as the Gust Ryden land, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on Saturday, October 23, at-10:30 a. m. This sale will take place in front of the State Bank. The purchaser wj.ll be required to pay $1,000 at the time of sale and balance on de livery of deed. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any and all bids. This property belongs to the heirs of Gust" Ryden, and the undersigned has power of attorney to sell it. P. A. EDQUIST Henry". This is the sort of mail 'that the countv needs In th s office. '- . He baa never held co inty ,dffic Ind' 'BbouldMBfe'electo'd' 6'jr, a argej pctfk jority. tie -will give- coomc eratiou; co an parta-of-tbe county. :" ote laVj Heurw . " ... 1M c James Hutatka fir Commissioner. " i I v James Hubatka is a,' candidate for re-election His record itao. open book. ' He is for economy.! He is a large and prosperous farmer. Jnstlhe man for the, place. This oflice has always sought him. The voters know that -a man of the sort as Hubatka is the right man In the ritfiit place It would be a misiako. Mr. Jersey Breeders, will sell on Saturday, November 20, at Red Cloud, JO boars and 23 open gilts. '.3?hejSecofTeriBK8;are..inicely; ! grown out, not overloaded with fat. ) . This wjll ;be4 atgoocl" oppqjtupity fori farrfl "es ix b'uytheir'herd boar and omo cood. gilts for breeding purposes. Remember the dates and attend' trio . HENRY R. FAUSCHj'"r County 'Agricultural Agent, Lutheran. Church , Sunday School at -10 A. M. Confessional Service at 10:30. Regular Service at 11 o'clock. Rev. 0., Hcinitz, Pastor. sdlr Qtwtlk yon cctttttofi Bernard WcNeny Attorney VICE COUNSUL OF SWEDEN ,;, run ntiDKAarvA - vv - itpj ansTMifismiisiiBnMM 'I. .- , " - ' . " - "! I lL' mi ff t SALE High Sensation DUROCS " To be held at the farm 12 miles northeast of Snperior, and 8 miles southeast of Nelson and 2 miles south west of Nora, Nebraska on, " ' ' FRIDAY, OCT. 29th Sale Starts 1 o'clock. Free Dinner at Noon ' H' I Ba$e after pae of exquisite : petiod cabinets On each page, the same fascinating story. " t And this is it: Every Edison cabinet has been f, adapted direct from some Old World j furniture masterpiece. Every Edison . .cabinet v looks every inch the thing .. 'in!ftiia1HeHftJrnttu cr ?:y ctei SteJEW: LU1SOJV l.-Sa f i So stop in :tpday! ' Get your copy of 1 picture and story , aUL abput. Jhe 1 L'JtWJSon;penoa capmexs-nevqpits -their' 'lineagid, .theiir chacteristics. -The kind of book that makes useful information a joy tp obtain. A guid to the kind of furniture that has given modern times its most precious heirlooms. Ask us; at the same time, about our Budget Plan the thrift: way of buy , ing a New Edison. It 14 rMrUUfifTCr Authorized Dealer a. II. INEiVYnUUOL Rod Cloud, Nebraska Offering Consists of 40 Head Immuned 1 Jr. yearling Boar, 1 Senior yearling Boar, 2 Fall Boars, 21 Spring Boars, 2 Jr. yearling Gilts and 13 Spring Gilts Dr.W.H.McBride OKNT19T nUE,ATATR HA Ynwn'r"- Tin . rt. iiiit U JfWVfSU .1 LV-.'.. W-. " RP'12'iJS. Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST A 'Y Announcement to Our Brother Farmers and Breeders ' This" oflorlug.hus been grown out for breeding purposes and will notjta fattened, but I think I am sate in 6aylng tbat tney are as growthy and In as nloe a healthy condition as any you can flud any where this fall. . Oor Durocs have made good in our customers hands the last year. In almost every ln sianoB. a man that bought o boar li,i our last fall sale will tell you be baa the bst bunch of pigs this year that he ever owned. Now this la more than Just a happen so. -The breeding H back of them and High Sensation to a real'slra of the right kind. ' Wo have them grown, outand the best ara -always thewieap e. NotblngdOesps any more good than to look, around flvortbe oobntry and see tho improvement In different herds wbeta boars or 6pw'a of our'neocd jug have been oaad. sJlj v j, '7 . ' a ' fy , . Wrlt0 for our Citilogu rtvi,'- iiniimiiiii!iiniiniiiisnu School Days AreVagain at-heiaa a)4 ffl)$i therA come, the usual cares and worries for mother hustling to get the kiddies off to school each morning. Sometimes in the haste other household duties are forgotten, preparations for the noonday meal forgotten. But don't let that worry you phone us your wants or have the "kids" stop in and give us you' order and it will re ceive the same careful attention as if you had personally made the purchase. GIVE US AN OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE YOU IF YOU DESIRE QUALITY AND SERVICE P. A . Wullbrandt .' Groceries and Queensware TERMS: Cash, or any arrangementyou make with ;clerkJ Ljm mmkiM Ms jm. m i aa :-L A nwiMmuMT. uwner U 4 U ' ; FOOT BALL GAMES, 3:30p.m. ., f Friday, 22nd; RED CLOUDS BURR OAK ' ,rttld 28tb;:RED CtOC f, JEAYERIIY l -,', o r Attand theseGamts and1 Help Thi Boys I X ' L i - .a -4 m$ I k tnnsti'JHiltnmKi " . -- - - - &i i t .,-fl s ' , 1