The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 21, 1920, Image 3

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CJa package
Defore The war
a package
aunns tne war
9C a package
The Flavor Lasts
So Does the Price!
vOxiN. XAV"z&Z&jffiblk.vM!Mmm lb w tie. v.
v&Wmk 'iu!i - . J? Err ?
Remarkable That School Teacher Had
Never Noticed That Quite Simple
. Truth Before.
Arithmetic, according to the average
mall boy, was simply Invented In or
der to give teachers u good excuse for
punishing thi-Ir unluTppy' pupils. Ami
certainly little Tommy Smith found It
,ue unpleasant feature of his young
"Now, Tommy Smith," snld the
school teacher one morning, during the
usunl hour of torture, "whut 1b the
hnlf of eight?"
"Wlfielt way, teacher?" asked the
youngster cautiously.
"Which way!" replied the aston
ished lady. "What do you mean?"
"Well, on top or sideways, tench
er?" said Tommy.
"Whnt difference does that make?"
"Why," Tommy explnlned, with a
pitying nlr, "half on" the top of eight
Ih nought, hut half of it sideways Is
three." London Answers.
Too many men In the country vote
as they pray and they never pray
unless it Is to usk a personal favor.
A philosopher says that people might
live forever if they would only quit
There is no wheat without chaff.
And the Youngster Signified the Fact
With Slang Phrase Much to
the Point.
"Slang and children nre the two
most prominent paths by which col
loquial and technical terms come Into
everyday use," remarked Professor
.lorgnn. "Only the other day 1 over
heard two small boys talking to
gether. "Georgle had a better memory than
his brother, and Itoger was always
trying to get him to remember things
for him. (Jeorgle got tired of this,
and when Itoger wanted him to re
member something he must do before
school time the next liiornlng, he
asked :
"'What do you think my head Is. a
parking place for what you want to
ri member?' " Los Angeles Times.
Yes, Luke, the moon nnd a woman's
heart me constantly changing but
there's always a man In them.
It never takes the boss long to dis
cover the clerk who thinks.
Among the people who get satisfac
tion by going to law nre the lawyers.
Some writers never disturb the truth
that lies at the bottom of the Inkwell.
If you like the taste
of coffee, you'll like
and you'll lile it better than cof
fee because it is a table drink of
satisfying flavor, with no after
regrets, and it costs less.
Coffee disagrees with some, but
Instant Poistum agrees with
There's a Reason
Sold by grocers
everywhere !
Made by
Postum Cereal Co., Inc.,
Battle Creek,Mich.
Instant fe
of ,fr.Mt (aril T.w
rojlum Cereal Company.
Wm ch Miu.u I k. .
tlCT I Cat KM41
irr-Trrr.n!.i.i j im .l. .u;.-... .. . u,.i, ..Jn... .U
m um
r lint IJ. i t(iiit-ti .-uimI ii
Ml. I Mill 1. 1' U 1(1 II eW SlTVllO-l
Scene on the Itland of Taboga, Where the Department of Panama Hc.'d lu
Recent Convention.
Sixteen years ago when President
Itnoscveli called on the ni"ii of Amur
lea to enlist In the great adventure of
cutting u wntcrwa from ocean to
ocean through the Isthmus of Panama
that the strength of the American
licet might not be divided by a voyage
of weeks fiom the east to the west
coast lliere were thousands of volun
teers who answered his call. To Pan
ama they went and built the great
canal, lighting all the time ngniiist per
petual heat, almost perpetual rain,
fevers ami all the pests of the tropics.
Many of them gave up the .struggle
and returned homo but others stayed
until the great dream came true. And
they are there yet In that far-llung
outpost of America by the locks that
me lapped by the waters of two
Again In April. 1017, came a call to
duty n summons to whr ami that
call was not unheard at the canal.
One by one men and women dropped
out of the .shops and olllces and
donned the army khaki and the navy
blue or the modest cap ami cape of
the army nurse corps until on Novem
ber 11, 1!)IS, the dny of the armistice,
there were approximately ,100 Canal
men and women In uniform.
They saw service lu all branches of
American arms. They were on land
and sea, In the air ami tinder the wa
ter. They were a versatile people and
they were lighters as their building of
the canal had proved. They came bnck
with almost every medal and decora
tion of the war, Including citations
from the l'rench, British and the other
lu September of last year several of
tlie-i lighters met to form a post of
the American Legion. One had re
ccntl been an aviator In I'rance, nu
mber as a lieutenant of engineers
bad done things In No Man's Land
that high British ollicers said were Im
possible. A third, after many months
of volunteer ambulance driving before
America enteied the war, had enlist
ed In the French nrtlllery nnd had
ended as a lieutenant. This tlrst post
was Immediately followed by a .sec
ond and the creation of the depart
ment of Panamii of the American Le
gion witli headipiarters at Cristobal.
The llrsl convention of the depart
ment was held recently on the Island
of Tabogii, V2 miles from the main
laud of the Isthmus of Panama and In
sight of the spot where lu lfil.'t Vnsco
Nunoz de Balboa discovered the Pa
cific ocean. At this convention Klbort
S. Wald was elected department com
mander and Kdward J. Dally, depart
ment adjutant for the coining year.
These olllces previously had been held
by Conylngham Patterson and Her
bert Pearson, respectively. Arrange
ments were also made to have the
Pnnnma department represented at
the Cle eland convention.
Membership Question Looms Before
Officials of Legion Some "Y"
Workers Present Claims.
A recurring question before the olll
clals of the American Legion Is that
of eligibility to membership. .lust
where is the line to he drawn? Shall,
for Inst mice, those "little sisters of the
army." the "Y" girls, bo ndnrfjtcd to
full membership?
Although at present they stjind with
out the pale there are some who be
lieve they should be taken In. Some
of the girls themselves have very
modestl presented their claims. The
following Is an excerpt from a letter
from Miss Snllle Lou Massey of Meri
dian. Miss., to the national com-1
"1 am Just one of hundreds of 'Y'
girls at home now, wearing pretty
clothes which don't seem iqulte right
nt'ter having worn the uniform. In j
France we cooked, kept house, handed I
out magazines and papers and danced
hundreds of kilometers we danced
nil of which Isn't so much, I know, but.
the spirit behind It made us feel that
we belonged to the men of the A. K.
V, and they to us. lias all this com- i
rndeshlp been sliet) with the uniform?
Wo have watched with high hopes the
development of the American Legion,
und lu your splendid achievements
Thomas J. Bannlgan Is Re.Elected
Connecticut Department Adjutant
for Unusually Long Period.
The innovation of choosing a de
partment adjutant to serve for three
years was adopted by the Connecticut
convention of the American Legion.
Thomas J. P.annigiin of Hartford was
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mt j&vr m
Snllle Lou Mnssey.
those hopes nre being fulfilled. Why
Is tho 'Y girl, who was one of you In
France, left out? Is not ullUlutlon
with tho Amerlcnn Legion tho only
way by which wo can carry on and
keen tho spirit that was ours In
Ullss Mnsscy served nine months In
France. She received n citation for
courageous work among tho, troops
during tho Influenza epidemic In the
fall of 1018.
Thomas J. Bannlgan.
re-electerf for that period. Ordinarily
the term of a department adjutant Is
one yenr only hut the longer period, It
was felt, would ennhlo Mr. Bannlgan
to obtain far-reaching results.
New Jersey Legion Member Escapes
Jail Sentence by Display of
His Emblem.
Sentimental considerations left nut
of the reckoning, Frank Sadowskl, an
American Legion member of Newark,
N. J found out the other day that a
Congrewlonnl Medal of Honor Is a
handy thing to have.
Sadowskl works In tho day time nnd
bleeps at nlg'ht. That Is, ho had been
sleeping of nights until a couple of
loving cnts began a noisy courtship on
his back fence. Sadowskl stood It as
long as ho could and then went down
In his old barracks ling and dragged
out tho trusty automatic ho carried In
France. The cats became casualties
and Sadow&kl became a prisoner of
the Inw nnd was hailed Into court ,
clmrgud with disturbing tho pence.
The evidence was all against him
nnd he "was nbout to bo sentenced
when, Inndvertently, ho mentioned
that ho onco killed six Hermans sin
gle) handed nnd captured their mnchluo
gun with tho snmo revolver with which
ho routed the yowling cjits. For this
fent ho won America's highest wnr
honor, nnjl a string of leswor medals.
He produced the medals as proof and
tho Judge let him off.
WARNING! Tho name "Bayer" Is the thumb
print which Identifies genuine Aspirin prescribed by
physicians for 20 years and proved safe by millions.
1 I j
SAFETY FIRSTI Accept only an "unbroken pnekage" of
tcnuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contuins proper direc
tions for Headache, Earache', Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheuma
tism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and for pain genenlly. Strictly Americanl
Handy tin loe of 12 tnblcts cost but ft few rcnts'-Lnrgcr packages.
Aiplrln Ij tho trndo mark of IJ&ytr Manufacture at MonoactUcadi3ntr of 8allorllcoia
Knlcker- The modern child goes to
a part time school.
l'.ockerAnd has a part time homo.
Pane's Dlapepsln" Corrects Stomach
"I'.ipii'n'tiHln" Is Clio quickest, Biir.
est relief for Indigestion, (lases, Khun
lencc, Meiiilbiirn, Houmous, Fermentation
or .Stomach DlttticBti canned by acidity.
A few tablet Klvti almost limncdlato
utonmrli relief nnd shortly tho stomach
Is corrected so you can cat fuvoiltu foods
without fear. Largo cnno costs only 60
ceiitn at druu ntorp. Absolutely IkuihIoms
nnd pleasant. Millions helped nnruiully.
Ueut stomach corrective known Adv.
You can always depend upon the sin
ceilty of a dog when ho wags 1:1s
1 rouole.
"What Is that?"
"The trouble wagon."
"Are they delivering It these days?"
Cutlcura Comforts Oaby't Skin
When red, rough and Itching with hot
baths of Ciitlcurn Soap and touches of
Cutlcura Ointment. A No make uso
now ami then of that exquisitely scent
ed dusting powder, Cutlcura Talcum,
one of the Indispensable Cutlcura
Toilet Trio. Adv.
The Result.
"I bear Jack Is spoons on .Mildred."
"Yes, It has made quite u stir."
Italtlmore Aine'lcun.
Kill That Cold With
Colds, Coughi
La Grippe
Neglected Colds are Dangerous
Take no chances. Keep this otandard remedy handy for the first anew.
Croaks up cold in 24 hours -L Relieves
Grippe in 3 days Bxcellont forHeadacho
Quinine In this form does not affect the head Cascara la best TonU
Laxative No Opiate in Hill's.
Words "Begun" and. "Began" Are
Wrongly Used by Those Careless
In Their Speech.
It Is quite common to hear home
one Miy, "I begun to do that work
justcrdny," "the battle begun between
the two armies," etc. This use of
"begun" to express the past tene
(sometimes called the preterit) of
"begin" Is not Incorrect, according to
some authorities on the uses of words,
but there Is u fairly general agree
ment that the better word to u:e Is
"began.''' If you wish to safeguard
youtself against possible criticism, say
"I began to do that work yesterday,"
"The battle began between the two
armies," etc., not "begun."
Hlchard Grand White, In "Words
nnd Their Uses," n high nuthorlty,
criticises and condemns the use of
"begun" Instead of "began" to express
the past.
Of course. It Is Incorrect beyond any
doubt to say, "I have began" to ex
press the perfect tense of "begin."
Sny. "I have begun," never "I huve
began." Columbus Dispatch.
The Wild, Wild Women.
Swlggs Tim pictures I liked best
were tiioe wild atilmal ones of u few
years back the pictures that had a
story Interwoven around lions, tigers,
wild cats, and so forth. Quite unique
und Interesting I I wonder why they
.dropped oil' so suddenly. Did the ani
mals perish or devour the actors or
what happened?
Swaggs Competition was their
Nemesis. The "vampire" came Into
vogue about (hat time, and naturally
they were too tame lu comparison to
terrify the public any longer. Film.
Inside Information.
Hilly went up to dad and said: "Fa
ther, I know what Mary will wunt this
year for Christmas." 4
"It's u bit early to start telling what
,ou and .Mary want for Christmas.
Hut what Is It?" replied the father.
"Mary will want it doll," said Hilly.
And Just then little Mary came run
ning Into the room with hlg tears drip
ping down her cheeks and exclaimed,
"Daddy, Hilly broke my new doll."
Seat of the Trouble.
Herbert often complained about the
peculiar disposition of his small
cousin, with whom he could not get
along well. After a recent disagree
ment lie came Into the house nut of
patience and exclaimed: "Well,
mother, .Tames and I might Just as
well quit trying to be friends If he
Is my cousin. We Just can't agree.
He's too full of human nature."
A wise man always bets on top
dogs and bottom facts.
The Autocrat.
"Do you nifl your wife talk politics
at home?"
"Never," replied Mr. Meekton. "Wo
have u perfectly good cook."
"What has that to do with It?"
"We are afraid she might get Into
the con versa tluu ami tell us both how
we'll have to vote to keep her from
Not Quite.
"So they had smuggled whisky on
that yachting party. This is going elio'
"Oh. no; that Is three miles out."
What's bred In the bone Is weighed I A widow never tells' her age; she's
out to us by the butcher. always old enough to know better.
Tiie Blended Flavors
of wheat and malted barley, fully de
veloped by twenty hours baking make
The Ideal Cereal
Ideal-not only from a taste standpoint
but because of easy digestibility, full
nourishing worth, economy and ease
of service.
At Grocers Everywhere