i I A X a i ' 1 T uuUhu-j-S . -. ..J . - . "nfilt fr TSr f 1 1 I h ff B P B uJmEwBEJImES Twt. -Iiim m. jrfc1 BPa? i 1-,; t rr i iwJMBBBjiJBBBBBBBBBJBBJTEJgMrBiTJBBBj BJB BJH BJB flavJHJa BJ -BJBJBJk ScIbW BJBTEflfll'KEsEVJBEH VJBJBJBJBJM MeHHn flBBBflBKlBKYaliflBYflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflS3rCiP(YL urnBPVT flB TWm mbbCPbmmbLtIbimmmmmmmmmmmpbmBbmmmmmmmmb BjlBjflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflTflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr MIBgBsggMWWBI- JijXJlKifilBWBLBEiy'vTfcr?J1" .. BBHB!HBBVB A Newspaper That Gives The Neva 'f ITty-twi Weeks Each Year For S2.00 VOLUME 48 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. OCTOBER 21. 191 0 NUMBER 43 1 , V A. n'll'ilfcliMHn I 1W0 MATTER what you want to buy nor what you 1 T .want repaired, if it is in the jewelry line 'twill pay you to come here. In the purchase of jewelry or its repair, the reliability of your dealer is of prime importance. This is why your interests are best ' served by coming to us. EHHB1 , HHhm9WSK2i3Lh9bBSi9BBBBBBBBBBSbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBD9PAbBI .jrrr 3;,. ",' 4 - MSf . Overman-Nellums PROGRAM FOR THE OLD SETTLERS PICNIC On Saturday evening at nine o'clock, Th following Ja"'thi nroo-rnm fni- at the spacious homo of Mrs. E U. the Old Settlers' Picnic to be held at Overman i occurred the marrjAgeof Mlas thq court houso gtomd Wednesday, Elizabeth, only daughter of the late E. the 27th 1020: u. vivciiununuu mrs. uveruiau. 10 in. n- -.it. m t v ininrv nr rnn B. Nellums of Nashville, Tennessee. The' house was beautifully decorated. In the rooms on the lower floor Emanuel Peters, sole survivor of the first band of immigrants. in ine rooms on toe lower floor green, ..-! t tr o m t ,? foliage,. ferns, white and pink chrysan. t B?ft,7 J cTSccn-W. J. Vance, themums were U8d. The fireplace in l Pnccr of Inavale, the living room was banked wUb green ";'" " "."u w nwwouu A full line ol ' Attention! Ahsco Cam eras Amateurs ! Fi,ms PaPer' nd chemicals message of interest Nothing Better on the Market We have Kodak Albums White Pencils, Art Corners and other supplies for the Amatur. Over Smith's Shoe Store- The Gleason Studio NWFtfNxflwfJWJ Mr. and Mrs. ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING ' Phone, Store Ind. 158, Res, 93 RED CLOU 0, NEB tWVWWUVAV.WWNVUV.VU follago sent from California for the oo caslon and the open stairway- was en., twined with ferns and foliage The ceremony took place in the tit pirlor before an altar banked with green, on either side of which were pedestals holding tall baskets of ferna and white cbysanthemums and lighted cathedral candles'. Rev. H V; Cope, of this city, performed the service us. Ing the behutlful Kplscopal rlnj; cere mony Promptly at nine o'clock Mrs II. CJ Gullatlv accompanied by Miss Jessie Crablll on the piano sang "0, I'romlee Mo'', followed by "I Love You Truly", suJk very impressively by the bride, at the top of t be stairway before the ajpearancc of the bridal party. Miss Overman was attended by x bridesmaids and was given In niarringu by her uncle, Dr. Itoburt Dameroll. The briilesutaids were gowned in pink, cirryltiK large bouquets of pink and wiltc. Miss Helen LeMalre of Bur lington, Iowa, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor and wore a gown of real lace over pink satin Mrs. George Van Camp ofUduooIn, as matron of-"honor, was gow'tjeddn white' taffeta with' hand embroidery. The bride was beaut i fal in her gown of white Skinner satin niade princess style with court train i nd veil of tulle. The bride's mother was gowned in black lace over while batin. The biide's going away gown was brown velour with accessories to match. A three course supper was sorved after which Mr. and Mrs. Nellums de parted at 2 a. in. on an extended honey moon trip. They will visit Chicago and Jacksonville, Florida and will be at home in Nashville after November 1st.. Mr. Nellums is connected with the Ward Belmnt school where Mrs. Nel lums studied two years, taking the course iu English, French, music, both voice and instrumental, nud graduited from the Ward Belmont depart mctit of expression. Wedded at Denver KG 3ME DC DUG DC ME 14 H He The Price of Lumber r and building material is so much less than it has been and the prospects for it rtninrf mimti lnurar ic an alidht ttinf wa ' faW... ...U.. .V..W. .W WW W..... V-.V.V .. feel justified in advising you to build now PLATT & FREES 1111 IE 111 SMt 3C i: The Chief i$ the Home of Quality Job Printing June 20th, at Denver, occurred the wedding of Miss Mildred' Stubbs and Mr. Clifford Pope, son of Mr. and Mrs, Jay Pope of this city. The lady of his choice is one of the popular young lad' lis of Denver and, Is in every way com. patent to preside over his home. Re has a lucrative portion with the Holly Sugar Co., of Grand Junction, Colorado, where theynow reside. Tho groom's parents received word of the wedding Sunday and it indeed was a complete surprise to them as well as bis many friends here. . County School Notes (Ily County Superintendent) , i Those, teachers that have certificates under the new law should be on the watch as they cannot have a second issuance of the sumo kind without some college hours cridlt, It is to meet this demand of the state that we are en duuMng a study center In Itlue Hill at 0 o'clock a, in.; in I!ed Cloud at 10 o'clock a, in and in Guide Rook at t p m October 'JS, This -is a cheaper way of getting credits tliau attending hummer school, Jtoo. The classes are too small. More teachers should bo availing themselves of this opportun ity. Tho business men of Red Cloud de cided tho schools should be offered a Charles Gurney, Sr., An 1870 pioneer. Life in the -First Stockade Mrs. Ida iHayes, a ft 0f 1870. What We Cooked and How We Cook ed it in Dugouts Mrs. Mnry Arne- eon, the first f lady homesteader in the county.. , Before Shirtwaists and Striding Equestrennes Mrs. Curt Evans, a gir) of 1870. My First School Mrs. Fannie Mc- Cunc, a teacher of" 1871. Babies nnd Baby Life in 1870 Mrs. Laura Frisbie, one of them. My Memories of '71 Fred Mnurcr, born that year. Crinoline and Pantalets Mrs." Ed Gnrbcr. Other speeches and spccchmukcrs will be available. Farmers Institute Program Mpnday, October 25 Entry Day.. Tuesday, October 26 Studeut's Stock Judging Contest. Pig Club, Calf Club nnd Domestic Science Demonstration Contest. 7:301 p. m. Program by Red Cloud school, it Admission 35 cents. PROGRAM The Wind and the Leaves ... Kindergnrtcn Holland Maids and Dutch Wind- mills 1st and 2nd Grades Gypsy Maidens . ..6th Grado Autumn Leaves, A Rub-a-dub-dub, Shoemakers and Farewell Sum- mer .... N . .3rd Grado Solo".u . . Maxine Thomas Miss October - 4th Grade Hallowe'en . . Gth Grade Girl's Quartet Reading , - Glee King Her Man Friday String Trio Hah Barrett Jessie Crabill Mary McBritlc Nebraskas Gift Lucille Funk Musical Recitation Baker Duet Marie Beebe and Vera Baker Robin's Return . Playlet JOINT OWNERS OF SPAIN Mrs, Blair Amelia Steward Mrs. Dyer Happy Hadell Miss Mitchell Ilah Barrett Miss Fullerton Tony Havel Wednesday, October 27, 10 a. m. Judging Farm Products, Poultry and-Sheep. l;00 p. m. Judging Hogs and Hor 60S. 7:30 p. m. Music by Community Chorus Illustrated Lecture, Poultry by Chas, Corman. Music r Mrs. Hughes Reading Mrs. Kailey Nomination of Officers Band Imitations Kamil Ondrak Lecture Miss Atwater Thursday, October 28, 10 a. m. Judging Hereford Calves. Robt. Mouse!, Judge. 1:30 p. m. Hereford Calf Club Sale, 3:30, p. m. Foot ball Game Hedge's Field. Red Cloud vs Beaver Creek. 7:30 p. m. Music, Coronet Solo, selected bv Mercor. Lecture Prof. Frisbio Music Mrs. Laird Potter Reading mIhs- Norris Band Imitations .. Tvamil Ondrak ' , Election of Officers Rcudlng . , Miss Post lechirn,. Prof. Boomer h ay" October 29th, 10 a. in. J'ing Shorthorn Calves. Thos. Andrews and Gov. Shallenherjjcr, Judges. 12 a. m. Ciic Stock nud School Panicle; 2tf0 p. m. Shorthorn Calf -Club Sitle Cql, Duncan. i Last .Friday afternoon at .Hastings; the Red Cloud High School foot ball team added another victory to their credit by defeating the High School team of that city 21 to o. Tho local I ft IT A nil mIai.a.1 n nil ..m rantn.t m .J larger prize If tboy worked hard nnd i, their opponents out classed thru produced au "A Sharp" "Numbor One" put tho game. Red Cloud commenced parade In accordance with this idea scoring In tho seoond quarter when they have raised the prizes to ?C0. 1arra" Je touchdown and kicked aii.i. .,...i.. .!,. - -i i u Roal. the third quarter Slaby made a This surely shows an appreciation for touchdown and kloked goal and in the school that is worth consideration, the fourth Siebert made a touou down. Does Your Watch Or CiIassps NWrl Fivincr V - J, ' r ?!?St' . v"1 We want to doybur.' REP.AvWl'NG::, 'V''V WE WILL DO IT RIGHT AND, AT A REASONABLE PRICE. WHETHERJT IS A WATCH,' CLOCK, JEWELRY OR EYE GLASSES, WE HAVE THE MATERIALS 'AND WE KNOW HOW TO FIX IT SO IT WILL STAY FIXED. WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF OPTICAL GOODS, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE AND WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU WHAT YOU WANT. WE TEST YOUR EYES AND FIT YOU WITH CORRECT GLASSES We Make 'Quality Right Then the Price Right E.H.NeWhouse M . I rcs aoud Jeweler andOptdmetrlst v . nb,7kS 1 1 ( - i . ' cm I I' It Let Us Show You This Good Washer Chaflge washday to wash hour and set away from rubbing and wringing nd. working your machine by hand i mixsm We have one for you single or double tub that you can eperate with gas engine or electric power. The wringer awinga four wayr 1 reversible and operates with the washer. A One Minute gives yoil tub full of clean clothes every five to fifteen minutes. It is the Washer with "a million batiaficd users." ' Come in and let 'us show you this washer, built by washing machine L TRINE'S HARDWARE STORE " if i aeawL WfJWWfttfmmfmVsmMVJWfmV l If a Calais Worth Driving it is Worth Building i A Garage ; . . .., ' See us for Up-to-date ' , Garage Designs. '''" The Matonc-Gcllatlv Co. IrVUVrWMMmMrVWwSvUrVwM MS ?-T 5U ' 'jEzxmtiw 1 - i, ' v r e ! T"Tv V .'"'rluV v ,