RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEf m a RtBiB.BiR.fl.lltHLlltB.n.Dtnxa B.BiBLB.EI (Only Nine & lliWIIUBJUimUlIB Willi! ' "TI1ll1MITWMMWrapnlMIIWll.lWIMIlM. . . nr lirmiWlfill I 1 - W- ill! Till Ifll" ' "" '"" "" 3" Wk f kfeiSSH cSfeSIp yrafeK 'Wsk '" Mil PjS rSitiiMlM3Si ipsw ffr ? til P$wl wscassjaas Mffigpffl2ffir cssBTir1- $flffi' 111? xl 1111 1!" S If " H lIllP (MWatlifu'y mm ml ". f wrw? ;ito- - f$f$ Sal. " ! lis J" - ,'4kv- l&i I -" f 8- Wi &$"' jl;;f:;ij:- fIH- f J: vpme in raid se JpfBP I a New Edison :"l ivkkk hears a Pa ; . a 1 B MESSRS. COLLINS AND HARLAN HAVE PRONOUNCED THEM EXACT DUPLICATES IN TONAL QUALITY OP THE INSTRUMENT USED AT THE BESSE AUDITORIUM AND CAPABLE OF SUSTAINING WITH ABSOLUTE SUCCESS THE SAME TEST OF DIRECT COMPARISON WITH THEIR LIVING VOICES. BY SIGNING THIS CERTIFICATE, THEY DECLARE THEM EQUAL, IN EVERY RESPECT, TO THE IN STRUMENT WHICH STOOD BESIDE THEM FRIDAY EVEN ING, SEPTEMBER 17 AT THE BESSE AUDITORIUM AND AMAZED ALL RED CLOUD. LET US SHOW YpU AND PLAY FOR YOU THESE OFFI CIAL LABORATORY MODELS, WHICH HAVE1 PROVED BB V THIS WAS THE TEST MADE BY MESSRS. COLLINS AND kS HARLAN FRIDAY EVENING, BESSE AUDITORIUM. THEY SANG. SUDDENLY THEY CEASED TO x SING, 5 AND THE NEW EDISON TOOK UP THE SAME SONG ALONE. i E. H. NEWHOUSE I AUTHORIZED EDISON DEALER I: RED CLOUD, J NEBRASKA ;?BTiWiT?BTB?B?;?.- signed by Messrs. Collins and Harlan of These Official Laboratory Models in Why the Audience at Besse Auditorium Was So Amazed By , &N.EW:EDiSON "The Phonograph With A Soul" SEPTEMBER 17, AT THE WHY NOT LET US DELIVER TODAY ONE OF THESE NEW EDISONS WITH CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY? YOU CAN ARRANGE THE PAYMENT ANY WAY YOU DESIRE. STEP IN, OR TELE PHONE. THERE'S NO TIME TO LOSE. 1.taHikCl4ra-K.lSKjlBiHiiliHi1n41llfla H1jBiBirj.R1B.IH,HB,B1.BTBVBT THEIR SUPREME REALISM. COME IN TODAY. REMEM BER, WE HAVE ONLY NINE LEFT. WE SHALL DELIVER WITH EACH OFFICIAL LABORATORY MODEL THE CERTI FICATE OF AUTHENTICITY, WHICH THESE ARTISTS HAVE SIGNED FOR IT. YOU WILL PRIZE THIS NEW EDISON ABOVE ALL OTHER MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. IT WILL NOT ONLY" BE YOUR MEANS OF ACCESS TO THE REAL VOICES OF THE WORLD'S GREAT ARTISTS, BUT ALSO A PECULIARLY PRECIOUS MEMENTO OF THE GREATEST ENTERTAINERS OF ATL TIME. ASK FOR THE CERTIFIED MODEL. NO ONE IN THE AUDIENCE WAS ABLE TO TELL MESSRS. COLLINS AND HARLAN'S LIVING VOICES FROM THEIR RE-CREATION BY THE NEW EDISON. THE PHONOGRAPH HAD ACHIEVED THAT MARVEL OF MARVELS PERFECT REALISM! H B a 13- H H; a a ' Q "m rP n a "a a "a s b" b" 3 I SB. 1 W. a Wj .K3 D - (0 f rj 0" .13 El. a Our Store) B. a OFFICIAL LABORATORY Pb I e? &s ;h- '. MAKING WAR ON DISEASE MENAGE American Red Cross Announces Budget of $48,200,000 For Current Year. NEW DISASTER RELIEF PLAN, Continuance of Heavy Work Abroad I uecmeu Necessary to Protect United StntcG $21,000,000 Lccs Than Last Year. 1 A program of relief and service tot I ward which appropriations of ?1S, '200,000 luivo l)con mudo has been out ! lined for the American I!ed Cross to, ,tho Uscal year, July 1, 11)0, tli July 1, J1021, accordliiR to olllclnl iinnounco Jmcnt by national headquarters of tlm orcanlzatlon at Washington. The Ak urcs for 1020 1H are 5'-' 1,000,000 below 'those of 10 10-120, In which JO-J.IOO.OOC i was spent. Important among the Items of Ihu j budget for the tirenont year Is the njv proprliitl.iti of $ai,.rK),0()0 for relief lc iforo'pi hiiulH, which Ineluden 11.(K). ;000 In pnvliased utplle on hand and ,not distributed. Moot Protect United Stalen. ', This will unnblo tbu Amerlcnn Itc Cross to continue Its humnnltarlnn efi 'fort to aid slilclccn peoples to re-estal UhIi tlietiiKetviM, to Unlit the disease epl j demies which threaten many countrle and to efface largily tho remaining ; traces of tho blight left by tho World j War. It Is regarded as social as well ;ns physical sanitation on a largo scult that will lmo a direct bearing on Cu lture conditions In America. i Central Kuropo, (ho chief suffcrci ! from the conflict, today Is facing an other winter of famine, pestilence an! ruin. Typhus decreased much durluj the summer months where last wlntei it had Its greatest stronghold, but phy slclans who Investigated the sltuatloi at tho behest of tho League of UeJ Cross Societies have given their un I qualified opinion that this coming win ter will bco a recurrence on an un Prcccdcntcd scale. The Rod Crosi feels It must continue preventive meas ,urcs abroad to keep this and othei deadly maladies from tho Unficd ! States. 1 Millions for Work at Horns. t When the disease was sweeping Cen tral Europe last winter the Americas Red Cross, with' the nld of tho govern , meats of afTllctcd nations, undertook tin , fight against it. Hospitals wcro estab lished wherever posslblo and food, and 'clothing wero distributed to tho un dernourished populations, who by rca 'son of their undernourishment wcr j easy prey to tho epidemics. When diRorcrnnizntinn rnnrrimitnii mar vnm to tho great Inroads mado by tho dis ease, by virtue of Its knowledge of tin dlseaso and the presence of well es tablished hospital centers, tho Ameri can Red Cross this year will undertake tho work with a new confidence. Including tho total of $11,000,000 In supplies left from the last fiscal year, tho $31,.p00,000 Is $21,000,000 less than tho expenditures for 1010-20. Appropriations for domestic nctlvl .ties total 510,700,000. Tho largest Item of this "home" budget Is $7,800,000 for civilian relict work: This Includes service nnd as sistance for families of soldiers, sail- !ors and marines, and work Incidental to disaster. Of tho total appropria tion for civilian relief, $5,000,000 Is held in reserve for tho carrying out of actual disaster relief. Reduced Overhead Expense. I The Red Cross Invariably Is tho flrst thought of a community visited by ca lamity. With this In mind, It was de tcrmlned by the Executive Committee in preparing tho budget of 1910-20 tq have a fixed reserve fund from whlcli to draw In these Instances. For assistance to soldiers, sailors 'and marines In hospitals and in camps this year $1,000,000 has been set nslde. Four million two hundred thousand' dollurs has been appropriated for Im provement of health and prevention of disease throughout tho United States during tho current twelve months. The Red Cross Is co-operat Ing fully with the United States ITealth Service in this work and through Its Junior Red Cross Is doing much to spread among children the principles 'of sanitation. An appropriation of $1, 000,000 has been mado for developing tho peace tlmo program of tho Red Cross by service to Its chapters In all regions. The appropriation of $18,200,000 Is exclusive of tho local expenditures of the 11,000 or more chapters. Administration expenses this year will bo $1,800,000. Last year thoy were $2,300,000. D on't Wait for workers to como and ask you for a rcnowal of your member ship: Send in your dollar to tho nearest local chapter of tho American Red Cross. Welcomo tho opportunity and privilege of repledglng your fellowship by promptly answering tho Fourth Roll Gall Novembtr 11-25, 1920 SPARED FAIR SEX Oldtlme "Knights of the Road" Not Always Stern. ttvon Notorlouo Freebooters Have Been Known to Succumb to Feminine Wiles Captain Kldd Among the Number. t Highwaymen, f ancient ballads and traditions concerning famous "knlghtii of tho road" muy bo believed, huvo often been pollto to Indies; but pirates, rarely. Nevertheless-, the late Eliza bet It Christophers llobson, In her de lightful "Recollections of a Happy Life," relates an lustitticu of a pollto plrato who not only spared one of her ancestresses from molestation but made her a valuablo present. To bo sure, tho lady In tho case, who was Mrs. John Lion ("Sardlner of Gardiner's Ksland, mado the first pollto advances, and the pirate, who was none other than tho notorious Cnpt. Kldd himself, merely reciprocated In kind. Tho owner of the Island was absent ' when Kldd landed upon It, and Mrs. finrdlner, teirllled but keeping her wlti about her, Invited the formidable free hooter to dinner In the hope of placat ing htm. Ho accepted, and Mm so wisely and wlllly fed or ehnrmed him, or both, 'thai he later sent to her two rich gifts, both of which are still pre served by her descendants: tho "Kldd pitcher." now strengthened by a llver Imnd bearing an Inscription recording; Its history, and the "Kldd blanket," a piece of superb embroidery two yards long, In crimson, green nnd gold. When the pitcher was presented, It was full of rare East Indian sweetmeats; tho blanket Is sometimes called tho "Kldd altar cloth," since It was presumably stolen from a South American or Mexi can church In some plrallcal raid. 1 Among the most famous names la Uie reprehensible but picturesque roll of Rrltlsh highwaymen Is that of Claude Duval, who, along with his French nnme, possessed a dash of French politeness, ntVast toward tho fair and easily frightened sex. Ho Is reputed on various occasions to Imvo spared pretty ladles their rings or lockets, If they begged him wlnnlngly enough, or had the art, which one not able hello of his era professed such a useful one to u woman, of "being ablo to Weep movingly, nnd that without Streaking of Cheeks, of Redulng of Nose, but 800 onely that Grate Tea res of Pure Crlstnlt Slide softey from Lids to Chlnne, Like as Dew Droppes upon a Rose." Ills most notable concession to feminine charm was not, however, n complete surrender: It wns a bar gain. Tho lovely lady with whom It was innilo was promised Immunity for all her rich Jewels, If she would but descend from the coach nnd forthwith dance n cornnto on the heath, with tho gallant nnd graceful Claudo for her partner n condition with which sho readily compiled. A "knight of tho road," of less not than Duval Indeed, qulto n minor, modest flguro In tho nnnols of crime nevertheless figured mngnnnlmously In nn old, broad-sheet ballad, In which ho assisted, Instead of despoiling, a lady In distress. Sho wns, tho story ro lotes, tho poor but beautiful widow of a riotous young nobleman Just klllod In a duel. Although of gentle blood, she was beneath him In rank, nnd tho match had been secret. When th coach was hold up sho was on her way to seek out her husbnnd's parents and! ask their forgiveness and protection for herself and her baby boy. All she had to prove her case was her wedding ring and her certificate of marriage, penned and signed In miniature oml carried In n locket round 'her neck. When these two precious trinkets wera demnnded aMho point of a pistol, sho wns In despair; but tho robber, hear lng her story, was moved to pity. He cavo nor bnclc her email coM rlnit, He put It her tinner on: Says, "Voum nmj mine und yours oKnln. Though hardly It was won." ' He cavo her back hor Kolclon loclcct: I Snyii, "Now think we( of me," And itold and ruble 'to nil her pocket- "O thanks, hind sir I says she. If tho grateful pocketing of such dubious gold and rubles by nn Innocent nnd lovely heroine In distress seems somewhat Mrange, the reader must ro member that brond-sheet ballads of tho road are concerned only with glorlflca tlon of their highwaymen heroes; con sistency, conscience nnd the heroines themselves are nllko unimportant and Incidental. Youth's Companion. Not Dead Ones. I was using my seven pnssenger touring car to help n friend who -.vns running n bus line, but who wns tem porarily short of cars. We were mak ing certain routes nnd hnd on our wlndshle'ds cards giving our plnces of destination. I was suddenly called from my regular rpute to take a couple to tho minister to bo mnrrled. As wo wero going up tho street, with the brldu adorned with her white veil and the groom In his best suit, both sitting In back, I noticed that ninny, wo met wero convulsed with laughter. I didn't realize the cause until I renched tho parsonngo and found that I had failed to remove from tho wind shield tho sign : "This car to ho cem etery." Exchange. British Columbian Exports. Advances noted In practically all tho prlnclpnl Items mado up an laj iso of $15,50 1,470, occurring In tha crcaso value of tho declnred exports from' Victoria, British Columbia, to tha United States during 1010, as com pared with tho preceding year, th totals, being $37,201,755, and $32,850,"j 223 in 1018 nnd 1010, respectively.