The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 30, 1920, Image 8

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This American Red Cros3 Work
Flourishing in Small Towns
i . Throughout Country.
Moro tlmn 37,000 graduate nurses
havo becti enrolled In tho American
lied Cross to ditto und Km department
of nursing Is dally Increasing this en
Tlio department of nursing has been
authorized to maintain an adequate
reserve of nurses for tho nrtny and
navy. It will continue to supply the
needs of tho United Stutos I'ubltr
Health Servlco to which It hits us
signed moro than 1,000 nurses In the
last year.
It will assist In establishing proper
nursing sot vice In foreign countries
where the American Hod Cross has or
ganized hospitals, dispensaries and
schools for nurses. Courses In home
hygiene und cure of tho sick hnvo been
started for thousands of women who
have never received nny education In
this direction. Itiirnl nursing wlikii
was In Its Infancy a short while ago
hna been put ahead at least n 'Vcnde
throui;h tho woik of tho department
of nursing und local Ited Cross
I'ubllu health nursing has been ex
tended to many rural communities ami
now flourishes actively In hundreds of
small towns and counties. Nearly n
thousand elllclent nurses huvu already
been assigned to this hind of work.
Tho department of nursing Is unit
Ins with other organizations In a ear's
campaign In recruiting nurses fot
training school, In educating the gen
eral public as to stnudaids of nursing
education and In showing communities
their responsibility toward schools of
nursing. It will endeavor to meet all
these needs as well as to continue tin
enrollment of dietitian who will be
utilized as Instructors In home dietet
ics, In developing nutritional clinics,
nnd In supplying dietitians for Un
united .Stales Public Health Service
and die civilian hospitals.
Tho Nuislng Senlco will continue to
offer to women and young girls tho
opportunity of securing Instruction In
home hygiene and caro of Hid sick in
every community In the country. This
Instruction has not only laid the fouu
datlon for public health hut In son
places has given Impetus to the estab
lishment of hospltnls and communltj
school houses.
"An a community profits by tho work
of the nurse," says Miss C'lura 11,
Noycs, director of the department of
nursing, "It Is logical Mint the com
munity should be aroused to Its respon
sibility. The American Ited . Cross
stands ready to help In a general cam
paign of recruiting und must have the
support, symputhy and understanding
of tho medical profession as well as
tho Intelligent co-operation of the
people at large."
Why 8omo of tho Lower Animals May
Think With Complacency of
Life After Death.
Many of (ho animals wo Know nro
not worried over the Ufo after denlh,
They view (he future with complacen
cy. In fner, they rather welcome It.
The Industrious little beaver Is
obliged to spend his life digging mud
with his llat and unlovely lull. It Is
not a hlgh-hiow occupation.
Ho knows that when his tlmo
comes he will, In nil likelihood, bo
mndo Into n slllt hat to be worn by n
stntcsmnn or a member of a tnnyor'a
welcome committee. In this cnpnelty
ho will nssoclnto with many famous
people. If bo adorns n president he
may tnko ninny trips to Paris. If
on n society man ho will go to grand
opera frequently.
The alligator, wiggling In his south
cm swamp, looks fonvnrd to tho day
when lie will bo grnduated Into u
hnndsomc handbag. IIo will tin vol
much nnd It Is ill together likely that
ho will carry numerous bottles. A fu
ture of much travel with his hide full
of good liquor doesn't discourage tho
The mink, (ho mat mot, tho squlirol,
tho marten, what of them? Hvcry one
or these will probably form part of
the scenery of a chorus glil or n so
ciety wonuin and will see life, partic
ularly wlib the show girl. Ho will bo
admired and will Islt many strange
Welt limy the silver fox sing: "0
dentb! when- Is thy sting?" for It la
reasonably ceitalii Hint bis future will
consist In wrapping himself about the
lovely iiiick of so -iii debutante.
ICvcn the old hull lias a brilliant
future. Ills fntc will he to mingle In
various sporting events, his hide be
ing made i:t Into dice boxes.
The cat ir d I he ImiM) nro likely lo
figure prominently on the concerl
stngo and hcsir the npplnuse of the
multitude. The cat will furnish the
violin strings and the (nil of the horso
will fiiiijlsh the ltul part of the bow
The polar hear looks forward te
spending (he future lying on the Hoot
In front of the flioplace In nn ex
pensive cluli, and the tiger will per
form the same function In some iun
plro's boudoir. lie will also llgtirt
prominently In motion picture plays
and magalne stories.
Not so hud for the animals, every
thing considered. Chicago Herald
and Examiner.
l-j. i in T . ta
Motortrucks Expected to Play Promi
nent Part In Transportation
England Is now debating roads for
motor transportation, for, although
sho Is amply equipped with railroads,
It Is believed that hereafter motor
truck's will play n prominent part In
the business of the country. Systems
of special highways are being mapped
out, and tho plans proposed includo
nn apparently excellent fenture. To
avoid the delays and congestion Inci
dent on traversing towns', It Is sug
gested that the main road be located
beyond tho borders of tho town, anil
this would certainly cxpedlto traffic,
ns It would not be necessary for every
vehicle using the routo to painfully
thread Its way through every village
on the way. Of course tills would not
appeal to tho local tradesman who
hopes to catch nn occasional penny
from tho passing cars, nor to the local
magistrate who Inflates his own In
come, and the funds of his town, by
Ids Interpretation of the lnw; but this
Is n matter of national Interest and
not to be restricted by petty local con
siderations. Scientific American.
ID. S. Gaurber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kindt
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You with Fixtures
Dr. R.V. Nicholson
Olllco Over Albright's Bloro
Red Cloud
Do you know what the present day
Homo Servlco of the American Red
Cross Is?
Many people do uot know that, be
sides completing the work for ex-service
men, especially the disabled, It pro
vides the same neighborly servlco to
families In general that It formerly
gave families of soldtera sailors and
"Homo Servlco covers n wide and
varied Held," says Frederick 0. Mun
roe, general manager of the Amorlcau
Red Cross. "It gives aid to families
lu solving such problems us budget
planning, marketing, tiding over Union
of financial stress, keeping children In
school, helping crippled children, wid
owed and deserted mothers, children
(backward in school nnd cnlldien In
conflict with the laws. It renders serv
ice lo the homeless and transient, to
tho Illiterate, to tenement dwellers, to
the unemployed, and gives friendly as
sistance and advice to foreign speak
ing groups."
In addition to helping families In
the solution of their own problems,
Home Servlco helps lu stieiigtlienlng
the weak spots lu the social life of
communities. It Joins hands with oth
ers to make communities safer,
healthier nnd happier.
Organizing notion along lines In
which the community Is already Inter
ested Is ouo of the objects of Home
Service. It bus established coinniunltj
meetings, patriotic celebrations, pag
eants and picnics. Hcst rooms, recre
ation facilities, play supervisors and
moving pictures hnvo been provided
Through Homo Service other ngencle
we Influenced to bring about Improved
commercial amusements nnd bettei
school facilities nnd to promote travel
Ing libraries as well as to secure rnun
ty agricultural and home dcmnutra
tlon agents.
If you need ns3lstaneo at nn ilme
go to the secretary of the nearest lied
Cross chapter and describe the sltun
tlon. Your conlldenee will be sneredl,
respected and every possible effort will
be made to aid you.
Chair Has Peculiar Hlotcry.
The mnsMvo chair mndo of copper
which natives believe was given by (he
late Queen Victoria of r.uglnnd to an
A.shauti chlol'tuln mid used by him n$
n throne, has been discovered In the
midst of a Jungle far from human
habitation lu the gold coast colony,
West Africa. According to native leg
end, It wan placed over the grave ol
tho chief tnln who had occupied It
when alive.
In their superstition they believe he
still sits upon his old throne In spirit
at certain times, nnd for this reason
they httvc never tried to move the
chair, which, they declare, has now
rooted Itself In tho ground, says a
dispatch to the Dally Graphic.
A gold coast surveyor first stum
bled across this curiosity. A search
party returned to the spot nnd found
tho Jungle so dense that the natives
bad to back n path with cutlasses
through tho undergrowth.
In spite of Inquiry, no confirmation
of tho native story as to the history
of tho chair has been obtnlnnble, and
how It came to be In the Jungle rc
mnlns n mystery.
Found Too Weak for Work In Penn
sylvania and Strengthened by
Wrought Iron Strlp3.
The old form of King road drag was
merely two sides of n split log, fast
ened so that the sharp sides of tho
split surface faced forward, tho
straight surface extending vertically;
the two parts were spaced about two
feet apart and connected by struts to
hold them parallel; the outfit was
dragged by u chain, fastened to tho
front half-log, and tho angle at which
the contrivance was dragged over tho
surface was controlled by the ninuner
In which the tenm was hitched to tho
chain, the ghnln Itself being fastened
permanently nt both ends to two sta
ples lu the front log, which altered tho
angle nt which the tenm was hitched,
writes L. Ituppln of Pennsylvania In
Rural New Yorker.
"Wo found the original form too
weak for our road work here, so wo de
vised certain Improvements, which are
The Margin of Safety
Is teproscntod by tho amount of
Insurance you carry.
Don't lull 'yoursolf Into a fancied
Uccauso fire has novor touched you
it doesn't follow that you're immuno
Tomorrow no today, if you bave
time and you better And tlmo
come to tho ofllce and we'll write
a policy on your liouso, furniture,
store or inorchandlso.
R.elioble Insurance
rr -r-
W J aMK'-M - . V
y.JttafcJA (- n
Victor at Indianapolis
Exide Battery performance at the Indian
apolis Motor Sweepstakes on Memorial Day
will be recorded as "a perfect score." Seven
of the ten cars finishing the race, including
the winner, used Exide Batteries for ignition.
Exide Service will supply you with a
powerful, durable and dependable battery for
your car an Exide. It will also give your
present battery unprejudiced, expert attention;
and make it last as long as possible, until you
are ready to replace it with an Exide the
long-life battery.
CARLS. McARTHUR, Proprietor
Afc Jr k
Different Kinds of Ice.
There nro said to bo flvo different
kinds of Ice. four of which exist onlj
under unusunl circumstances. Ice 1 Is
the ordlnnry Ice that forms on the sup
face of lakes and rivers when the ther
mometer goes below 32 degrees Fah
renheit, 0 degrees Centigrade. Ice 2
Is formed by subjecting Ico 1 to a
pressure of nbout G.00O pounds to the
squnre Inch. It Is heavier than wn-
tcr, and the moment tho pressure In
relaxed breaks up Into n fine pow lor
with n volume from four to eight
times gi eater than the original. Ice
2 Is formed when the pressuro Is fur
ther Increased nnd the temperature
lowered to 20 degrees Centrlgrade. Ice
1 lesults from a still grenter press
ure; Ice G from a-pressure of US, MO
pounds lo tho square Inch, nnd Ice (!,
tho hardest and of ail, when
the enormous pressuro of 1 12 200
pounds per square Inch Is applied.
Improved Form of Road Draff.
shown In tho sketch, tho most Impor
tant of which was that wo shod the
front log with a strip two Inches
wide, one-half inch thick, of wrought
Iron, said strip being placed at tho
lower edge with tho two-Inch width
extending vertically along tho front
hlMis okwiQj oTtk. Lojz
0 m
For Highest Tossiblc Slualiiy ai Jfy-jjest 'Possible Trice
jn m
(if y uF Iti
is V) -1-
Rural Motor Transportation Affords
Opportunity to Get Crops to Mar
ket Quickly.
With the advent nnd development
of rural motor transportation comes
direct encouragement to ralso better
nnd bigger crops becnuso of the better
and broader mnrket thus afforded. In
the production of mnrkctablo produce
there conies nn opportunity for the
saving of perishable ' products by
quick deliveries, nnd for higher prices
because of the excellent condition In
which these. commodities can bo delivered.
E Your Own Guest ofHono.
Lay your money on the dealer's counter and say
"Spurs." You just can't go wrong, not even by a puff.
That brown-and-stlvcr triple -wrapped package gives
you confidence. It's smart and dignified.
Open it up. Get a wliiff. Right again. Good old
time tobacco. Nothin' but. Sharpens your smoke taste
for a little banquet with just you as die guest of honor.
Sit right down to it.
Light up a Spur, lake a long puff and you'll
go right to that old-time tobacco taste. It comes from
the pick of Turkish, blended with Burlcy and other
home-grown tobaccos. Crimped scam not pasted
means slower-burn, longcr-smokc, better-taste.
Try the only crimpsd
jc's Spur.
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co
American Red Cross Roll Call.
The Fourth Annual Hull Cull of the
American Ited Cross will be held tlil
year from Armistice Day, Novembci
11, to Thanksgiving Day, November 2!
Inclusive. During this period the mei
and women of the United States wll
pay their annual dueB and renew thelt
Hrfva You Noticed This, Too7
Vhen you come right down to It
M.f. reckless driver Is rarely wreck
less. American Motorist, . ...U
A Temporary Case.
At the conclusion of nu exciting
basketball game during the sectional
bnbketbnll tournament at Tnmllnson
hall, Miss Desse Vandlvlor n teacher
at Technical high school, went to
tho telephone to report the day's vic
tories. Hither the excitement of tho Inst
game or anxiety over the next was
too much for tho nerves of a usually
calm faculty member. 'When the
operator nsked the number. Miss Vnn
dlvler nnswered, "P.uskutbnll 2-1-.V
The operator let tho sense of humor
overcome her business training. Tho
next liihtant Mlns Vandlvler heiml,
uot tho voice of her mother, but some
one shouting, "Insane Ilospltnll" In
dlnunpolls News.
Means Substantial Addition to Value
of Adjoining Property and Aids
Proper attention to tho roadside
means n definite Incrcnso In tho pleas-
uro of traveling over It, n positive
prefcrvatlon of tho road Itself nnd a
sulistnntlnl nddltlon to the value of
adjoining property. No matter how
Hinooth and well constructed tho trnv.
cliHl road may be, If tho roadside h
not properly cared for, tho highway ns
n whole will not give n good Impres
slon. Macadam or gravel roads par
ticularly need tho protecting elmde ol
Probably Mature.
"About how .old -Is Mlbs Fllbbcr?"
"I can't tell yon exactly how old
sho Is, of course, but I can glvo you
somo Idea of her ago,"
"In 1017 she was old enough to
leave homo and be a farmerette."
Ulrmlocham Age-Herald,
Add to Social Advantaoes.
Good roads add to social advan
tages. They strengthen the country
church, tend toward better living,
bring a good class of people Into a
community, and help to hold n bigger
share of the best boys and girls on
tho farm.
Cost of Good Road.
It has been found that it costs about
52.GOO a mlie to build a really first
class road, but when It Is properly
constructed It Is ns permanent ns n
11 WW,
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