The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 30, 1920, Image 5

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Farm Power in Simplest FormA simple, de
pendable machinojequiring least repair and adjustment
is the most economical and easiest to handle thus it is
the one that is becoming the leader in the tractor field.
The Wallls is J2 years old and has stood the test of time. It has been tried
on thousands of farms all over the world. It is sold by a company established
half a century-known for its integrity and square business dealings.
When considering the cost of, a tractor don't overlook truss important points
POWER, ASSESSIBILITY and SIMPLICITY. The principal element is the
life of the tractor, plus the upkeep during its Hie.
Dctcriptive itlustteted circular on toqurtt, oi better stall. COME IN AND SEE IT.
i Sutton & Shipmaii
n 0
k m m x m a in : k k s: m s s k
in w
Buy HroHil tat 1'owkII anil Popos.
J. E. Bctz spent Thursday in Mc
Cook. Enos Reynolds was in Hastings
R. P. Wecsner spent Tuesday in
Lincoln. - JltfiUI)
Mrs. Chas. Turner spent Monday in jjigh School.
Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Ilntton spent
Sunday with relative. at Guide Rock.
L. A. Graves of Denver arrived in
the city Wednesday to visit friends.
Mrs. Halbert Thomas went to Eck
ley, Colorado, Friday to visit her sis
ter. N. P. Nelson went to Lincoln Mon
day to attend to some business mat
ters. Foot ball game, Friday afternoon,
Franklin Academy vs Red Cloud
Cash 'Scrivncr spent Thursday
Walter- Gurney is driving a new
Ford car.
Mrs. Andy Saladen spent Monday
in Hastings.
R. P. Wecsner was in Riverton Fri
day afternoon.
Miss Nellie Emcrton spent Monday
in Guide Rock.
Mrs. John Aubushon spent Wednes
day in Hastings.
Mrs. M. C. Sherman spent Satur
day in Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hitz spent Mon
day in Hasting.
Alf Saladen was in Sclden, Kansas,
" the last of the week.
George Harris attended the county
fair at Nelson Friday.
Attorney L. II. Blacklcdge spent
Wednesday in Hastings.
his wife at Grand Island
Paul Throne returned home 'Rues
day evening from Omaha.
Hobart Blacklcdge returned to Lake
View, Iowa, Friday morning.
It. B. Thompson of Cowles wns in
the city Thursday afternoon.
Fox spent the weekend with
Fred Temple of Kansas City Svas in lienn City spent Sunday , with
the city the last of the week.
Attend the foot ball game at 3:30
Friday afternoon. The bpys want
you to sec them play.
Bernard Burden left Saturday morn
ing for Washington, D. C, where he
has a position.
Dave Bell went to Wray, Colorado,
Thursday morning to attend to some
business matters.
F. W. Laycock, Naturalization Ex
aminer of the St. Louis Dcpt, was in
the city Wednesday.
Isadore Johnson, manager of the
Graham Furniture store, was in Riv
erton Tuesday afternoon.
O. D. Hedge went to Lincoln Friday
morning after spending a few days
with his wife and family.
Ciias. Kaley departed Monday for
the oil fields in Oklahoma where he
will look a.fter his interests.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rust and Mrs.
Will Hunt ami son attended the coun
ty fair at Nelson Thursday.
W. G. Hamilton returned home Sat
urday from Chicago where he attend
ed the Clothiers' Convention.
Horace Brown expects to leave this
evening for llcmet, California, where
he will spend several months.
Miss M,ucile Hanvood went to
Omaha Saturday morning where she
will attend college this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Crow of Repub
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stroup.
Benjamin FvRoepka and Miss Nellie
P. Leeds of tCowles were united in
marriage Tuesday by Judge Ranney.
7 Investment
The Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
is having an unprecedented demand for more Telephones and Long
Distance Service, and to provide the facilities required is offering
to the investing public $500,000.00 of its common stock at par,
100.00 per share, in amounts to suit the purchaser.
Since the year 1909 the Company has paid 46 consecutive
quarterly dividends on this stock at the rate of
7 Per Cent Per Annum
This in net to the stockholders as it is free from Nebraska state,
county and city taxes a'ndbrmal Federal Income Tax, which
means a saving of a( leastt2V6 per ceilt over money loaned on
notes or invested in other taxable securities.
The issuance of this stock and regulation of the Company's
rates arc under the supervision and control of the Nebraska State
Railway Commission, assuring protection of stockholders' interests.
The continuous growth of the Company, a satisfied public, con
tented and happy employes and skillful management by well known
Successful Nebraska business men, guarantee' the safety of the in
vestment. 7 per cent hi a good rate of interest, and a check for $17.00 for
every $1,000.00 of htock you hold is mailed to your address every
three months in July, October, January and April.
You may s.cnd check with your order for stock and the certi
ficate for same will be sent to you director send the name of your
bank to which the certificate will bo sent and you can pay for it
when received.
If further information is desired see Mr. Geo. J. Warren, Lo
cal Manager at Red Cloud, or address
; . ,..,
W C. P. RUSSELL, Secretary LINCOLN, NEBR. !$'
(fill , .. fftf
Ent and drink nt Powell & Pope's
Cafe. tf
Good nioals good service moili'nito
prices Powell it Pope's cafe
Powcl & Pope's Cafe handles Dnr
danclla chocolate candy. Try it.
Mrs. Frank Peterson returned home
Monday evening from York after
spending several days with her par
ents. "ft
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. LaCroix of Lan
caster, Ohio, arrived in the city Sat
urday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Marshall
Hans and Thorval Jensen, who are
firing out of McCook, arc visiting
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hanvood and
baby arrived in the city Sunday morn
ing to visit her mother, Mrs. Clara
Mrs. Clara Sliorer spent TIiuimIiiv
tin Hastings with her daughter, Mis
j Blanche, who is attending the n
injM college.
I Mrs. R. E. Williamson of" Dcnwr is
viMiing her son, W. It. Smith and
wile and her daughter, Miss Maude
i Williamson.
P. H. Boner returned home Thurs
day from Lincoln where he spent a
few days with his son, Merlin, and
his daughters.
Mr. and Mrs. D. It. Hughes return
ed Monday evening from McCool
Junction yhcre they spent a few days
with relatives.
Mrs. George Van Camp. returned to
her home at Lincoln Monday after
spending a few days with Dr. and
Mrs. Damercll.
Mrs. Guy Zeiglcr returned to her
home at Lincoln Montlay after visit
ing her father, W. L. Wecsner and
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. N. It. Bush left Thurs
day morning for Denver and other
points in Colorado where they will
spend a few days.
Mr. and'Mrs. Marion Funk return
ed to their home at Superior Sunday
after spending a few days with their
aunt, Mrs. Hummel.
Mrs. George Hines returned to her
home at Lincoln Saturday after spend
ing a few days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. I-rank A lies.
Harry Roats of Detroit, Michigan,
arrived in the city Tuesday evening
to visit his parents and attend to
some business matters.
Mrs. Nuton Hurst and daughter,
Irene and Mrs. Bert Marco of Twin
Falls, Idaho, are visiting at the home
of Dr. Hurst and family.
Passenger train No. 1G arrived here
Tuesday at 5:15 p. m. being delayed
several hours at Parks on account oi
a bridge being burned out.
Mrs. C. R. Tence returned to her
home at Lincoln Tuesday morning
after visiting at the home of Chas.
Schultz for the past few days.
Mrs. J. G. Sears returned to her
home nt Hill City, Kansas, Friday
after spending a week with John Fos
ter and daughter, Miss Eva.
Mrs. Paul Storey returned to her
home nt Winner, South Dakota, Mon
day after spending a few weeks with
her daughter, Mrs. II. S. Foe.
W. S. Perry, bridge inspector, for
the Burlington from Lincoln spent
Tuesday in this city attending to
some company business affairs.
Lester Yost speni a few houra in
this city Wednesday morning, return
ing to his work as fireman on the Ox-ford-IIcmdon
branch on No. 15.
This week' the Burlington put on an
extra freight out of Kansas City,
west, for the benefit of the stock
feeders of the great Republican valley.
Mrs. George Burden returned to
her home at Kansas City Tuesday
after visiting here for the past few
days at the home of Mrs. J. A. Bur
den and Mr. and Mrs D. It. Burden.
N. V. Anderson, candidntc for Rep
resentative of Webster county, on the
Democratic ticket, was down from
Cowles Tuesday and while here made
this office a visit?" He states that
things ufc looking favorable for him
being elected this fall.
Monday's Omaha World Herald sta
ted that John Fugate, a well known
base ball pitcher, was found uncon
scious in that city Saturday morning
and died in a hospital that da' . The
paper stated that he was "slugged."
He pitched for the Red Cloud team
several years ago.
The first foot ball game of the sea
son will bo played on the Hodge field
at 3:30 Friday afternoon. Franklin
Acndemy vs Red Cloud High School.
Supt. Holtzen states that thaw who
have purchased season ticket will bo
admitted to the game by proicnting
their reason tickets.
Wedding Ceremony Tontte
At the Busse Auditorium
A Spfdullsi, Not In Name Only, but
by Mxpcrli'iice of Almost a
utrtr of a Ontury.
Will Give Freo Consultation on
Thursday, October 7
rrel9 Hotel
From 0 a. nt. to 4 u in.
onedaFonly .
'1 hoy Come Many MUos to Sue II im
Dr. Dornn is a regular graduate in
medicine and surgery and is licensed
by the State of Kansas. lie visits pro
fessionally the more impoitant towns
and cities, and offers to all who -call on
this trip consultation and examination
free, except the expense of treatment
when desired.
According to his method of coming
to your nearest city to see patients he
gives all the sick people an oppor
tunity to obtain the best that medical
science can offer right nt home. He
does not operate for chronic appendi
citis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach,
tonils or adenoids.
He has to his credit ninny wonder
ful results in diseases of the stomach,
liver, bowels, blood, skin, norves,
heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting,
catarrh, leg ulcers and. rectal ail
ments. If you have been ailing for any
length of time nnd do not get nny
better, do not fail to call, ns improper
measures rather than disease are very
often the cause of your long standing
Remember above date, that cxamina
tion on this trip will bo free nnd that
his treatment is different.
Married ladies must come with
their husbands, and children , with
their parents.
Address: Medical Laboratory of Dr.
Doran, ,'135-336 Boston Block, Minne
apolis, Minn.
.1 K. 'Butler .spout Wednesday in
ICilliiiK frosts neuuricd Tuesday nnd
WVilntbilny iiIkIHs.
The Powell & Pope Cafe are the
exclusive agents for the line of Dar
danclla box chocolates.
J. M. Hewitt returned home Tuesday
cviniiiR from Hot Springs, South DnUo.
ta Hid ScottsblulV, Nebiit'ska where ho
epe it scvcni I moiilhh.
O ing to tl o creek sand 'being too
life y tor use in the paving the Watts
I'onstriieMnri To, Inm piiichnscd Mind
from II. .1 .Mum or which will be used
n pnvlng district four.
V P. Kynn iiceoinpiiiiied by Misses
Hiiel Tietiy and Ediiii Uynn spent
S it nnlny in lied Cloud. Mis Mil Mm
shall letiitned home with them for a
few days visit. Tup.sdny'n Llmuou
(i W. Wolf, of Wheeler, is untieing
nrrutiue mollis to hold u publio sale on
Tuesday, September 'JH. He wus down
to his old home in Red Cloud recently
mid while there putchased a modern
homo nnd us soon as the sale is over
ho nnd his wife and thechlldieti which
are atjiotno will move down theie. He
has lived in this county about eight
years, and bo and the boys have a see',
ion of laud. Tliny have made momy
in the wheat hu-dness and will put out
u lift this full and coiifo bnelc and har
vest it next siinmipr. The boys will
continue to live out here. St. Frauds,
Kansas, Herald.
Not Fast Color.
ii .im ii.i i ii ie w likely to becotnq
1 it iitorentlniKliistlc as It press
- i. -iiMi worthy undertaking and
n.iiL'ihi- -111110 of the reds no4
iii n:: Hie Milling of the next arid
i-i it'll more than pink. OhlcJ
M -s IV Oi 1 .
In hie of Mp h ik
vulliiiis have I it
i' the
0 )" 'i .
Sheriff's Sale
NotUe U hereby kIvvii, that under ami by
virtue "tun Order of Sale Mued Irom the
nlllceof Dilltli I.. McKcIbIiiui Clerk of the
District Court of the Tenth .MidlcllU DWtrlet,
within and for Wclmter county, Nplirimkn,
upon a ilecrco In nil action iiciiillni, therein,
wherein llernurd MnNcny Is I'lalntlir, and
aualnst Carrie I' ill. DelendftiitH, I shall
oiler lor nalo at public vendue, according to
iho terms of Raid decrto to the hlhint lilddc r
for cash In hand, nt the south door of tin
I'otirth.iiiso. nl It oit cloud, In wild elmet
county, Nebraska, (thai bi-lim the liullillnu
'win rein the last term olsild court was bold
in) on the Will day of October A. I. lJ) at J
o'clock 1'. M nf wiliI day, Iho lolboMiu de
scribed roperty, towlt:
ThuundlsldcdouehlNthlnloroKt it olll.
I'ry and uindyn 1'iy Sutton In and ti Uu
South half of the. Southeast Quarter oi (ei
Ion !l, Township I, Itsumo II, In i iter
County, Mbraska. subject to tbo UU i la'i
of Carrie Cry.
Ulveniiiidii iny band thls-'lst da ' s i
lumber A. D.,tJ.o.
1'itANK urn I It hiu .ill.
""1 A full line of
Attention! Ansco Cam
AmateUFS ! Films papcr, and Chemicals
Nothing Better
Here is a
message of
on the Market
We have Kodak Albums
White Pencils, Art Corners
and other supplies or the
Over Smith's
Shoo Store--
TF "
lie u
the FOLKS IJ10ME expect you
uu WHWtoTp i tan m tnniiv
- - - .,. -it uwu4
Er.hilarallg Burlesque; Vaudovillo
Stu)AIm ril!djtlj rrdlioirli, Funnr Clunr.OiWOM
I) Everybody Goeo; Ae!; Anybody
Dp. E. 6AH
IND. )
Office 76-M
Residence 190-Y
Oflics 2 Dlocki North o FirenWi Hall
Greater than the 'hotiojjraih
Different in construction
Superior in tone
Actual in reproduction
TTHE ACTUELLE-a Pathe Fre in-
vention marks the (Int really radical
advance in the science ot sound repraduction
since sound recording was invented.
The result achieved is a natural purity of
tone which would have been beyond belief
less than twelve months agn.
Now conies the real revolutionary ad
vanceand again it is the Pathetorganltat
ion that has won out with the Actuelle.
Exit Sound Box, Tone Arm, Horn
The problem of the phonograph maker is to take out of
the way oC the tone obiticals which aiTect the reproduction
in a lesser way. The tone box. the tone arm. the tone
chamber and horn are in the way. The ACTUELLE dis
cards all the obstacles. A taunt wire carries the tone di
rect from the record to a parchament cone which amplifies
and reproduces the tone in its natural, vivid vigor, with a
full fidelity that no phonograph could ever equal.
Come in and hoar this wonderful instrument play your
favorite records. We will be pleased to have you call.
Red Cloud
Life's Greatest Problem
Also Last Chapter of The Whirlwind
The World's Greatest Female Impersonator
The Greaiost 7-reel Production Ever Exhibited
The Call of The Yukon
Also the Very Latest Comedy
NSXV WEEK . ,-, ' ' ''
M wt
L." IN' s V