-ssS, WM& -jTrfi1-. Pitmm-.:;- wm m-wMm''?w-''m-Mim-?mmmm. I'll m 1 wmm u Att. 13 m m Iff y- "!!E i- i : BW'Z. :Ki:irv ff -iwr 4 JpV V.r-:-fr' r- -Si-- - KP1 .AW f j1-HB Si?i ".J"." " j flfOTssr fefir Pis JiC IS.' " . -.. . Iss- - to.W --d -" i?S3Sgg HgHgSjggggsgglSgsi- . f !fc cr?. as-H Wi-&i-tmnr--sm -jw- - ra-f !:brs.kc e..- aasjiBJr ,-sai - rcrw . .-sjam sw . . JSi-Tvss3es.-ssi3SBMsr? hb. - n v - ii tt -i: . - -- -j. si. . -r,krw hj iuuj - im.-a - - r tvii w . rs.. .. k i-kr . .- t-ht " - 11111 v.Mti.k - .. .- .. m - - - - - " . 1--IN ife-v,... cl -J'L &? HK 4U 1 1 " I i : fcbR t, 'W w ;: "-A' &Si-f: 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each tear For $2.00 j-.- L-Tfcf--i jT ji-trjF- v y Yi7fv7-v,i. !2sb!!&44t xlzihr&wm VOLUME 48 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. SEPTEMBER 23, H 20 NUMBER 39 mi mi 11 miuntaaaaagmiiw ummumJ'Ul..'lf I " " miiUMP-im.mu'wui.i j.j. MtKir?imMimm'iiA'jLtn'tnaBiXAvV'jtviM.wiiinmLimt&Mi&MMvmnmuxmnumiiMm&x DlK as nl rzra&l-'tmi I .A .i M.,,,n pt A. V JthVM i "1 r. II II i i im . 1 There are times when a Good Alarm Clock will realy put money in pocket by giving you MORE. HOURS in the morning BIG BEN Will wake you and add those hours to your day Maybe your old clock is "all in,." Better get a new BIG BEN and MAKE SURE. J. C. MITCHELL Columbia Grafonolas i Columbia Records The Jeweler Tml uiii nielli iign Collins and Harlan Recital Light Vote Polled Tuesday ! p ? Pleases a Large Audience At Constitutional Election' 1 Tlu inil-ic loci- of Hid Cioudwho r.vaikil themselves of the invitation ' to attend the concert by Collins and Harlan at the Hesse Auditorium last i .1 . i .....I p.. .i it.. i' nuuy I'vuniiiK win never lorgui mu experience. -When Mr. Win. IJeed announced A special electfon wan hold Tues day, to vote on the new proposed amendments to the ronxlUiition of Nebraska. Not much interest was taken as there were only a little over 800 votes cast in this county. Over 1200 women east their votes at this Yom Want A Mew Ring? that the arttets would sing in unison election. All the amendments carried with a 11R-CKEATION of their own by a larpo majority in this county, voices on the New Kdison which ptood The following is the total vote on upon the platform, we were .skeptical, each amendment, with tho exception To attempt to match those splendid of two of the townships, tho returns voices with a sound produced mechan ically by n thinp of steel or woodl It J was preposterous, j When tho first notes of the sorijr . came to our ears we were waiting breathlessly. And we eonitnucd breathless throughout the evening. At first Collins' and Harlan's voices and the voices from tho Walnut cabinet beside them came to us indistinguish ably blended the four voices so com pletely one that no ear could detect their duality. Suddenly we realized that Collins' and Harlan's lips had ceased to move, though their voices went gloriously on! and again stopped. of which have not been received at the time wo go to press: Amendment 1 l!3IIlIIIlMBI3!:i0ilM!D:iilf!l!iO 'THE GOOD OLD DAYS' Sugar Haircloth sofas 81. 00 a day hotels Tintypes Free lunches Foot dancing Congress shoes Torchlight processions Rttlny-dhy rubbernecks Livery sthbles , Petticoats Ilalr rats and switches 2c railroad fare Kerosene lumps Itcd undershirts 2-pieco bather suits Natural complexion Snake doctors Niekls ear rides Stove pipe bats 10c shaves Hustles All wool "Wbat'll you have?" 11 itching posts S10 suits Long'sldrts Billfarynn Ten nlghts in a barroom Ten bars in aigbt Mustache cups I5uggy rides Real blondes Sideburns Corsets Cotton stockings Parlor sen-shells Good Coal at .MALONE-GELLATLY COMPANY- Tho movies Madictres Teddy bears Joy riding Tight skirts $10 lunches Jazz bands S18 shoes War tH Uolsevists Skirt shortage Sport sklts Jltneyf Uk?eles fwo-blt shaves Tca.wnons Winess S'k hose 'The shimmy AND THE PRESENT DAY- 00c haircuts Low necks Traflc cops Sugar shortage H. 0. L. eioo suits Six-hour days Silk skirts The flu Pluckad eyebrows Bill Bryan Wrist watches S3 wheat Dally bathB All-tliB'way bucks Jamaicca ginger Iirldgo'tvliist Coal shortago Still Oood Coal at .MALONE-GELLATLY COMPANY- I v H 4 5 C 7 8 i) 10 11 12 They sang again,, 13 Only by watch- 14 " ing their lips could wo tell their voices came to us whether 15 from their 1G throats, or from tho magic box at 17 their side. It was their voices in" 18 both cases there was' no question of 19 . that from the first. No mere ccho$.26, or "record" could make us doubt the 21 evidence of our own eyes. Their 22 voices were there, whether they sang 23 or were silent. Equal in tone, in 21 clearness and in beauty, they filled 25 tho room, literally RE-CREATED by j 2G some magic power for our bewilder- 27 ment. ' 23 The climax of the entertainment 29 came when tho room was darkened 30 so that we could no longer sec tho ni singers, and had to judge by our cars ,32 alone whether the song as we heard 33 it was the voice or RE-CREATION. , 34 u , 35 ... Wo vacillated from one opinion to the other now wo thought Mr. Collins was singing now that wc heard tho New Edison alone. The notes of tho last verso filled tho room. They wore so clear, so true, so beautiful, that everyone in tho audience was convin ced tlyit Mr. Collins was singing as wo had not known that even he could sing. Suddenly the lights flashed on, tho stage was empty, save for the Walnut cabinet from which floated forth the final wonderful phrases of the song. RE-CREATION wo had never be lieved in it before, perhaps. Wc had 3G 37 38 39 40. 41 Yes 599 COS G34 4GG 558 294 .132 4 19 .025 ...-....(571 580 47 1.518 451 128 547 557 58G G46 515 581 515 545 582 4G5 488 499 489 451 491 4G5 532 45G 551 551 .....GOG ..587 507 501 ... 479 427 No 147 150 142 229 167 437 23G 191 194 172 129 155 175 235 20G 140 1G5 153 91 191 161 182 153 147 229 173 237 21G 210 1G0 21G 120 172 121 107 91 120 205 176 214 213 Every woman in the world would be glad to receive one more new ring: so would every man. A ring s a mark of affection ever before the eye of the wearer. If in doubt about where to get the ring, come see ours and your doubts will flee. We can please you. Our rings wiil PLEASE your friends. When in Doubt Give a Ring Red Cloud Defeated Bellaire Tuesday ufternoou nt Lebanon, Kan sas, oeourcd tho mifch-advortlsed gatno of base bull between Red Cloud and Hellairo, who played a 20 inning game there during the Anniversary, which resulted in a victory for Red Cltfud thought it merely a trademark a But Tuesday's game was different cs catch word. But for those who at- the batting was heavy from tho first tended tho tone test, RE-CREATION Inning to tho ninth, is no longer n word it is a reality. A I Red Cloud lind a team that was natur wonderful new art ""presented to the nl-born hitters and would mako in y world by the greatest of living in-' team in this part of the stato sit up Mr. and Mrs. I von tors Thomas A. Edison. The recitnl was arranged by E. II. Newhouso. P. S. The old expression in all probability originated by some witty curb-stone orator "Every body and his dog was 'there" was true in this case as tho house was packed to its utmost capacity. And wo noted thnt tho dog wns also there. No remained I silent until tho concert renched tho immlini llinf lnnliwlml nllinr flinn Till Bl """' "'.. , ," Itj man voices. ino Jtc-ureation oiine deep, bass voico of the bear brought forth applause from tho canine visitor. and tuko notioo. Jtellalro was also spiked. Their bat tery consisted of threo pitchers, Messrs Rayburn and Cooley of Alineua and Post of liellaire. Willcts was behind tlie bat. Red Cloud's battery wasShrader and Lindgron. Tho Red Cloud team had their op potKnts at their mercy throughout tho game, as thuy commenced scoring in the tlrbt iiiuiug and batted the pitch ers ut will. Three homo runs was mado, Polnlcky and Palmer of Red Cloud each u nking one, while Willi ts of Bellaire came up with thebasos full and smashed out a home run which cleaned tho bases. When tho smoke ot tho gaiuo cleared away in tho last half of tho ninth inning Red Cloud had We Moke -Quality' Right Then the Price Right ; .B. H. Newhouse Red chvj Jeweler and Optometrist Ncbrsk !IIXIIRUIl!lll!llllllllllll!ll!l!IUIU!llllll!l!lil!IH YourrW 1 Buy Them With Egg and Chicken MoheyJ Set aside your'egg -and chicken money and, almost 'before you; realize it, you will have enough to buy an equipment of beautiful " Wear-Ever aluminum cooking utensils. Bright, light, silver-like "Wear-Ever" uten sils will make you as proud of your kitchen as you are of the other rooms in your home. "Wear-Ever" S3 I 3 WtARCVE) WURCV'P Aluminum t rrlrr rr I Tt-Anoalo xwDtmuai -"" "'B wi.v.ioo cost slightly more than ordinary utensils because theyare worth more. It pays tobuy "Wear-Ever". just as it pays to buy good farming implemept3. "JVear-Ever" utensils nre rpade in one piece from 'har9 thick sheet aluminum without joints or seams. Cannot crack, flake or peel nre pure and safe. xDsl9' s IWUXKUK 5 ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING ATTENTION RUDDIES! To all of tlv ex-soldiers who dosiro a Victory Medal to remember by-gono n MorB nnd Uelllllro s nays. nring or senu in your (us- si.rader pitched a good, steady ga.no cliargo papers t. the undersigned. foP Uort cloU(1 nn(1 ,lnd exocllent aup. A. II. McARTIIUR, p0rt throughout tho game, as only one Adj. Post 238 i0g ujt wns ,n!Uc ou i,m ,iHrK the Red Cloud entire game. -f b . W. II. Cloud spent Saturday in Hastings. Phone, Store Ind. 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB This murning the Grlce &. Grimes drutr fitnro mnitvAl llm tivn nhroniis Mr. and Mrs. Rich Lippincott nnd which they have entered Into tho Rex. , baby returned homo Thursday evening all pigon race Tho birds will loavo Replace utensils that wear out with utensils that "Wear-Ever" GEO. W. TRINE Announcement fi'rtm Alhnpfnn IVfAnfonn iMnn 4lm i.. .... . . li .1 . . VWWWTOrVWVIWrtrtftMftWlAftAWMMAM Vd been visitlne her brother. flll,f . t...i, 1 vl The Auditorium Thoatre built to do tho greatest good to the greatest num ber has found it necessary to offer a Sunday display of pictures starting Sunday, September 20th. If you crave Sunday entortainment stay ut home iu your own 30,000 theater.' Why raco every Sunday forjSuperlort, Grand Island nnd other points? Save gns suvo car faro stay at homo where wo know you aro safe. HESSE AUDITORIUM. ' The fire department received a noc nozzlo Thursday which was tried out that evening, and gave entiro sathn frtctfen. . -