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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1920)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ; Ira WiWA""' If . I. "ASPIRIN WARNING 1 Unless-you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 20 years aji proved safe by millions. SAFETY F1RSTI Accept onry an "'unbroken package" of fenoine "Bayer Tablets'of Aspiring' which contain proper direc tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheuma tism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and for pain generally. Strictly American! Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents Larger packages, tptrln U th trad mark of Bayer Manufactura of Uonoacetloacldester of Ballcyllcosaf It Is a sign of high Intelligence td look out for the future. If some men were ns big nstlicy think they are their tnllor bills would bankrupt them. Sure Relief U2& yBttXW INDIGESWW , CENTS J 6 Bell-ans Hot witer Sure Relief vs RE LL-ANS TFOR INDIGESTION EDUCATION! 19 it your intention to become an educator, a scientist, an agricultural expert? Would you be interested in any of the special courses offered by the U. of N. COLLEGES and SCHOOLS ' The Graduate College College of Arts and Sciences. The Teachers' College College of Agriculture. College of Engineering College of Law. College of Medicine College of Pharmacy. College of Business Administration. College of Dentistry School of Fine Arts. Teachers' College High School. . ' Schools of Agriculture The Summer Session University Ex tcntion Courses. A. comprehensive curriculum, an unexcelled corps of professors and instructors; athletics, debating societies, music, dramatics, all these await you at Lincoln. Address the Registrar UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN, NEBR. First Semester Registration Sept. 15-18. 1920. HAD USE FOR HIS MILLION 2eb Would at Least Employ It to Good Advantage, as Far as It Would Go. A party of baymen gathered round the stove In a little oyster Miack on the Great South bny started the old, old question as to what they would do If they suddcnl" came Into possession of $l,00O,0m Some bought great ocenn-golijg yachts; others endowed schools, and one even offered to con tribute his to help out tho govern ment. The question finally came round to old Zeb Banks, noted ns the ne'er-do-well of the fishing neighborhood. "And now, Zeb, you've been keeping pretty quiet," one of them tnld. "Just wbnt'd you do if you bad u million dol lars?" "Well, I don't miow 'znctly,' o- Fpondod Zeb reflerMvely ns he spat t the stove. "I reckon I'd pay It on fny debts, 's far p h went." Saturday Evening Post. Uniform Berries. "What nice large strawberries I" said the iudy In the market. "Yes, rnn'am ; aren't they beauties?" replied the man 'wMi tho nmr-whlte apron. y "How do you sell them?" "Fifty cents n qunrr, nii'nm." "And are they Just the same at tho bottom of the basket as on the top?" "Oh, yes, ma'am; fifty cents a ounrt, Just the same" cIhere s no waste to I GrapeNuts and it saves sugar, for it rviTtfr it.c vfc rutin cn)ifonint No cooling is necessary r and toe likable flavor or hHfe. ,- cms wneax ana maitea barley food is etnialed only by itseconoiny. Grocers everywhere M betting His Bearings. One day ns I was driving nlong I heard n crack In the vicinity of the i ear wheel. Upon Investigation I dis covered all tlio bearings gone. Not being able to continue. I snt down on the running board waiting for help. Before long n fccedy-looklng man came along In n car making bo much noise that ho had dlflkulty In hearing me. I called out: "Hoy, mister, do you know any place near here where I can get some bearings?" The man looked nround quickly, gnve me n sly wink and said: "Sure, If you know enough to keep your mouth shut."" Exchange. Hubby Inquires. "Fashions from Paris say the Indies will wear no, stocking"." "What will that cost?" Judge. TO MEET THE EMERGENCY Youngster Had Llttlo Difficulty Mak. ing Up His Mind as to What t He Would Do. As tho old lady strolled on the cllrfa near n seaside town she camo across a lad dressed In tho well-known scouts' rig. "Whnt do they teach yoti In the Scouts?" she usked him, with a beam lng -smile. "To be manly cltlzans, nnfl true to king nnd country," replied tho lud promptly. "And what are you going to be when you grow up, my little man?" went on Ills-self-appointed examiner. "A soldier, to fight for the king," was the patriotic reply. "Very brave," npplauded the old dame. "Now, suppose you saw the king's coach dashing nlong, with run away horses, straight toward tho edge of this cliff, what would you do?" Tho youngster eyed her In disgust. Evidently she wns one of thoso people who never lmnglno n yoy has nny sense. Ho determined to settle her once and for all, so he replied: "I'd shut my eyes, nnd Blng, 'God Saws the King."' London Answers. Time Well Spent. Jud Tunklns wishes to explain thai he wns not wnstlng precious time when ho wns sitting on the fence whittling. What ho wns cutting up wns tho fam ily oulja board. Washington Star. Arooo g irs inilL- OP -M.. I , 1. eo 1 ir-fc. . -v TfreKlTCrm .OAPvT MFtn V-J LJU .U 1 1 pray you with nit earnestness to prow, ami know within oiir hearts, that all things lovely mid righteous lite ihimmDiIu for thuo who believe In their rcHiotinltilllty 11 ml who ilotcr mlne that, for their part, they will mnke every day's wotk contribute to tliem.-John Ittiok lit. A SYMPOSIUM OF SALADS. There Is never a sameness In the nrt of salmi mak'lng. for one bus an I it tl 11 1 1 e variety from which to choose raw ma terials. Cooked food, odds and ends of left overs which would oth erwise be wasted, may go Into the snliul bowl and become an attrac tive dMi, with n well prepared and an nppro prlatc dressing. Fisherman's Salad. Take two pounds of cooked fish, ono pound of boiled potatoes, a quarter of yn head of white cabbage; Reason with mmi mm pepper. After mixing me um mid bhreddlng the cabbage add cay enne pepper to senson well, one pickled beet llnely chopped, nlso two viieumherx. Mix all together and servo with any good salad dressing. Potato'Salad. The best potato salad Is made with potatoes cooked especially for the salad and seasoned before they be come cold. Hull small-sized potatoes with their skins on, peel and cut In cubes, add seasonings of salt and pep per anil marinate with a thin dress ing either a cooked dressing thinned with cream or a well seasoned French dressing. Dressing them while warm sends the seasoning through them nnd makes a much more palatable satad. Minced onion, fresh mustard finely minced, a handful of blanched nnd shredded almonds ntiil n cucumber or two will make the llnet kind of n salad, providing the salad dressing Is a good well seasoned one. .lust he fore serving add the thick salad dress ing and 1 he encumber unless kept very cold will lose Its crlspness. Simple Tomato Salad. Scald and peel perfectly ripe toma toes of utrlform size. Place In n dish and cover with Ice and salt for half an hour to chill thoroughly. , Huh n salad Ixtwi with the cut side of a clove of garlic and arrange the crisp, ten der leaves of the heart of head lettuce as a lining to (lie salad bowl. Arrange the tomatoes cut In quarters or If small cut In quarters without sepa rating the pieces and pour over a good mayonnaise dressing which has been seasoned with minced onion. Veal 8alad. Cook 11 small piece of veal ln"a broth made of chicken bones and wa ter, or cook the veal with the chicken. Let the meat cool In the broth, then cut It In small cubes; mix with celery and salmi dressing and It will be hard to tell from u chicken salad. It mutters not how strult the Kale. J low charged with punishment tho Koalj I mn the master of my fate, I am the captain of my fcoul. In the fell clutch of clreumstnnco I have not winced or cried aloud; IJeneiith tho bludKconlriKs of chance, My lieuU is bloody, but unbowed. Henley. THINGS WORTH KNOWING. If a cork Is too large for the bottle In which you wish to use It, lay It sideways and roll It with u small hoard under nil the pressure you cuii put upon It. This will elongate It to lit the hot tie. Kipping Is nn BHSMl s. I easy task If safety razors are used to do the work. To keep the eyebrows clean nnd to stimulate their gro.Mi and beauty, they should be brushed gently with n soft brush night and morning. In ap plying nny tonic or oil only the small est umotint should be used. Chicken which will not cook tender may be made so by the addition of a tenspoonfiil of nlcoho; in the water. Vinegar will also soften the liber of meat, n tablespoonful to the kettle of slew. To mnke mint extract, pick tho frrli leaves of mint, wash and dry and pack into a bottle as full as pos sible; cover with alcohol and let stand two weeks, then strain and bottle for future use. This Is the real stuff and one need not fear to use It. Buckles, bonds and buttons of pol ished hteel may be beautifully cleaned by covering with unslaked lime nnd leaving for a sliot't time. Suede shoes or slippers inny be rubbed with emery paper and they will look like new. Dry bran Is very valuable for cleah Ing purposes, nn Is comment. Hub It Into fur, where the soiled spots nre, rub harder, then brush off, Krmlno and delicate furs are cleaned well In this wny. Velvet cont collars nnd collnrs of mens' conts inny bo denned enslly with comment wet with gasoline and rubbed well Into the pile of Hie velvet or collar and then brushed out. Care should be taken to keep awny from nil tire. A dump cloth wrapped nround the thront and covered with a dry one will relievo a sufferer from n hncklni, cough. 11 . BH h s n I w mE&Mm i Contents lSPlutdDraoh ItF.Y.IiLMiH n Tn "-'' '-.'I.- I ll I I I 1 1- ai r.nimi.-.t PBU CENT. AVMMflfikWcnarationforAl .imiint.'ndtheFood IrReiJula' tlngthcStcHTiActenndBowcbrf Tf,nlnr PrnmnW DMCSfal ChccrfulncssandRcstConlato neither Oplum.Morphlne nor Mineral. NotKAhcotiC) SKtatouikSAXiLrtnm. Smra Jj&ymHUTtr A (.Mnfnt Remedy for Constipation nnd DiarrbMi and j-cvcrisniit- - Tncc op Sleep rcsiriUnithcrcfromjnlHp" rM-SIraileSijnatorerf NEW TftM Exact Copy of Wrapper. Among the Reds. "Vote for my candldnte. He's In Jail." "Vote for mine. lie's out on bull." -Louisville Courler-Journnl. Freshen a Heavy 8kln With the antiseptic, fnscluutlng Ctitl curt Talcum Powder, nn exquisitely scented convenient, economical face, skin, bnby nnd dusting powder nnd perfume. Headers other perfumes su perfluous. One of the Cutlcurn Toilet Trio (Soup. Ointment. Tnlcum). Adv. MERELY MAKING IT WORSE Tommy Was Naturally Fearful as to the Consequences of Any Mora Interruptions. A very Junior officer wns trying his first ense. "Seven dnys confinement to camp," ho snapped. "Deg pardon, sir," whispered the company scrgeant-mnjor. "You must n't give n sentence like that. You " "All right, then, fourteen dnys," re torted the sub. "But, blr," pleaded tho sergeant-major, "It's not" "'Arf n mo', major." Interposed the Tommy. "Don't check im ngnln or 'e'll give mo twenty-one. B ain't a horflcer e'a a hauctioneerl" Loudon Tit-Hits. Self-Centered. "You have ulways been ono of thesa ekeptlcnl people," remarked the re proachful friend. "I niu.t admit," replied Mr. Grow cher. "You even said the flying machine would not be a success." "Well, so far as my own comfort or pence of mind Is concerned, It Isn't" Bygones. "Wo must let bygones bo bygones." "I endeavor to do so. I no longer give n thought to the time I wasted mnklng up my mind how I would vote In the primnrles." Washington Stnr. ' hose Who hade used POSTUM CE R EAL instead of coffee during the past year are sure to be ahead in purse and are Quite apt to be ahead in health. Fair price, uniformly pleasing flavor and gen eral table satisfaction keep Postum in first vplacewita many a ramuy, m There's a Reason MacltW Postum Cereal Cbmpanylnc. Datueureeic, riich.. Children I - 1 L msuiscjf "'..IIK ftmrmrMmp v '".Jig fM. iWW A sW. sVI M IV H2 1 cI5!55llOTsSrSSS53 Special Care of Baby. Thnt Baby should have a bed of its own1 nil are agreed. Yet It is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-up3 than to ubo a man's medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Heithr would be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases. ' Your Physicinn will tell you that Baby's medicine must be prepared with even greater care than Baby's food. A Baby's stomach when in good health is too often disarranged by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving to your ailittR child anything but a medicine especially prepared for Infants and Children ? Don't be deceived. Make a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily prepared for grown-ups. MOTHERS SHOUtO READ THE B00KIET THAT IS AROUND EVERY DOTTLE Of riETCHER'S CASTORIA GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the if n woman would always write the postcript llrst It would save her the trouble of writing tho letter. "Cold In tho Heud" Is nn acuta nttack of Is'iitml Catnrrh. Thoso HUbJoct to frequent "coIJh In tlio homl" will tlnil that tho uso of HALU'S CATAIUUI MKDICINK will bulld.up til byptom, cletuiHo tho Illood and render them less llnblo to colds. Repeated at tacks of Aculo Catarrh may lend to Chronic Catarrh. HALIVB CATAnnil MEDICINE Is taken Internally and nets throiiRh tho Illood on tho Mucous Surfaces of tlio Sys tem, thus reducing tho Inflammation and restoring normal conditions. All DrtiKKlRta. Circulars free. 1 J. Chenoy & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Gloomy Prospect. "I hope," said the newly-made wid ow, wiping awny n tenr, "that poor, dear Thomas won't be ranged with the goats Instead of tho sheep." "Of course not," replied the consola tory friend. "Thomas was a truly good man." "Yes," sighed tho widow, "but he would keep utitiir.g In." Taking the Sunny Side. Every street has two sides, the shndy side and the sunny. When two men shnke hands and part mark which of the two takes the sunny side; he will bo the younger mnn of tho two. Hulwer-Lytton. The Idea. Amnteur Angler I suppose tho next thing, the llsh will he muzzled. Professional Fisherman You need not worry If Uiey ain't. They won't bite Representing Them. "Is Congressman Flubdub patri otic?" "No, patriotism Ibn't the thing In his district." No Laughing Matter. "I admire the mnn who laughs at danger, don't you?" "No, I think ho bus n mighty poor sense ofiumor." A mnn In love Is nlwnvs blind until ho finds It necessary to sew on his own buttons. t s &3 TH8 CENTAUR COMPANY. NWVOWK CITY. mm 3 F5fllK9w5J rial vmmz WClTDarmrj naai.m'i i:jm.2Uucz2e Cry For Signature of Men are like plus no good wiiea they lose their heads. A Feeling of Security) You naturally feci secure when yotf! know that the medicine you are About to I tnko is absolutely puro and contains no harmful or habit producing drugn. Such a medicino is Dr. Kilmer's Swamps uoot, kidney, liver nnd bladder remedy. The samo standard of purity, strength and cxccllcnco i'b maintained in every) bottle of Swamp-Root. It is scientifically compounded front) vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken ia tenspoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. It is nature's great helper in relieving! and overcoming kidney, liver and blad' der troubles. A sworn statement of purity is witb'l every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swmp. Root. If you need a medicine, you should have the beit. On sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., ninshamton, N. Y for SJ sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. Hamlet may be nn easy role for the1 tragedian, but he has to hump himself, whenever he plnys Hlchnrd III. Thousands of Happy . Housewives in I Western Canada nro helping their husbands to prosper are Kind they oncouniRed thorn to co where they could make a homo of their own savo puylnrr rent and reduco tho cost of living whero they could reach, prosperity nnd Independence by buying on rimy trnu Fertile Land at $15 to , . $30 an Acre land similar to that which through many years has yielded from 20 to 4S ItuslirU or vhcnt to tbe acre. Hundreds) , or fiirmerB In Western Canada hav raised crops In n slnRlo season wortw I mora than tho whole cost of their land. With such crops come prosperity, lnde pendence. Rood homes, and all the com forts nnd conveniences which make fo uuyjiy living. Farm Gardens Poultry Dairying: are sources of Income second only t pruln Rrowlnrr nnd stock raising. Good cllmntc. good neighbors, churches. schools, rural telephone, etc., give you the opportunities of a new land wit the conveniences of old settled district For llluitratcd literature, mapi, tlenarlp tton of farm opportunities In Manitoba, BankRtchewan, and Alberto, reduced railway rate, etc., write Department of Immigration. Ottnwn. ran., or W.V.BENNETT loom 4, Bee Blag Omaha. Rel.' fRn1trtn Onvrnmnt Arnr BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity at the present Urn tor young women over nineteen years of sg who have had at least two lears In high school to take Nureei'.Tr.italnf; In general hospital. Our graduates are in great demand. Address Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium Lincoln, Nebruka "Eatonic, in Four Days Did Me $20 Worth of Good" i So writes Mr. Edward W. Bragg ofl Mecen, Ind., who suffered fromj stomach troubles for a long timo buri could not flud imytlilnp; to help h!m,l but at Inst hnd faith enough to give! eatonic a test. It qulclsly removed tlio excess nclds nnd poisonous gases' from tho body and tho misery dls appeared. Of course, when tho cnusa of tho trouble Is removed, tho sufferer must get well. Eatonic is quick, suroi nnd snfe, and tho lasting benefits! como in new strength, life and pep. Your druggist will supply you wltbj1 eatonic at a trifling cost nnd every nil-' ing. person should gt't It today. AdrJ MILK GOATS. Write us your want. E. P, Courtrlght, Kearney, Nebraska. FACTH t'UItNISUEU MIIOU1NO Ul'l'OlU TUNlTIKa ofTered by the Oil Imlutry. lr pronta aured from small divestments. Add. Lseu LrapeiVuts. lost umce llo 1428, Wichita Falls. Tca. iFRECKLESiffiSsiS 1 VHMBMMB