NEBRASKA, CHIEF , ,fr I t I JI& A Attention! AlBateiirS 1 r7JJjeat:SSEfi5Sa2E5SWfR3 Z?r is a message of interest Over Smith's Sho9 fjtoto- T'D Hie vaaajuiui&rfAuMt.aflmuhUupiiuvnniv47jiwBrjitrjt iruiiimiitfuivNnuiMKK . K $ K K K X tfi Z X & a 32 K 3 K K ft AS TOLD TO US a: is sk :: jj $ is hi 'M x in is s; sk iw is k ?s Bu lltcscl nt I'owell and Topen. J. E, IJutlcr .spent Tuesday in Hasting.. Mrs. D. G. Britton spent Tuesday in Hastings. Mrs. Mamie Wascom spent Friday in Hasting?. James Peterson spent Friday in Guide Rock. Will Schcnk went to Marion Tues day afternoon. Everett Hawkins went to Beatrice Sunday morning. A good wide tired wagon for sale. C. T. Dickenson. Joe Crow was down from Republi . I can City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Turner spent Friday in Hastings. Clarence Lewis is building an addi tion to his residence. The Farmers' Institute will be held the last wvok in October. A. H. Carpenter went to Seldcn, Kansas Wednesday evening. Mrs. E. S. Garber went to Superior Sunday morning to visit friends. Powcl & Pope's Cafe handles Dar rianclla chocolntc candy. Try if. Mrs. Roy Sanderson and children went to Denver Sunriav evenimr. Ed Garber went to Lincoln bunuuy morning to attend the State Fair. Miss Effio Holcomb went to Lincoln Monday to attend the State Fair. Mrs. Carl Jernberg went to Lin colnjMontlny to attend the State Fair. M. A. Mercer went to Lincoln Sun day morning to attend the State Fair. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bailey spent Friday with relatives at Guide Rock. Robert Reiner shipped a car of cat tle to Kansas City Sunday morning. J. x. Bradford of Cambridge spent Sunday with his wife and family in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson of Superior spent Sunriny with his par- j ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Robinson. Stop in when youVe passing VMwtmR hi tg arc ; Spend wisely - and own Tfa NEW EDISON " Tht Photograph with a Soul" There's a way of spending money that spreads incomes over bigger -'sandwiches.'' Big business calls it financing. Government calls it budget-making. We call it the Budget Plan. Would you like to own u NevEdison Our Budget Plan will show you how to "swing" the purchase, without cutting in on your present necessary expenditures. Now is a good time to buy. The New Edison has advanced in price less than 15 since 1914; this includes War Tax. Mr. Edison has kept prices down by absorbing increused costs out of his own pocket. E. H. NEWHOUSE Authorized, Dealer Red Cloud, Neb. yy Authorized; Dealer Red Cloud, Neb. .j1 6:. v.,fcWtNlNWs'I.i VtW full line nf Ansco Cam eras Popor, and Chemicals Nothing Better on the Market We have Kodak Alburns White Pencils, Art Corners and other supplias for the Amalur. Gleasom Studio jtMriiaa' Kut uiiri drink nt Powell & Pope's Cnfo." tf V. W. Wright of Hebron was in the city this week. Rev. Cope went to Lincoln Tues day morning to attend the State Fair. Read the Nuckolls and Franklin County Fair ads wh'ich appear in this issue. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schultz return ed home Saturday afternoon from Omaha. Ernest Barrett of Denver is visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barrett. G. W. Hutchison and Edgar Cowden were in western Kansas the last of the week. R. D. Gaston of Hastings spent Tuesday in the city with his son, Frank and wife. Earl Hall and Don Fulton autocd to Lincoln Sunday afternoon to at tend the State Fair. Just received a shipment of Dar rianelln chocolate candy. $1 per lb. box. Powell & Pope. Miss Mabel Pope left Saturday mom ing for Sheridan, Wyoming, where she will teach school. Mrs. Gus Schultz spent Wednesday with Mr. Schultz's mother who is in a hospital at Hastings. Miss. Theresa Kcllctt went to Up land Tuesday morning where she will teach school this year. Amos Miksch an'd Leo Mc Arthur went to Lincoln Monday morning to attend the State Fair. Dr. J. W. Stockman was in Bird City, Kansas, the last of the week looking after his farm. Miss Edith Hoffman went to Hast ings Friday morning to attend the Advontist camp meeting. Mr. and Mrs: Fred Smclsor and children arc visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smclsor. Dewey Salarien went to McCook Wednesday morning to take the ex amination for a fireman. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Carpenter have moved into the Stockman property which he recently purchased. about this plan r W'.-rU tAitir .'?.- i i-j.f JlKlMlS Learn I L lei 6 3 ... : Glen Fenrn went to Hastings Thurt day afternoon. Hood turuls -good service modeiati pr'c ? IWv'l ,fc Popx's rud Sam Temple returned to his horn at Kansas City Sunday after spend ing a weekwith friends hcve. Miss Mary Peterson returned horn Wednesday after fprndincr a mojit' at Denver and Coloinrio Spring.". Mr. and Mr. Moreriith IUitlor o Hastings spent Sunriny with his par ent, Mr. and Mr. J. K Butler. Chas. Fox of Grand Islimd is visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Snnford Fox. Emil Polnicky went to Lincoln Mon day morning to attend the Slat Fair. Mii Marie Lntrangcr went tr Grand Hand Thursday morninff to visit relative. Mr. Artist and n o .Colorado spent the of the week with Mi ami Mrs. )"a Gilbert. Forret Mountford went to Trutr bull Thursday mornim: to spend r few days with frieniR Henry Gilliam rpturnnd homo Mon day from Inwoori, Iowa, where ho line been visiting relative. - Miss Alvena Ilenfro returned l Armour Sunday after spending a few days with her mother. Miss Christine Caldwell wont to Kccne, Friday morning where she will teach school during the school vear. The W. C. T. U. County Convention will bo held nt the Methodist church in Cowlcs, Thursday, September lGth Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Ilailey and Mrs. Chas. Steward wont to Lincoln Mon day morning to attend the Stair Fair. Mrs. Bernard McNony and daugh ter, Helen, returned homo Thursday from Denver and Estcs Park, Colo rado. Miss Edith Zeiss went to Bladen Saturday. She intends to school near that place the coming year. George Harris, Pete Mcintosh Lo lnrrtl Caldwell and Clyde Simpson were in Burwcll, Nebraska, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Thomas, wont to Dorchester Friday morning where they will spend a few days with rela tives. Warren Nelson left Wednesday for Rochester, Minnesota, where ho will have an operation performed on his hand. Mrs. Mamie Wascom and children went to Guide Bock Sunday morning where she will teach school the com ing year. Robert Hoxsey departed Friday morning for Storm Lake, Iowa, where he will spend a couple of weeks with l datives,, ,' Robert E. French, Grand Custodian of the Mason lodge, was in the city Monday and held a Masonic school of instruction. Mrs. Carl Jernberg of Akron, Colorado, arrived in the city Sunday morning to visit Mr. and Mrs. A. .lorn berg and friends. Conductor W. A. Cassell has re sumed his work on the Hastings pas senger after spending two weeks va cation at Denver. Governor McKclvio, is billed tfl speak in this city next Thursday. He will probably dwell on his pet hobby, "The Code Bill." Mrs. Lucille Crow came down from Republican City WcdneMlny morning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stroup. Earl Saladcn returned to Lincoln Saturday morning after visiting his brother, Andrew Saladcn and sister, Mrs. Wm. Zackery. Miss Kathrync Burke returned to this city the last of the week after spending the summer with her par ents at Walnut, Iowa. W. L. Weesncr went to Lincoln Werincsdaykto attend the Stnto Fair and spend a few days with bjs daugh ter, Mrs. Guy Zeigler. Miss Virginia Tate returned ao hoi homo at Tarkio, Missouri, Saturday after visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Christian. Mrs. J. C. Marshall and children have returned to their home at Mc Cook after visiting with her situ, Mrs. N. B. Bush and finiW. Mi, and Mrs. George Britton re turned to their homo at Ravenna Wed nosriay morning, after visiting his brother, D. G. Britton and wife. Operator W. R. Dorf went to Omaha Thursday morning to visit his brother. Operator W. II. Turner is taking his place during his absence. Mrs. L. G. Railsback returned to Wilsonvillo Tuesday morning after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. White and Mr. and Mrs.. W. L. Hincs. E. S. Garber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kind? rill Wire Your Fnnsp And C. T. Dickenson spent Thursday in Hastings. Engineer Tanner m rived in the city Wednesday morning to take tho switch engine in the local yards, re lieving Engineer Connor who went to McCooIc. M' nr.d Miv. Cecil Buirr't loturn od to their home at Beatrice Sunday morulnsr after spending n fow das with his pnrentd, Mr. and Mrs. Cha. Bariclt. Mr. Elmer Crone and children of Cheyenne, Wyoming, sho have been visiting Mr. and Mr. Frank Peterson, went to York Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Crone. County Agent II. It. Hus-oh an 1 tho Junior Stock Judging Team, Law rence Means, Lylo Ashby and Alfred Fringer wont to Lincoln tho first of the week to attend tho State Fair. Poti:i Judge Kailcy hold police court Tuesday ateflioon at which timo "nvernl offenders wore brought before K'm and fined for speeding and some Tor riding bicycles on tho rido walk. At a meeting of tho Dcmociatic C-nnty Committee held lnt Saturday, 'ieth F. Greene of Binrien was appoint od to fill vacancy in the ticket for tho office of County Assessor on the Dem ocratic ticket. Rev. V. M. H.irpcr and daughter, Grace, have gone for n visit at Cains- illo, Mo. They will bo absent two or throe weeks and Rev. Harper will at- lend Baptists Association meetings which he has missed only twice in forty years. Riverton Review. N. M. Hayes living Ji1!- miles north of Rod Cloud will hold a public sale Wednesday, Sept. 15 at which time ho will sell 13 head horses and mules, 1!1 head of cattle and 9 head of hogs aUo all of his farm machinery. Tho alc will commence at 10:30 a. m. COLLINS AND HARLAN COMING TO RED CLOUD Collins and Harlan, America's fav orite entertainers arc coming to Red Cloud. nnounccment is jnaric that those amusjng singers, Collins and Harlan, are scheduled for a concert at tho Besse Auditorium on the night of Sep tember 17. Collins and Harlan have earned the reputation of being America's favorite entertainers, because of their astonish ing repertoire of humorous song. Neither -Arthur Collins nor Byron G. Harland started out to enter their present career. Mr. Collins wuh going to bo an actor. What if his ancestors were all Quakers! That was nothing compared with the longing ho had, nctually to make his appearance be hind the footlights. So he left his home in Philadelphia and journeyed to New York as they all do. And then he became a suc cessful opera singer and got a real job with DeWolf Hopper in "Wang." Mr. Collins also appeared in "The Lion Tamer" with Francis Wilson. It was after that, that he met with Byron G. Harlan and tho two decided to combine their talents. M". Harlan is one of those famous people from Kansas. Nearly all tho celebrities there aic, come from Kan sas upon a time. But Mr. Harlan's family early emigrated to South Da kota, whore his boyhood was passed Unlike Mr. Collins, Byron G. Harlan never meant to he an actor at all But ho did have a beautiful voice and so he decided to no to a great city and cultivate it. In this case tho great city was Chicago. And there Mr. Harlan began his stage career with an engagement in an opera com pany. After that ho appeared in "A Texas Steer." Having seen the in side workings of a theatre and having also met Mr. Arthur Collins, Harlan decided he had enough of being "just an actor." bo ho started a company of his own and became a producer Himself. You can hear these two noted sing ers at the Besso Auditorium on the evening of September 17th. ' May Shed Its Arm at Will. A starfish may Jerk off each of Its five arms seized In succession; It may cast off an Injured . or parasitized arm ; In rnro cases thero Is multiplica tion by division. Sen cucumbers dis charge their viscera In the spasms of capturo and may thus escape from an astonished foe. Tho replacement of tho food cnnnl Is sometimes accomplished In ten days, though It may take as many weeks. . Great American. On tho 20th of January, In 173 14 Robert Morris- the first great Amorli enn financier, was born In England Ho enmo to America nt nn early ngq and became nn ardent patriot. Dut Ing the war of the Revolution ho de-j voted ull IiIf talents to the American! cause. ' The Margin of Safety Is represented by the amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself into, a fancied security. Because firu 1ms never touched you it cloobij't follow that you're Immune Toinoriow no today, if you have timeand you better find tlmo cudio to the office anil we'll writo a policy on your house, furniture, htore or merchandise LATER MAY IH2 TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL Reliocble Insurance New Fall TCtiaitctiSi fXi rWa Our Stock is Almost Complete in All Departments SUtiTS New Hart, Schaffner and Marx Suits in all new fabrics and models $50 to $75 Other lines of Mens and Boys Fall Suits $30 to $45 Overcoats The most wonderful line ever shown in Red Cloud Beautiful fabrics and models $30 to $75 Wotrk Glothiwg Qm Work Clothing is complete in every respect. Sheep lined coats with sheep collars, and plain duck coats. Big values, every one of 'em. Brown Beach Jackets. Leather Vests, all grades. Fall Caps Fall caps in all new models and fabrics--$2 to $5.50 Fall Cloth Hats All the latest $3.50 to $6 Bradley Sweaters The very latest creations and a cornplete line We invite you to come in and look over our merchandise. Wa guarantee your satisfaction or your money back. W. G. Hamilton Clothing Co. Th&Housc oj Quality Sutton & BOTH PHONES SERVICE When you have a blow out or get a tire down on your truck or car CALL SUTTON & SHIPMAN SERVICE We' bring you a casing or tube A service wagon at your command m - Truck Tires Carried in Stock :- At The Auditorium TONIGHT WALTER REED, LOTTIE P1CKFORD, TULLY MARSHALL The Man from i Funeral Range FRIDA YandSA TURD A Y Big Bill Hart and Wanda Hawley in William S. Hart, peerless portraycr of strong virile Western roles, made n distinct hit in hi.s new Artcratt photoplay, "The Border Wireless." The ricluro, which was directed hy Mr. Hart under the supervision of Thomas H. Inco, is intensely dramatic and of that Hart tjjpe which js hound to attract widespread and favorahlo comment. Steve Ransom, a brave Westerner, becomes a bandit in revenge for the death of his aged parents who die of grief when they arc deprived of their ranch through the dishonesty of a railroad corporation in Wyoming, lie commits several daring robberies at railroad stations and soon is an outlaw with a price upon his head. He assumes the name of Allen xxi goes to Yellow Dog, near the Mexican border, where he rescues Elsa Miller, a tele graph operator, from a band of Mexican bandits, who attack her as she is de livering a message to tho Magdalena Mines. Their love is mutual. "" Steve is intensely patriotic and when the United States declares war agains Germany, he decides to go to Fort Scott and en list. Ho meets Herman Brandt and Frederick Schloss, two Hun spies, whore hoadquartors are located at the abandoned Magdalena Mines and when Brandt makes disparaging remarks against tho United States, Steve forceu him to kiss tho American flag. Brandt causes Steve's shack to be searched and ovidencc is found reveal ing SIcvg'a identity and tho fact that he is a fugitive from justice. Brandt loams that Steve has gone to Fort Scott and he telegraphs tho facts to the Commandant of tho fort with the request that Steve bo arrested. Steve es capes and with tho aid of Klsa runs down the spies, destroys tho wireless plnnt, and for his services he is pardoned. Ho and Elsa then plight thilr troth, "'Tho support is excellent, the portrayal of Elsa byuWanda Hawley be- ' inglnost artistic.' """"" J" '- Shipman BOTH PHONES 1 E.ZX r&&i,VZB?VaS'J l