wm AifJUXJ UJLIWWAS, A.tJAAVtJAW XJlkXtJi! r k " .1 II S f ! 'i '! v I i " " l!'! ) ! & 4fi I k I iMkiiM . 4wd. n BlJWW'i I k 1.-1WJHAW- 1uLJl4$. LOUIES anc ON THE GENUINE H RWp . Kfl m dra t 1 H JLc&l iSill Vict ,0 Victrola Over 100 Selections To Entertain Yon Messrs Collins and Hnrlctn are the Most Successful Singers of ' Coon Songs Now Before the Public DON'T FAIL TO HEAR THESE TWO DELIGHTFUL ENTERTAINING ARTISTS, IN PERSON At The Besse Auditorium Friday Evening, Sept. 17th a S. Home of Red Cloud's Music Store ',,n' ,1 1 Victrola F. R. GASTON, Mgr. ,M )! WU When the Leaves Begin to Fall Nature warns us that summer is almost gone and t the now green fields will soon be covered with a blanket of snow. You should heed this warn- v ing be prepared. Will that old range hold out until spring? Why take chances? Replace it now, then you will be assured of comfort and economy for the winter, and years to come. The South Bend Malleable Range is the one to buy. Wc can rcccommcnd it to you, because wc know our guarantee is backed by the factory that builds it. Half a century of actual experience enables them to give you the best money can buy and workmen can build. South Bends are the final in range perfection. You will have 365 days comfort in your kitchen, each year if you own a South Bend range and a Florence "Automatic" Oil Cook Stove. Ask any owner of them. TRINE'S : HARDWARE THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nebraska. iUBLISIIKD EVERY THURSDAY iatt red In tlio frstofl re fit Hfri (loud, Nob ns Second Clnss Mrtttcr A.D Mcn'rHUK,iK1itor nncl Owner, Hir ONLY DKMOCKATIC PAI'nil IN Vi:iISTIUt OU.STY Farm Bureau Nptes H0 There has been no finer note of patriotism find Americanism struck in any campaign than tlio tributes Gov ernor Cox i paying in his speeches to the memory and the valor of "our bov who died and aie sleeping in France," and to their brave comrades mai TO PREPARE THE FORMA LIN SOLUTION The solution used is made up as follows: 1 pint Formalin (Formalde hyde 10 per cent) in 35 gallons of waN . Barrels or tanks arc not in jure '1 by the Formalin and may bo used for holding the solution when soaking or dipping the seed. The soh.t on may be us-cd several timcj, but preferably not more than five Unit . HOW TO TREAT R-in the seed through a good fan ning mill before treatment. This will remove many of the shriveled and ligl t weight kernels, spore balls, of the free smut spores anil who survived,' and tho reiteration of his determination to "keep faith with the drnd." Governor Cox has not forgotten whut they fought and what they died for, and as President of tho United States they could have no more faithful and sympathetic trustee of their interests. GET 'EM DYED Frank R. Hughes Cleaning - Dyeing - Repairing Phones ?o185 Red Gonad, Nebr. Vb C.ill nml Deliver We Puy Return Chnrgcs on Out of-Town Work r3unA.wL,u:i 'iuaiiucijiii.wjrjuLiuiiJBWsnjaiJiULjLiutui "NORMALCY" AND OLD TIMES." Senator Harding has been saying in his speeches that he "wants to get back to normalcy," and Governor Cool lilgo professes to wish for a restora tion of "old times." These gentlemen are tho candidates of tho "Old Guard," and must, thcrc foie, voice the wishes of tho "Old Guard." The "nonhalcy" of "old times" Senator ilarding wishes to get back to must bo thnt of the goodtld, golden Mark Hanna days, when an "Old Guard's" campaign fund exceed ed $10,000,000; when a price was paid for elections; when employees at great industrial plants were told by their superintendents, the agents of special interests, thnt unless they voted as they (the representatives of special interests) wished them to vote, their jobs would be closed to them on the day following the election; they were the days when corporation task masters wrung immon.se dividends from the very blood of women and children employed in unregulated "sweatshops." On the other hand, in the days of "normalcy," in the "old times," there was no Federal Reserve system; panics were as frequent as the sea sons, nnd national bank failures oc curred on an average of one every three weeks; there was no Farm Loan system; small farmers were the victims of mortgage bank pirates and tenancy was the curse of the land; there was no Federal aid in road building; nnd every farmer paid a "mud tax;' there was no merchnnt marine; there was none of tho many boneficicnt legislative enactments of of the last two Democratic adminis trations, winch wrested the power of government out of the hands of a few diit. Make up the solution as given abo c (1 pint Fonnnljn to U5 gallons of v.itcr,) put the seed in loosely fillf I burlap sacks, dip into the solu tion and soak for five minutes. Drain on !ats over the barrels or tanks to pre i nt wasting tho solution. Place the ed on a clean floor or canvas, 1 and cover with sacks or canvas for two hours. Dry by spreading in a thin layer and stirring occasionally with a rake or shovel. Tl.e seed may be sown when dry enough to run freely through the drill, increasing to feed of the drill to allow for any swollen condition of the grain. If seed is to be stored for sovcial days or longer, dry thorough ly. Seeding rate need not be in creased when grain w dried. Disin fect sacks, bin and drill to prevent rc-infection. A treatment sometimes used for grains but not recommended when the above treatment can be used, is given below. Sprinkle the solution (1 pint' of Formalin to' 35 gallons of water) on the seed, "inrj uhout one gallon to the bushel, shovelling over at the same time to make sure of uniform wetting. Cover in n pile with bags or canvas and handle as in the treat ment above. The effectiveness of this treatment depends on the thorough wetting of each seed. HENRY R. FAUSCH, County Agricultural Agent Tj"W0lB i ii iii i i i i i niMim i i - i iii m IMIMMII s u c c Lewis Stock Company Here 'Sunday morning the Win. V. Lewis Stoi'U Company's Heo truck train pull c 1 into Red Cloud and proceeded to the lo's uorth of tlio mill whero tho tent wns set up for the week's performance. The appearance of Mr. Lowls and h's company of theatrical artists is anxi ously awaited by our citizens, ns they liHH' found from past experience that tlty aie assurnil of a week's high class eiii-rUiiiiinent. The opening play, Monday night, "Tho Uninrrlod Mother" was witness c ' by a it p Jclty 1 ouse. Yos, Hauklns wns there, nnd just buforo the Inst not fleeted the 'Uidicnee in his usual pleas- Mii-pi io big ant wav nnd announced the bill for and lodged it in the hands of thepeD-!11"' iculin; week, pie. In those days of "normalcy" an Tuesday night's play, ''Heart ot the insidious lobby guided tho hand that Hills", made a decided hir, with the wrote the law placed upon the Na- 'lutllemie. 4,Tlio Arm of the Law" tion's statute books, until ilrivnn fvnm i Wednesday evening; supposed the o.v tho corridors of the Capital ns the money-changers of old were lashed from the Temple. Such was "normalcy" in tho "old times" for which the "Old Gunrd," tho agents of tho spccinl interests, speaking through its candidates, so fervently sighs. The Father of Succets is WORK The Mother of Succets is AMBITION The Oldest Son is COMMON SENSE Some of the Boys are PERSEVERANCE, HONESTY, FORESIGHT. THOROUGHNESS, ENTHUSIASM and COOPERATION. The Oldest Daughter is CHARACTER Some of thr Sisters are CHEERFULLNESS, COURTESY, LOYALTY, CARE. ECONOMY, SINCERITY and HARMONY The Baby is OPPORTUNIT Y Get acquainted with the 'old nun' and you will be able to get alonp; pretty well with the rest ol the family One of the Greatest Aids to Success is a Good Bank Connection THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, President Red Clout!, Neb. , S. R. floiancc, Caducr ,t Dtjwlti Ouaiantttil ' 'In 1) j onion Gurt mUe J- unit nf iht btult of Mbratla rf ttamcra imiimnaiu .iu iubii iw. ,r. i mxnMMmmm&mmmMmwimm immuuS Miss Lottie Pickford Appears in Town Tonite Miss Charlotte Pickfotd, sister of Our Mary, will positively npppar on tho Besse Auditorium screen tonite in support of Wallace. Rcld anil Tally Marshall In "The Man from Funeral Range". C fair. II. Miner is attending (lie state pcutiitioub of all Tho big feature play iif the week will bo "Tlio Days or '01" on Friday evening A liberal sprlnlc ling of IiIkIi class vaudeville between aois is albo given each evening. The Company is sure making good on Mr. HariUin's prediction, that each play will bo just a little better than tho last ons.a Frank Richardson returned homo the last of the week from Chicago. After spending a few days with his uife and family he left for Wyoming where he will take up his old position on the railroad. Harry StcpHcnson 'of Courtland, Kansas, was in the city tho last of the week. While here ho had four fingers of his right hand amputated which had never healed since his ac cidqnt last spring. -Ke 3BE 3C 3E 3K j The 11 and building material is so much less than it has been and the prospects for it going much lower is so slight that we feel justified in advising you to build now PLATT & FREES bOES YOUR HEAD ACHE? . If So There Is A CAUSE i Have the Cause Removed by Taking HIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS. Price of Lumber R. . CAMP, D. C. SG 3ME 3HE 3G SHE Graduate of the Palmer School of Chiropractic, DAVENPORT. IOWA, 1912 OHic'o 2 blocks north of Fireman's Hall.'Red Cloud, Neb. PHONES Ofllro.7GM lies. 190Y (Also IU'll I'lione At Kcsidcncc) ugTU3aa.gjjj-.;jVT-. j.r.iiwiv&uznBjr'nx.tnmrKfrz'm. You9te taking the ht step wh 4 switco to ri you 5 X 3 puts 'OU can't do better. After you've smoked through a pack of Spurs, you won't want to go back to other cigarettes. You'll find your old kind sort of flat and uninteresting, like last years politics. For Spur's good tobacco taste can't help but win you for keeps. There's rich, mellow Turkish, flavorful Burlejand other home grown tobaccos blended in a new way that brings out to the full the all-'round goodness of this top-notch cigarette. And Spurs top a!! all ways! They're crimped. That means slow burn, smooth taste no paste. Tihe smart "brown-and- silver" package is three fold to keep Spurs fresh and fragrant. Twenty cents will pro ve that Spurs are your kind of cigarettes rtop-uotch Qunii.y at rock-bottcm price. The sconer you try thcin the gladder you'll be. tIGGBTT & MYERS TOBACCO CO. KOSUt,tH CiffarGites e ( 4.' 4 4 ( t