The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 02, 1920, Image 8

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Reliable Information
All American women know of the great success of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in restor
ing to health women who suffered from ailments pe
culiar to theirsex,yet thereare some who are skeptical
and do not realize that all that is claimed for it is
absolutely true if they did, our laboratory would not
be half large enough to supply the demand, though
today it is the largest in the country used for the
manufacture of one particular medicine.
The Facts contained in the- following two letters should
provo or uuncut to
Buffalo. N. Y.-"I BufTcrod with
organic Inflammattoii and displace
ment. "When lifting I had such pain
nd bearing down that I was not
ablo to stand up, and it hurt mo to
walk or go up or down stairs, I was
going to a doctor without any re
sults and ho said tho safest thing
would bo to havo nn operation. I
mot a lady who told mo sho had
throo operations and was not well
until sho took Lydia E. l'iukham'a
Vcgotablo Compound.
I folt relief after taking two bottles
of Vegotablo Compound ami Ikopt
on with it until I was cured. I al
ways use Lydia E. I'lnkham's Liver
Fills and tlioy aro flno. Everything
ttsod to turn sour on my stomach and
tho Liver l'illa roliovcd that." Mrs.
A. llooKiis, 603 Ifargo Avcuuo,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Tho fact is, tho Best
Province House, Once One of the Most
Famous Colonial Mansions, Has
Been Partially Preserved.
Tlicro stands toduy on Bosworth
court In Boston but a portion of the
old Province house, a most Interesting
relic of Colonial duys; and tho rest
of thu court Is lined with modern of
fice buildings. But in 1S-0 It was con
sidered a very genteel part of town.
Oliver Wendell Holmes lived in the
old Province house for 18 years.
At tho farther end of Hie court
stands an Iron-wrought archway, dec
orative of design, which was used In
the enrly part of tho nineteenth cen
tury us an entrance to the governor's
Burden,' u part of the Province house
ground.1. This lias been carefully pre
served, ns havo the stone steps which
lead to tho lower level. The Province
house was immortalized by Hawthorne
, In his "Twice-Told Tales."
The historic stulrcase now la gone,
and only a portion of the exterior of
the house Is left. It was built in 1G!)7
by Peter- Sargent, a wealthy London
merchant, and was considered one of
the handsomest residences in town.
During the days of Its popularity the
governor guve many bulls there.
"I owe you an upology, old man. I
thought you had gone home, when I
took your umbrellu from thu ofllce
last evening."
"That'H all right. On account of
the bud weather you left your new
hat on the hook and wore that old
cap that's been kicking around. As it
was raining hard, and you had my
atnbrclln, and I didn't want my hat
to get spotted, I wore yours home."
The High Price of Sugar
makes one welcome foods which
are rich in natural sweetness.
Grape -Nuts
the ready-cooked cereal
requires no added sweetening, for it contains
its own pure grain sugar, developed from wheat
and barley by twenty hours' baking.
Sprinkle Grape-Nuts over ripe fruit or berries
and you'll save sugar.
uiauy women :
Sacramento, Ca'ilf. "I had or
ganic troublo and had such terrible
pain and swolling in tho lower part
of my siJo that I could not stand on
my feet or oven lot tue boa clothes
touch my sido. I gavo up my work
thinking I would not bo ablo to go
back lor months. My mother ad
vised mo to tako Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegotablo Compound as It had saved
her llfo at ono tlmo. and it nut ma
in a wondorful condition in a couplo
of wooks, so I cau koop ou working.
I work in a department Btoro and
havo to stand ou my foot all day and
I do not havo any moro pains. I
Buroly rocommenu your vegotablo
Compound to all my irionds and you
may uso theso facts as a testimon.
ial' llKRTHi. J. Pauub, 3320 M
St.. Sacramento, Calif.
Medicine for Women la
After Using.
Tho woman was the author of n
cookery book that had been published
at bur request with wide margins and
occasional blank pages for notes and
additional recipes.
Often she had expressed a wish to
see an old copy of the book and find
to what use the blank spaces had
been put. One day in a second-hand
book ptore her husband unearthed an
old volume. Noticing that It had been
annotated freely, he bought It- After
a day or two he said :
"How about the notes in that cook
ery book? Were they Interesting?"
"No." she said curtly; "they didn't
amount to anything."
When he got a chance he looked
through the book himself. Kvery note
the book contained was a remedy for
dyspepsia and kindred ailments!
Dallas News.
Filial Love.
Tho family had company for din
ner, and the father of the house was
telling for his guest stories of his boy
hood. Among them were feats of his
marvelous eating ability. "No wonder,
when mother was such n wonderful
cook," he smacked his lips In remem
brance of her dishes. "She could
make pies that were dreams, and
strawberry shortcake I After eating
ono of mother's bhortcakes a fellow
thought nil others very ordinary, In
deed." Little John looked across at tho
glass dish of strawberries. Then he
piped out In his clear little treble:
"Oh, dad, don't you Just hope that I
con talk just that nice about mother
when I grow up?"
Last year 200,000 picture postcards
of exhibits at the British Museum
were sold to visitors.
Thirty-Six States Have Ratified
Washington Is the Thlrty-Flfth Sev
enty Years of Struggle for Equal
Suffrage Features and Some
Immortal Names.
Washington. American women linvc
won their Ught for voles. Washington
ami Teimesoi liae rn tilled the con
stitutional amendment, making !Hl
stnte.s out of -IS.
Upon the opening March '22 of tho
special sessions of the legislatures of
Washington and Dolnwaie, the woman
suffrage situation in the United States
i was lirietly this:
I Amendment to the Constitution
1 passed by congress June !, 1010. ns
drafted in 1875 hy Susan 11. Anthony:
"The right of citizens of the United
Stutes to vote shall not be denied or
Lucretia Mott.
abridged by the United States or by
nny state on account of sex." Itutlll
cntlon necessary by legislatures of
three-fourths of the 48 states of the
Amendment ratified by .'11 states, be
ginning with Wisconsin, June 10, 1010,
and ending with West Virginia March
10, 10'JO. Constitutionality of Ohio
ratification before the United States
Supreme court.
Amendment defeated by six states
between September 12, 1010, and Feb
ruary 17, 10120, as follows, in the or
der named: Alabama, Georglu, Missis
sippi, South Carolina, Virginia, Mary
land. Connecticut and Vermont No regu
lar sessions until 1021. Governors
had refused to call special sessions.
Florida and Tennessee Cannot vote
In 1020 because of constitutional pro
vision requiring election to Intervene
between submission of amendment and
action on it.
Louisiana Legislature to meet in
June; small hope of ratification.
North Carolina Legislature to meet
In special session In August. Gov.
Thomas W. Bickett hnd declared bis
Intention to ask for ratification.
Washington promptly ratified. Del
aware and Louisiana refused. Thu
governois of Connecticut, Florida nnd
Vermont refused to call special ses
sions. The United Stntes Supremo
court upheld tho Ohio ratification on
thu ground that no state constitution
had tho uuthorlty to change In nny
detail the method which the United
States Constitution Itself provides for
its amendment. This decision cleared
the way for the special session In Ten
nessee, which began August 0.
It is beventy years since the organ
ized movement for woman suffrago
was begun in tho United Stntes.
In 1848 Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth
Cady Stanton called the first Womun's
Rights convention at Seneca Falls, N.
' ".V
' " ' V -' 1
Susan B. Anthony.
Y., which launched n "Declaration of
SentlmcntB" and passed a -mol'jtlon
demanding equal Buffroge.
Theso ore two immortal names In
American history. Lucretia Mott
(1793-1880) was born In Nantucket,
Mass., of Quaker parents. After teach
ing, she become an "acknowledged
tnlntetvr" of tho Friends. Sho married
James Mott, who worked with his wife
against slavery.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton (18in-1002)
was born in Johnstown, N. Y. She
married In 1810 Henry B. Stanton, a
Journalist ard untl-slavcry speaker.
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1 'om IhtiO to 1MU she was pres den
of the National 'oir tn StiU'rage a
addressed congressional commit leccw
on woman suffrage. She was the Joint
author of "History of Woman Suf
frage" (1RSKS) and 'T.lghty Year
or More" (1S0S) Is her autobiography
A third name Is that of Susan M
Anthony (1820-100(5). She Joined with
1 ucretla Mott and Hllnibeth Cady
Stanton In organizing the woman suf
frage movement. She became In tlmo
the real leader of the movement; cer
tainly she was Its flist militant suf
f' agist. Born In Adams, Mass., she
nine of Quaker stock, and early devot
1 1 herself to "temperance" (the pnx
Inbltlon of those days) and to the nbv
htlon of slavery.
In 1S7H Miss Anthony drafted the
iniieudment to the Constitution which
lias now been ratltled. In 1S78 tho
iitnctidment was Introduced In the sen
nto hy Senator Sargent of California.
Ii was defeated In 1887 and thereaf
ter was not even debated In congress
until 10M.
1 Mnlng the years the Constitutional
-itncuilmcnt campaign was making no
progress the women won many victo
ries In the states, securing full suf
frage In in; presidential suffrage In
l and partial suffrage in several oth
ei. The National American Woman
Suffrage association In 1012 opened
headquarters In Washington nnd be
gan an active campaign for the
pasMige of the amendment. In 1010 '
If tftutnlilliltitil lirnlirOi IwHitliitiiirturu '
there which were devoted entirely to
the nmemlnient campaign. 'The cam
paign was educational and social us
well as political and attracted world- '
wide attention.
The National Woman's party, or
ganized In 1010 by Alice Paul, estab
lished Washington hendquarters In
101,'t and Introduced the militant Into
the campaign.
AU'c Paul the third Quakeress to
immortalize herself Is the spectacu
lar figure of the struggle. She devel
oped the deadliest card Index on mem
bers of congress that practical politics
has ever seen. She served notlco
through the White House pickets that
the president was the "man higher up."
The arrest of nearly 500 of theso pick
ets and the imposition of Jail sen
tences followed. Incidentally Miss
Paul herself served seven terms in
, The amendment was beaten three
times In the senate nnd once In thu
house before It was finally passed by
the Sixty-sixth congress June 4. 1011),
by the necessary two-thirds majority.
The year 1800 saw the formation of
two national organizations: National
Woman Suffruge association, with Mrs.
Alice Paul,
Stanton nnd Miss Anthony leaders nd
headquarters In New York ; American
Woman Suffrage association, with
Mnry A. Llvermore, Julia Ward Hovvo
and Lucy Stone leaders and headquar
ters In Boston. Tho line of division
was this: The former wished to
concentrate on tho pnssage of a con
stitutional amendment; the Intter
was In fnvor of obtaining tho suf
frago through amendments to state
constitutions. In 1800 the two organ
izations were united under the name
of National American Woman Suf
fago Association, nnd work was
pushed along both lines of endeavor.
Mrs. Stanton was president until
1802. Miss Anthony served until
1000, resigning nt tho ago of eighty.
Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt was Its
head, 1000-100-1. Dr. Annn Howard
Shaw, recently deceased and possibly
best loved of all the leaders n wcra
an of transcendent gifts nnd elo
quence was president until 1011).
Mrs. Catt was then ngaln chosen.
Mrs. Frank Leslie left a large legacy
to Mrs. Catt to be used In tho work.
The National association rondo ar
rangements at tho St Louis conven
tion of 1010 to dissolve Its organiza
tion nnd become tho League of Wom
en Voters. These arrangements be
came effective nt the Chicago conven
toln In February last. So tho League
of Women Voters now holds sway
over something like 27,000,000 no
tential American women voters.
Mrs. Catt, who Is ulso the head of the
International Woman Suffrago alli
ance, which she founded In 1001, In
honorary chairman; Mrs. Maud Wood
Park is chairman; Mrs. Hlchnrd I)d
wards of Indiana, treasurer; Mrs.
Solon Jacobs of Alabama, bocretuiy,
and there la a board of regional r'.l-rectors.
r7t?? ,v iiSSSSI
Thousands of women have kidnoy and
Llnddcr troublo and never suspect it.
Womcns' complaints often prove to be
nothing cle but kidney trouble, or the
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy
condition, they may cause the other or
gans to become diseased.
l'ain in the back, headache, loss of am
bition, nervousness, aro often times symp
toms of kidney trouble.
Don't delay starting treatment. Dr.
Kilmers Swamp-Root, physician's pre
scription, obtained nt any drug store, may
bo just the remedy needed to overcome
such conditions.
Get a medium or large size bottle im
mediately from any drug store.
However, if you wish first to test this
trreat preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., IJinghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
Against Contraband.
"How wus It the authorities allowed
tho sale of the cargo which had been
damaged hy water?"
"Why shouldn't they nllow It?"
"Doesn't the law forbid the sale now
of wet' goods?"
Father and Daughter
Get Relief by Eatonic
It. J. Powell, Sweetwater, Texas,
Bays, "Katonlc helped mo at once,
but It wns my daughter who got the
marvelous benefits. She could not
even take a drink of wntcr without
awful misery, but It relieved her; she
Is feeling much better. All this from
ono box, so send mo four moro at
Hundreds of pcoplo now take
cntonlc; ono or two tablets after each
meal keeps them In good health,
feeling tine, full of pep. Katonlc
Blmply takes up tho excess acidity
and poisons and carries them right out
of tho system. Of course, when the
causo of the misery Is removed, the
sufferer cannot help but got well.
You will llnd It n quick, euro relief
for heartburn, Indigestion, sour, acid,
gassy, bloated stomach. It costs but
a trllle and your druggist will supply
you. If you don't feel well, you give
eatonic a test. Adv.
That's the Question.
Madge I am suing a young man for
n dozen kisses that ho stole. My law
yer saya they're worth $20 apiece.
Jack How does he know? Uoston
Evening Transcript.
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Is genu
Ino Aspirin proved safe by millions
and prescribed by physicians for over
twenty yenrs. Accept only an unbroken
"Bayer package" which contains proper
directions to relievo Headache, Tooth
ache, Earache, Neuralgia, Itheumutlsm,
Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12
tnblets cost few cents. Druggists nlso
Bell larger "Bayer packages." Aspirin
Is trade mark Buyer Manufacture Men
oncetlcacldester of Sallcyllcucld. Adv.
It sometimes happens that n law
student gives up the law business to
engage In the son-in-law business.
There are more tliun 00,000 trained
nurses In England.
Ewt r,nntentt lBFluidDraot
. I L!.AV q tnn rtrcNTl
n AsasSSffl
rf.nAefuffllK'. SJldBCJtW
neither 0plttm.HMneJl?!
a ..itT?omedvlbf
Mv )SfnT
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
Exceptional opportunity at the prcseot Urns
for young women over nineteen years of age
who havn had at least two v ears In high school
to take Nurses Training (11 general hospital.
Our graduates aro In great demand. Address
Supt of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium
Lincoln. Ncbrulca
Harvest 20 to 45
Bushel to Acre Wheat
in Western Canada
Think what that nientiH to you In
good tmrd dollars with tho crcat de
nmnd for vvliont tit IiIkIi nrlceH. Mnny
fartnern In Western Cnunilii huve paid
for their land from a single crop. Tha
sumo success mny still bo yours, for
you can buy on cuny terms.
Farm Land at $15 to
$30 an Acre
located near thriving towns, wood mar
kets, railways laud of a It I ml which
Krows SO to -IS ImihIk-U nf wlirnt to tlxi
niTc. Good RrnzliiK lands at tow prices
convenient to your Krnln farm enable,
you to renp tho proflts from stock rnl
Idk nnd ilnlrliiic.
Learn the Facts About
Western Canada
low taxation (none on Improvements),
healthful ellmnte, good schools,
churches, plunwint hocIiU relationships,
a prosperous nnd Industrious people.
Tor llluntrateclllterature. map, descrip
tion ut farm oppnrtunltlri In Manitoba,
SimUntchewan, anil AUiertn, reduced
railway rat en, etc. write Department
of Immigration. Ottaxvn, Cnn , or
loom 4. Bee Blrfg., Omaha, Nek.
Tn n a cllnn flnvernvnenl Agent
and receUe, absolutely free, without
obligation, an IntcreHtlnR booklet tbat
may show you the way to riches and
prosperity. Write today.
303-4-0 Mm Illdg., DAM. AS, TEX.
RIMOVtu hr I, Hwrr'a
bk. Or. CH. Bcrrf
Mran AviMM.CMcag
Not at Home.
Swine fe.ser had hroken out In tho
village and the local policeman hnd
been appointed to eall upon all own
ers of pigs and take particulars of
each case.
hupping at the door of an old cot
tago ho was confronted hy a shrewish
looking woman, who curtly asked hliu
what hu wanted.
"A've called to see tho swine," said
the constable.
"He's not," snnpplly replied tho
woman, and liuuged the door. London
Cutlcura Soothes Baby Rashes
That Itch and burn with hot baths
of Cutlcura Soup followed hy gentle
anointings of Cutlcurn Ointment.
Nothing better, purer, sweeter, espe
cially If a little of the fragrant CutU
cura Talcum Is dusted on nt tho i tin
Ish. 25c each everywhere. Adv.
A Self-Stnrter.
"Aj-o you an expert salesman?"
asked the manager.
"Can sell anything from an tee plclc
to an automobile. For Instance, thai
car of yours outsldo "
"Yes, yes."
"Well, I sold It to a guy who wni.
pusslng." Uoston Transcript.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
ft Jrv
r mJ
Exact Copy of Wrapper.