The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 26, 1920, Image 9

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lus ".
' '
Dr.W.H. Mc Bride
""vi fr U'1-"' ft'1'11' Of1' "f-r '-"' 7'tii'l,t x-- '
U .-- C 'fc-
' ' " "A . x 'w flTmd ").
-- ffiT"'- 7W,5S Vy
' what is the
4 '
EN have all kinds of reasons for
liking Spur Cigarettes. Some like
them because they're mighty classy,
looking that brown-anosilver pack'
age is an eyewinncr. Some like them
because the paper is crimped no
paste to taste. Some like them because
they're a full-packed cigarette noth'
ing "skinny" about them. Some like
Spurs because they're twenty for
twenty cents the rock'bottom price
for the highest possible quality.
But what they all shout about and
pass along is that they have found at
last a cigarette with that good old to
bacco taste that lingers in the memory.
Yes, sir, you can sure taste the good
Oriental and homegrown tobaccos
and that's the big idea back of Spur
Now, folks, just don't wait, but try
a package of Spur Cigarettes today.
' It's not ar though you were buying a
' limousine. And if you do find in Spur
the cigarette you have been wanting
something that just strikes the spot
it will be the best buy you've made
since Hector was a pup.
Liccirrr & Myers Tobacco Co.
p. .
Report of the Condition
-OK Til V.-
Webster County Bank
i A n. 1",
?'2IO,flll 35
5T. U
cii.irii r No MIJ, Ine rior.Ui t In thu ti M
Ni-lirnski. at the clii. of '.ikhih
I,o:im (iinl Dlm'rtifiiU ..... .
Muartv lliiiid- ...-. .r
Knriiltiiroimd I'lxiurw
Cummt spenite, taxos And. ...
imtraet paid .:.. ' -
tnte train uhrtorml and itntf
tnki - - ' MMAMl
CherKdftlniltdiinor .. ,.
pxfhange.- 7WJ7
Currency 2,811.0)
Hirer, nlckalnftdtl cent WtW WJffl;0i
Total . Wo.iJKW.Sl
nipiiftlntock paid lit Jionc.08
Miirtilll fulMl 10.UW.tO
Undivided profit
liiilivliliiiil dopwIUNtihJeot
til Clll'OK
demand cortlllonlis ol
Tlmo oortlllciiti's deposit
Depositors' Kiitiruiiiy tuiul
Geo- Wo Hutchison
?e:.l Estate, Iriirance, Loans. Abstracts
t'ei.uence, I
! ,.) 03
Re i :ioud
, U.Ol'J.01
intnl . JOTW0.3I
County of WobtliT.
I, S. It. I'l.oitANgi:. cnshlur of tho above
tunned bank, lo liuri'b' nwiMr that thoVbovo
Ntntctiiuiit Is n correct ami trtiu copy ol tho
report iniuloto tho Statu llankln Hoard.
H. It. n.tJKANt'K,
At'rKiT: ' Ctwhlor,
H. It. I'r.oiMNfK. Director. '
C. J.Pot'K, Dlrtclor.
Subscribed and nworn to buforo mo tills
tatli day ol Auitkt lli-U
Isrw.l i. W Ilnteblson
n J Notary Public.
Report of the Condition
or 'riiK
Bank of Inavale
of Inavale Charter No. 795 In ilie Slate
of Nebraska at the close of business
Ana, 10, 1920.
Loans and Discounts Slt1l,2J3 00
Ovcrdralts - . 1.IW--3
bonds, Hectirttlci.JndKttieiitH, claims
etc., Inciudliii; all (ovcrnnunt
bonds .......
IliinkliiK house, litrnlturo it tlstitrts)
Currtnt expenses, taos and Inter-
chI paliU -. -
Duo Irimi national and statu
banks 8 II),I2S.I0
Currency 1,'l.VS.OO
tiolil coin - . IW-00
SIlNcr, nickels and cents...,. I.SJ.ns I'J.l'.T.ia
J.000 00
Total .
i.iAiiu.i ni:-i
Ciijiltal stock paid In S 10.030.CO
Surplus fund - 10,000.00
Undivided protlts i:m:21
I udlvlilual deposits Hiibject
to clack -... Ilil,
Tiiuoet'rtiiic.'Ucsof deposit ,io.s7J.: I7i),aiw.rir
Illlls p.ij al o '. PV.09.OU
DciKHltor's guaranty fund l,riu.u
Total S
County of Webster f
I, (J. It. McL'r.iry Cashier of the alwvo nam
cd batik do hereby bwcar that tho uboe
statoiiitnt Isacotrect anil true copy of the
icporl niadu to thu Statu llanklnu Hoard.
(J. It. MtOllAItV,
Clr.irlos Hunter, Director.
Allrcd McCnll, Director.
Miib-orlt)Cd and hwora to bcloro 1110 this 2 it h
day of Ami: 1-'.
C. M Sheruood,
(Seal). Notary Public.
' Cigarettes
Notic of Jlr.arlni On Petition For
t)t;tiri!iihHljii Of Heirahlp.
In the tounij i-'ourt of Webster Count;
lu tin- iiiatiir ol i!n lUtutu of Aliibrohi
ijoarcljtjjli '
The Mai, ul n i'H'.i. to all persons Jnttr
ostcd In mild oil ii. r. lliori and heirs, take
iintlcu, that rt lllinm M. tioarcke. has tiled his
petition uiiiyln tliu' Ai'iibuiwi.oarckoilUd
IntuHlati in Weh,ir Comity, Nebraska on or
about (iciobcr '), ls, ijoiiu a reMduut and
Inliiililtant ol Webster t ouiity, Nebraska,
and Hit o.wici 01 tnu loiiotvlnv; dextrlhul
real ittn,e, to.iil:
An ittidlvldodoiio third Interest in the fol
low Iiik describe 1 real estate: Tho ejt hall
of the .smith- Wo,t (Ju irter of fsictlon u, and
and tho i:ist Half of tho south Kusi ijuarter
ol Section it, (excopt 10 inns In lho otith
W'Oit ( ornerof the Sou h Kast ijttut r of
tliu hoiith Uasi'Marmrol section , 1 all In
rownshlp i. lliiuo a. Woimor count j. No'
brasku, us tin Inheritance from his mothei
Mill nil Clo.wcku, who illol SeptLinbur .'I,
IS3T In V obiter County, Nebraska, le.n ln as
Ills solo .ind only IicIm at law. tho follow Ini;
nainod lursuim, towll: WHUttm M. tioarcke
and Albert C.Oo.iruko, brothers, and pra
lug lor a decreu b.irrlui? claims; that said de
cedent died Intestate; no application lor
administration has been mado nnd the estate
olsald decedent has not been tidinlnlsleted
lu tho Statu of Nebraska, and, that tliu lulrs
at law of said decedent as herein hct furth
shall bo decreed to bo iliouwnurnlii lee sim
ple ol the abovo described cstato, whlih
has been sut lor laarlnu ou the tilth day 01
Sepluinher il)2o.
Dated at Itod Cloud, Nebraska, Ausitst S
(Saai.) A. D. lt.initey, County JiuIro.
1:. (1. 1 aldwcll, Attorney lor Petitioner.
Patronize Chiof Advertisers
Dr. R.V. Nicholson
Otllco Over AlbrlKht's Store
The Margin of Safety
Is represcntotl by tho aiuuuui of
insurnuco you carry.
Don't lull yoursolf Into n funciud
Eiocurlly. '
Uecause llro has novor touched you
It doesn't follow that jou'ro immune
Tomorrow -no today, If you have
time unri you hotter llnd tlmp
onmu to the olllcu iui we'll wrlto
a policy on your hous.0, furniture,
htoro or inoiehundlse,
R.ellocble IilsuraLnce
(Con 1 lit, ItSw, Wutarn N'ewipaiir Union)
, A 1 nmp immm ly tho IU1J0 cottiigo
on i!" hill, Imrrylim to .1ioltor from
the ; !M'tf anott, snliTod tho nlr rcilo
hint ul ftptn'tltlmltlng with n savory
(lav Mini Kfow himjrrlor than over.
, Tho 1 11 rnl lori ilol Ivory htiy, toti:
lilfi 1 !;iigo cm tho rear porch, peered
oo( ' sly In itt 11 window, Allffht'v
Iuw I to lot out tho steum of cooi:
cry. "I faw on n inhlo Krcnt bowls
of f ' ly cnokod doughnuts, noted Al
loc 1 i.i d, nprfWed, llotir-covciod mid
love1'. dlpiiliiB nnd llfiliiB out tho tan
lnll'n"ly orlxp and hrownod product
of I 1 tak. Thou, MlttliiK uhout hiiRl
ly, iii -.(niooi) of lho I'.llchon nodded nnd
Miilh as hor nolKhhor friend! Mnud
TroM'f, onitio bti'itllnj? Into tho house.
"Thought I'd run over heforo tho
drifts jot too deep," hho announced.
"ICor tnuroy's Make I What are you
up l? Starting a bakery?"
"I'rotly nearly," fcinllod hack Alice.
."There! that makes twenty dozen, two
handled and forty, and the Hour i.s all
ueil tip," and Alice Hat down In a
chair. Iter dimpled elbows bared, with
a slch that was restful and satisfied.
Mmid'.s big eyes took In tho bowls
and the puns piled high with tlotiKh
nut- scouting n mystery. She knew
of ii' local function where food do
nations had been asked for. "What
have 011 cooked all those for?" she
asked bluntly:
"I promised to have them ready for
Ilosrno at noon."
Mmid Trevor Hushed nt the mention
of Alice's brother, hut exclnlmod: "Is
ho t eat all of those?"
"oh. no; ho Is coming hero in his
fl.vlns machine from thu forest pre
Rone slminl station. Of you
rhae board about tho ship caught In
the !'' eight miles out In the lake?"
And 1 hen, as Maud nodded unintuitive
ly: "It's hold fast among lho lines
and can't budge, and between It and
the -bore it's a foaming Held of loose
cal.i s. They couldn't reach It by tug
or patrol boat, and the crow wigwag
ged the water tower yesterday for
help There's a friend of Hocno's
iiiuiK'd Italph Wharton aboard, and for
that reason and because the crew may
be xi'lYerlng from want of food, Itosonu
lel ilioned that ho was coming to tho
refill'. The town has got ready a
lot i-if fresh and salt moat, Hour, sugar,
mill, and butter ,and Uosooo Migslod
thi'i I contilbute a hag of my famous
don 'units, as ho calls them."
"I tftioss I'll May and help you pack
tb 1 " suggested Maud, her mind on
n-iio. "Isn't It n trying to get
tli' airplane aboard of that .ship?"
'"oh, Hoscno won't do that," replied
Alice. "lie couldn't make a landlnir.
Ills idea is to circle abovo tho ship
11 nil drnn the packages on Its deck."
Mnud bad been titivating herself at
Alice's mirror, and was fluttering
with eagerness as the young aeronaut
appeared shortly after noon. Jle
had a kiss for his Mstor and n sugges
tive hand clasp fp Maud. "I've load
ed tho supplies down where I landed,"
ho explained. "You've got a lot of
iliem, haven't ju? ns lie noted the
1 wo pillow cases filled and tied, and
helped himself to some samples from
a plate.
It was nearly evening when Uopoo
tiirnedxfroii bis aerial trip, watched
it a the vegti" dls,n".,i and the way
nek by half the p'lpulut'nn of tho
1 iwn. The di tails of his venture were
m popularly known, lie bad ar
1 inged to remain at home fi r a spoil.
1 is mechanic taking tho airplane back
1 lis starting point, much to the do
I'ght of Maud.
"The moat-, donated landed all right
n the deck of ilie Milp," reported Uos.
ine. "but a crate of egg fell Into tho
w titer and was crushed by the Ice."
"And my doughnuts?" inquired Alloc
"They foil right among tho passen-
ers and crew, and there was a peat
.ramble. Tile crowd stood munching
t the delicious 'dainties until I left.
Tho ship Is caught between two Im
penMj Hoe and can't budge until the
v.lnd changes."
It was the next nftornoon when Itos
roe came home from down town. "The
hlp got to port here," he announced,
"and tho passengers and crew are cel
ebrating their rescue. They've got
horns and a drum, and they are
M.renadlng the butcher, the baker and
the. candlestick maker, who treated
them so generously, and tho? dough
nuts, Alice! They'll bo here soon."
"Ileie they come!" cried the excited
Maud, ns biares and booms rent the
air, nnd n few minutes later, In pro
cession, there came marching down the
street a merry, mixed group.
Ralph Wlutrlon was profuse In his
praise anent tho delicious doughnuts,
and persisted In wearing his souvenir.
The doublo pair passed n delightful
evening, and young Wharton was In
Utcd to remain as n guest until the
ship was repaired,
It took two week's to do that, and
Wharton was glad, and so was Alice.
Tho last OYonlng of his stay, Alice, by
request, mado somo of tho now doubly
famous doughnuts.
"I'm going to tako my souvcnlrtto
my mother," observed Italph, "and 'ask
hor If sho didn't think a young lady
who can produce such perfection Is
worthy of tho deepest remembrance."
"And then?" questioned Allco
"Why, then I'm going to como back
and ask your mother If I can havo tho
ninfter'of tho same provided you aro
If have ju&L returned from an inspection trip of nortwcsl
"erKansa. driving by auto to Decatur, Rawlins, Chey
enne, Sherman, Wallace, Greeley, Witchita. Lot'an, Sheri
dan, Thomas and Norton Counties, stopping at many
places and driving the country around tho town.
1 have found some real bargains in wheat and slock
farms, wheat going from 20 to 40 bushels the aero, land
ranging in price from $12 per acre, up, with easy terms
and small payment down. The average renter in this
county can handle a half section of this land.
If you are interested see ine at once and make arrange
ments to go and look this land over, for land values are
advancing and the bargains I now havo may soon begone,
The Joy
i lace
er, Nebraska
During the
Aug. 31, Sept. 1, 2
Stock Show Races Bail Games
Flying Herberts Conti's Firework
ty w
, 3, '20
Gus Henderson . The Funniest Clown
McMahon Railroad Shows
a i
Come Early Stay Late
Jr. j
js&r SjiifcV
In McBride's Grove, South of
r ct
Fjp "if T 1? "jr
&U&ZUM. 1
Rg Txvk W$ W
m& 5fe.
J J; 8
1 tts;
Come and hecr important subjects discussed by
U. S. Congressman, W. E. Andrews
C. H. Gustafson, Pres. Farmers Union
A good Program ol Music, Reading, Etc., will be
given, commencing promptly at 10:30 a. m.
Bring your dinner and enjoy a day's outing
Xf T"
Notice of Final Rcpart
In tho (ouiity Court ol W'olmtor county
In thu inatttr ol tliu estniujit Mlutrva
(Idnreki-. ilrccnscil.
All ptrsons Intcrcstnl In Bnlil rHt.ito, nro
hcruliv natillril tlmt this Administrator,
Wlllliun M. UoarcUc, lins (lied licrulu iv Until
account anil report ol ills administration,
and a petition (or tho llnal huttloment ol
such account nnd report, and Hor a idecrco
ol dlstrlliutlonof tho rcslduo ol snhl citato
and lor lho asBlunnient ol tho real tstato he
lonfiliiK Uioroto, and lor a docroo barring nil
claims ol creditors nijtilimt bald estate, nnd
lor a dlschnrKO Iroin his trust, nil or which
bald mnttirs linvo been Bot;ior hcnrlnB boloro
said court on tho 27th day ol;Aii8iihl, l'J-'O, nt
tho hour olJO o'clock, A.M., when all per
sons Interested may nppenr and contest tho
Dated this nth day ol August 1020.
K. O. Caldwell Attorney. County, Judge.
. .- i r
Notice to Creditors
In tho County Court ol W ouster County,
In tho matter .ol the cstnto ol Henry 1
IlartclH Deceased.
Creditors ol said citato" will tako notlco,
that tho tlmo limited (or presentation and
llllm; ol claims aisnlust said cstnto lM)ctotii
bor2, 1'JiO, and (or thupaymcnt ol dobts Is
Jnnunry 21H 11U1, Hint I u 111 sit nt lho county
court room In said county on tho Sd day ol
September 1920, to examine, hear and allow
all claims duly tiled which aro a llrst or
second lien upon s.tld ostnto, and on the ltd
day ol December 11)20 to examine, hear, allow
and adjust all claims and objections ol sen
cral creditors duly Hied.
Dated this Ith day ot August 1020.
(Seal) A. n. Itatmoy,
County Judge.
. tMat. ' .ln-fl-W t t , v,K,r "V. .
"Quality", Job Printing
' Uv,