The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 26, 1920, Image 8

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jwsi k m
exJ'mjm' drift mm dtTfoffi Jpj
what is the
"EN have all kinds of reasons for
.y 0 liking Spur Cigarettes. Some like
them because they're mighty classy,
looking that brown'and'silver pack'
age is an eyewinner. Some like them
because the paper is crimped no
paste to taste. Some like them because
they're a full'packed cigarette noth'
ing "skinny" about them. Some like
Spurs because they're twenty for
twenty cents the rock'bottom, price
for the highest possible quality.
But what they all shout about and
pass along is that they have found at
last a cigarette with that good old tO'
. , bacco taste that lingers in the memory.
Yes, sir, you can sure taste the good
Oriental and homegrown tobaccos
and that's the big idea back of Spur
Now, folks, just don't wait, but try
a package of Spur Cigarettes today.
' It's not ar. though you were buying a
' limousine. And if you do find in Spur
the cigarette you have been' wanting
something that just strikes the spot
it will be the best buy you've made
since. Hector was a pup..
Licgbtt &? Myers Tobacco Co.
Report of the Condition
Webster County Bank
Clinrii r No. I0M, tncror,U it In thu Mii'e ol
Nebraska, ill Hie cloie ol Mhiiim An. Ill,
(.win mid DlmwinU ...... Sil1,flll.'l"
pvfclrnHH -.w. - w.l2
l.lboriy Miiiiil-...-...r JGjMlMO
t-'iirnltiinituin I'lsltirm .. -,.- I.W0.0O
rurri'iit oxrwniM, txinnd .
IntOroGt paid -
tiuofroin imrtminl rntd statu
bin kf ..-... . ...-Mrt.IIW.lll
Cliwkn miU Itanwof -
exchange - .... 7W5T
currency - 2,011.00 .
Nltver, nlckelMHUoM. Wf"' y.yo
TiiUl -.....,.. - tS0.MXW.3l
cnpunl Kiock ld I" - eriOOT.00
HiirpliiMjtilttt . IO.000.CO
Undivided prolltd W!.M
Individual (lupoidls subject
loclitiuk m. lM,)ll.'J
Uouituid cortllloaas or
.IiiiiohU 1W0.OO
Thuu ecrtlllctiU'S dupoilt 82,727.f1 2cr,,IBIM
Oujiosltorri guaranty fund !i,0lP.0l
Total 8 :iO.),oto.:n
County ol Webster, f
I, S. II. ri.oiiA.vyi:. cashier of tlio above
named Imnk, ilo hereby" Hwoilr that thohbovc
H NUitPint'iit Isiicuriect ami tniu copy ol mo
report inailo to thofjtato lltinklim Hoard.
.n'riWT! ' ctisliler.
S. 11. ruiu.iM'K, Director.
C.J. 1'oi'Ki Director.
Hubsciibed and sworn to before mo this
Mill day ol August lira.
Uicvr.l - ij.W. Hutchison
11 Notary Public.
ttio ;
IiIm i
cry. i
Ice i '
Geo- Wo Hutchison
He:i.l Estate, insurance. Loans, Abstracts
O&i-, Red 31. I..-J. 03
Prj.ocnce, 177
RsJ Cloud
Reuort of the Condition
or tin:
Bank of Inavale
of Innvnle Charter No. 793 In the Slate
o? Nebraska at the close of business
Alii, 10, 1920.
Loans ami Discounts Slfll,2J3 00
Overdrafts . lilM.i!0.
Ilonds, RecutltlesJudBincnts, claims
etc., Including all Kovernment
bonds S7.0W.10
IlimkliiK liousu, lurnllurc it llxturcif II.OOO.OO
Current expenses, ta.xcs and Inter-
est palil "Wl
Duo from national and state
banks - -8 lO.l.lW
Currency. lrJo-S.00
tlold coin iw.w
Hllver, nickels and cents...,. I,-28J.I!8 I'J.l'.T.UH
Total 8 212JHl.O,
Capital stock paid In ! 10,030.00
Surplus fund 10,000.00
Undivided prolltH 1.2i.'.!7
Individual deposits subject
to check im,uai.i!2
'rinioccrllllcatcsofiloposlt ;w,87i: 1711,380.37
Dills payab o IVjOJ.OU
DonosUor's sruaranty fund . - I,0l0.7ti
r Cigarettes
Total 8 212.WI.51
County of Webster f
I, (1. It. Mct'rary Oaslilur of the uljovo nam
ed bank do hereby buear that the above
statement Is a correct and true copy of thu
report made to the Statu ilanklni; Hoard.
(J. It. McOltAHY,
Charles Hunter, Director.
A Ifrcd McCall, Director.
Subnorlbcdand sworn to boloro mo tl.Is2itb
.lay of Auu'. 1SI2J.
C. M Sherwood,
(Seal). Notary Public.
Nolicts of Hearing On Petition For
DttcrmlnatlJii Of Heirship.
In the county Court of Webster County,
In Hie uiatur of tin.' Itntu of Ambrose
joarcljijjli. .k I.
The. Male o( .n ir.vtk.i. to all persons inter
mttd In said u-1 n. . ere. mors and heir, take
notice, that iVIIIiaui M. iioarcke, has tiled his
petition utiuliiK thif .Vi'ntuiHo t.oaicku dlcil
lutistatL 111 Wubr I'oiiiuy. Nebraska on or
about October .'1. 18-ei, Ijalii a resKtuui ami
luhaliliaut ul W'elnlur uiinty, Nebraska,
and tin ii.uier i tno loilowliri described
real osta,e. toili:
An undlvldodono third Interest la the fol
IowIiib described real ostato: Thu we.U half
of the Mouth-West (iuirter of Section o, uiul
and-tho Ktsi Half ol tlio South ICust (uarter
ul Section it. (except U tiens In the bouth
Wot corner ot the rtou.h Kast tjuait r of
thohouth Cast,er,ot Suction ii.i all In
Township 1. Ilinno ii. Wolntur Comitj. Nt'
brnska. as an Inheritance from his uiothui
Mlu Tin Ooarcko, who illol Heptnubor 21,
IbiT In Wobitcr County, Nebraska, le. luif as
his solo and only holrs at law, the followlns
named pjrsons, towll: William M. lioareke
and Albert C. Clo.ireke, brothers, and pray
Ins lor a decieu li.irrliiK claims; that said dt
tedeiit died Intestate; that no application for
administration has been mado and thu esinte
of Mild decedent has not been adminisicrcu
In the Statu ol Nebraska, and, that the heirs
at law of said decedent as herein net forth
shall bo decreed to bulho owners In lee sim
ple of the abovo described estate, w iiivii
has been sot lor hearluu 011 the 27th day of
buptumbcr I'Jia.
Dated at Uod Cloud, Nebraska, August ij
(Saal.) A. I). H.muey, County Jiulee.
i:. (1. 1 aldwell, Attorney lor Petitioner.
Patronise Chief Advertisers
Dr.W.H.Mc Bride
& -5:NEB"rAsKA
Dr. R.V. Nicholson
Oillco Over Albright's Store
The Margin o? Safety
Is represented by tlio amount of
Insurance you carry.
Don't lull yoursolf Into a fancied
security, '
Uuciiuso lire lias novor touched you
it doesn't follow Hint jon'ro Immune
Tomorrow -no today, If you liuve
time and yon bottur Hurt time
uomo to the ollloc an we'll wrlto
a policy on your houso, furniture,
htoro or merchandise.
O. C. T EEtL
R.elisxble Irtsureaco
(Col lit, llltf, Wsctfin Newt paper Union)
A inmp naM(l by (ho HtlJo cottngo
011 il" hill, luirrylin; to plioltor from
iMng snow, ffiilfTcd th nil redo
id npprilfu-lnvltlng with a savory
and scri'W Imnyt'ler than over.
cral mnro di-livcry boy. tosIm:
. l.njce on tln n-nr porch, peered
xiy in nt a window, AliKlitly
I lo lot out the steam oC rook
id Pnw on n table (,'rent bowls
' ly coold doughnuts, noted Al
id. aproned, lUuir-coverad ami
, 'lipitlntr nnd lifting out thu tun-
ly crl.sp arid browned product
of 1 r task. Then, Hitting about bllfil
ly, Hi - queen of lho Itltchon nodded and
Miilb d as her neighbor friend', Maud
Trt'M'r, came buytllng Into the bouse.
"Thought I'd run over before the
drlfii got too deep," .sho announced.
"For merry's wiltol What nro you
up l? Starting n bakery?"
"Pretty nearly," Mulled back Alice.
."There! that makes twenty dozen, two
hundred and forty, and the Hour Is all
used up," and Alice sat down In a
chair, her dimpled elbows bared, with
a sluh .that was restful nnd satisfied.
Maud's I)Ik eyes took In the bowls
and tlio puns piled high with dough
nut" scenting n mystery. She knew
of i local function where food do
nations had been asked for. "What
have you cooked all those for?" sho
asked bluntly.
"I promised to have them ready for
Ito.rm at noon."
Maud Trevor flushed nt the mention
of A I Ire's brother, but exclnlmed: "Is
he !" eat nil of those?" '
"uli, no; ho Is coming here In his
flybiK machine from tlio forest pre
sene signal station. Of course you
have heard about thu ship caught In
the Iro eight miles out In the lake?"
And then, as Maud nodded afllniintlve
ly: "It's held fast among lho Hoes
ami can't budge, and between It and
the -.harr- It's a foaming fluid of loose
cnK'-s. They couldn't reach It by tug
or patrol boat, and lho crew wigwag
ged . the water tower yesterday for
help There's a friend of Iloseoo's
naiind llalph Wharton aboard, and for
that reason and because lho crew may
be suffering from want of food, Uo'jcou
telii'lumed that ho was coming to thu
n"i in. The town has got ready a
lot nf fresh and Salt meat, Hour, sugar,
milk and butler .and Uoscoe suguvMed
Ihi't I contilbutp a bag of my famous
don. hunts, as be calls them."
"1 guess I'll stay nnd help you pack
th' i." suggested Maud, her mind on
Il. ue. "Isn't It a risk frying to get
flip airplane aboard of that ship?"
'"Oh, Hoscoe won't do that," replied
Alice. "Up couldn't nmke a landing.
Ills Idea Is to circle nbove the ship
iwld drop the packages on Its deck."
Maud had been titivating herself at
Alice's mirror, nnd was fluttering
with eagerness as the young aeronaut
appeared shortly after noon. Ho
had a kiss for his sNter and n sugges
tive hand clasp for Maud. "I've load
ed the supplies down where I landed,"
lip explained. "You've got n lot of
'hem, haven't you?" as he noted the
two pillow cases filled and tied, and
helped hlmelf to soiup samples from
a plate.
It wn nearly evening when Ilosroo
I'turnedVrom his aerial trip, watched
ita the vpgup distance, and the way
' itrk by half the population of the
' iwn. The details of his venture were
on .popularly known. He hod ar-
inged to renmln nt home for a spell,
1 is mechanlr taking the airplane bark
- Its starting puln.t, much to the dp-
"Klit of Maud.
"The meals donated landed all right
en the deck of the ship." reported Uos
.,10, "but a crate of egL's fell Into the
. ater and was crushed by the Ice."
"And my doughnuts?" Inquired Alice
"They fell right among ihe pnssen
ers ami crew, and (here was a great
-ramble. Tile crowd stood munching
t the delirious 'dainties until I left.
Thu ship Is caught between two lm
lrnu Hoes nnd can't budge until the
v.lnd changes."
It was the next afternoon when Uos
eoe came home from down town. "Thu
hlp got to port here," he announced,
"and the passengers and crew are eel-
hratliii! their rescue. They'yo got
horns and a drum, and they are
sorenndlng the butcher, the baker and
lho candlestick maker, who treated
them so generously, and thow dough
nuts, Alice 1 They'll bo herp soon."
"Hero they come!" cried the excited
Maud, as blares nnd booms rent the
air, nnd n few minutes later, In pro
cession, there ramp marching down tlio
street a merry, mixed group.
Rnlph Wluirlon was profuse In his
nrnlso anent the delicious doughnuts,
and persisted In wearing Ids souvenir.
The double pnlr passed a delightful
evening, nnd young Wharton was In
vited to remain ns n guest until the
ship was repaired.
It took two wcel;s to do that, nnd
Whnrton was glad, and so was Alice.
The last pyenlng of his stny, Alice, by
request, mado some of the now doubly
famous doughnuts.
"I'm going to take my souvcnlr(to
my mother," observed Rnlph, "nnd 'ask
hor If sho didn't think a young lndy
who enn produce such perfection Is
worthy of tlio deepest remembrance."
"And then?" questioned Allco
"Why, then I'm going to como back
and osk your mothtir If I can hnve tlio
mnfter'of the same provided you nro
have ju1st returned from an inspection trip of nortwest-.
ern Kansas driving by auto to Decatur. Rqwlins, Chey
enne, Sherman, Wallace, Greeley. Witchita. Loan, Sheri
dan, Thomas and Norton Counties, stopping at many
places and driving the country around the town.
1 have found some real bargains in wheat and slock
farms, wheat jjoing from 20 to 40 bushels the' acre, land
ranging in price from S12 per acre, up, with easy terms
and small payment down. The average renter in this
county can handle a half section of this land.
If you arc interested see me at once and make arrange
ments to go and look this land over, for land values are
advancing and the bargains I now have may soon begone,
fee Joy
Place !
ler, iNeorasKa
During the
Aug. 31, Sept. 1, 2,
Stock Show Races Bail Games
Flying Herberts Conti's Fireworks
Gus Henderson . The Funniest Clown
McMahon Railroad Shows
Come Early
Mv-wf itpLna
raxsasCTreisamffisggWK .rateai
r armer
s Union
Annual i,omt
12 TV
In McBride's Grove, South of
i f lira C2 W & w
Come and heer important subjects discussed by
U. S. Congressman, W. E. Andrews
C. H. Gustafson, Pres. Farmers Union
A good Program oJ Music, Reading, Etc., will be
given, commencing promptly at 10:30 a. m.
Bring your dinner and enjoy a day's outing
j m
v i
Notice of Pinal Kepsrt
In llio (ounty Court of Wolmtor county
In tlio mutter of tlio ostiuojit Mltiuvn
tlonrcke. dtrenscit.
All ptrsons IntorcHtnl In until CRtato. nro
lierfbv noilflcil Unit tlio Administrator,
Wlllliun M. (lonrcUe, linn Med herein a llnnl
account and report of his administration,
and a petition for tho final settlement of
hucIi account and report, and itor a idecrco
of distribution o( tho rcslduo of sajd estato
and for tho assignment of tho real estato be
longlns thereto, and for a decree barring all
clnlms of creditors against said estate, and
forn discharge, from hln trust, all of which
said matters have been sot;for hearing before
said court on tho 27th day o!;Auust, 1020, nt
tho hour of 10 o'clock, A.M., when all per
sons Interested may appear and contest tho
Dated this 11th day of August 11)20.
K. U. Caldwell Attorney. County, Judge.
Notice to Creditors
lit tho County Court of Webster County,!;n
In tho matter .of tho estato of Henry l
Ilnrtcla Deceased.
Creditors of said estato will tako notice,
that tho tlmo limited for presentation and
Ming of claims against said estato lDecoin.
herS, 11)20, nnd (or tho'pnyment ot debts Is
January 'JIM 11)21, thnt 1 will sit at tho county
court room In snld county on tho 3d day of
September 1020, to examine hear and allow
nil olnlnis duly Med which nro a first or
second lien upon said estate, and on tliiT 'M
day of December 1U20 to eamlne, hear, allftw
nndmljust all cJalmsnnd objections of gou
oral creditors duly Med.
Dated this tth day of August 1020.
(Seal) A. D. Itntmoy,
County Judge.
"Quality", Job Printing
y Nebraska
-iiraf. 'V.v(( ff. ''.i.r
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