The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 26, 1920, Image 5

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message of.,
Ovor Smith's
-Slioo Storo-
'e-m,rintitMjtr-ryirrt'mnnr trgptnt.vxa
u k & a $ m a: si :: : X k :
k :s
m m k ; si k a: a; : x si ts
Huy llruttil ut l'owcll and Popes.
J. L. L'cobc went to Lincoln Friday
Ryan Birkncr spent Thursday in
See Dr. Warrick Wednesday, Sep
tember 1st.
Miss Neva. Biunncr spent Saturday
in Hastings.
Mrs. 0. C. Tcel spent Wednesday
in Hastings.
Lester Yost was down from Mc
Cook Tuesday.
Robt. McBridc went to Omaha Sun
day morning.
W. 'A. Cassell pent Sunday with Iiis
wife at Denver.
Mrs. W. G. Warren spent Wednes
day in Hastings.
Henry Fausch attended the County
Fair at Bladen Wednesday.
,Joc Carr returned to the Soldiers'
Home at Grand Island Monday.
Mrs. Ira Wolfe was a passenger to
Guide Rock Saturday morning.
I. Patterson, the oil promoter, was
in the city the last of the week.
Morrison McConkey returned home
Saturday morning from Scottsbluff.
Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Petersen spent
Tuesday with relatives at Hastings.
Fritz Moodc of Sclden, Kansas was
was in tle city the last of the week.
J. A.. Bradford of Cambridge spent
Sunday in the cjty with his wife and
Esther Baker spent Sunday with
licr" Eifiter, Mrs. Paul Ncwhouse at
Guide Rock.
iMrs. vGeorgc Hines of Lincoln ar
rived in the city Saturday to visit Mr.
and Mrs. Ailos.
Bert Blicknr.taft' shipped a car of
cattle to the Kansas City market
Tuesday morning.
C. L. Cotting went to Omaha Wed
nesday morning to attend to some
business matters.
Mrs. 0. E. Lcggott left Saturday
morning for Montana whore she will
look after her farm.
Attorney L. H. Blacklodgo was in
Hastings Wednesday attending to
some legal business.
Tied" Blanke loft Monday nwrain.?
for Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he
will visit relatives a while.
A large number of our citizens at
tended the anniversary celebration at
Lebanon the last of the week.
Miss Minnie Kcllett of Hastings
spent Sunday in the city with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kcllett.
The Burlington will i'un a special
train from hero to, Lincoln for the
state fair on Thursday, September 9.
The train will leave Red Cloud at 4 a.
m. and will leave Lincolm at 7 p. m.
Roller Skate!
Lincoln Paric
Superior, Neb.
Dancing at DREAMLAND
PAVILION Tuesday and
Saturday. Hard maple
floor 80x100.
Roller Skating Wednes
day , Thursday, Saturday.
Swimming at new con
crete pool every afternoon
and evening. Pool 110 ft.
in diamnter, 12 ft deep in
the center. Bring the kid
dies and put them in the
little pool. Running water
A full line of
Ansco Cameras
Films, Paper, and Chemicals
Nothing Bettor
on the Market
Ye have Kodak Albums
White Pencils, Art Corners
and other supplies for the
ar a o D
fl-irtr01W frim
jncaoma rj&xm
WAmvMi,'trvt.nuuti riajnt.mcrmuaj
Eat Mid drink nt Powell A. Pope's
C'.ife. tf
Uood mauls good hctvIci muduiuto
prices Powell & Popu'h cafe
II. II. Crow-oil and A. B. Crahill
each accompanied a car of stock to
the Kansas City. market Sunday morn
Mrs. Barbara Pharos .went to Omaha
Sunday morning to buy goods for her
store. Pearl Ncwhouse accompanied
1.G2 inches of rain 'fell Wednesday
morning which makes the corn crop
assured and also another crop of alf
alfa. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Grimes return
ed home Tuesday evening from a trip
10 Lincoln, Omaha and points in
Raymond Turnurc returned to
Mitchell Saturday evening after spend
ing a few days with his father, F. G.
Paul White of Lebanon, Nebraska,
arrived in the city Saturday evening
to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
V. White.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wullbrandt of
Chicago arrived Monday, via auto, to
visit his brother, P. A. Wullbrandt
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cather left
Thursday afternoon for Holyokc,
Colorado, where they will make their
future home.
Mrs. Henry Pharos returned to her
home at Central City Thursday after
spending a few days with her mother,
Mrs. Chris Zeiss.
.Miss Christine Caldwell went to
1V.UIIU 4HVfllll4J IIIUIIIIM Mlllxlt; ni- -
tenets to toacu scnooi during me com
in.; school year.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl McFadden and
rliildivm nf P.lnv CnntnV snnnt Sunil.'iv
. ........... . ..... .... ......... .,
I in the city with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D.R. Hughes.
The Slisscs Mary Small and Faith
Peak returned to their home at Col
lege View Friday after visiting with
Mif Edith Hoffman.
Mrs. P. A. Jernborg returned homo
Thursday from Yuma, Colorado,
where she had been visiting her dnugh
tor, Mrs. Cecil Essig.
Mrs. Chas. Starr and children re
turned to her homo nt Yuma, Colo
rado, Sunday after spending a coup'u
of weeks with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Teel returned
homo Saturday from Los Angeles,
California, whore they had been visit
ing their son, Roy and wife.
Supt. E. Bigncll, of the Lincoln
division of the Burlington, spent, a,
few hours in Red Cloud Thursday at
tending to business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Warren return
ed homo the last of the week from
Beatrice where they wore called to
attend the funeral of his father.
The following shipped stock Sun
day: H. H. Crowcll, one car of sheep'
to St. Joe and Wm. Crabill & Sun,
two cars of hogs to Kansas City.
Miss Nora Mclnernoy is here from
York packing her household goods.
She intends moving them to York
where she will make her home.
Trainmaster II. J. Iloglund from
Wymorc spent a few hours in the
city Wednesday morning attending to
soMip business for the Burlington.
Evorett Stroup of this city and Miss
Anm Kotinck vof Lawrence wo
granted a marriage llcrnse by County
Judge Brown at Nelson last week. -
Mvs. R. P. Ho'sey and daughter,
Margaret, returned home Tuesday
evening after visiting relatives in
Idaho and Washington the past two
Mrs. R. D. Moritz and daughter,
Gertrude, returned to their home at
Seward Thursday after spending n
few days with her sister, Mrs. H. C.
Lotson and family. :
Mrs. Paul Pope autoed to Hastings
Sundny morning to meet her husband,
Paul Pope, who has been spending a
couple of weeks in Chicago nttending
to business nffairs.
Dr. Warrick, the Specialist, will
meet eye, ear, 'nose nnd throat p."
tients and those needing glasses fit
ted at Dr. Dameroll's, Wednesday,
September 1, Hours 2 to G.
Mr . Frank Poters-on nnd childiv
and Miss Maiy 1'etcreon went to Dei
vcr 1 iida evening .hue they w
cnjo.v an oa'iivr. Th y expect '
ppend a fo v da at Colorado Spu'n
hefo'P reluming home.
The Red Cloud public schools vw
rp.i MiMili-.v, September lltli. Sup
Holt'cn will be at the High Selio.
building Friday afternoon, Soptomlx
3rd, and rcquotln lhitlhe Seniorrfcn
nnd register and Saturday mornin
the Juniors.
Conductor N. A. ShrpArdon is n
Hexing Conductor W. A. Casntll o
the Hatinps patwnger for n" ft
clay. Mr. Cawll is spending h
vacation in the muontaiuc nenr Do
ver. The Scaberry roria grading1 outfi
having finishtVI their contract ofgni'
ing on the federal road north of tl
ciiy, load d thpfr bor.r nnd pfln
pl'erialfu and left for Sidney, low
thi week.
Aulo Races at Stale Fair
Oflleiiilly opening the Fifty-.Secon
Nebraska Stnte Fair, a coterie c
speed demons, attracted from all pal t
of the United States by the licaw
pursen hung up for fart driving, wi,
attempt to lower present track record
and thresh out a few disputes b( ., . . . ,,
. .. , . ,, '. , William I'orgey, who luisbceii on the
ween thcmsclvcs-as to the leaders , s, ,k bt for u,0 thrco
he gasoline world. When they nose , ,nst Snturd llflerll00ll AllgUbt
the rachalors of their half-scorc ol ',,,, i020, at the Perry llenrdslcc homo
cars to the starting line on the after- in tllg cjt(
noon of September G, while they wait I Tho (ieco,;8ed linb boeu a rc6Wont of
for the flag that starts the big events tllls eouuty for Ul0 pHSt forty ychrs, re
everything indicates the start of on i siding most of that time on a fnnn 11
of the fastest afternoons of sport ever , mi.L.5 northeast of this city. Ho wns n
witnessed in this section. good oltlzeu and good neighbor nnd
Chief among the drivers who rank I counted his friends by his acquaint,
high in the speed world and who will j ntices. He was about 00 years old, and
pilot their cars about the Lincoln oval j besides a wife, many rolatlves and
will be'Sig Hugdahl, present world friends arc left to moutn his death,
dirt track champion; Fred Horcy, The funeral services wero held at
former worlds champion who will at- thu home Monday afternoon by M. .7
tempt to regain the honors taken Ilibbs, Christian minister of this city,
from him by the little Scandinavian:
Burr Lampkin, British speed star who
is adding laurels of this country to
those he has established in the old
world; Ray Claypool, who though a
youngster, is grayhaircd, indicative of
the tenseness of the sport; Dave
Koctzla, holder of the worlds hour
record, and others. Timo trials,
match races, three cornered fights arid
a long distance grind are on the pro
gram and entries have assured all of
these. In addition to the other prizes
offered, there is a special purse to the
driver making tlie fastest mile in the
time trials, and for the breaking of
present track records.
With promises that the Lincoln
track, known as one of the best dirt
ovals in the middle west, will be, in
t!p top shape for thq speed battles,
present records, not only of tho track
but of the section, arc clue for a fnll
when this array of kings in tho world
of speed go thundering about the
The Inavale Sunday School held a
very successful carnival Friday even
ing August 20, at the home of M.
Ada Arnold. The lnrge crowd that
attended found a large variety or, at
tractions to interest and onto fain
them. Mrs. Ralph Hunter managed
the Animal Show wherein were din
played among other curiosities, "T'u
Mosquito. Exterminator, the Gi-uit
Dull Frog, the Baby Lions, the Midg
et Dogy. The Gypsy Fortune Teller
attracted tf never, ending crowd of
patrons. The Fnt Lady entertained
on the north porch. The Artie Mon
key displayed almost human intelli
gence. The photograph gallery did
a thriving business. Large crowds
attended the successive showings of
the one reel movie thriller: "A Trip
Around The World." Potted plants
were on, sale and for refreshments
generous helpings of ice cream, cake,
peanuts nd pop corn were offered to
all. Joe Gurney was the special
police who was the tenor of all would
be evil doers. The proceeds of the
carnival go to tho building fund of the
10:30 Sundny School.
7:00 Union Christian Endeavor.
Pleasant Prairie Sunday School will
unite with Lone Tree Sunday School
this "Sunday. Tho first service begins'
at 10:30. Thero will bo Sunday
School nnd preaching in the morning,
basket dinner at noon and preaching
in tho afternoon at 2:30.
10:30 Sundny School.
11:30 Preaching.
Thome-Tlio Saving Companship.
8:00 Preaching.
Theme The Living God.
Matter of Meals.
While In the largest "ties it Is a
fact that tho heaviest men) of tho dojr
occurs at night, It Is also a fnct that
In tho smaller cities, of 200,000 popu
lotion nnd below, the heaviest meal
occurs nt noon. Tho reason for this
Is, ot course, that In tho largest cities
there Is an exodus at evening to the
1 Miliurjis, where tho family reunion
Is held over the dinner table, whereas
In thu smaller cities pcoplo are ablo
(to go home to mldduy luuch. t
North Inavale
MUt Ru'iy Harvey Malted Mrs,. Hoy
Hutlei'go Tui'mIiiv ufleriionti.
Mis Ceeil Benn is enjojitig u lslt
from her niotliei nnd grandmother this
Ah'ftli Ciirpoii'ei exinc in .Motulny
frc.ui iho west to ttiiiko iv short visit
with lioiupfolks.
Mr nnd Mr. Lyman Hunlulc of
Citiuplipll vUlted several duyi Inst
week nt the homo of their o:i, C L
The (ittt'Toguthcir club, met lust
TluiiMluy with Mth. Kille Harvey,
tjni'e K crowd whs ptenonl . iiihI- nil
'iwnt i uioac uiijcivablo afteinodti.
t'ho lie xt meeting will bo nt thu Inuo
ir Mm. (Sulc.
Next Sunday, August 3J, there will
h nil dy servW-s ut Lone Tree. Tlio
PleattitiL Prali'ie Smiifny Stnool and
Lone irciSiiiiiliiy Sohool will meet
j iiiiily nt toil o'clock nnd nt ekven
o'clock Rev. Cochr.itie of Rlvurton will
liold -ei vices. At noon there will be a
iicn!o dinner and in the afternoon
Uev. Hehollblcl ot lnuvnle will preach.
A eordlnl invitation is extended to all
within leach to attend.
Will Forgey Dead
.after which the body was laid to rest
In tho Highland eemotery, beside his
first wifo, who preceded him a few
years ago. The Lebanon 'rimes.
John Betz Dies
John ISutz was born .January 2, 1838
in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania
and died peacefully ut his homo In
CulhertMMi, Nebraska, August 10, 1020.
On tho Until of July, 1S0I, ho united
in marriage with Elizabeth Matklii.
Suvcu children wero bom to this union,
threo of whom, with his wife, preceded
him in death.
Later lenvinc lYnnvlvnntr. ho tnovi
oil to MUsniiri. Upon leaving that
h'ate be settled in Johnson, Nebraska
and from there to his prcbuut home in
Unlbeit'Oiu Nebraska.
He enlisted in the Civil War, Atigibt
1, S)2. lie as u member of Co. D.,
dipt Van Hise, l0(i III , Vol., Inf., Col.
Latham, serving 3(12 days. Mo was in
a niimboi' of hkiimislu's and also forty
dajs in the famous hetgeof Vlcksbuig
Ills Kl.eHer at night was a gum tree,
and if did not awaken at daylight a
mocking liird would waken him eauu
morning He was mustered out on
Schneider HlulT lauding, Mississippi.
On November 11, YM2 hit was united
in marriage to Laura Grove. No
children were horn to this union. He
leaves to mourn bis departure his lov
ing wife, 3 children, 1 brothor, 2 sisters,
i graniicnimren, grcingruuuuuuuifu,
besides many friends.-
Funoral services wero hold in Ctil
bertson Tuesday, Uev. P. M. Goepfort,
otllciatlng and his body laid to rest in
Itlvervlow cemetery, McCook, that
afternoon. McCook Republican.
The deceased rns the father of J, E
Batz of this city.
Amber Beads Long Popular.
The superstition which clings to tho
meaning of beads Is of ancient origin.
The custom of wearing an amber
necklace was Immensely common, and
Is not yet extinct among old women
in England The amber, when heated
sends forth an agreeable perfume. In
olden times It wns the present made
by a mother to her daughter on her
WOdfiliiir nrn
Protect School Books.
Cover the children's schonlhooks
with either stiff pnper or cloth sq
they will lust, tho year and bo In qon
dltlon'for tho next In tho family who
will need to use them.
Levy Ordinance for 1920
Aiiorilliinncf" iirvlUnu for tho Icvylmrof
City tuxi'Hot tliui'lty of Jtcd c loiul, N'c'jrns
ka, tor tlio current Municipal year.
l)o It orclulnril ly tlio Mayor ami c ity coun
cil of the city of licit Cloml, Nubrnnkn.
Section I Thcru Is hereby lovlud on all tho
tn.xublo property of thu City of I ted Cloml,
Nobrnskii, tho follnwlm; luxes on cimh Ono
Dolliir of tlio iiHSLKhcd valuation of both Html
nnd Personal property In wild city fo'r tho
purposes hereinafter mentioned.
General l'uml : ......w .'fl. mills
Intcreht Klcctrlc Light llonds .7 mills
Interest Water llonds M l.o mills
Interest Sower llonds . 4. mills
Maintenance l-lcr. I.lnht Works...- 0. mills
Malnlonanco Water Works..... - S. mills
Matntcnnnco I'ubllo I.lbrnry .... 3. mills
Malntcnnnco Streets and Alloys..... :i. mills
l'iivln Intersections and interest... 18. mills
Total Mi mIU
Section a ThlsOrdlunncoRhall bo In force
and ollctit upon Hi n.isiano, approval nnd
A PI' 'M I.
Sutton' &
phones I feSLsfl
When you have a blow out or get a tire
down on your truck or car CALL ,
W !...:
A service wagon
-: Truck Tires Carried in Stock :-
Capital and Surplus
Interest Paid an
Time Deposits
Edward Floiance, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Flotance, Cashier
Dtpotll Ouaitintttrf ly Iht Jltpotttors OuuranUe J'utut of the Matt of Xtbrutka
When the
Begin to Fall
Nature warns us that summer is almost gone and
the now green fields will soon be covered with
1 ablankct of snow. You should heed this warn
ingbe prepared. Will that old range hold out
until spring? Why take chances? Replace it
now, then you will be assured of comfort and
economy for the winter, and years to come.
The South Bend Malleable Range
is the one to buy. Wc can rcccommend it to
you, because we know our guarantee is backed
by the factory that builds it. Half a century of
actual experience enables them to give you the
best money can buy and Workmen can build.
South Bends are the final in range perfection. .
You will have 365 days comfort in your
kitchen, each year if you own a South Bend
range and n Florence ""Automatic" Oil
Cook Stove. .Ask any owner of them.
Sr ' Ml4 MTiil Tin f' fcn Nil Jl iTtTfTif i rdi r ri it ywrTln F ' i n8fc t iiTWkTiw oPiTV Ti'iA "MVzvjtkDI
Frank E. Hughes
Cleaning - Dyeing Repairing
Phones ?$ "Z Red Cioud, Nebr.
VYb Crtll iiml Deliver We Pay Koturn Chorees on Out ofTown Work
: .. ... K
at your command
of the world's buiness is done by check
of the world's business is done by the
transfer of cash.
The world Is proilressing. Do not pay
your bills like the cliff dwellers did.
Open a Checking Account
IB .vif