The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 26, 1920, Image 3

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Children Cry For
INet flnntfntsl5?luidDraot
'J' -
Read Thtir Letters
Mrs. Martha C. Dale, R. F. D. 1,
Cannon, Del., writes: "1 am en
tirely cured of chronic catarrh of
the stomach and bowels by PE-ItU-NA."
Mr. J. Bayer, Glcndalc, Oregon:
"There is no medicine like PE-KU-NA
for catarrhal deafness."
Mrs. Knto Marquis, Middlcburg,
Ohio: 'TE-RU-NA cured mo of
catarrh of the head and throat."
Mr. J. II. Collins, Wesson, Mis
sissippi: "PE-RU-NA makes me
feel vigorous and able to work
without that tired, weak feeling I
usually have otherwise."
Mrs. P. Ludvigsen, Austin, Min
nesota: "I got rid of my liver
troublo and can cat anything since
taking PE-RU-NA."
Mrs. L. Hearing, 283 EaBt 169th
St., New York City: "For catarrh
of the head and stomach, I havo
found PE-RU-NA better than any
other medicine."
Mr. W. H. Edgar, 49 Cooper St.,
Atlanta, Georgia: "PE-RU-NA
cured me after I had suffered
fifteen years with rheumatism."
Mrs. Leonn Dodd, R. No. 3,
Medon, Tennessee: "PE-RU-NA
is n grand medicine for coughs and
So many diseases are due to ca
tarrh and catarrhal conditions,
makes PE-RU-NA the best medi
cine in the world to have on hand
for emergencies and general health
protection. Thousands of families
ore never without a bottle of PE-RU-NA
or n box of PE-RU-NA
Tablets in the medicine cabinet
That Is i, the safo way.
You can buy PE-RU-NA any-
wnere in tames or liquid lorm.
A Friend In Need.
Mrs. Klnthiish Who Is that mnii
With the rod nose you Just bowed to?
Mr. Kluthus'li Oh, he's a man I met
out west.
"He Is certainly not ii prohibitionist,
Is ho?"
"Why, I never had occasion to nsk
him, dear."
"But how did you happen to meet
"Well, wo were trnvellng out of Mil
waukee on the sumo train one night.
He had n bottle, and 1 discovered that
I had a cork screw." Yonk'ors States
Minn. Cutlcura for Sore Hands,
ctank hands on retiring In the hot suds
of Cutlcura Soap, dry and rub In Cu
tlcurn Ointment. Remove surplus
Ointment with tissue paper. This Is
only one of the things Cutlriirn will do
If Soup. Ointment and Tnlcum are used
for all toilet purposes. Adv.
Rich Find In an Old Dress.
When the personal effects of the
once-famous dancer, "RIgolbnchc,"
who died recently In Paris at the ago
of eighty, were sold at auction, an old
silk dross wns knocked down to a
Recond-hand clothes dealer for a mere
eong. On examining the garment the
purchaser found concealed In the lin
ing n bundle of French bank notes to
the vnljie of $1,000.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
If you are troubled with pains oi
aches; feel tired; have headache,
indigestion, insomnia; painful pass
age of urine, you will find relief ia
Ths world's standard ramady for kidney,
llvar, bladder and uric add troubles and
National Rarnady of Holland ainca 1696.
Three sixes, all druggists. Guaranteed.
laeli for Hi. m. GoU Medal oB every Ui
ad accH a iaUUtloa
Beauty to Greyand Faded Hair
KMiorea t-niar Btin
I vk. una i w ururciiu
msfni Lncrn. yi. i'u-nopiiK, k.v
niNUtRCQRNS nemoTte Onnu. C.
louirt, rtc, iton ell pun, ensure comfort to ttte
tut, inikre welkins rujr. lie tif mall or at Drur
aUtr. UUcoiCceialceiVYom.t'atcbOKUe.W. I.
Exceptional opportunity at the present time
for young women over nineteen years of age
who have had at least two years in high sohool
to take Nurses' Training In general hospital.
Our graduates are in great demand. Address
Supt of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium
Lincoln, Nebraika
FOR SALE Hemstitching
and pIcntlnB attuclmieut, works mi ull vow
ing iiiRCiilna; ilors lino work! brat thing out;
fre Inatructlnna, aainple of work with each
order: price 12.60. Acme Novelty Co., Vox
:, Fori Smith. Ark.
MILK GOATS. Write us your wants.
E. P. Courtrlght, Kearney, Nebraska.
MrranlSl indjgIsmwJ
n i m r 1
vmicf- - K-mmw
i&4r w
tiSiSm' s?Z
j W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 341920.
rr f"3rrMifMii'T'r
r( sl vV i rV '- n
4 J"?3& v4&R?Sfr .X 8 ? & li 85 BBa -
N T1IK making of dross accessories"
ribbons appear to have eclipsed all
othtc materials. Kvorythlng from
hats to shoes and from undies to
wraps looks to ribbon for adornment
nnd, besides being' used for making
parnltures, It plays a part In the con
struction of many garments. To begin
nt the beginning In ribbon accessories,
Is to begin with sushi's. There Is a
world of them to consider, from the
simplest bands of the narrow fash
ionable two-toned, plcot-edgod ribbons
that havo decked sheer summery
frocks, to gorgeous and Intricate af
fairs In rlrh moire or brilliant broende
that are elaborated Into bodices and
draperies. There are sashes for aft-
! rrnoon and evening gowns nnd there
are sashes for street gown, all as dif
ferent In character as the frocks them
selves are. There are sashes that are
prolonged into trains and others that
hocomo draperies for skirts or nspire
Into bodices, with the aid of mallnes
or net or Ince. Frocks are really
merely lovely back grminds for these
ambitious efforts of the accessory de
signer. An nffalr of this kind claims consid
eration In the group of sashes pic
tured. This extravagant nnd Ingenious
arrangement consists of an overbodlce
and girdle which becomes n ripple of
plaits over the hips nnd blossoms Into
loops and four hanging ends nt the
back. Two long ends reach the bottom
of the skirt and are edged with frills
of narrow lace. These and the two
shorter ends are rounded. The filmy
gown serves to set off this elaboration
of the sash into the most important
feature of the costume. It would he
effective In nny of the lovely colors
used for evening dress.
A much simpler nnd more populnr
sash Is made of wide, soft and plain
untiti ribbon. It Is ndjusted about the
waistline In n crushed girdle that Is
brought twice nround and rnlsed nt
the left side. It Is necessary to stay
n girdle of this kind with wire or
pome other support. It Is finished at
the back with two loops and two ends
nnd over Its fastening nt the Bide, n
Bpray of small roses takes up the color
of the ribbon nnd repeats it in many
delightful tints.
A description of sashes for evening
frockB might go on Indefinitely, there
nre so many of them In such varied
arrangements, but their growing Im
portance In tailored frocks compels
attention. For these thero nre fine
tailored sashes like that pictured in
the group shown here, and others,
less stnld. nils one 1h made of black
satin ribbon folded and arranged into
two loops nnd one looped end. The
folds nre tacked to place. These tail
ored girdles and tailored hat orna
ments are very Interesting and design
ers find It worth while to specialize
In making thctu.
WOMEN who want to make pin
money havo found better suc
cess In specializing along cortnln lines
of work than In trying ninny different
things. They establish and build up
a following that comes back to them
yonr after year at holiday time, or nt
other seasons of tho year. One bright
woman In u small city has been mnk
Ing1 rag dolls and cloth animals at odd
times for many yenrs and selling them
nt holiday tlmo. She has as much
work ns she cares to take and mnkes
a good profit on It. These dolls are
of nil sizes nnd kinds; some of them
mnde of old printed cotton dolls, which
can bo bought In the stores, but most
I 0I luv
of tbcin Ingeniously put together of
scraps of cloth. It Is Interesting work
and dolls that represent many different
races help to make It fasclnatl'ig to
the worker.
Other holiday articles for chlfdren
are easy to make. Those are the cloth
book's. They are made of thin cnmVirlc
In bright colors with pictures of til
sorts, comic and otherwise, pasted on
the pages. To make them, several
thtrknessct of newspaper are cut Into
uniform size for the pages. Much of
those pages of several layers of paper
Is covered with the cambric and but
tonhole stitched nround thn edges
with bright-colored yarns and several
of thorn tied together at the back.
These bright-colored picture bonks de
light the small children and the de
mand for them Is constant.
In the larger towns nnd cities the
specialist who mnkes pretty candle and
lamp shades can plnce them In stores,
and In bazaars at holiday time. Oth
ers, situated so that they have tlmo
for needlework, place embroidered
lunch cloths, dollies nnd things of that
character. A work of this kind that
some women find profitable, Is the
making of layettes and embroidered
dresses for little children. The mnk
Ing of lnyettes may be developed Into
quite n business by clever noodle wom
en, In thickly settled communities,
where there aro ninny young women
who have llttlo knowledge of needle
work and ennnot for this or other rea
sons, innke their own baby's clothes.
One Ingenious woman hns Invented
an amusement thnt children enjoy. Shu
cuts from magazines the colored pic
tures of foods those perfect cakes,
fruits, ham, breakfast foods, bread, ba
con and rolls, thnt aro so enticing.
These are pasted ngalnst cardboard
backgrounds, nnd n set of them, with
n paper tablecloth, makes an outfit
for n parly. These foods are pictured
In dishes so It Is easy to set out a ta
ble with them. A paper tablecloth
with n set of pictures wrapped In It la
sold for a Kiniill but profitable price.
Tho cloth animals aro made by pat
terns, bought of the pattern companies
and clothes thnt are adapted to the.
different nnlmnls, helped out with wa
ter color paints.
Some women nre very successful In
raising flowers nnd hnve capitalized
this happy faculty until their friends
look to them for blossoms nnd flower
ing plants. Considering tho high
prices asked for cut flowers, profits In
this direction ought to bo very good.
One New England woman specializes
In jonquils; sweet violets In bunches
find ready buyers In the cities. The
marketing of perishable things presents-
spine difficulties, but can bo man
aged If one can find a distributor who
will handle them for a commission.
J i66as Jfff&p.
To Clean Doeskin Gloves.
To clean light gray docbkln glove
let the gloves sonk in n saucer with
sutllclent -gasoline to cover them ; take
out, do not squeeze, hut let tho dirty
liquid drop off. Lay on a thick clean
cloth, nrid with a dry piece of rag rub
down, working from tho wrist to the
fingers. Constantly chango tho sur
face of tho rag, forms soon ns It gets
dirty it Is apt to smear them. After
this, If tho gloves are not quite clean,
put them through tho sumo process
again and hang in tho air.
Colored Linen Handkerchief.
Tho colored linen handkerchief with
a net frill Is the latest French novelty,
Sport handkerchiefs of white linen
hnve borders woven In colored stripes
and tho hems cross-Btitchcd lu thr
6aiuo thread.
it nnrtnT.-n PER CENT.
AVnWnhteftenrationfaf As
!-,:f.'r.rtibfFrvt hv RciSula
Cheerfulness ana urauwrow-
Mineral. WNAiicoTtc
jtopctoUDcUinutvu. i
Senna I
'' I
Cltnf-lStytr I
;iRA-ffrWfcf; J
anil Fcvcrlshncis nnd
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Face Looked Familiar.
Dinah was a product of New Or
leans, a big, plump "ynllor gal," who
could cook the llnest dinner) for miles
around. One day a new butler ap
peared upon the scene, and Dinah's
mistress noticed that she took n grout
Interest lu tho man.
At last her mistress could stand her
curiosity no longer and asked : "Di
nah, do you know that new man?"
Dinah took another long and scrutln
Ir.lng look nnd then slowly nnd rem
Inlsccntly replied: "Well, I dunno,
Miss Alice; but I think ho was inn
fust husband !" Pittsburgh Chronicle
Statistics Show Advantages
Over Corn Growing.
On Comparatively Cheap Land In
Western Canada Farmers Get Rec
ord Yields Cost Per Acre. Much
Less Than Corn.
Flow much inoro does It cost to
grow an ncre of corn than to grow an
acre of outs? To get a proper com
parison It Is necessary to take an Il
lustration from u farm on which both
crops are grown successfully. An ox
nmplc has Just been brought to the
writer's attention of the comparative
cost of growing corn and oats on a
Minnesota farm. It Is furnished by
Albert Iiiiner, a well-known farmer In
Cottonwood county. Minn,, In an ar
ticle which appeared in tho Cotton
wood Citizen.
Mr. Iiiiner snys : "I had a curiosity
to know how much It would cost to
raise an acre of oats and corn. To
find out I kept nccount, during th,o
year, of the time required nnd tho
cash expended to grow the above men
tioned crops." His figures show thnt
it cost hi in $.'11.49 to grow nn acre of
corn and $18.13 1-3 to grow nn acre of
oats, or a difference of $13.00 nn ncre
In favor of onts.
Provided the respective crop yieldd
nre not altogether out of proportion to
tho cost of growing the crop, this
seems to be n good argument In favor
of growing onts. Rut to grow oats
successfully It Is not necessary to use
$150 or $200 Innd. In western Cnnnda
aome of the best oat-growing Innd In
the world can bo bought for about $20
an acre. On this land good yields nnd
a high qunllty of grain Is obtainable.
Fifty to sixty bushels to tho ncro
In properly prepared land Is n fair
nverago yield for oats In western Cnn
nda In n normal season but yields of
up to 100 bushels, nnd even more, to
tho ncre hnvo been frequent In good
years. The qunllty of oats grown In
western Cnnnda Is attested by tho fact
that at all the International exhibi
tions for many years past oats grown
In western Canada havo been nwnnV
ed tho leading prizes. Thero Is on
record onts grown in western Canada
thnt havo weighed as much as 48
pounds to tho measured bush-el, and
tho dominion grain Inspector Is author
ity for tho statement thnt 8,1 per cent
of the oats examined by him In west
ern Canada weigh more than 42
pounds to the measured bushel. Tho
standard weight for n bushel of onts
Is 34 pounds.
Samples of these onts weighing up
ward of 45 pounds to the bushel tiro
on exhibition nt the Canadian govern
ment Information bureau, located In
vnrlous cities In the United Stutes.
Proper Pride Necessary.
Pride, llku laudanum and other pol
eonouB medicines, Is beneficial In
small, though Injurious In largo quan
tities. No man who Is not pleased
with himself, even In a personal sense,
can please others. Frederick Saunders,
PIP VS t ' Til I 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 ftiiitW
iffr' mraaSB'0
Special Care
That Baby should hnve a bed of its own all are agreed. Yet It
is more rensonnble for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to uso
a man's medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of
that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would
be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases.
Your Physician will tell you that Baby's medicine must be
prepared with even greater enre than Baby's food.
A Bahys stomach when in good health is too often disarranged
by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving
to your ailing child anything but n medicine especially prepared
for Infants and Children ? Don't be deceived. i
Make a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that
you should remember that to function well, .the digestive organs of
your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that
the desired results may be had from lbs use of medicines primarily
prepared for grown-ups.
Bears the
Heavy Tratllc.
They holdout crowd the roads In
northern .Minnesota, hut on our last
tour, when we headed into a tumnrack
mvamp and had to take our top off
because of the low-hanging trees, we
did feel a tilllt; uncertain about tho
"Do many cars travel HiIh rond?"
we asked some children who happened
"Oh, yes," enmo the proud reply;
"lots of 'em. One came last year and
one this year, an' now you're here,
Don't irtrcak or ruin your material In
poor dye. Jnaifit on "Diamond Dyoj."
Easy directions in package.
Lift Off Corns) No Pain!
Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop n little
"Freezono" on an aching corn, Instantly
thnt corn stops hurting, then shortly
you lift it right off with lingers. Truly I
Your druggist sells n tiny bottlo of
"Freczone" for a few cento, Bufllclent to
remove every hard corn, soft corn, or
corn between tho toes, and the calluses,
without soreness or Irritation.
Neither Satisfactory.
Edwin Wlilch'll wo see? There's
nn awfully funny Charley Chaplin nt
tho DIJou. You'll split your sides.
Then there's "Shrieking Souls" ut tho
Scarehcad. It'll make your hair stand
on end.
Angellnn Can't you think of some
thing else? I'm wearing my new
georgette waist and I'vo just had a
permanent wnve.
? o
WARNING! The name "Bayer" is the thumb
print which identifies genuine Aspirin prescribed by
physicians for 20 years and proyed safe by millions.
-i yfr
SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken package" ot
genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direc
tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheuma
tism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and for pain generally. Strictly American!
Bandy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a. few ccnts-Largcr packages.
JLM9UI la Um tnA mark ot Bar w lUaulactora at MosuMttlcacldaaUr ot gaUcjllcwMI
of Baby.
Signature of
Strong Hint.
Henry's father owned a rolling mill, '
nnd generally took him out(to see his
favorite superintendent on Saturday.
One Saturday morning, however, hlu
father was hi u great 1 urry, and failed
to say anything about taking Henry
with him. The little' follow stoott It
ns long as he could, hut finally sobbed,
"Daddy, when you see Mr. Perry (tho f
superintendent) will you please tell
him that I'm awfully sorry you forgot
to take uiu with you?"
Puts Will In You
Easy to Get Strong
Everyone wants more pep and sure
ly needs It this hot weather. Hot
weather takes away tho appetite nnd
makes one feel listless, lifeless, miser
able, even when you havo n strong;
stomach, but for those who hnvo weak:
stomachs, It Is really a dangerous,,
trying time.
Be on tho safe sldo this kind of
weather nnd help tiaturo nil you can, by
taking nu entente tablet about half
an hour before yoi eat and one or
two nn hour after you eat; It will bo
of wonderful benefit. Kntonlc sim
ply takes up the excess acids, rfolsona,
nnd gases, and cnrrles them right out
of tho body. With the cause of tho
trouble removed, of course you will
feel fit and fine full of pep nil tho
time. Kntonlc will cool feverish mouth
and stomach and give you a good
appetite, even In hot weather.
Got n big box at your druggist's
for a trifling cost and let entonlc
help you for n few days; then you
will never bo without It. Adv.
Psychological Moment.
"Do you mean to say that an old
timer like you feels uneasy when
called upon to make a political
"Yes," admitted Senntor Sorghum,
"though 1 won't say It's exactly stago
fright. You never can tell when
everything might have gono your way
If you hadn't happened to spring the
wrong epigram or funny story."
He Kept On.
"Why nre you staking out n lot
here, my mnn?"
"(lonna live here."
"But you can't live here. This la
tho great American desert. It's too
"I enn't see that It's any dryer lier
than nnywhero else." Louisville Courier-Journal.