RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ? A zA 1 The Mvsterv of . .- V ! r Ek-i .. ... .--..-. .... m UlUltrftted by IRWIN MYfcKS 1 "joHrtr Bynopsls. Dr. John Mlcholson, Just licKlnnlne Ills cnroer, becomes resident physician and cornpanlun of Homer Hldney at Hartley houso, Mr. bldncy la an American, a seml Invalid, old and rich anil very de sirous to live. Mrs. Sidney la a Hpunlsli woman, dignified and roll cent. Jed, the butlur, acta like a privileged member of the family. Hartley Iioubo la a lino otd Isolated country place, with u murder ntory, a "haunted pool," nnd many watch dogs, and an atmosphere of mys tery. The "haunted pool" Is where Hlchard Dolison, son of a former owner of Hartley houso, had killed Ills brother, Arthur Dobson. Jed begins opcrallnna by locking Iho doctor In his room tho very first night. Doctor John fixes his door bo he can't be locked In. Ho meets Isabel, daughter of tho Iioubo and falls In love at first sight. In tho night he finds tho butler drunk and 'holding Mrs. Sidney by the wrist. Ho Interferes. Mrs. Sidney ex plains. John buys n revolver. John overhears Jed telling Mrs. Sidney he will huvo his way. In reply sho says sho will not hesitate to kilt him. Mrs. Sidney risks John to consent to tho' announcement of his engagement to Isobel. Tho Voung people consent to tho muko believe announcement. Jed tries to kill John. CHAPTER III Continued. . Mr. Sidney never liked to have his vicarious drinking Interrupted, but ho always was good natured. "Well, doctor," he said, "wlint now? Is Jed drinking too much for my health?" At that, moment no possible amount of liquor would have been too much for Jed. The wretch must have thought I wasu tfhost. "Jed may drink himself to death, Tor nil me," I said. "That probably Is the best end he can coino to. I think he Is gallows ment, but I want to talk to htm when you can Kpare him." "We enn't spare Jed to have him hanged," said Mr. Sidney. "He's too useful. Who else could drink my wine of nn evening? Go along with the doctor, Jed, nnd see what he wants. It's probably a matter of pills or pow ders for me." Jed was recovering from his shock, but he still showed the effects of It "No hurry," I said. "I'd rather wait half hour. I'll be In my room." I went there and wroto two letters. Both were to one point. They related circumstantially what had hnppened that afternoon. One I addressed to a lawyer I knew, nnd .the other to Dr. tlrowncll. Jed knocked at the door as I finished them. lie was still un nerved. "I have something I want yon to read," I said, nnd guve him the letters. He read them nnd moistened his lips. "You don't need to talk, Jed," I said. "I'll do nil' the tnlklng that's neces nary. I ntn not going uway. I nm go ing to stay right here, and you'd better be very careful of my health. Theso letters go out tonight. The men who get them will keep their mouths shut bo long as I nm alive. If nnythlng Bhould happen to me. whether you had unythlng to do with It or not, you'd have a dlfllcult tlmo with a Jury." " "It was n mistake," ho said. "I would not do you any barm. I shot at a rabbit" "Twice with n pistol, when you had n shotgun?" I said. "You did I I was the rabbit CHAPTER IV. ' Jed came to me the next tiny In one of his candid moods. "I did shoot at you yesterday," he nulil. "'I know you did," I replied. "And you're wondering why and rou're wondering If I intend to do It Ugalii." , "I don't wonder nt anything you do," I suld. "And you know that If you do It ngaln, the evldenco Is pre pared against you. I think I urn per fectly safe. I know you are a cow ard." "No, I'm not a cownrd," he said, ns If he wero stating a fact and not mak ing a boast. "I never do anything without a purpose, ami when I have a purpose, I do It no matter what tho consequences may be. The roasou I wanted to shoot you was because you wero engaged to Isobel. J, Intend to marry Isobel. Now I know that you are not going to marry Isobel. You are Just tho foolish fenco that her mother thought 8ho could build up around Isobel and keep me from try ing to murry her. Isobel doesn't want you. Sho Is laughing at you. So wo might us well bo friends again." "You preposterous old fool 1" I said. "You senllo alcoholic! You are a vio lation of decency. You enfeebled, ex asperating old goatl You would sicken tho moral conscience of n mummy. If you ever nssoclato your aspirations with the name of Miss Sidney again, Til cut your throat with a paper knife." Jed smiled and made me feel ridicu lous. (I "I am a more Intelligent man than you," ho said. "You aro too simple for the complexities of life. You could not possibly bo sulilclcnt for a girl of Miss Sidney's character. She would dlo of By CLIFFORD boredom In six months. There Is noth ing preposterous about my cundlducy for Miss Sidney. I nm older than I'd like to be, but that Is all." "You are a hideous old fool," I said, "but I think I can handle you, and I give you warning." "I am going to be quite friendly," said Jed. "You Mutter yourself," I said. "Well, anyway," ho suld, "I'm friend ly." He proved to be so. The life of the house went placidly from day to day. Isobel, wllh n sense of our posturing toward each other, made mocking ges tures of affection which shocked tier mother. She particularly delighted to demonstrate, when Jed was Kcrvlng dinner. I thought she would end by getting me shot In the back, but Jed had rated inu finally us unimportant, which did my egotism no good. For such a rascal to discard me, formally betrothed as I was to Isobel, In his scandalous pursuits of that beautiful girl, was preposterous. If Mrs, Sidney hud known thnt I was Idiotically In love with Isobel, she would not have sought relief from her distress by the arrangement which mado mo her daughter's protective flanre. The only thing I could take credit for In this absurd situation was that Mrs. Sidney was not allowed to know tho state of my feelings. I was as sensible ns a corrupting ro manticism would permit me to be. I knew that any ulTectlou I might place In this fashion was a real and serious emotional vice, which If not controlled might lead to unhapplness. Thnt con sciousness had steadied me, but It had not delivered me. Isobel wnlked brightly through the old house of tragedy us surely It was, however hidden tho tragedy. She was the glint of .sunshine In the aisles of the dark woods, the odor of roses against the wall. She had the charm of tho hollyhocks, the freshness of the hepatlca In the spring, tho beauty of the wild rose In June. If I showed my feeling more than a liver sausage shows a soul, I hope I may be punished. What I thought of Isobel wus my own affair, so loug as I kept It strictly my own affair. I took myself la hand with as much energy and promptness ns I could, fol lowing tho announcement of our en gagement. I did not wunt to confess myself a fool. I did not intend to do so If I could help It I overdid It. I became disagreeable. I kept as much out of Isobel's presence ns possible. I never willingly was alono with her. I did my best to avoid meeting her or speaking to her. Isobel met tho situation with her nnturnl frankness nfter I had been giving this demonstration of myself for some time. "Doctor," she said, "this household necessarily Imposes friendships upon the people In It. I wonder If we could not be u little more agreeable to each other." I did not know what to say. I hoped not to be a hypocrite, und I did not want to bo absurd. "I uhull be glad to be ns agreeable as I can," I said after some mental stuttering. "I wunt' to be, but I am so awkward." "I want to be, too," said Isobel ; "and If we both want to be, we shall not hnvo to glower nt euch other every time we meet. Kven mother does not require It nnd father would detest It." Without saying anything more, she made me see that I had used a cheap device to escape the'eonsequences of a foolish affection. The girl In a. very friendly fashion nud shown mo that my avoidance of her was marked, cool and unreasonable. It was wholly rea sonable from my poor standpoint, but from no other. I saw thut I was meeting my difficul ty by running awny from It, and I not only did not like tho timidity of escape in this fashion, but furthermore, I did not like the opinion Isobel formed of mo because of It. I had to faco the music, and nfter that I did. It ought hot to have astonished me that I felt better Instantly. I know that n cow ard only Increased his troubles. I Imagine If I had not seemed such a professional stick, such a thing aloof from humun emotions, Isobel would have been merely friendly nnd kind. As It was. she was tantalizing. She llkl'd me well enough, but that meant very little. If she did not drive, ride, walk or play tennis with me, sho hud n choice of the servnnts. It was I or nothing. I was with Mr. Sidney a number of hours every day. They varied, some times seven or eight a day In different periods, sometimes three or four. Very little of this time was occupied In pro fessional duty. Life ut Hartley houso wotild havo been Intolerably lonesome If 1 had been there merely as a prac tltloner. And thereforo I welcomed it routine that was outside my profes sion. Mr. Sidney had a delicacy of perception which told him when at tention upon even so amiable an In valid might; be drawing upon the phys ical reserve of tho people waiting upon him or being with him. He always managed thnt they never should feel tho fatigue of tt. We Bnw no company nt nnrtley house. We mado no culls nnd received none. We extended no Invitations and received none. The estato was baron Haitlev S. RAYMOND Copyricht by George H. Doren Co. H ial, nnd It hud baronial habits, but It brought no friend to the doors. It was nearly always with regard to Isobel thut the condition seemed un natural. For an Invalid like Mr. Sid ney It was natural enough. Mrs. Sid ney was wholly devoted to him ; I was engaged In professional duties; ami for Jed und the servants In the bouse It was natural to be content with what they had of life or with the perform ance of duties for which they wero paid und which they might abandon at will. Hut this was Isobel's life. She was young, vibrant, beautiful, but vistas opening Into human prospects were closed to her. And sho wits en gaged to it piece, of professional dead wood who happened to be the only masculine thing available when her mother wns In great distress. Later Isobel said that as a woman she knew of course that I, loved her, but' this is evident fiction. Shu did no such thing, und It would be an tin kindness to her to think so. What was only comedy If I were, us she thought I wus, nn Indifferent, unfeel ing man, would have been cruelty If It had been known tuat the position was mockery of denied hopes. Isobel used me to gain her liberty. She affected familiarities and called me "John" derisively, or worse "dear" or "old dear." I protested, In more pain than she could guess. "We are engaged," she said. "What should I cull you?" "You might consider the fact thnt we aro not engaged," I suggested. "Hut we .are. 'If we don't act as If we were, you'll not be any protection ngulnst Jed. Don't you want me to call you John?" "Of course I do," I said. "It's per fectly straightforward, naturul und proper." "Then It's the 'dear' nnd 'old dear' you object to, nnd I perfectly delight In calling you 'old dear.' It fits so Isobel Used Me to Gain Her Liberty. well It Is really .wonderful. It Is al most a complete description ns well us a charming appellation. I adore It." "I object to unnecessary freedom," I said. "Hut It helps to deceive Jed." "Nothing deceives Jed. He was de ceived only for u short while. Then lie tried tn kill me. He apologized ufter wntn for his mistake. He knows the character of our engagement." "Just the same, he has rot bothered mother slnco then us "ho did before." "That la because he Is n cowurd und I have him where I can control him." Mrs. Sidney did not understand her daughter. Thnt wns not astonishing; Isobel wns n young American woman; Mrs. Sidney had Spanish traditions. Isobel came naturally, through her father, to a candor which never ceased to amaze and occasionally to dis tress her mother. Isobel wild what she thought. Her frankness eatne from honesty of character. Her lovely mother regarded Ufo ns something to bo managed by reticence anil denial. Mrs. Sidney was esthetic, and If n fact were uuesthetlc, sho denied It and put It out of her consideration. It was, to her, the only proper thing to do. Isobel was a clever tennis-player nnd I iv poor one. She beat me three or four sets every fine afternoon. She liked to drive a cur and ride u horn-. I drove und rode with her. When Isobel said for the first time that she wanted to take me for a drive In the car, her mother made a gesture of dismay. Isobel stood before her a id smiled. "You know we nre engaged, mother," she said. I thought of the hen at the pond's edge seeing her brood of ducklings in tho water, Mrs. Sidney was not In a panic nnd she did not flutter, but her distress wus ucute. She knew the girl had to develop und she know that .slin hud to live In North, not South America.- Hut knowledge is not n complete nnodyno to pain. Isobel took her mother's hnnd and kissed It, und then her lips, Sho smiled tn such nn honest frank, perceptive fashion I know thnt it smile can con tain all the human understanding in WmBM V v House ! V 5 V w the world, because I saw Isobel's nnd then, holding her mother's hand, sho allowed Mis. Sidney to have the mo ment of distress with the Intimate sup port of her own presence. It may seem n small struggle thnt mother and daughter went through, but It did not seem small to me who witnessed It, und It had no rhetorical and little emotional expression. Isobel knew her mother suffered, but she was wise. Mrs. Sidney dreaded her daughter's adopted mode of life, but knew her daughter. "flood-bye, mother," suld Isobel. "We slia'n't be gone long. Come on, John." That wns the first flint; she had called me John honestly und without eolnedy. I knew her finesse. She did It to give her mother the comfortable sense that she was not going upon n wild ndventure of nn nntomoblle ride with nn unrelated man but wus within the strict Intimacy of the family. We went driving, Isobel nt the wheel. She liked to drive fust and I do not. I am timid. I do not think thnt loco motion is u genuine human pleasure. Possibly It Is, behind either a fust or a plodding horse. I prefer the plodding horse. Locomotion then merely reveals gradually changing facets of the scene; one likes to see the manifold aspects of u landscape unfold. P.ut nn auto mobile driven us Isobel wanted to drive It revealed no facets. It merely blurred the vision nnd guve the Idea that the satisfaction sought was a cer tain amount of wind blown In the face. For such us love It, not for me! "That was n dllllcult scene, doctor," she said. I knew that was what she would call mo next "doctor." I came di rectly down out of the clouds. "I know It was," I sulci, "ami I ad mired the honest wuy In which you mnnnged It." "I think I shall continue to call you John Just that way," she said. "It seems more honest and decent. After all, we are engaged." i Sometimes Mr. Sidney could be taken out in nn automobile, of a warm, fair afternoon. It wns not often thnt bis strength permitted this, but when ever It did, I wns glad not only to al low but to suggest thut he make uso of nil opportunities. The most beautiful of our river drives brought us, within the limitation of Mr. Sidney's strength, to the peni tentiary ut Alwlck. It was" a hideous structure of barracks, work-rooms and walls, of cells and urmed guards; but It was In lovely surroundings, nnd If we took the best rouds, we came natur ally to the prison walls. Mr. Sidney would look nt the en closure und the guards In the turrets as If Interpreting his own life In the terms of prison existence. We may have taken this drive by the prison road ten times when, approaching It on another of our outings, Mr. Sidney hud the driver stop ut the entrance. "I feel very strong and well today, doctor," he said, "and If you do not object, I think I should like to go In side. I have seen the outside so many times, I have a curiosity to see the In side." I consented, thinking that with Jed nnd me helping him we ncteil ns his legs, guiding and sustaining his feeble motions he was strong enough to mnko the effort. I did not know whether It wns good or bad pyschology to give him a sight of so many Impris oned men, but my lusttifct suggested that It would, In his case, be good. He wns a logical, reasoning man a rare phenomenon In the human race. If lie had been emotional and sentimental, I should have had more doubt. Mr. Sidney was Important enough to be known In the neighborhood. The warden of thfprlson came to meet him In the olllce ns soon us we hnd entered. He wns very cordial to Mr. Sidney, .who himself never showed more his urlstocrucy of democracy. I nm a democrat. I am most fond of an aristocratic democrat. Such was Mr. Sidney. Mr. Sidney visits the peni tentiary. OX llh CONTIMJIJD.) Flat Feet. Symptoms of Hat foot nre pnln nlong the Instep or even In the calves of tho legs, knees, thighs hips or buck, often mistaken for rheumatism or other troubles. The person stands with feet well apart and toes turned outward, The ankle bends Inward and tho weight fulls on the Inner Hue of the font so that the entire sole rests Hut on the ground. Fox Squirrel's Nests. . In tho South, Instead of living In the hollow trees, the fox squirrels build big nests In the tops of the pine nnd other trees, usually of Spanish moss, says tho American Forestry Mnguzlne. In these they sleep, ulso carrying to them tho pine cones. In tho hnrtlwond forests of the North, dry lenvos tako tho place of the Spanish moss, and a conspicuous nest Is built with an en trance liolo at the side. Every hoy knows severnl men whom ho Intends to whip when lie crows ud. DEPENDED UPON 1T20 YEARS Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound Has Been Thi Woman's Safeguard All That Time. Omaha, Ncb.-"I have used Lydia E. P'ngharn BVctabloCompoundforover vweniy years ioric male troubles and it has helped me very much. I have also used Lydla E. Pink ham's Sanative Wash with good re sults. I always have abottleofVnovfnhln Compound i n t h o nouse ns it is a good romedv in timn nt need. You can nuhlish mv t n n ft I. tnonial as every statement I havo made is perfectly true." Mrs. J. 0. Elmquist, 2424 S. 20th Street, Omaha, Nebraska. Wnmnn valm auffAv fwrn IhnBA Ae. trcssing ills peculiar to their sex should bo convinced by the many genuine and truthful testimonials we are constantly publishing in tho newspapers of tho ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound to restore their health. To know whether Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will help you, try itl For advice write to Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. Your letter will bo opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. Cuticura Talcum is Fragrant and Very Healthful Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. WAS TCPBE MORE YELLING Safe to Say That Father's Prediction Turned Out to Be Absolutely Correct The sweetly peaceful scene In the Httlo sitting room was suddenly dis turbed by n loud yell, nnd the honored guest sprang wildly from the chair Into which he had Just sunk, while the daughter of the house felt her fuce grow pale. She hnd hnd hopes from this visit. Alas, poor girl, were they to be blighted? But futher took the mntter and his unall son firmly In hnnd. With a graceful apology he removed the bent pin from the chnlr and the aforesaid Kniall boy from the room. "-Vow, look here, Charles." he said sternly, In the back yard, "why did you do It?" "It It wns an experiment, father I" faltered the laddie. "An experiment 1" snorted father. "The only man who has visited your poor hls'er for years, and you go and drive I.lm away I" "Well, dad," explained tho boy, "he advertises that he Is a painless dentist, an I wnnted to Und out If It wns true, an' It wasn't. You should hove heard him yell!" "Yes," wus tho father's grim com ment. "And some one else Is going to hear you yell now!" A Clue. "You snltl the suspected moon shiners gnvo you n clue by singing. What was tho song?" "'Oft in the Stlll-y Night.'" A Clean Sweep. Vacationist You sny the city takes everything you raise. Farmer Yes! And that Includes the help we raise. Unprofitable Combination. Howell Is yoilr new hired man sat isfactory? Powell I should say not. He Is one of the henvy inters and light workers. IpSSSSBMfefiisH&BBSSSs! I FMPH -IPLbBBbHI Twenty Five Years of Success . proves that the originator of Postum Cereal was building upon a sure foundation when he devised this most famous of all cereal beverages. Where one used it in place of coffee, in the beginning, tens of thousands drink it today and prefer it to coffee. Healthful, delightful to taste and satisfying to every one at table. Postum is now recognized as coffee's one and only great competitor among those who delight in a coffee-like flavorN Sold everywhere by Grocers Made by Postum Battle Creek, Michigan I lamrn Nebraska Directory KODAKS Developing, Printing and Enlarging Lincoln Photo Supply Co. (Knstmnn Kodak Co.) Dept. K, 1217 O St. Lincoln, Neb, 7 PER ANNUM TAX FREE Tho Lincoln Telophona A Telegraph Com pany, Lincoln, Neb , Is offering to investor at par, S100 per ahare, aome of Its tax-fres 7 stock that has paid quarterly dividend for tho past 11 years. This Is a nafe nnd con venient Investment, checlta for dividend! be Inn mailed to your addresi for 11. 75 per 1100 share In January, April. July and Oc tober. For Information or for shares of stoctt address C. I. Ilu.uell, Secy. Lincoln Tele phone & Telegraph Company, Telephone Hid., Lincoln. Neb. SANITARIUM iSULPHO SALINE SPRINGS Located on our own premises and used in the Natural Mineral Water Baths Unsurpassed in tho treatment of RHEUMATISM Heart, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Diseases Moderate charges. Address DR. O. W. EVERPTT. Mnr. 14th and M Sit. Lincoln, Nek. $35 REWARD For tho return of dark yellow dog, size of Fox Terrier. Answers to nauio Buddy. White stripe between eyes, white chest, whlto feet and has Ioiib toll: has short, flno hair; oars notcut. When losthad tog number 7(M,Omah. Address: Mrs. C. L Firuwortb, 3901 Dewt; Arc, Ocab rhonellirne.T.TJls. Snltablnrpirard for Information POET'S WORD GOODENOUGH Student Was Absolutely Satisfied Without the Necessity of See ing Any Proofs. A good story Is going the rounds of Princeton nbout Prof. Alfred Noycs, the English poet. Professor Noyes, It Is well known, likes very much to read his works aloud to his friends, nnd nt Princeton, with so many young men under him, he l.f usually nble to gratify this lik ing to the full. The other dny Professor Noyes said to a junior, who hnd called about an cxnmluntlon: "Walt a moment. Don't go yet. I want to show you the proofs of my new hook of poems." But the Junior made for the door frantically. "No, no," he said. "I don't need proofs. Your word Is enough for me, professor." English Women in Wft One of the best-known women 1 London's newspaper world, returning from Illrmingham by train and en deavoring to make shorthand notes en route, was hopelessly Interrupted by n man on the opposite seat who per sisted In shouting his political opin ions to nn acquaintance In the farthest corner, says n writer In the London Evening News. At Inst he used a phrase containing tho word "damn" and turned to apologize to the lady for using such a word. "Don't mention It," she replied, sweetly. "I have been mentally using the word for the last hour." And the newspapers of tho other passengers rustled through the lnugh ter of their owners. Height of Something or Othe-. Our Iden of the height of something or other Is a i!00-pound cornfed girt Jammed into a tin bathtub that Is at tached to a motorcycle. Arkansas Thomas Cat. EOSSES2SEE Cereal Co., Inc. ! A r i 1 i s