RED OLOTJD', KlSBHABKA, CBTK? "v. The Margin of Safety Ih teproaented by tho iimoiuit of insurance you curry Don't lull yourself uiUi n fancied security. Uoeausc fire lias never touched you It doesn't follow that jou'iclmmimo Tomorrow -no today, if you have ttmc untl you better llrnl time come to tho otllco unci we'll write a nolle on your house, furniture, tore o morchandlso. LAI I K MAY UHTOU lATL- C. TEEL R.eI5ixbiG Insurcv-nce f& A), uf s & & j - T. -v... "Quality" Job Printing SEE THE Sells -Floto THREE-RING CIRCUS Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and Friday AFTERNOON nnd EVENING Without canvas nnd beforo tho grandstand at Nebraska's "Prosperity" Stato Fair SEPT. 5fch to 10th INCLUSIVE ptfjj$t mmi & , -' ?ifV jtf ' 1 ft I At J &9 JtUSjMKHM iZHtti mMrw Arthur Go Wray Cnmlldnto for Governor Born in Nebraska 40 years ago. Graduate of York schools and fiaptlst Slate College. Practicing attorney. County Judge, York, seven tftars. Now mayor of York. Mem ber of resolutions committee Roose velt convention, 1012. Member of many boaids and committees In ac tive work for suffrage, child welfare and prison reform. Judge Wray believes In a genuine curbing of the profiteers and a square deal for the common folks, lie believes In genu ine economy In public affairs and the selec tion of compeltnt men for public service In stead of cheap politicians. Ills friends point to his good perform ance of public dullct and to fits clean public and private life as a guaranty of honest sen Ice to state In the Goicrnor's office. Vote for Arthur G. Wray Boys' Camp - The 1020 Stnto Fair Hoys' Camp promi es to be oi n of iW blftre nnd t)C3t cur held, we cr.nnot o.etM-t. mate t' c g od nco jm.'i -'.cl '. Vi the nt;t-'Ti"o pf t' h ,s n tin Cnn'p.' 'o cd'oit Is -tmt'1 to -n e their tv.f -f,ith ua i.ot oniy r p' vaic i to them, hut cf value in sn r 'wen tional way also. It is mt o-.y trcj I duy cf the county 'iiici"i ', sec tm;t fvo l.-vji ir.cnrt i o to county, but it h'u'd be a pkmura also to givo U) then ?uch n oicor tunity Wo acce t two hoys from ca-h county in the ntntc, ,jvith the ex ception of Doufl i eoun; ,h,ci mn rend nix and Lcnoastei county wh'ch send four. If irite eslpcl, you c'lould write to tho county t aper inlm'tnt for fuither information. . uva Yen No'.iccd Thlo, Too? Vhcii .Miu coiiK nglit down to It h'cKI('vj driver Is inrely wreck orlraii .Motorist. uui.ggnjt--TOa'ut'EWCT-iiaiij To Raise Hastings Daify Tribune Subscription Price After August 31, 1020, the btibscrin'ion price by mail of the Hast ings Daily Tribune will be ?5.00. All of our mail subscribers may re new before that date for one yenr from their present date of expiration at $1.00. Please u.o order blank nt bottom of this notice and be sure that your remittance is mailed before the above mentioned date. Date .19. .. THE HASTINGS DAILY TRIBUNE, Hastings, Neb. Sirs: Find enclosed S for which .plc:u.c rend mo The Hast jngs Daily Tribune for Name Bolter Babies We are absolutely certain thi Young America, in nil its glory, will bo well represented at tho 1020 "Pro ppiily" State Fair lletter Babies Contest Wo limit the number to two hun dred, as that is all wo can handle during: the week. Tho entries in this department close Aug. 2Gth. to if you desire to outer your baby, bo sure to do so in time. Tho object of this department which should bo considered ono of vital impoitanco not only to this generation but to those following is to give to. the world and humanity just what the titio indicntes "lletter Babies". We want to help every mother mnke her child moro perfect in every way, and to teach her tho most approved mothod3 of rearing a baby in such a way as to equip it in tho best poscible manner to go into tho world unhnndicapped. Only children between tho ages of eighteen and thirty-six months nro eligible to enter this contest. For further information, address the Sec retary, Lincoln. Nebr. Defective Children On Thuisdny of State Fair week, wo have a department in which mothers of ailing children should be vitally in terested. On that date we receive and examine nil children who may bo termed "defective" In any respect, up to the nge of twelve years. Wo se cure the services of tho best special ists to bo obtained, and the advice and assistance tendered to the mother is free. Wo feel this is an important part of tho work in promoting better health among children and trust this offer will bo taken advantago of by all mothers who feel their children ai o in need of special treatment. For entry blanks and further information, address the Secretary, Lincoln, Nebr. SENT DOWN WATER Example of Golden Rule. In West ern Utah. Attention, Swine Breeder All entries for tho State Fair in tho swine department, with tho fee for tc pens and ticket, must be in the office of the secretary not later than Sziturd'iy, Aug. 21st, at six o'clock p. ffi. Poultry Tho entries in Class "E", Poultry, close Thursday night, Sept. 2nd, at six p. m. Make your entries early so there will be no mistakes. We do not take entries in this department aftar that date. Patronize ChieS A dvertissrs I Address ' ' " " CT " J m&sa m ma m mm& & m mm ss n wans i in liiiiaif ..,, " tmiinimmiwjmimciaMvmn&rataiMtmNmaimmHmt itiunwxtMJUtMmMmmBwummrmnmiaTtMiaiiirrnTTirm-fiH'ajr rri rcvgcvi TAjr-m-urai-opa I a 4-few -ff D' ri-ft.H.flQ D.CB Li Farmaro of tho Scvlcr Valley Gladly Deprived Thtm-slvjo of PrccloU3 Liquid to Gavo Crops of the Less Fortunate. It had boon tho hottest and driest fuiintnor over recorded on the Pahvant plains In western Utah. Moro water thnn ever bcfoio was needed for the Pahvant ciops; but as the previous winter had been recotded us bavins an evtroinyly light biiowfull, the late Miiniiiur How of the Sevier river (pro nnuiiccd "nevero") from the btiow stores of the Wasatch mountains, was at a minimum. 'Jherefoiu In spite- of rigid wnter economy there was an Insufficient sup ply to mature tho crops In thut re gion. Early in the season It became apparent thnt if borne good rains did not come nt timely Intervals there would be widespread devastation of the crops; and despite the earnest hopes oX the people, tho windows of the sky remained sealed so far as the rain was concerned, and the brassy skies drank up every speck of mols turo everywhere, even draining tho reservoir dry a mouth before tho po tatocs and beets were mntured. The apples fell to the ground withered, and the alfalfa stubble could not send out the shoots for the third crop of hay, the drought wna so thorough. After experts had been consulted with no good result, an olllclnl of the state farm bureau, with a few other citizens, mndu nn inspiring rldo In automobiles up through n small range of mountains Into tho Sevier valley, where tho crops had not suffered greatly, owing to the fact that the fanners In this region held prhnnry rights to tho wnter of tho river. The modern Paul Revere4, coining to the rewucj of the unfortunate farmers farther down the stream, appealed to the Irrigation company otllclals In this region, and requested the loan of the iier for 21 hours. They were assured In response that the Golden Rule i cached not only ucro&s the f-'evler valley, but on down to tho Pahvant ns well, and a vote was unanimous In favor of clos ing the Sevier valley head gates by midnight that very night and leaving tlicm closed ns requested. The returning midnight riders reach ed Pahvant valley many hours before the water, which began to nrrlvo late the next forenoon. Tho mammoth Sevier river, no longer full nnd turbu lent nt this time of the year, but flow-In- abundantly, nevertheless, went hounding Joyfully down through the htony canyons, carrying good tidings of tho genulno friendship of tho Sevier valley farmers. That afternoon every Pahvant farm er was In his fields guiding the pre cious wnter ncros tho lands, where It kissed bnck Into liveliness nnd hope tho despondent crops; and all that night and the next day the men la bored on In gratitude, until tho wn ter began to dwindle, and then llnally tl ceased. Hut It was enough; 2.200 acres of crops worth bundled4, of thousands ofdnllnr., were saved and a commu nity wax made happy. Christian Sci ence Monitor. r i -ill r vj-- .ifiti'Li Vv w-'-:imM ' : UWSUL 'mW 9U&TT&' 45EmiiI . .-:: Atir . &; S' r ti JJSzrfWw k - BATTERIES w& v 8M S" 5155K1 -v . . !y .wjj iT.-3n-vaV r'L-'. VTLi'ft"- - " " - Victor at Indianapolis Exide Battery performance at the Indian apolis Motor Sweepstakes on Memorial Day will be recorded as "a perfect score." Seven of the ten cars finishing the race, including the winner, used Exide Batteries for ignition. Exide Service will supply you with a powerful, durable and dependable battery for your car, an Exide. It will also give your present battery unprejudiced, expert attention, and make it last as long as possible, until you are ready to replace it with an Exide the long-life battery. RED CLOUD BATTERY SERVICE STATION CARL S. McARTHUR, Proprietor Mr, and Mrs. I ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING I I Phone, Store Ind. 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB bSrW"VSV,.VV.VA"V" BIG CANNING EXHIBIT ASSURED tir&m. jtiliC Aug. '.Oi Tj, WMm&w vr &t u -y-? ra IJ ti -a oe -n re t r t LIB. MBLliU.lVC The Management is putting forth every effort to make this the Biggest'County Fair ever held in this part of this state ' BASR BALL TQUKNAMENT Games start at 12:'lo sliarp. Augr. 25, Campbell vs. Red Cloud. Aug. 2G, Mindcn vs. Wilcox. Aug. 27, winners of first two days play each other. AEROPLANE FLIGHTS Aeroplane exhibition flights every af ternoon of fair. Also will carry pass engers at the usual rates. ROGERS CARNIVAL CO. Tho Rogers Amusement Co. of Salt Lake City will make its first appear ance east of the Rock Mountains dur ing fair week, with a company of 70 people. Up to the minute in ovcry thingthat a carnival company carries. RACES Tho fastest harness races ever seen at tho Webster County Fair. Also good running races. Many horses are now on the grounds. "Races start at 2:30. POLITICAL SPEAKING Prominent political orators will speak every evening from 0:00 to 8:00. Aug. 25th, Judge Ray, nonpartisan candidate for Governor. Aug. 2Gth, II. S. Dungan, democratic candidate for congress. Aug. 27th, W. E. Andrews, republican candidate for congress. FIREWORKS DISPLAY Absolutely the grandest display of fireworks ever witnessed west of the Missouri river. An African Pompeii. During the war archaeological ex cavations weie continued at the Ital ian colony of (.'yivnalca on the North African coat, and now comes tho new, that what has been found al ready inomNe.-. the uncovering of an other ancient city ns Important as I'omi'cll. Once upon a time the ppot was a fired; colony, with the clvlll 'atlon of (Srcece transplanted to the .nll of Al'rba. The work has been 9 1 canled on during the war under the supervision of l.uclo Mnrlanl, director o the archaeological -service4! of tho ministry of colonies and the predic tion Is now ni'idc that the newly ills coveted cltv will eventually prove ac tually richer than Pompeii In Its evi dences of a pnst civilisation. Hero lmu been nltrudy found statues of the (iruccs. a Hermes, nn Dos, an Al exander the and mo-u Impres sive ol all, the Aphrodite of Cyrene. which Is wild by certain connoisseurs to be n fair rival In beauty of Venus of Mllo and the Venus of Cnldus. The discoveries have extended over many years. Free attractions, plenty to eat, plenty to drink. Come early, stay late. As usual, the Wm. F. Lewis Stock Co., will show' on the fair grounds the entire week, beginning August 23rd !' ' "" i i , , . , '"..'..'.'.. ... . . . . . . . For other information write or wire President or Secretary. t E. J. Solornan, President S. F. feexiSVSfccretary Possible. "Is It posihle for a man to got thor oughly drunk in this town It lie is willing to pay the price?;; asked an arid arrival. "Well, yes; I reckon It's possible," replied the landlord of the Petun'n tavern. "Hut It don't hardly seem probnble. You see the bootlegger takes you upstairs and down cellar and round nnd round llko tho ragged rascal ran round tho rugged rock In McGuu'o.v's old Third Header, nnd so on nnd so forth, and then charges you SO cents for rnturiiPtlng three drops of diluted llckcr on your tongue with an eye dropper. Mebby a body could got drunk that way If ho was rich enough, hut It docs seem like un aw ful waste, of time, money nnd pa tience." Kansas City Star. 7? -f jfMt'-WFm i? Va-? "' i?y mgm i t .. T 4 . . ..OV. I J Air v .t 'fi .?. r- . m p4 . 0 .i ' v If? ( " : 'i. . ts xhrj&j, &.i m. WIM LK .-fin."' S5 ; . ,.:vv A. me mm .." ti-u. trwtihii ,iv?z"aw: m. &. ifammm!m J Jl f$$$: BWi Having won tho local contest, boys' nnd girls' work which is an this girl is planning on winning a outstamltng feature of tho big 1-ir.rrnr mize Her two cans of S Nebraska "Prosperity" Stnt fruft Sro entered in tho exhibit oi S. Lincoln, Sept. Oth to 10th. The Moneyed Class. , "Who Is that poor Miubby little girl tho others won't piny with?" "Oh, she's a college professor's daughter." "And who arc tho llttlo girls who look down on her so?" "Those? Oh. they nro llttlo enobs whose futhors woi by the thy." aTCa'Si-tias Dp. R. E. GAP CHlROPRftGTOH PHONES I IND. ) Ofiice 76-M Reiidence 190-Y Office 2 Blocks North ol Ficemari'i Hall RED CLOUD NEBRASKA E. S. Gcrber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures , 'J 4) W