RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF "V7TA7 EG S3 I - .4 Geo. W. Hutchison Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Abstracts m invrc I Office. Red 33. Id, 63 Red Cloud PI IONES Reidenee ! 77 Nebraska IUE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod CJoud, Nebraska SEEIMG IS BELIEVING I have just returned from an inspection trip of nortvcst crn Kansas, driving by auto to Decatur, Rawlins, Chey enne, Sherman, Wallace, Greeley, "Wilchita. Logan, Sheri dan, Thomas and Norton Counties, stopping at many places and driving tire country around the town. 1 have found some real bargains in wheat and stock farms, wheat going from 20 to 40 bushels the acre, land ranging in price from $12 per acre, up, with easy terms and small payment down. The average renter in this county can handle a half section of this land. If you are interested see me at once and make arrange- ments to go and look this land over, for land values arc advancing and the bargains I now have may soon be gone, GEO. W. HUTCHSON. J(, UMHED tlVERV THURSDAY stored In tlie l'oatuirce at IltiU loud, Nob ns Second Claw MiUttr A. 13 McAUTUUH, TMltnr titid Owner ClBUNtY DHMOl'llATIC I'Al'KU IN WKtiMTEK COPNTY Gcurnor Co Stands For Present F)'iy Spirit Of I'rogrisaivcness DANDIES OF COLONIAL TIMES 3HE 3G 3D 14 The Price of Lumber and building material is so much less than it has been and the prospects for it going much lower is so slight that we feel justified in advising you to build now PLATT & FREES ri k ESI IHr-JL ljbEL I 1 The Joy Piace ! Deshler, Nebraska During the Thayer Comity Fair s I Aug. 31, Sept. 1,2, 3, '20 Stock Show Races Ball Games Flying Herberts Conies Fireworks Gus Henderson . The Funniest Clown McMahon Railroad Shows Come Early Stay Late D Hy GEORGE WHI'lE Chairman Democratic Nations Committee f Governor Cox, Democratic cundi drtc for the Presidency, selected by the most representative, moat un tianimeled niot progicssivo conven- . tion ever hold in the history of American institutions, stands for the present day spirit of go-ahcadncss. I He believes that the world is a mov ing, advancing, vitalized world, that It cannot bo successfully turned back- ward, lie doen't believe that it I needs a soporific; a sedative, maybe, but not a soporific. I Mr. Cox's record as Governor of , Ohio is a continuous record of ad vancement of progress. His con j sideration of industrial questions has always been judicial, sympathetic and understanding accurate. His deci- sions have been received with satis- faction by both capital and labor where controversies have nrisen and where conflict seemed imminent. Ohio, great industrial State that she is, has had more than her share of industrial complications. Governor Cox has steered a steady course, and the record which ho has made as chief executive of his native State is an indication of the record which ho I w ill make as Chief Magistrate should ho be elected in November, as I con- ! fulontly believe ho will be. What he has done as Governor of Ohio he will do in a greater way as President of the United States, where his oppoitunitios will bo vastly grent- o' Ho vis far-ec.'ng, a man of vision who is not visonary, a modern man ' wo thinks in a modern way, and, I moT than that, acts as ho thinks. . At every stage of his public career, i abreast of the times, Governor Cox , can take up the reins of government fully equipped to meet and master ' every important issue. i In his speech of acceptance the , Governor has sufficiently outlined his po'icics on vital auctions. As the campaign progresses, ho will elabo- ratf the views expressed in lib Day- ton pronouncement accepting the I no'Vnation. There will never bo an occasion to 1 doubt the Governor's position on questions that arise. Ho hits from th Fhouldor and hit hard. When t'e counl'".- becomes moro intimately acqua'nted with his views and mo"" famil'av with the splendid lecord of his accomplishments, it will harbor no suspic'on that ho is not progrcs. sbx in every national meaning of that tcm. Ho will make it plain that the real point of difference between the Dem-oc-ntic party and the Republican par ty is not changed that one repre sents progress and a world that moves, while tho other represents re action and a nation benumbed. Women In the Country's Early History Evidently Had No Monopoly of "Flno Feathers." Tlio gentlemen of n long-pa3t dny were not less particular In regard to tholr costume than nro their success ors of the present time, a fact that Is manifest from certain records of colo nial times. Governor Hutchinson's or der for clothes, sent to London to be filled, Is a telltale and Instructive pa per. We may suppose tho carments to have arrived by tho time of the I5os tor. mnssnere, and can easily guess how the handsome man of fifty-nine ii.ust have looked as ho schemed and nrgued ngalnst his rebellious people. "October 0, 1707. To Mr. Peter Lcltch: "I desire to have you send mo n blue cloth waistcoat trimmed with tho fcnino color lined, tho skirts and foe Ings with efTifjeen, and the body linnen to match the last blue cloath I had from you: two undcr-wnLstcoats or cnmlsols of warm swansdown. without floees faced with some cheap silk or shnj. A suit of cloaths full-trimmed, tho cloath something like the enclosed, only moro of a gray mixture, gold but tons and hole, but little wadding lined with elllgeen. "I llko a wrought or flowered or embroidered hole something though not exactly like tho hole upon the clonths of which the pattern Is Inclosed ; or If frogs nre worn, I think they look well on the coat; but If It be quite ir regular, I would have neither one nor the other, but such a hole and button as are worn. I know n laced coat Is moro the mode, but this Is too gay for tne. "A pair of wosted breeches to match the color, and a pair of black velvet breeches, the breeches with leather lin ings. Let them como by the first ship. "P. S. If thero be no opportunity be fore February, omit tho cnmlsols, and send a grecne wnlstcoat, tho forcbod les a strong corded silk not tho cor dnnsny, but looks something like It tho sleeves nnd bodies sngatheo or other thin stuff, body lined with llmieii, hklrts silk. My last cloatln were rather small in the nrmholes, but the alterations must bo little, next to notl Ing." Philadelphia Record. 9 A br THE yNIVERSAL GAR v .4 ", stf&fc M.wiWMV .. H'k'ii' t The Ford Coupe has an especial appeal for real estate folks because" of its splendid up-to-date appointments. A comfortable and depend able motor car every day of the year shine, rain, mud or snow. Equipped with electric self-starting and lighting system and demount able rims with 3-inch tires all around it, brings its owner all those established dependable Ford merits in economy in operation and upkeep, with assured long service. Not alone for professional and business men who drive much, but as the family, car for women, the Ford Coupe meets every expectation. The demand for them increases daily so we solicit immediate orders to make reasonably prompt delivery. Will you not make our shop your repair place? Genuine Ford parts and skilled mechanics. FRAME 8c SUITE sifiXitf Authorized Agents BROS. CO. Red Cloud, Neb. GLENDALE fAKK II. SUBDIVUIOM l II HM(IM(.U.( Kit, ,.Mv.t. S I, tOniczor a. -j , .i , .a. .I Romance of Diamonds. notion In Its maddest moods nev er Invented romauco moro bewilder ing than the stories of tho great dia monds of Indln, says Popular Sci ence Monthly. For these baubles wars hae been waged, nations devastated, thrones and dynnstles overturned, men slaughtered by tens of thousands. The fame of the Great Mogul lured Nadir Shah to tho sack of Delhi. Do sire to possess tho IColi-l-Noor was woven Into the complex motives that led Aurung-zeb to delugo Indln with blood, slay his three brothers, nnd do t hi one nnd Imprison Shah Jehan, his father. - Tho Orloff. stolen from tho eye of a toinplo Idol and sold overseas, was presented to Catherine of Itussla b her princely paramour to patch a lov ers' quarrel. Swallowed by a faith ful serving mnn to save It from rob bers who felew him. tho Snncy wn sliced from his stomach tb adorn the roynl person of Henry of Franco nnd Navarro. SUDAN GRASS GAINING IN - . FAVOR Sudan grass, which is gaining in favor in the western and central parts of Nebraska, is tho subject of of a special bulletin by tho United States Department of Agriculture. In many sections Sudan grass does bet ter than millet and cane, and in irri-f gated regions it vields a.i wdl Be alfalfa. Experiments have shown it to be an excellent roughage for hor ses and stock cattle and only slightly less valuable than alfalfa for milt rws. It has feeding value equal to millet, timothy, or Johnson grass. Its chief advantage over cane is that it can bo pastured, it makes bettei haj, and it is easier o handle. Copies of farmers' bulletin 1126 may be outlin ed from the College of Agriculture at Lincoln. i..'.iiL . SA. , . I i ...r.t- w"r 'I'ijiK nT 4Mfl -'k " ' u MHV HiHM ZffL2Zl" 'I'SifflfcMa-jjBffi TSewi, I Hi ''.11 '.I I fOtlli-r-" . t 'A m rli ii i i Ufa" j.'JWflWV .n Both, are lieref3' The Guide Book, and the Cabinet Stop in for n copy of "Edison and Music." Pick your Period phon ograph out of its pages. Sec it in our store. That's the surest, quickest way to obtaiij a 4,furniture aristocrat." 2&NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" "Edison nnd Music" is tho book of Edison Period Phonographs. It is as rich in furniture treasures as all the Golden Ago of Furni ture. ' You can choose from the historic masterpieces of England, France and Italy from 17 different designs, each exquisite in its own distinctive way. Every New Edisou is adapted from a pure Period source. You can pay for your New Edison on our Budget Plan. That means, you can buy today the cabinet your heart desires, and make to morrow's income help py for tomorrow's pleasure. E. H. NEWB(OUSE uauarxp: WJUI1 IWWI t WWW IWHiJIWfll feESSE AUDITORIUM PRICES THE SAME Adults 25c Children 10c TONIGHT The Poison Pen Also THE WHIRLWIND FRIDAY ONLY TheN ew York Jazz Band SATURDAY Charlie Chaplin Mrs. Nels Anderson is on the sick list this week. Charles Til ton and Louis Hnyes .vent to Clayton, Kansas Suturdny. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rickerson are Mio parents of a buby girl born Tuee ay Mr. and Mis. .1. II, Iliijes and son lldwln, and Ivnymond McCarthy of 'Jury, Indiana are vUiting tit the home f Nelson Ilnyes Attorney L H. lSlnekledge wll do- vcr an uddiesh to tho League of '.Vomcn Voters at tho court bouse next Tuesday tiftei noon at 3 o'clock. Raymond and Clifford Tiruure autocd in fiom Denver Monday after noon. Raymond hns been visiting his lstcr, Mrs. Kenneth Wilson in Den ver, and will spend n few days hero Rubt. Rose of Missouri and Mr. and Mis. Thomas Androws of Cambridge .eru In the city Saturday. Thcgentle ion are 'promhient sWiekraiscrs aud uhMo'hcru visited several of our stook llll'll. FOR SALE Throe 1017 model Ford tooling curs, olio 11)17 Ford roadster, iMiiuunteed In No, 1 ooudltiou, priced f 100 nnd S350. Also new Fold sedau, umpe nd truck. Hurry If you want them. I'll AM K & SMITH DUOS. CO iiira!woraiiiiiiin!imnii!w A Picnic? When planning your outing, picnic or fun-festival bear in mind that we can furnish you any item on the lunch menu delicious eats of all kinds. The fact that it comes from our store is a guar antee that it is pure and fresh. Hot Weather Eats Then, loo, during these hot days when your ambition and appolilc is not up to normal, you find in our store nany dainty morsals that will tempt you fresh fruit, dainty cookies, wafers, and, canned goods of the highest quality. P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware tirarasa'tja.rA. Qr.WMMcBride DENTIST OVER STATE BANK REDCLOUD NEBRASKA Dr. R.V. Nicholson . DENTIST onicoOver Albrlslit'BStoro .., - Red Cloudy. , Nebraska, i ,- 4 I. 5r