RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHD5F :: The Joy r lace I 0 kg Deshler, Mefe.ra.ska During the Toavef Goon ty r n j ft "4 Aug. 81, Sept. 1,2, 820 Stock Show Races Ball Games Flying Herberts Conti's Fireworks Gus Henderson . The Funniest Clown McMahon Railroad, Shows Come Early Stay Late HE Ik COME ONE - COME ALL TO Lebanon, Kan. THIRTY-THIRD Anniversary Celebration and Base Ball Tournament AUGUST IB-2Q21 THREE Bm DAYS Curtis Friday - Aviator Performing Wing and Parachute Drop, will give daily ex hibitions over the city and carry passengers. MiileT Florenze 'tof dnsSai: Denver Darling g'rSaanccting A Clean and High Class tfquilibrislic Act. BASE BALLlEvery Afternoon ul C'jr.i, Smith Onlcr, Mankalo a, id Rcllair will contest for 3 a $401)0) I'urse. I Mdie by ehanoi Military Band I PIorry-Go-Roasnd Ferris Wheel M TJSiA , T-1.. D i a mm-, jy ?ju. !& i civ huh 1NAVALE Ilbraiy Association Mcotine; The firxl meeting of liic Iiaalc L'uiary Association wtts called by tho ic ii"j '.i, Committee on Tliiir-day i .n . , Aujju t r, l!20, ut Iho Mef.odi. t church. IUv. iichofluld acUd rs lompoiary chuiinmn. I he Temporary Conini'ttec np'ii od thnt tho mombcrrhip cards had b.en printed, the pupoition preMunt od to the people at an entertainment I. !d in tho hall Fiidny, June 11, H)20, jsr.d tho caida circulated from the . lovs and pout oftVo at Inavalr. 'H.u following oftkeis vwrc dieted: ninirnrr.n Mm J. A. Silvoy. Societal y-TrcauiPr Rev. Scho fiold. Kvecrtivc In addition to the officers Mr?. Inn Wickwirc, RIi'sh Honnie Miller, Mr. Prarik'Sul ton. It was locommondcd by motion that the Heading Iloom be opened Wed ncrday evenings and Saturday after noon and evenings. The Tiensurcr was nuthoiized to pay tho bill of Rl.BO for printing membership cauls. The K$cuctivo Committeu was authorised to provide a suitable room, secure a librarian, procure a travel ing library set fiom the State Library Commission, secure periodicals cither by donation, or subscription if ncccs saiy, and open the Heading Room as r.con as practicable. On motion the meeting adjourned subject to call by tho Executive Com mittee. church NOTES 10:30 Sunday School. 7:30 Union Christian Endenvor. PLEASANT PRAIRIE 10:00 Preaching. Theme Thinking Right. 1 1 :00 Sunday School. NEW VIRGINIA 10:30 Sunday School. 1 1 :30 Prenching. Thome Thinking Right. 8:00 Preaching. Theme Modern Men of Babel. Of. t E. GflJWP CHIROPRACTOR Pi IONES O.T.:e 76. M INI). 5 R-ilt-nce 190-Y OlFcc 2 BlocU NonH of Rieman'j I lall RED CLOUD NEBRASKA Dr. R-Va Nteliolsss DENTIST KESBMIIBSMSKiaXirZL ':!' (m er xlhrlRhtWiilnrf rr- c ,x r . ( 7l'jt, -i,2?!azss&i'iSaBSVmt "-" '-" " .... SJPfff It's a inch mmFfim to figure why IwHiif mHk j1165 sell ! M M h b mg trrnTir h t tfi iiirni ,i.unnm Ik itiRta fH II PI vxsxM m- ! Vou should know why Camels are so unusual, so refreshing, so satisfying1. First, quality second, Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos which you'll certainly prefer to either kind smoked straight 1 Camels blend makes possible that wonderful mellow mildness yet all the desirable body is there I And, Camels never tire your taste! You'll appreciate Camels freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after taste or unpleasant cigaretty odor 1 For your own satisfaction compare Camels puff by puff with any ciga rette in the world at any price I Coie arc told mveryvrhtta In identifies!!? efcpcAtfot of 20 clfa r(li for 30 cent i ; or ten peckefet 300 ciarettee) in a iltenn pt per covered cerlon. We etronttf recommend thi carton forth) homo or offic eupply or when you trtvel R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Wintton-Salcm, N. C LEAGPE OF WOMEN VOTERS The members of the League of Women Voters met Wedne.-ady with Mi . ''. W. .-Jtowart. Mi - Va th McK'. -I 'i ,mh l'udc of lie ir'era i on IS nM on wide AnviuarnaJon plan of education foi better American e'lizenship. She called on several pcPFons for topic- leaving on the lccon: "Ameri cj.' ' 'iiiiiH in A5?lmi'ftng the For eign Populutloii," by Mr?. S. C. Dick son. Tho Smith-Towner bill provid ing fr R Pcdc-nl Educationnl d"pnrt inenl, ani' vhirh .'s endorsed by the No' ion .1 League of Womfn VoLorfl, wa trnd and piovi'ion. expltiinrd by MJih ,"' onchrcBkcr. ?(r . Ilurrv Letflon told of how the won " ritiens of Ppr'ngfield .ore tryin" to ;ret better acquainted, with their foroigji clement by having an eshilv't of 800 pieces of ranj-jirt of thc-o foreigners. Mrs. W. A. Sherwood lead the questions asked by a district Judge of a man seeking naturalisation papers here. Mi.. J. IL Pailoy read a new bill on tho literacy test, which has form erly boon vetoed by the lat three presidents. Mi -.a McKeighan bro't before us some rather .startling facts, when she said statistics showed 8,000,000 pro pie in our country who could neither read, write nor speak English and by no means are we to think these arc all aliens, cither. The Americaniza tion department of our go-crnmcnt is not alone for the nlicn but for many of our illiterates. "The most daring adventure any nnlion has ever undertaken is tho ad mission into its national life and to paiticipation in the responsibilities nnd rights of citizenship, of millions of people, speaking foreign languages, having been trained in different social customs, and having lived under dif ferent political institutions," pays Clwles Alvin Brooks. America has undertaken that ad venture nnd has become accustomed to thf art of sci vice. The war has tauj'ht our people many lessons, joy ous and bitter alike, but above all it has bro't home to men that one of tho rdorios of our common humanity is the privilege of service to one nn oHier irrespective of race, tongue or creed. W arc going to rcmedv romc of this illiteracy bv our compulsory edu cation laws; thru education of adults by extension classes of the public schools; by specific qualifications foi cit! enship nnd more impressive core mn ials for naturalization; piinted 'ti enship, instruction in the foreign '.'scuages for the ue of the fovoign ' n, as a function of the rcdora " eminent and an educational quali ' iioji for tho vole in nil state j nfic -1 -fl'iHo date. men toco definite Uiimr? which ' needed in oui'focial structure and Mch men voters have nevv .con " arlv eno'i'( o ostnbli-h Thi in- i uction in clHrtn-bi will I o coi.- iei unt?' public xT.iimenl bsn ' j fucIi a cou:" nn intpml jiarl "r our publi" school system. ?'ho commi'tro lm rot cr mpl'ee' ' block -y4"in yft. bu' it wMl Ik ' 'MiFltcd soon. Jlv the oermisioii " t?:o chairman of thn Donrd of ' 'iinty Commipsioners wo will meet in 'he court house nfttn this, on Wcd-n-day afternoon's at P o'clock. Until "nrlher organization is ox t ided in tho county all the country men are invited to thc-o ino"liiigp it the court hoiro. As there are -tl f w amendments to the old state con- tu'ion to be voted on at the special election on Sept. 21r.t. and wo have "'y 5 more week for study, we will cui" 8 ninondm"!.t at each moot g and cveryoro i-i urged to study r for your.-.rlf and talk them over h your isclghbtr. Material ind 1'tei attire can be had i tl o n- I'.ing, f rm Mr". Alice Myers, secretary. THE COMMITTEE PLEASE "llELP Supt. A. T. Iloltzen is in lccoipt of i loiter from Armenian headquarters, ating that all at tides of clothing, c, will bo .shipped to Armenia the .ut of this month. Anybody having nything to contribute will please p'acc same in box provided at the I rank nmitii snoo hioro not inter uihu Saturday evening, August 21. About ten bushels have already been turned a. Old clothes, watnt clothes, clothes you'vo laid away; Torn clothes, worn clothes, to mend some rainy day; Men's clothes, women's clothes, clothes for children too; ,ood clothes, pietty clothes, clothds both old nnd new; ' Aie needed in Armenia by people bravo and true . . vou who have so many clothes, .send to those witn lew; bus you'll do to others as you'd have them do to you. Verdi, lie gave poetry to human lifo an4 lifted It from sordid ways to hopeful noss ntnJ enthuslnsm, nnd tho peopld rose to their loader. Ills first opernS wero Introduced with dllllculty, whlcl all beginners experience; but tho Itali Inn car, long trulned In musical conii position, and with Inherited tnstq from of old, accepted Verdi as a mas ter. WheD once known ho was there after loved. Juuies D. Phelan. , F I 11 . - MTKRJES r . &lMZiit' . ft! xJ v i Mi.'i tezsz. 4iirK,fr "VKTlOMfVttJj Victor at Indianapolis Exide Battery performance at the Indian apolis Motor Sweepstakes on Memorial Day will be recorded as "a perfect score." Seven of the ten cars finishing the race, including the winner, used Exide Batteries for ignition. Exide Service will supply you with a powerful, durable and dependable battery for your car an Exide. It will also give your present battery unprejudiced, expert attention, and make it last as long as possible, until you are ready to replace it with an Exide the long-life battery. RED CLOUD BATTERY SERVICE STATION CARLS. McARTHUR, Proprietor MAiaNrVl JC3'WVfMYJU SHE'S BRINGING IT TO SHOW eVt S$W VX ; ..' AvTis..s.. " fe jmm:em .-sjsafeta - i mmmmmmmmzmm. m m - k ' ! inn is'o .wrstvrTyri-fts ww i i mm- esi&, . :'?fa,-"& ..villi H WW J ,T7i " , N J?rt - V ' . , '' " -JkJ r Lt . . .-. . . s . y .: ew T mr&&j, . ':;&,?''"& .. ' i.-r 'i -- . - '!,$' "- Ti 4$-v ..v:rw - ,' i' ' ... n s " .ja m ' -i r .1 . Mk.'r r . aci .i.ilS ." .". 1. '.V . & oWfflS .- s 'ria . -. M ujM snj' m V3 V. twk, No industry , is more funda- P pioducts. That is why such big ..twin.? Milk- hut premiums for daily cuttle are of - uiiying. Milk, but- fcm, , th(J Ncbruskn prosner- mentnl than dui ter and cheese niake up tlncc of our most necessary agricultural ity" Stato Fair, Lincoln, Sept. 5th to 10th. The Margin oT Safety Is lepiesciitud by tho amount of insuiiuice you carry Don't lull yourself Into u funoled secmity. Becuuse lire litis norer touched you it doesn't follow thnt you're Immune Tomonow -no today, If you have time and you better llnd ttmo come to tho olllee and we'll write a policy on your house, furniture, storo or morchundino. -LAl'Klt MAY 1WTOO LATE- O. C. TEEL R.cliable Insurance E. Si GLrber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed! Electrical Goods of all Kindt Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures SHE THE THREE-RING Ci 'Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and Friday AFTERNOON and EVENING Without canvas and before the grandstand at t Nebraska's "Prosperity' Stats Fair SEPT. 5th to 10th INCLUSIVE Dr.W.H.Mc Bride DKNTIST' , OVER STATI5 DANK REDCLOUD"' NEBRASKA -o 4