UA. C- RED OLOTO, 'NEBRASKA, OHIEP Tra'trrn I S 1 Geo. W. Hutchison Reaf Estate, Insurance, Loans, Abstracts phones ife; A SHORTAGE OF CARS will no doubt compell a good meny farmers to hold their grain longer than they otherwise would. Most of the gran is now cut and either in the shock, stack or bin and about the only thing that would cause the farmer to lose bis crop is firo, ; ' ' Don't you think it would be gdo'd business judgment to get one of our short time grain policies, protecting you from fire in shock, stack, bin or in the process of threshing? 1 Month $2.00 per $1000 2 Month 3.00 per 1000 3 Month 4,00 per 1000 Write me a lincorrcall me on the 'phone,. giving me the value of your grain, time yoii wish to carry the insurance and numbsrsof your land -and I will mail you a policy, you paying me for it when you sell your grain, . Can you afford to be without this protection? DE The Price of Lumber and building material is so much less than it has been and the prospects for it going much lower is so slight that we feel justified in advising you to build now PLATT & FREES U e 1 1 for I dfwwL w '-, i ? Ml -'' jty 111 ' iTv ! W ontyii w " "iT '20- r :: Red Cloud Nebraska Month $5,00 per $1000 5 Month 6.00 per 1000 6 Month 7.00 per 1000 3E IMP m :: IE tVH JC4 LuMfmwi .cuamwh jimst W, Highest 'Possible gitality at Jowest 'Possible Price Ind, 63 THERE was pfentyof room at the top for a cigarette of dp-top quality at a iroclc-bottom price. That's where Spur comes in. And that's where Spur stays. For men who judge a cigarette by its looks, rby its blend, by its taste well, Spur was made for them. Spur's new blend of choicest Oriental and American tobaccos brings out to the full that good tobacco taste. Spur's satiny imported paper. crimped (not pasted) makes an easier drawing, slower-burning cigarette. Spur's smart brown and silver packet, three-fold,; preserves the Spur flavor and fragrance? Money can't buy anything better! cfcjG(frrUjAife&xuoC: " . THE RED CLOUD CHIEF tied Cloud, Nebraska. fUBLIStlKD EVERY THURSDAY Entered In Uid I'ostolllce nt Kcd Cloud, Nob as Hccond Class Matter A.B, MuAKTHUK, Editor and Owner THE ONIiY DKMOOItATIO I'APEIl WEHSTElt COUNTY IN North Inavale Earl Austin of Superior Is spending a fow weeks in this vicinity. l'hreslilng will soon be a thing of tbo pnst in this neighborhood. Mrs. Cocil Denn is enjoying a visit from her mother aud grandmother. Miss Ethel Worman went home with her sister Millie last Sunday morning. C. L. Horrick and family spent Sun. day (UU'ruoon with relatives near Campbell. Kev. Cochrauc of Utverton was mak ing pastoral calls la the Lone Tree neighborhood last week. All the young people of this vicinity who expect to tench this year are at ending Institute at lied Uloud. The Enyeart and Hanson families left via automobiles Tuesday mornipg for utwo weeks vacation in tho west. Rev. SchoQcld, wife and sister and Mrs. Mary Harvey and children spent Monday evening at Clarence Horrick's. Inavale M. E. Church Notes 10:30 Sunday School 11:30 Preaching, theme 'Rusty Souls' 7 p. m. Union Christian Endeavor 8 p. tn. Making a "Community"." Tho Youn;? Peoples Class of Inavale Methodist Sunday Sohool will hold an ice cream social on Mr. Miller's lawn Saturday evening. '.Proceeds go to tho church building fund. t'l.KASANT PltAiniE 10 a. m Preaching, theme "RusJLy Souls". 11,11. in. Sunday School. Nr.w VIkoixia. x ' lOi'lO'Snndny School. -1 ?ij T If your dealer cannot supply you,Modus2.oof and we thai! be pleased to send you , by pre paid parcel post, a carton of 3oo Spur Cigarettes (10 pack ages). Address: LIGGETT flc MYURS TOBACCO CO. ata Fifth Avenua New Yoik City ., , . f -' 1 1 KEFLECTIONS OP THE KOADSIDE An Wen of the thrift and success of n furmer is often formed largely by the appearance of the, roadside ulong his farm. A stretch of weedy, cJcso. late, neglected roadside abruptly ter minating at a lino fence and tho ad joining Ktrctch elenn, neat and well kept, often causes a considerable dif ference in our conception, agricultur ally, of the two farms as well as the persons operating them. Some farmers evidently consider tho roadside along their farm as dis tinctly separate from and wholly out side of their jurisdiction, ' and any time or labor expended in keeping it up as so much gratuitously donated to the public. Every farm should con sider the roadside along his farm as deserving aa much of his attention as the farm itself. He should consider the road' the "front wny" to his "farm, and instead of it receiving secondary attention, it should be ono of the first places by which the appearance of the farm is Improved. At first thought to cut the weeds along the road while back in the corn field they are growing rank, seems ratlicr incongruous, but it nlso seems absurd to cut the weeds in the corn field while those by the roadside nre left to thrive and help to resecd tho field again. If weeds are not in har mony with our ideals of good farm ing, why is it not a good policy to di rect the first efforts in the way of their removal to the roadside, thus nbt only benefitting ourselves but all who travel the highway as well? A neat, clean roadside improves the appearance of tho farm. Appear ance is the controlling factor effecting the value of a farjn. Hence, to im prove its appearonce, increases its value, and tho land in every locality or community has a general reputa tion to sustain, "or to bo ashamed of, as the case may be. HENRY R. FAUSCH, County Agricultural Agent Dr. A.V. Nicholson DENTIST s ; Olllce Over .ll)rlht' Sfnro ! RtdQioud ,. Ncbrnsl a Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVBU STATE HANK REDCLOUD NEBRASKA lM i "3SSVww luDmuffl Hf JIM MM- 11 ntliy imriKWftaiTsit. ibiiiiiiik i i-.v rA'rJ..ji iiu t llillll-J?lln'jOllllllil hi I'.v f ' ;. . t lt fPIPV7i V & TbeTest of dteTwoMolins Violins ditTer subtly in tone! Test the 'New Edison Realism by that fact. We have an "Ave Maria" Rk-Chkation played by Albert Spalding with his GiMrncrius.' This famous violin has a brilliant, singing tone. We have n iccond "Ai Maria" Rk-Ciikation 'played by Ciirl I'leseh with his genuine Albert Spnldlnpf himself recently toolc part in a test of tho New Fall son's Ileulisin.aUNevrYork City. He played in direct comparison with tho Kt-CnKATioH of his performance by tlieNewElIson. Mr. Henry Hartley, one of tho jury of the three, distin guished ruuslciaus who listened from I A Picnic? When planning your outing, picnic or fun-festival bear in mind that we can furnish you any item on the lunch menu deJicioUs eats of all kinds. The fact that it comes from our store is a guar antee that it is pure and fresh: . . Hot Weather Eats Then, loo, during these hot days when your ambition and appetite is not up to normal, you find in our store Aiany dainty morsals that , will tempt you fiesh fruit, "dainty cookies, wafers,' and canned goods of the highest quality. P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware iiMfflianiM .WW Mr. and Mrs. - ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Phone, Store Ind. 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB IiL s. GoJfbfer Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures From actual anop, rym !ou can make, mis survrisina , CAff ItUtstlt, III Stradivarius. This violin has n rich," mellow tone. Come in and compare these two Rk-Cuea-tios's tone for tone. If the New Edison makes clear the distinction blw;eeti the singing Guarnerius and the mellow. Stradivarius, you know -it has perfect realism for you. 2&NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Sottl" behind a screen, saldi "Tho Rr. ChKATiOH matched Mr. Spalding's performance tone for tone.1'' Tho New Edison is tho only phono graph which has given thli con clusive proof of Its perfect realism. It has triumphed in 4,000 such comparison-tests. E. H. NEWHOUSE Authorized Dealer Red Cloud, Neb. ii;Kfflra!0!M!5im:im:i!i ?SmJWV Dr. i E. Up , .GtflROPJtHGTOR PHONES ; IND. ) OlHcc 76.M Reiidence 190-Y Office 2 Blocks North of Fireman's Hall RED CLOUD NEBRASKA photograph takin in ,th Edison jtvtnue, imw iotk ony A j vtir JWit Since 10U, Uie total price Increaie in tlie New Kdlion liai lccn leu than IS?o. Mr, l'.dlson liai, pftonally, at orbfd more than one. lml f of the increatrd coitnof mn. ufacture. He may not txs able to do Dili much loncer. Iluy iiow-lf you wnntto- j'lau will help you. Itilli. tribtitoa tlm payment orcr t lie month, to come. - fJPHICES! IIALTll hO. i ff i - '. & '4 I I J i . irv .1 vitjir.hrife- aSs&sSmSiii. Kt d