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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1920)
iWiottW-K 3ocVW ! ) &"' ferEsr- ; BM "w - - m-.awPM- m --mT&k i? -MK sBh!SZ m . wm.s.ZimB flsf jsh -- ' - iia-B--Eiapaa VOLUME 48 I IIHWWrtTTTmi IIIIMIimiUM UfcM.WMIMWIIMLlH.IXJWWWgWlWWm'IMUlWI pi I GJ You are not gom? to miss attending the this year, are Surely not and while in town why not look over our fine line of jewelry watches, diamonds, rings, brooches? Maybe you have planned on buying A GOOD WATCH. We have some good values and would like to have you see them. E J. C. MITCHELL Columbia Grafonolas The Jeweler Columbia Records Don't Forget the Chautauqua, July 25-31 IB- n'rJ GOOD PICTURES 1 Ex its just as easy to make good pictures when you KNOW HOW as to spoil one. We are in the class that "knows how." 3D0 Over Smith's -Shoe Store- The p Chicago Legioneer's Base Ball Club Composed of A ALL - SERVICE - MEN C Will Positively Appear Here! Playing the Local Club. Wednesday, July 28 JD The Real Game of the Season! A RUTH EG AN, Champion ' First Baseman and Pitcher is Play- - T ing with this team this year " Starke Park -3:30 p.'m. JC-O-M-E . as t! Chautauqua you? Gleason Studio I J A Newspaper That Gives The Newt fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $2 03 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JULY 22, 1920 'W-JIHUBWH Married at Annapolis, Md 1.'...:..., ,,... ! in... .1.1.. k... i a v i-jii-iii .-iti'iii 1 i!i;n,-un;i." i. o. 8.NH and Mi.s lima Itnnney, were uwirr ied by her mule. Mr J. Walter Savboltdf It.iltimire. En,gn F. II C'omint 2nd,"; a ship nia'o of the frrooiu acted us best man. j' The bihle's uon'ii was of white sntln with train and veil. The groom wore the blue navy uniform. ' The bridal couple left for Now ork from which place they went by boat toi Uostou to spend their honeymoon ut Itnss ltoc!, a fashionable summer resort near there. Thev will be at home at Norfolk, Vtririuia, after July 30th where the proom will resume his duties on the Xr. S. S. Oklahoma. Doth bride and groom are well known and respected here and are cf cue sort wuo nave made good in every relpjot und have exhibited those qualities of character which endeared them to many friends. After graduat ing from our liip;h school the bride, graduated from Cottier University and was instructor in the high school of Dorchester, Nebraska and the groom entered the U. S. Naval Academy from which he graduated last year and is still lu the service hs a Juuior Officer in tho Navy. lhe Chief for itself, and for tbeir many friends, extends them hearty congratulations and sincere good wish es for a prosperous and happy life, re gretting only that tneir duties will keep them away from their former home. Injured in Auto Accident While enroute to Cowles, in n ear, Tuesday morning, Ed Garber, accom panied by Henry McCune, met with an accident that cuused the fracture of hh right leg in two place. Mr. lie dine was at tho wheel, when thoy came into a spot of soft ground, anil in an elfort to get out onto the solid pat t of tho road the car turned over, throwing Ed to one side of tho road and nlniiiu Mr. McCuuo underneath tho car. Mr. Gnrber was brought to this city and given medical attendauac. At this writing he is confined to his bed. The Chief foice, along with IMS many friends will greatly miss his mulling countenance and cheery voice and we hope for his speedy recovery . m Bring in Your Old Clothing The local committee for the Armen ian relief would appreciate it. if the people, while attending the Chautau qua next week, would bring in their discarded clothing and leave the same at Frank Smith's shoe store, as another call has been sent out for olothing for the suffering Armenians. At the pre", cut timp that country has plenty ol food, und at present, us the weather is warm thoy are not in' need of much clothing, but thereliof committee who have chaige of the woik in that coun try state tnut they will be in need of clothing as soon ns the oold weather sots in and urge every one to donato what they can. Locals Shut Out Guide Rqck After a week's practice the unexpect ed happened fast Sunday afternoon when tho Red Cloud ball team shut out tho Guide Hock boys by a score of i to 0. llerzog was on the mound for tho homo boys whllo Ely pitched for the visitors. Since Dr. Hearst has tak en chargo of the team ho has been working the boys out each nlirht and (the fruits of his, and their, labor are beginning to show, Next Sunday afternoon they will play In aval o on the home grounds, at II p. m. and no doubt it will bo u good game. Ne.t Wednesday ufteruouu they will play u Legioneer's Team, from Chicago utlltfo o'clock ' ami mm iimn uni.ney. were tunrrieu on ,Til,y ao ,, 31 FritInv moi:nng at eight l)i'l's-liij.-h nooi.- In the Aeo.J. Aivl.niotic, Mental Arithmetic, Geog dfinv Chtipil :u Aiiii4iitfli, .Maryland . fnpli.. , Spelling and Grammar. Tii- . .' - . .. .V ',1., ...... ii.. ...i.'... u..t... .111 V .it I. Il'U. L.'.il)t!l II H K. I'.llrlUltr. ""., .uieiiiuuii iviiiuiiiH, viuuiii ,i, . . .. .... .'.. . i J iJrrsi inti'V mul TtieiV. Xnfiivilnt lunin. uiupiain corps u. a A , o le uting. ", ;- ' .: " ": ;,, , .. i s , ., ' . , i , , .v. Rj tng lVumanship, Drawing, lMiyaiol 11... Iji UliT attended by her bjfcterM 6H am, 1Iist01.'y. Saturday ufter- MI-. I'auiliie llmney. way given nwnUn0on-Theory, Civics, Agriculture and iraffiTTfwjrrwirMtfuvmifcxswiFyjGtTMxMirivtvir (Ol'NTY SCHOOL NOTES I'y County Supeiinlendcnt) 'J i .jhers' examination v. ill be given1 Botany. T' aid crs' Institute begin the 2nd bi At tru-t anil clones the 7lh of Aug ust. Work will begin in full swing ut 8::;0 Monday morning and will close Saturday. Teachers are so scarce that there Is (10 need of any of them being out of d position. If any such will Fend in their credentials and the salary they desire, I am very sure I can secure them positions. Not all of the posi tions of this county are filled as yet so I should rather not be too quick about disposing of the available sup ply. As soon as all of this countys( places are filled I will do my best to help the rest to positions. Teachers and directors should let trio know when a position is secured so that I will not civo wrong schools to teachers and wrong names to direc tors. BUTLER WOODS ) Announcements have been received n this city of the wedding, ut th( Methodist parsonage, in Denver, Colorado, on Monday evening, of T)li ver Meredith Butler and Miss Mary Woods of Paulino, the ceremony be- jng witnessed by the bride's mother onrl flin frtviirrt'ia lirnflirti Vncnft k The bride, while a stranger to near ly all in this vicinity, is the daughter tt'Mr. and Mrs. O. Woods, highly re spected and well to do residents of Pauline and is said to be an extreme ly talented young lady. The groom is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Butler, an ex-service man, with an enviable record and rated bo sides being of sterling worth and in tegrity, as being a meat cutter, sec ond to none. Tho newlywcds will return to Hast ings, where they will be at home the last of the month, intending in the spring to go onto tho homstead near Craig, Colorado, recently taken up by the Butler boys. The Commercial Advertiser extends felicitations. Wednesday's Commer cial Advertiser. Tennis Tournament July 29-30 Tho Southwestern Nebraska Tennis Tournament wil' be hold at Orleans, Nebr., July 28th 20th. and 30th, 1920. TentiH fans ate much inter ested in this event, and this year a larger and faster aggregation of play ers than in any previous year, will be in attendance. Orleans is said to have one of the fastest sets of courts in the state. Orleans is hospitable and will take care of ull visitors. Those whoso names are not on the association's mailing list, and to whom invitations wjll not be sent are cordially invited to come and join the association and take part in tho playing. The playing Will begin promptly at 9 a. m. July 28th. Notice To Tobacco Dealers I License for sale of tobacco expired during July. New license must be procured from tho city clerk. O. C. TEEL, City Clerk Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Noyes left Monday via nuto for their home at Inmnn after visiting with Mr. '.and Mrs. W. J. Lippincott for the past week. Miss Dora Carter accompan ied them home. The Chautauqua management ..has no preacher on their circuit this seu son and union services will be held at the Methodist church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. Cope will preach tho sermon. R. L. Richardson and family of Smith Center spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Britton. Mrs. Roy Strykcr of Kearney, who had been visiting Mrs. Britton, accompanied them home for a visit. Mrs. Harold Mornnvillo returned to her home at Hemingford tho first of the week after visiting her parents, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barrett, Miss , Margaret Dickson accompanied hot" homo for a visit. s tiumitfnawEurwrM wtM jranisKBCsnsEsrfissncs -i Why Not Jewelry The Appreciated Gift A PPRECIATED because 7" in Jewelry you can always find something that will exact ly please the tasle of the recipient. Whether you want to make it a token of sincere affection, or a remembrance of some courtesy shown, or a substantial reward for a service for which you can pay in no oiher way your requirements may be served here. B. fi.JSewhouse j, Red Cloud 1 Jeweler and VMwxxwsmmmm Big Educational FORDSON Power Farming Demonstra tion and School JULY 28-29-30, 1920 Agricultural College Farm LINCOLN, NEB, , - Your Fordson will bring greater profits for you if you will equip it with all the specially built implements needed on your farm. Attend the big FORDSON DEMONSTRATION and seeal j the machines in actual operation. Tests will be conducted by the Department of engineers of the Nebraska School, showing cost of different farm operations and - time required to do each. Be one of 50,000 farmers to attend this big educational demon, onstration and school. Call and see us and make arrangements to attend this demonstration Frame & Smith Bros. Co. Local Representatives Red Cloud, Nebraska MMimntnoM wxfxmmfffrf?fMfffffwffNNNW Base Burner Users ! I We have a car of base burner size Cerrilos Anthracite now on the road. Base burner coal will be hard to get this year. ORDER NOW. The Malone uuvuwmvwuwuuwAvwy NUMBER 30 TBfMi u wv lynwcvrataKin lamaaiwnsiaixmn m. Optometrist Nebrtk MHIIIIIIllllMllimiWWM - Geilatly Co. warn f.