m RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA CHIEF HE i E2 m 4 is ii jj '8 ? n nil iff ft IE ft W .H t-1 !f. i ! i i ti i, h ?. w W ni 3ME 3llG ;in HEE Ik4 The Price of Lumber and building material is so much less than it has been and the prospects for it going much lower is so slight that we feel justified in advising you to build now PLATT & FREES w JME QUE 30 3D 3H Frank R. Hughes Cleaning - Dyeing - Repairing Phones u38h Red Cioud, Nebr. Wu Call and Deliver JWo Pay Return Charges on Out of-Town Work FLY CHASER Is Guaranteed to give satis factory results when used as directed. Spray the cows at milking time. Spray the horses in the morning and at noon. The longer it is uscdiJthe better the results, Sold only by Chas. L. Cotting Tht Druggist See Us for Job Printing utfjwfffsffffsfttrsrss.mfssfmmsjfffffsjwfffsffffm Base Burner Users ! We have a car ofbaie burner size Cerriloa Anthracite now on the road. Baie burner coal will be herd to get this year. ORDER NOW. ir The Malonc-Gcllatly Co. wfJJywfffw'JfJtsJVfJw The Margin of Safety Is represented by the amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself into a fancied security. Because fire has never touched you It doesn't follow that you're immune Tomorrow no today, If you bare time and you better And time come to the ofllce aud we'll write a policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise. -LATER MAY BE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL R.eli8Lble Insurance 1 UfoMsks oiwutiu KmW for Highest Possible Quality at Lowest Passible Price til IM Ufa, & 4ISf(G THS fJzMlT v.tn , h -vi ,f w TJ"ANY a smoker thought the limit bad IV JJ. l3en reached. Could cigarettes be im-"' proved? We thought so. We knew there was room at the top for a better cigarette. But it ' ' would have to be something entirely new. And it is it's Spur. An original blend that makes the rich Oriental to baccos richer by pleasing combination with Burley and other home-grown tobaccos. A new method of rolling , the satiny imported paper by crimping, instead of pasting. A smart "brovvn-and-silvcr" package, with triple wrap ping keep Spurs fresh. - Spur offers you tip-top quality at rock-bottom price. What do you say? 9 Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. The Mistcs Christine and Evelyn Cnlduoil .-pent Friday with their sis tors V . Chas Pha cs and familj av Guide Koch. Jr l"i .rk Iiiffc firx' niim'irr, May i 'turned homo Tup -dp moiinifr from Cheyenne whore they liad been visitint,' relative. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Baiioy rctuin ed to Omalia Friday after spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Joo Crow and son, Clark and wife of Republican City, spent Sunday with relatives and friends in the city. KorSae or Tr;i.io-2. 11)18 tnrdol Fords, 2 Ds.itfe cirs, 2 Uoos, 1 Ford truck and n nuinbproT other used cots Sutton A Shipmtui. , Miss MarRueritc Richardson ar rived Sunday mofliing from Sari Mu too, California, to visit her mother, Mrs. W. N. Richardson. Mr. and Miy. Vernon Zeiss and children returnel to Trumbull Thurs day after spending n few days with their parents in this city. Engineer H. C. Jeffries relieved Engineer Houser on the local switch engine hursday, Mr. Houser taking the Hastings passenger run. Mrs. Gladys Garber and daughter, Margaret, returned to her home at Daykin, Friday morning after visit ing with Mrs. Maggie Garber. Miss Maggie Adams, the gonial waitress at the Hatfield restaurant, left Monday for Beloit, Kansas, where she will spend a few days with rela tives. ' Garry Zeiss went to.Mcook Monday morning where he, has secured a posi tion as fireman on the railroad. Of late he has been night hostler at the local round house. Mr3. J. E. Jarboe arrived Saturday evening from Lincoln to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thom as; until Mr. Jarboe arrives from Okla homa City where he is now holding re vival services. I Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Sherer are home from Lincoln to spend the sum imer with their folks. He expeccs to 'return to his work at the University this fall as Professor of Mathematics, at a handsomely increased salary. I j Nellie Fry of Red Cloud, who is a "student at Nebraska Wesleyan Uni versity, went with the class in mental measurements by automobile, to .Beat rice, July 12, to attend a clinic for feeblemindedness, given by Dr. Stew art of the Institute for the feeble minded at that place. Mrs. Copper King, of Wichita, Kan sas, will speak at a meeting, at the court house, Saturday afternoon, July i?th, at 3:30, in the interest of the Ne braska League of Women Voters. This is a. non-political organization and all women interested in good government and topics of interest to women are urged to be present. k Hot W CHARMING READER TO HAVE PLACE ON OUR SUMMER CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAM The reader who comes to our Chau tauqua this summer Is declared by com petent critics to be one of the four or five really great readers of the coun try. Wo refer to Miss Hazel Dophelde, whoso picture wo are pleased to pre sent She is one of those artists born to her work, but also a graduate of the best schools of tho country. It Is nrob- eather Necessity w SmH JB!''!?sv?fij - No wicks to clean, trim or adjust. Always ready. No valves to worry about. It does not require generating. Burns ordinary kerosene. The "Florence" is the one Ideal Oil Cook Stove Hundred o! satisfied 'Florence users in this community Ask one of them or come into our store. GEO. w. Authorized Sales Agent TRINE Red Cloud, Nebraska mmAVttou MfftKCWa rs r : Standing the strain WHEN you give the playclothcs problem the careful consideration it deserves you invariably .buy only such garments you believe will stand the strain of strenuous play. At each step in the making of "Bread Winner" play clothcs this strain is considered. Each jjarment is reinforced where there is any considerable strain upon it, each, garment is finished to the last detail of buttons, buttonholes and seams with the necessary care to withstand this strain. " You can buy our playcldthes bearing the label "Bread Winner" with the positive assurance that you have purchased a garment that will absolutely satisfy. Made under the most sanitary conditions, for tiny tots in creepers up to boys of eight and girls of si::. Come into our children's washwear department and let us show you our full line of sturdy garments. Mrs. Barbara Phares Let Us Figure on Your Job Printing nblo that she will be asked to read "Tho Money Makers" here, ulthough some peoplo declare her Sunday pro gram 19 ,tUo best thing she does. There Is n certain charm nbouc her manner which, added to a glorious voice and nn inborn Interpretative ability, makes tho presentation of every character seem well-nigh perfect. Look to Future Food Supply. Oivlnj: to the shortage of Imported fnnili-MitTn. the production of food stulTs locally Is bilng encouraged by the .Strait Settlements and tho fed eiati'd Malay Mutes, liven some of the rubber plantations havo been com ji'llc'i to utilize portions of their ocre iko r fo"'1 products. This stlmulu Dun or agriculture hns created interest in uioehntilcal ineuus to jncreaso prc-liw-tUm. aud a shipment of tractort uile' recently .sold readily. A Letter to Farmers Union Co -Operative Ass'n Members From the Farmers Co -Operative Elevator We wish to take this way to thank you for your past patronage and assure you that wo will do our best to handle the new crop of grain to your satisfaction. A3 you all know we were able to pay G cents a bushel dividend on wheat sold to us during 1919 and with your help we will endeavor to do better than that this year. From all we can learn from the railroad company the car short age will lie much worse this year than last and we believe where it is possible it will pay you to stack your grain or make arrangements to bin it for a while. We believe new wheat will start 'off at n good price but with a good foreign demand in sight wo look for n better market n little later. Our storage capacity hero is small, but with your co-operation wo are sure that we can handle your grain and do it to your advantage. We want you to feel that this is your business and to take a per sonal interest in it for without your individual interest and co-operation wc cannot make a complete success. If at any time we can give you any information in regard to the markets, or can bo of any spr vice to you in any other way, please call on us. We will soonNbe in our new office and will havo tho proper office equipment to handle your business as quickly and with as small an cx ponse ns possible. Hemembcr that you get all that your grain brings on the market less the small expense it takes to handle it when you do business with us. Is this not betterthnn doing business with an individual firm and having your grain pay both expenses and a profit to tho owner? For this reason wo feel that it will pay you to make somo arrangements and hold your grain for n short time', if on ac count of tho car shortage wo are unablo to handle it as soon as it is( threshed. We again thank you for your past patronage and co-operation. The Farmers Co-Operative Elevator . A. Kailey, Mgr. s 1 L . 1 i)-