The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 15, 1920, Image 1

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A Newspaper That eires The Newt Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Br 12 0)
I Ti'
You are not going to miss
attending the Chautauqua
l 1
tnis year, are you:
Surely not and while in town why
not look over our line line of jewelry
watches, diamonds, rings, brooches?
Maybe you have planned on buying
A GOOD WATCH. We have some
good values and would like to have
you see them.
Columbia Grafonolas The Jeweler Columbia Records
Don't Forget the Chautauqua, July 25-31
felLlH 1 'loll'1 ?!pfil
W. . io -latMt).
The Big Three
Oifol4f7 In order to measure up to
VtUitllLy the demands of the buying
public of today any piece of 'merchandise must
give satisfaction in every way. If it does not Jt
is stricken from the list of desireable merchandise
The goods we handle possess this QUALITY
The service we tender our
patrons, even to the 'kiddies'
is known to all. Our aim at all times, is to give
you wants very prompt and careful attention.
3fifiA The price is figured as low as it
ICC it is possible to make it when
you consider that our merchandise is the best
the market affords.. You are protected not only
by our, years of successful grocery experience,
but also by our guarantee ' of" your satisfaction.
P. A. Wullbrandt
Groceries and Queensware
Its just as easy to make good
pictureswhen you KNOW
HOW as to spoil one.
We are in the class that
"knows how."
Over Smith's
"Shoe Stora-
The Gleason Studio
Mrs. Lydiu Denno, vlfe of A. D,
Denno, passed away Saturday at their
home in thia city, after an illness of
several months.
She ttR9 born in New York state
February 7, 1349, and was over ?2yara
of age at the time of her demise.
She was among the first settlers la
this locality, and during the number
of years she resided here, she by her
honorable and lovable ways won the
respeot hnd admiration of all with
whom she became acquainted.
Funeral services were held this after
noon at tho Christian church, Rev.
Cope being In charge.
Chautauqua to be Held
in the Auditorium
Supt. Holtzen, local manager of the
Chautauqua iuforms us that the plans
concerning the location where the
same was to be held have been chang
ed. Instead of using the big tent,- as
heretofore, this year the entertain,
ments will be given in the Auditorium,
arniugeuients having been made with
Manager Atkins for the use of tho
Auditorium during the seven days. All
parties concerned feel that this will be
u very satisfactory and pleasantchange,
as it will be much cooler in the Audi
torium, also the seats will be more
comfortable. Then also sudden chang
es in the weather will in uo way affect
the program and the usual amount of
noise on the streets when the pro.
grams are being rendered will be elimi
nated. From a financial standpoint
expense it will be practically aaeren
break, as the necessary expense of set,
ting up the tent, arranging the seats,
etc., almost offset the rental of the
building. With the present arrange
ments everyone can plan on a very
pleasant seveu days, and cveulngs, en
tertainment. Married
The Cochrane home, west of Iuavalc,
was the s:ene of a pretty wedding on
the evening of July 7th, . when Miss
Dorris Cochrane became the bride of
Warren O. Burdlck.
The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Ella
Cochrane of Franklin. She was born
and reared in this community and has
a large circle of friends to wish her a
happy and prosperous wedded life.
She is a graduate nurse and during the
late war served with the Red Cross.
The groom was born in Troy, N. Y.
He served his country for 10 months in
the late war, 11 months of which he
was overseas with the 23rd Engineers.
Rev. Joseph Snowden of Rirerton
officiated, the ring ceremony being
The bride was attired in white organ
dy aud wore a long bride's veil, oarry.
lug a boquet of sweet peas.
Little Miss Elva Bobst'of Schueota
dy, N. Y., becomingly attired In Creole
Lace, was flower girl. The decorations
were grape vines, sweet peas, ferns
and daisies.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Cochrane of
Arapahoe camo via aeroplane to attend
tho wedding. Only relatives and inti
mate friends were present.
Many beautifully and useful pres
ents were received by the bridal pair.
They will make their home in Qlendo,
Base Ball game Sunday afternoon
Guide Rook vs Red Cloud.c See It.
Mrs. Ed Arnack returned homt.
Tuqsday evening from Salina, Kan
sas, whore she had Been visiting rela
Misses Esther Baker and Ruth
Neucrberg spent Monday with ' Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Newhouso at Guide
Raymond Shipman left Monday
morning for St. Francis, Kansas,
where ho will work in tho harvest
fields. , ' '
Scoutmaster E. M. Ego and tho
following Boy Scouts, Cecil Squires,
Hugh Ilnmilton, Floyd Pope, William
Bcntley, Robert McFarlnnd, Frank
Cowdon, Gayle Rcnfro, George
Hughes, William Hanson and Harold
Whitakor went to Norton Wednesday
morning to enjoy an outing at tho
camping grounds.
Farm Bureau Notes
Judging Contest, Wednesday,
August 4
All Calf Club and Pig Club mem
bers will compete in a stock" judging
contest, nnd the three best judges will
.represent Webster county at the State
,Falr, where all the counties will com
pete. The county team that wins will
represent Nebraska at the Sioux City
stock show, with all expenses paid.
Mr. M. P. Posson, Specialist in Ani
mal Husbandry, will be judge of tho
Farm Bureau Tour, Tuesday, August
The inspection of some of Webster
county's good herd of live stock, farm
buildings, etc., and Extension Special
ists will give talks on this tour, per
taining to their department.
County Fair, August 24-24-26
Premium lists are being printed.
Write for one and plan now to ex
hibit, nnd in so doing you will help to
make this the best and largest fair
ever held.
Calf Club and Livestock Breeders
Picnic, August 31
The annual picinc of the Calf Club
and Livestock Breeders "and friends,
will be held at Cowles. Prominent
speakers will he secured for the occa
sion. .
State Fair, September 6-7-8-9-10.
Farmers Institute, October 25-26-27
This the largest Institute
$ver held, and good speakers arc ije
ing secured.
The Livestock exhibit will cxcell nil
previous exhibits and competent
judges will be secured to make the
awards and give their reasons for
their placings. This will help to make
the stock show educational.-
The Calf Club show and sale will
be held in connection with the Insti
tute. '
j County Agricultural Agent
R. B. Thompson of Cowles was in the
clly this morning.
Several men have commenced grad
ing for the new coal shute aud tracks
at the depot.
Mr. and Mrs. El Cook of Nowato,
Oklahoma are In the city visiting his
father, Dr. Henry Cook.
Frank Campbell found a gentleman's
dress coat and he states the owner can
have the same by calling for It.
Cbas. Kaley, who has been down in
the, oil fields of Oklahoma for several
weeks, returned to this city today.
Dr. W. n MoHride's dental parlors
will be closed the next two weeks as
the Doctor and his family are going
west for an outing.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Eus
tlcc Bean who reside fiouthoast of this
city was run over .by a load of saud and
badly Injured this'morning.
Mrs D. U. Farmer of Shelbyvlllc
Missouri is vlsltlnz her mother, Mrs.
Emily Wittwer and sisters, Mcsdaracs
Art Robinson and Will Holmes.
Hamilton & Brown have moved their
blacksmith tools to North Branch
where they have opened a blacksmith
shop. They moved their household
goods to that place today.
Rev, Warren U. Sandow of Wlngate,
Indiana, will preach, morning and
evening, at the Christian church next
Sunday. Rev, Sandow is expecting to
change his field of work from Iudiana
and as the Christian church, here, is
without u pastor ho has accepted .the
request to fill the pulpit for iono Sun.
day, pending a possible call. All are
Invited to attend.
The Franklin ball team came to Red
Cloud Sunday and staged a game with
(he locals, in which the home team
lost out by a scoro of 8 to 4. R.ed
Cloud'd team was, this time, all made
up of home players, nnd while they
were not victorious there is 6omo satis
faction In knowing that wo did not
have to miv out cash to so-called pro-
reEslotml players tor loosing inu gume
for us. Ilerzog and Pitchier were tho
battery for the locals, while Irwin and
Norrls presided for the visitors. All
things considered It was a pretty good
Give Our Jewelry
Recount your own treasures that your
heart holds deara Watch, .a Pin. a
Ring and you will give lasting presents
to those of whom you are fond.
' JEWELRY IB the thing to give
.Our store is the place to buy it, because
you can absolutely depend upon the
Quality. Style and price of any piece
you buy from us.
Your Satisfaction or
Your Money Back!
rcj aoud o Jeweler and Optometrist sank
Oliver Plows
Roderick Lean Disc Harrows
Amsco Drills
Silage Cutters
Hay Balers
Feed Grinders
Wood Bros. Threshers
Manure Spreaders
Ditchers -
and other Machinery
On the 1 00-acre -Demonstration Field each day.
Power farming will bring greatest profits only when you have all the
special built implements for your Fordson on your farm. " ,
Make your plans now to spend at least one day at this great educat
ional event and see for yourself what the Fordson will do for you in
solving your own farm problems.
Power Farming
Jul) 28-29-30, 1920
, Agricultural College Farm
Call and see us and make arrangements to attend, this demonstration
t 4
Frame & Smith Bros. Co.
) 'in l
- -Id
t . .1
Local Representatives
Red CJoud, Nebraska
' 'I .
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