nM(XirepFt. i' , ifft RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF o m 8 : i ;i r ? - i i' ! I .-.; i t AfTE 'iU! r Nv ? Vn R T1 7"F- will b pleased to Insprct your YV will battery Btnrny time am' a often la. iioLisry. frte of cliarfte. n..t. nrflr In the- MCfrtft kind. nnd our experience In always Rt your dlipowl. Should rrpilr be necessary wt niftke them at a moderate char. The "Bxibc" Starting and Lighting Battery Js Hie famous "giant that lives ih a bos." You have heard of una onuery mm i unique fcnturcs-lt's (he orljjlnnl Unlt Scnl Batter; extra powerful, easy to caro for and repair. Let us ovphdn He features to you. Take advantage of our free service. Red Cloud Battery Service Sta'n CARL S. McARTHUR, Prop. PBP SL y LiiBa PUS a.- v-d in'.- ? . VI r M I 4 Vi - 3 i .1 I' B3 Cxl&c ttarstft oiyjuuw V;.'jTYERYJ &3S hi f Commissioners Proceedings MESS FLY- CHASER '- ia Guaranteed to give latp, rlircck'd. ; . Snray the cowf.nt milking hrnfo Spray the horses m the morrtirtg and at noon. X' ' The longer it is U3cd the bVlcp the results, Sold only by Chas. L. Cotting The Druggist See Us for Job Printing WVW( AVWVMW Base Burner Users ! We have a car of base burner size Cerrilos Anthracite now on the road. Base burner coal will be hard to get this year. ORDER NOW. The Malone-Gellatly Co. mAvv,An.vvv.v.v.VJ.VAv.v.VAJwuJvw The Margin of Safety - Is represented by tlio amount of insurance you enrry Don't lull yourself into u fancied security. Because lire has never touched you it doesn't follow that you're immune Tomorrow -no today, if you have time and you better Und tlmo come to tho oillcc and we'll wrlto n policy on your houso, furniture, store or merchandise. LATER MAY BB TOO LATE)- O. C. TEEL ( Ui ' .i County Ani 1 1 i- J. H'nkfu ,i .ii 'VII. y C. . 1 if. Thonin , , Jr )hio..'.l;a ir . Waldo .... -JG-.-int Shi ' I J. r. Knlggv Fi.-nk Starr .. .... I? Cloud CbiW C. V. To at Ci-. 1.. M. Foe , -'i-. .. V.. -T. Emorton ,..i-'.. NV.ll Wood Renovating Co II. M. Ribbon A Carbon Co. ll;u-m Huntjer .....;.. ...- Wttv Construction do .. ' !i . Hilton .r .,......: .... .. , (o.'H. 0 wring .....s- It. II. Ixjggi'tt . J. Hoy Garrett ?on ...j.L ... I rank Iluffcr. - ,,. Goo, D. Uarnanl Co. BRIDGE FUND John Ilommclbcr; .- C. IJ. Dalton .... . A. L. Foe. W. II. Reynolds "... C. Noble . Orvnl Krout -. Elmer Noble Pawnee Twp. Smith Co., Kns Lee Columbia A. 0. Mcfford J. I. Lacy . Adam Albcr A Hot -Weather Necessity -. 3VW- ,..'.i.f W9M io.m R.elieble Insurance unMsL JtM a M M01?idrih&kfc for Highest Possible Qjwlity at Lowest Possible Price ' T 4 d w mw W n y eu area ano a aood CooRer j . That's Spur. The kindest, gentlest, most likable cigarette tliat ever was bred from the -world's best. Blended in a new, way that brings out that good-tobacco taste. Crimped, too not pasted making a slower-burning, easier-drawing cig arette. Everybody wants to move behind a winner. Spur cigarettes at 20 cents for 20 colors. brown and silver are leaving the field behind. Smoke a Spur. Say it yourself: "Spurs 1 4i i J win. LiccETr ft Mverj Tobacco Co. ' f .& . -n". i Cigarettes rv. rt. -"'KTifCVf-' .LWlSfM MTT-'?Tlrini1f!aag??.r'q''-' kA'.WU 204.SR 40.97 T sawtaratwuiaaaaaTriftTaBiTMsaiJAgjaiiaftattfjTii Howard Dcisley.... Harry Hunt Clyde Pitney Chas. Pulgcr Claude Conley A. Harold Burg Wm, Topham Peter Mycrs 1. Miles Putnam -. Com. Dist. No. 2 Kohzack Bros. Malone-Gellatly Co. J. A. Silvey Lbr. Co. Guide Rock IUUrc. Co. Gagnon Grocery Co. J. A. Silvey Piatt & Frees Fames' Union Ele. Co.- Law... F. A. Good Lbr. Co. Ncbr. & Iowa Steel Tank Co..... Farmers' Union Lawrence R. S. Proudfit Lbr. Co. ..... Malone-Gellatly Citizens Lbr. Co Boom Bros.y Chicago Lbr. Co. Blue Hill.... POOR FARM FUND P. A. Wullbrandt H. C. Wright Morhart Bros. Farmers' Union Red Cloud .... R. P. Weeancr Co. Farmers' Union Roscmont Yost & Son ..- C. T. Dickonsion - -., C. A. Waldo .. Denton & Ru?chl:o ..... 0. E. Rnmoy, Jr F. G. Tuvnuro & Son' H. Ludlow .. .... Chas. Edgcrton . E. J. Emcrton Board adjourned to August 3, 1920 B. F. TERRY, County Clerk 70.90J G4.03 C2.60 27.00 9.15 fi.75 G.75 Gt.7o 48.00 50.00 25.00 G7.00 9.00 12.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 G.OO 19.50 5.00 1 20 23S.50 153.00 210.40 452.C5 83.03 8.25 154.35 15.0S 130.25 295.40 331.26 512.86 500 00 331.30 4G.30 53.G1 145.05 81.69. 38.& 4G.35 39.00 o.20 33.G5 14.80 17.25 11.53 . 39.G1 5.G3 . 252.02 5.00 . 4G.00 . ' 3G.15 No wicks to clean, trim or adjust. Always ready. No valves to worry about. It does not require generating. Burnsordinary kerosene. The "Florence" is the one Heal Oil Cook Stove Hundred of satisfied 'Florence' users in this community Ask one of them or come into our store. GEO. W. TRINE Authorized Sales Agent ' Red Cloud, Nebraska Breadwinner" GuldmePlinfibdics rs .rv ' "if a Wm & Standing the strain '7TIEN -ou give the -playclothcs problem the careful f consideration it desercs you invariably buy only such garments you believe will stand the strain of strenuous play. At each step in the making of "Bread Winner" play clothes this strain is considcied. Each garment is reinforced where thero is any considerable strain upon it, each garment is finished to tho last detail of buttons, buttonholes and seams with the necessary care to withstand this strain. You can buy our playclothcs bearing the labsl "BrcaJ Winner" with the positive assurance that you have purchased a garment that will absolutely satisfy. Made under the most sanitary condition?, for tiny tots in creepers up to boys of eight and guls of six. Come into our children's washwear department and let us show you our full line of sturdy garments. MrSo Barbara Phares Ktrvwmnit-W'J 1 LPlKll ' IJW uiw Mrs. Max Mizer and daughter, Elizabeth, spent Wednesday in Hast ings. Clifford Bradshaw of Ragan spent the first of the week with relatives in the city. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Smith spent tho first of the week with his parents at Denver. Some of the now fixtures for the Huntsinger restaurant arrived in the city Tuesday. Lloyd Turner left Wednesday morn ing for Mildred, Kansas, where he -will work in tho harvest fields. Sutton & Shipman are moving their enrs and vulcanizing plant into the new building recently erected by Bar ney Sutton. C. C. McConkoy returned to tho Sol diers' Home at Grand Island Wednes day after visiting Ids daughter, Mrs. Rich Lippincott. Mr. and" Mrs. S. It. Florance nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Bernard McNcny amt .'daughter, Helen, loft Monday for De troit, Michigan, where they will visit 'Mr. Florence's brother and also enjoy an outing. The Burlington surveyors are here surveying .for trackage for a new electrically equipped conl shed which will be erected south of tho depot, al so for about three now side tracks. Work on tho tracks will commence Monday if teams are available. A meeting was held Monday nt Nel son for tho purpose of organizing a purebred stock association for Nuck olls county. Our neighbor, Webster county has us beat a thousand ways on this important fnctor in modern Improvement in stock raising. I ho time is ripe for a live, aggressive move in displacing poor stuff for the better grades, and Nuckolls county a movo forward should bo made right now. Lawrence Locomotive. Certificate of Character Needed. T v UinpT wi.vs that when nppljj in: di iii'i'omiiinilntlons at a Strang plit.f MifjisOiiMl tr Hlie might cntertald j..T i-iniiiun In the parlor. "Ye8,re . it...... u . a .nfi Imii'il iiiu iiimiimiyi u J" . W ii-ti't u burglar." Dallas New. Dp. H. E. GAJI1P CfllflOPRRGTOR 1ND. PHONE 190-Y Office 2 Blocki North of Ficeraaa'i Hall RED CLOUD NEBRASKA E. S. Gaurber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kiuds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures COMING! To Red Cloud JULY 13 to 17 -INCLUSIVE- THE SCOTT Carnival Co. Under the Auspices of the Red Cloud Fire Dept. There'll be Plenty of Shows and Riding Devices So That You Can Enjoy Yourself Located on the Lots North of Red Cloud Mill 4 r h i