The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 08, 1920, Image 5

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wm4iiU"A'tJeiifcaariBguiUAtiMiiievjitauiijuj!. uu
"BfSBigmiCTWIi ijBIimlI RBWPWm
n i jmj mjwifnTCfljwwmuiru J.r?yr er
1 YES! A B
I &bSfyaeB&iw-. J
cj xa ra w u jr w w yy Cs
I Red Cloud vs
I jar RD CLO
aa!aieaawBggMajMiijao j w
Rfroranwnr.x wr rwjvsnr ym vrvwrfyn "tt w :
iJ S.-00 p. m.
t 1 lit v t , 4 1 -
i .Ti .'ft .?. ;& itt K . if. ,-k rti .. .t;
K K & M Hi S! K $ K HJ $ & K
lluy UrcKd fit Powell and l'opca.
Ed Garbcr was in Inavalc Friday.
uii'l drink at i'oivuli A-
(!ood meals cood crvlco nio.J
..-l...... ri ii o. t. ...
(i iwi-j i uivcii vt rupH s ruie
Drs. Mitchell and Crolghton and
Chester Roberts went to Suporioi
Tuesday morning and drove then
Merry rpent Monday in
Fitzgerald went to
Qr. cars home.
Fred and Glen Foam were in Guide
Yoik 1ock Friday repairing the Lincoln
; Telephone & Telegraph Co. lino? at
that place.
Alloi Cummings, who is working
with the Lincoln Telephone Co. Uno
man was up from Superior the first
of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Starke' re-
Miss Margaret Dickson lias return
ed home from Superior.
Attorney L. II. IJIacklcdgo was in
Lincoln the last of the week.
. Fred and Charley Arnold were
down from Inavalc Wednesday.
Chas. Fox is in the city visiting his , tlll'nod llon10 Sunday via the auo
parent?, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Fox.' ! route from Milwaukee where they Irtl
Chas I lout and Ernest Hayes wore boon visiting relatives,
up from Superior Sunday afternoon.1 Atlicy and Mrs. E. G. Caldwell
Mrs. ifafisingcr went to Hastings rctunicd homo Saturday morning
Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs. from Knnss City where they had
Hill. I been visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mr?. Will Kent went to" St. I Mrs. Geo. Pope wont to K.wna
Francis, Kansas;, Sunday to visit rela ' City S:llul"day morning to meet her
lives. I daughter, Mis.-, Alice, who recently
Glen Mounlford has resigned his ""del-went an operation,
position with the city electric light' 1Ittl''y Stroup went to Inavalc Weil-phuit.-
ncFday where ho will do the carpen-
A large number of our citizens at- lcl work on 110 ncw mco building
tended the celebration at Hastings ' Nvl,ich tllc Sllvey Lumber Co. recently
Monday. I
Mrs. D. D. Sanderson of Lincoln is
visiting her -parents, Mr. and Miv. C.
II. Potter. I
Mrs. and Mrs. W. G. Warren and
daughters spent Monday with friends
at Superior. t
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Robinson spent ,
Monday with tjioir son, Bruce, and
wife at Superior. I
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Edyon and his
father, Rev. I. W. Edson were in
Naponee Friday. , ,
The front of the Ellison pool hall
has been given a coat of paint which
improves its appearance. j
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gilbert of Ina-,
vale .-pcnt Sunday with hij
Mv. and M. Ed Gilbert.
Mrs. Stone breaker and daueht'.r,
Mrs. Harry Lotson, returned homo
Thursday evening from Warhbuni,
Wisconsin, where they had been visit
ing relatives.
Two weed burncra par.scd thru thli
city Friday m&rning, one cast and
one north." They arc, burning the
weeds all over the Burlington trnc!;n
in Nebraska.
Henry Diederich has moved his shoo
repairing outfit out of the temporary
shack that he erected after the fire
last winter and i.t now tearing the
building down.
Card.? havo been received in the city
parents nnouncing uic marriage 01 iuisg
Mary E. Magrudcr and Ed Henry
Mr. Frank Kiem of the Agronomy
Department of the University Farm,
spent Tuesday and Wednesday, in
specting Knnicd wheat, Nebraska No.
21 and Burt oats. Webster county
farmers will be able to secure soinc
good seed of the improved varieties of
wheat and oats for next year's plant
ing. In an effort to provide sources cf
j seed supply from high yielding vai'i
I otic? of wheat and oat", the College
of Agriculture has inaugurated a seed
inspection service.
Farmers growing Kanred wheat,
Burt and Nebraska No. HI oats, had
their fields inspected and notations
made of noxious weeds, purity, fimul
and rust. Another inspection will bo
made after the grain is threshed. If
uie seed passes tncy will be given a
certificate and other farmers in the
county or stale can secure seed from
the improved varieties for seeding. ,
Web. tor county will have several
thousand bushels of Kamcd wheat,
and several hundred bushota each of
Hurt and Nebraska No. 21 oats, that
has not been spoken for. A list of the
faimcrs growing improved seed will
be made public immediately after the
next inspection.
The inspection of wheat and oats
found that the heads were filling
good, and seed that was treated for
smut had only a small trace of smut,
while fields sown with seed not treat
ed, from one to ton per cent of smut
was found. It would havo paid big
to treat seed for smut this year.
Wheat fields had a small per cent
of rye in thorn. Some have already
pulled the rye and others will before
Kanred wheat originated at the
Kansas Agricultural College in 1900,
and today it is making Kansas fa
mous. It is becoming well kliown in
Nebraska, and llierc will be a big de
mand for it this fall. It grows tall
er, has a larger straw and larger,
plumper bsrry und out-yields the
Turkey Red.
' I.i an improved variety of Kcrshon
cats that out-yields the old Kershon
oato about eight bushels per acre.
Burt oats grows taller than Ne
braska No. 21, yields the ;am., and
has a mixed color, being any color
from white to black.
County Agricultural Agent
MM.. .!i... i. ...
iv Mine oi icxas nos announce
that it will send n special train carr,
ing 125 young farmers to Nebraska
Mirny nirricu turn! met md. Tim
boy will be selected by competitive
examination in about 100 counties. The
project is a part of the work or tlio
TVmix Agricultural College and the
To.xa Chamber of Commerce to im
pivvc farming and livestock rnMmr.
Brnlo-r business institutions, organ
izations and public spirited eitzoin me
pnnur for the train. The oliWL of
.the tour, which will include several
northern and eastern states and south
crn Canada, is to give the representa
tive of the rising generation of Tex
" farmers an opportunity to see and
study first hand the best methods and
practices of the most successful farm
ers in the United States, and to fix in
their minds high standards and right
Ideals of country life. During Oio
last year hundreds of Nebraska
pinebi-ed hogs were sent to Texas w
bre. ding purposes and ' the young
fi'imers especially "aie desirous to tec
some of the farms which produce
the o good hogs. The train will nr
ri .-it Lincoln the morning of Aug
ust !). Most of the day will be spent
at th College of Agriculture. From
Lit.' iln the trnin will go into Iowa.
Cox and Roosevelt Head
The Democratic Ticket
;a 'fp"- ' '"- ' '- - ...... .,.
PRICES THE SAME Adults 25c Children 10c
Clara Kimbnl Young in
'Trilby' T 'Whirlwind'
J. Warren Kerrigan in
Another Smashing 7-rccl Sensation-Dorothy Dalton in
The Flame of The Yukon
Capital and Surplus
$ 35.000.00
Mhs Christine Caldwe'.l went to
Mindcn Tuesday to afttrd the Chrls
li.m Endeavor convention.
. Foreman J. A. Bradford, Leo .Vic
Arlhur ar.d Lee Tmax wciit to Cam
bridge the firt of the v cck.
lioviinor James M. Cox wns nomi
nntod for President on the lltli ballot
ntUic democratic national convention
Monday night. Ho taa Democrat, both
pr. (.rpssive nnd liberal, us duiing tho
tbreo Ilmiiis. as (Joveinor of Ohio, Jie
linil been a louder for Immuiio arid lib
oiiil legislation. Koiraidle.sHof the out
come at the fnll election tlio nation i
rifcMjred of n printer and newnpapcr
mail, as president, for like hl'i oppou.
cut 1, lias worked his way from the
gr u. id up, in this profession. As an
executive in Ids own stitte he has prov
en himself fair and iiupni'liiil nnd n
loynl .servant of the people, and ola i a
I'ninliliu D. Uuoaovfit, assistant
sicretttry of tho navy wu-. noininiteii
fur S020111I place on Uie. UciUouhI lioUet
Vice president.
At tliis snnia e invention r platform
uai ixdnptid llwil will stnnd lis (1. in as
the Knelt of GibntlUr; one ilia Nan
honoi to the party and une '1ml Is
lucked upon nuh fuvor by tho f:.!.
minded men und women of tho oppos
tng piirty. Tlie mai.y iinllii wlileh
were ineorporatid into IhU platform
are too lengthy to permit publication
Snlllee it tohiiy that this great pint,
form will o doii In hUtory as one of
ihe groat Hchlevem -Mils of the p rty.
Notice to Properly Owners
'in Paving District No. 1
, All j erf on- owning propel ty in I'uv
lug D'Miiet No 1 tre licreliy iiotitlid
tiifttunb'' :b' piiv'iig it'.SiMm'iit Uvl
('I tnjaiit Mnii piopeitj is puld mi or
lufoioJul; .'-. 10:0, bondA will be b
Micd by tin ei y fur tin; situo p ijnblo
the auspices cf tho American Ltgion'cr to fill vacancy on said Doard cnu-- '". 80 VCH,b "' , ', -. .
ri. Aiiini iV ju'i
O l TKHUChyneru
Cook. Tlio wedding occurred las:
The .City Council met in regular
,-n in Tuesday- eveninj,', with
Mayor Amuck presiding. All mem
bers present except Alderman Tui
nurc. TIw minutes of the June mcotina
Kcio road and approved and report of
Wednesday at Nowalo, Oklahoma. City Tieaauror.was presented and or-
, The groom is a sen of Dr. Henry CooK . terod placed on file. .
of this city. ) Tho Mayor then appointed Mi".
! Tho Scott Carnival Company which ; Dora Kul-y, for llvo lonjy term on Li-
.1 Vfc 1 J i. -.!... ! r It.. .
, is piaymg at vxioru mi ; wck, ur.uer ;.-.'. .-y t:oaru a:ict
Mipc Ttlftnrlirt TVittfl v:rr ts f?,nt.inl
Cilv Fridnv mornine to ti.i't-h un her ' 1,3st tliat n,'co luive bccn 8CCUretl , cd by tho removal of Boy
school work for the past voar. t b iho lt,cal Firc Apartment to put on
Joo Carr went to Grand Island Wed carnival hora next week, on the lots
nesday where ho will rrend a fr north of Iho mill. The manofsv of
weeks at tlio. Soldiers' Iiome. lh5s- company claims that he has u
Mw. F. W. Cowden'and dauRhtcr, nQ' cIe how. Go out and my
Miss Alison, left Thuraday for Chfcu-N "e Fire depavlmcnt, as they noctf Uie
go where they will visit friend.'. ca;h r
Lee Kickcwon i'nd family vetumed , (7e..i.iai Mipvi intend, lit. Wfchlnjjtriii
Intercit Paid on
Time Deposits
oi the world's buiness is done by chck
of the world's business is. done by the
transfer of cash.
The world is proijfrssiiijj. Do not p.iy
your bills like the cliff dwellers did.
Open a Checking Account
lidwnrd Flotoncc, President ' Rod Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florance, Cashier
fJr)w(l (iuaraiitftil by (lit DipotUort GuamnUe Fund of the Mule of Xtbratln
.'.;ovney ircu waur-
Gnrbcr, electrici
an, wr.a approved ar.d license granted
I pornvlting applicant to do electric
won: for ono year.
After allowing the following claim?,
Council adjourned to most at c:. oi
the Mayor:
D. R. Frasfor ? 100 00
homo Thursday evening from Ilnat
ings where he had been working.
Edgav Cowdcn went lo. Denver Uat
urdiiy evening to visit his wifo who is
receiving medical treatment there.
Mr. and Mrs. llruco Robinson of
'Superior spent Sunday with his pat
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ct D. Robinson.
f A largo number of our citizens At
tended the Superior vs Red Cloud ball
game at Superior Monday nftcrnoon.
.Country Celebration A Succcw
Geo. Wo Hutchison
F.e;l Estate. Instircnco, Loans. Abstracts
riioNxs.OVct,t377 ln,U3
) Kesidcncc, 17
Red Cloud
This is- the time oJ ycer vhon
there will bo losses from
Fire9 Lightning,
Wind Storm, Tornado
Also Mail on Growmg Crojx
k -
W. A. Patten
' A. Clark
wa5 liiTro Tnsfdiiy look'ntf rver the
.'.( llliLi 111 HII I llliK L'OllO ll .UCtlf1l'.
Kim f to I ul ail ship dniifhtf tools. GIci Mounlford
IKmvIII VKlrtrn tbe-llit "I' week iitd I Vrrren Sutton
stai.t pn pirutiuna. for luiiuiil wiiili. Fred Wr.lkoi
Thole bin si col lutiuh i.iu Ijuiuk tuuib- j Robt. Mitchell ...
" o
Prank Clauson .
Sam Mountford
Amoi Miksch .
C. It. Lcwia
llerl Ferry .....
Geo. M'ksch .
Jar. yillough .
S. R. Florance -
O. C. Tccl .
Morhart Uros. ,
LP. S. Garbii'
romp&ny expctii to drill flV oil on l.
cut. i u. i . ujoiienTOn
tinK..Uio wUai la th? b.ffj ft" J. M.idiso tP s,.-.-,-
alleyu befaw Uiey.siew Uie vwp i . "Tf '.
ported to llinoll lli'l 1 tliN wi elc.
ViU'll Uuvlovv.
Ekcwhero in thin itsuo will be
found a nolico to property ownorsto
cut. tho weeds on and around their
Passcnpr train No. 17 wan over , prennww, wiiiim nvo nays, oiuerwise
fivo hours late Monday evening on ac' the city will perform the task and
count of blg vain cast of Wymore. ' ohavgo the .sumo to the property own
Mr. and Mvn; Will r.ailoy of 6ma:iu , cm.- Wo arc- with the authorities in
spent tlio first of the week with hhs , thu mutter to a certain extent tiial
liViinrti ii iiji rita i ii Aim i i;i'.au uiivuiu ww w -'mv aiviii vj"
V. II. Thonmfi nnd Oloy IvM-Mr'cf p.vfeirt v.c found that a good , Sniith &. McICimmtty
Uladen went to Topeka, Kansas, Ti- ':airpIJ eel by iie enc )jt oumoMty , i uw 'Tes
ibv to obtain a charter for Uie Bo- , etc- li.rthcr vhn t!;o imi. Un1 of Geo. l.rlne ,.--.
X-BftU DovelouniPrtt Co. Mr. Eovei ptmi-hmittt. W0UW it not. Ua Wl lOh-" y
r . . " .'... . - .. .
lii' leawj mi a 80 acre tvnet In tho , tho city to H a goeti exaaipi
."iou:s EWorado oil district nnd tbli
f r
1 authority aver the tux rijv- aiivli'-"' Refining Co. .-
commani thent tv do t)i "'. J ut
ting." A glance over vi' tovin will
fceveal streets and r.llej bedetyd
i with woods -and- gM prosperbig rti.d
1 ywrniaina a bountiful crop. It will
n'.ji Ifo noted that th cuttilrs of tlr.
( sS?ata adliirunt tb tlie newl bavd ? W- SteypM
J AhJhteta Rita littered with rabbinh. Mitl West Co.
concrete, et., and In many canes tho I Anchor Facuf Co,
-.. ,i. i .i-t. a. u. m i..-lCmnt Fulton m. Ldttnn
frothy Dalton tO btt With US; property owners. . Who fa to'be. tlie i WtU3 Construction Co.
goat in this clcahi7 A little,. toa- P- l' '" .
inn- l.,n In ffiit'-.-R nrHolnWii !.! ' " t'lerSOU ..
streets would not go amir-s and In
many eases thoro ir;no drainage fronv
the puvpnicnt nnd water standi on Uie
crouaingH, from throe to twelve indies
doopv after oaoh rain. The property
ownors are billing to do thalv blt-
2 00
2 lb
52 50
- 150 00
... C3 SO
. 108 00
- 123 30
... 121 00
V Between throe and four hundred j
'. irinpoplc attended the old fanhnnrd
,' eounlrv celebration held in Tom Kral-
ik's grove Saturday, the 3rd of July.
' Three bitf tables were made and
r crowded with eatables of every kind
and description furnished by every
body, and to which everybody did
ample juslico, yet the remains appear
cd to be tho proverbial twelve bitskets
full. '
Tho smnll boy and the fire-cracker
were present and there was no one to
"uay him nay." Two of tho rpeakors
advertised wore present, Clyde Praz
ior, who rcnvc a good talk on Educa
tion and Mr. Shannon, who gave a
1 18 HO patriotic address. A good, program
1003 53 j was furnished by a fine victrola and
42 00 the congrcKulion.
121 31 . To one who slopped to think about
C7 Hi . it. it wai mother evidence of Amcri-
14 00 ea the, Molting Pol.
18 10 1 The .-)Vf h owned by , Thomas
A (5 85 Ktallk and wifo, a fine old Bohemian
' 6 OOioonnlc and the- cWnaiton was plan-
13 90 . neI and successfully carried, out prin-
1 65oiplly by their daughter iv. Kutlo
135 00 fBeariHsc. G. W. Shannon, one 6f the
Ud 00' nweakrrs i. a Canadian. Mrs. itary
Electric 6o. ':. 9.! IE, Gordon, who gave a wadini? Ih a tia-
Mavc you got ihe piol:clion) If not sre
mc al my office or call me o:i the phon
I represent Old Line, Legal Reset ve Companit.
Get protection, that is protection, when you have
a loss, as that is what you buy Insurance for.
i mmmmw fMwm'
t iiiii
Brand Pop
Refreshing, puro nnd
Manuf.icturtd in Haatlngt
Plavoro in Lemon, Lemon
Sour, Cream, Oran'ae,
Grape, Strawberry, Cherry,
Root Beer, Ginger Ale.
Tho tradenamo adopted to braud all
products manufactured by us.
Thlo was done for your protection.
When you buy u "KMAN" product you
aro .insured of an artlclo that Is manu
factured from ALL puro Ingredients.
Wo abKolutcly guarantee that no "eub
Btltutou" aro URcd In tho process of
Go., I
Hastings, Nebr.
i -
Dotttcrs of Soft Drinks
, notified to cut all
' ut 4oU and around Vui
After five dayjilfrom 'hte !
vflbtiut the'woeH en.l
x pease' to we fii'opri:
V. niLLirS- CiMr.ho5-
:T-r,-aw Co.
R.h is-ManvUle Co .,
Cxne Co. ..J.:. ..;.-;
V.cMwfttt Stt$ply Cfr,
S'oaffer OH Co. . . .,
- rft..
4C SSlttVe of Swlttfilanci the Knsr3trom?,
Al W.tNreumn nopio av ire iri-n, iwyivs,
F.4 04 ajid there cve ivlathxi of thuc wm-
vjnf tfttir
v -
Wxt MMvlnv mid I'ntqi.lBy llint stun.
ti . jhar u'tcr t.vtn . Minn Dorothy
li .'tii will b- en iirtlip inoti ?n
iiful7 rt'Ol Pi. 'U l lay rvvr produced
''J'Ih' F.ainu of Thu'YnkoiA Th'
plcUiru p'nypd. fir Uo. nionMii in
Cblisuo tboitors at SJ Jior.jioutliow
ever tho niml price ivtil pnnll ot tho
Uif AuilltpriKinf-,-vi'Af r . - un,
21 54'tlfttted who we;c uie
5 'IftTt Utvv'fliil ttiakin lo Ciicbiotion
to 'toHr lo.lcrrntemv Dy a w'f "'
710 ?a Hospitality, kindnoBH anflf good v :U
22 51wwArJ one another vaa evince'l on
,'20 0Srifry hand. After the program citke
400 3aVjmij fee'evoam was served to everyone,
6 00 ! and then a horse rco was rtnged in
r 504 the pasture north pf the,(frov.
3 00 A big crowd attended the danc
,,r!11 . . --r "-. ,- n, , hold. tUat niffht In the Kmiiic barft.
Will Fiher returned homo Tuesday T.inn Tmn
El Dickaon ...
".yill mcqtlicm half way?
evening from JlaHlinjfB.
Mias IJernice Sherar returned home
Tuoiday cvcnbirj from Lincolh where
alio had been viRitlng
I Prof, Chau. Shor
Mf. and Mr. Vornou Zoies
children of ' Tmmbull arrived in
Seod in your silk pr geogette dre$?e, waists
and skirts We Know How to clean tkra
I : OEANMIP, DYfNC Aito wspAirino
FHONE3: RA8d-l93.M : ' Over Dunleq' Stw
' ti'fi
-." T
?itimf hor brother, oily. Tuosday ovoiilnif to vlit 'ihf it :."', v r Sl"'-r
or and wife. . (.parent?. , f - " ''; :" J'R0tQUD.-- v- r -NGBRA'SK
Dr. KpV, Nlcholsw
DENTWt' - .
OIlU-o Over Atbrf ishl'i StOf o
Red Cloud
" ""Nebraska