The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 08, 1920, Image 1
BocoW uionv0 oA ) ax'- -- .h""' .-T-e . h!s&vsM . ;vvt.r.. rJ',fi,js ?&: Lmj8&zr- Z-m - - - -jy - J& A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Tear For 52 0) VOLUME 48. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JULY 8, 1920 NUMBER 28 4- ? Ted Lewis Makes a Date in. Cuba AJi - or HS (70 vtjni o -tfi&i.RM, 'j av"" v Come in and hear the latest fox-trots by Ted Lewis' Jazz Band. 'TllSee You in C-U-B-A," with melodious incidental whistling by Ted Lewis himself , and "The Moon Shines on the Moonshine" by these same exclusive Columbia artists, are a pure delight to dance to. A-2927 $1.00 I I Base Ball "Dope" snm1nt 'a itnnia I I hmumImi mi Hia """"V ft Mine n kjiijiuwuii "i vttvi field di own good crowd, its it was rumored Unit the homo team was load- ' ed with good, piofcssiouul ball players, who thtough sevetol bone-head plays and errors, coupled with i few by Re"d Cloud's non Mtlarled players lost the ' game for tlie home touu t On Monday nftcrnoon they played the return game at Superior, wltli-' Suhrnder on the mound for tho Red Cloud team, who pitched ti very good Kiinio Suncrior won tho cnine br li ! score of 4 to 0. While it ret" in COMMISSIONERS' the , 4 Red Cloud, July 2, 1920 Tho County Board of Commission ers mot as per adjournment at 1 iiVlnclf ti. m.. with nil tiinmbnVH iti'iw I - ....... t , ....f. .... ......vv.u ,,. , cnt. Jl'lie appointment of L. V. Dreukey net 11,.....i.. f,. ... M. ....... limn ....... .... I prowd by the Boatd. The report of James Kcaglc, Road o ci seer of District No. !) was ap proved by the Hoard. In tho matter of the Plainvicw Cemetery Association the Board on Other Good Records Y J. C.MITCHELL hands of the umpire to render tho de- Jlino - l-'-v viewed the cemetery, cl-lons, it is the opinion of many of tho t I'lemisos and land adjacent thereto fans some of them Superior nieii- 'and uIn actual view of tho promises,! that if it had not been that the "Umii'( we find and determine that the nddi gave I1I9 home team the Ions benefit qf . tion to said cemetery as prayed for in the doubt, I ho score would have been said petition is a public necessity and ! different at the close of the game we do find and determine the value of I Tuesday wotting the home ball play , one acre of land situated on the west ers and business men held a motiug and south side of the I'lainvicw Ccmc in the club rooms- aud reorganized the tery Association more particularly ball tentnjor the balance of tho season, described as follows to-wit: Com I)r. Ileatst was elected manager and . mencing 20 rods west of the N. E. Lloyd Barker secretary and treasurer. I cornel of the S. V. Vi, sectiop 29-4-11, The boys propose to cut ou' the sHlar- thence south 1C rods, thence cast 20 Columbia Phonographs The Jeweler Columbia Records vmmamm'MPniimaimm. . :v"ai,i:,!ii'r:ii,!t.!r.TC.1 u : :r:rz'i mvwxvTMmwmmmi Q The Big Three Qlj- In order to measure up to VcUdllXy the demands of the buying public of today any piece of merchandise must give satisfaction in every way. If it does not jt is stricken from the list of desireable merchandise The goods we handle possess this QUALITY Service The service we tender our patrons, even to the 'kiddies' is known to all. Our aim at all times, is to give you wants very prompt and careful attention. f A The price is figured as low as it lv" it is possible to make it when , you consider that our merchandise is the best the market affords. You are protected not only by our years of successful grocery experience, but also by our guarantee of your satisfaction. P. A. Wullbi andt Groceries and Queensware Ei'MOIMm icd nlavcrs nud use all homo men on the team. Messts Iletzog, Cheek audi Nolan will be on the pitching stuff, ' while Charles Pitchier will be adorned with the catcher's mask and mlt They will play the PranUlin team on the local diamond Sunday afternoon. Come out and see the game but leave your hammer at home and bring yotir horn. If the citis?iis will boost th'o home boys, instead of knocking, pi haps we will have a few good games'' any way let's try It A Chance for the Children Prof. Holtzen offers tin oppoitunlty to the boys and girls who wish to earn their season ticket to the ChnjitHuqiw. Not only this but they will have a chance to win some of the premiums that he Is offering. To tho one who sells tho most tickets a prize of S2 ill be given. The next three highest will receive cl each. A premium will ali-o be given for each adult or child's seas, on ticket sold, in addition to the pre miums mentioned above. The Profess or requests that the boys nud girls meet him at his borne at 10 a. m., July 12th where tickets and futther Inform ation maybe bad. The prices of season tickets are adults 83 .10, children 81 10. When one stops to consider that there will be seven days, or a total of 14 entertain ments given, the average price per en tertainment is only 18 cents. This is a mere trifle considering the high class entertainment that is olfered. rods, thence south G rods, 11.15 feet, thenco west 21 rods, thence north 22 rods, 14.15 feet, thenco cast to place of beginning at $200, and tho damage to the growing crop thereon at $25 making n total of $225 as damages to I)p paid by tho Plainview Ccmetory Association to the County Clerk of said county for the benefit of tho owner of said land on tho first day of August 1920, when the above describ ed and shall thereafter bo n part of tho Plainview Cemetery Association. Tho following claims were audited nnd allowed and County Clerk in structed to draw warrants on the proper funds in payment of same: GENERAL FUND Judges, Clerks primary M. B. Corner F. L. Stokes E. II. Funke, Sr. Soth Green .. W. R-. Brooks B. E. Harrington Goo. Hcfflebowor J. W. Mclntyre R. H. Allen T. J. Chaplin Chris Schaefer Adolph Sidlo FARMERS ASKED TO BE PREARED TO HOLD GRAIN GOOD PICTURES DDE 3 Its just as easy to make good pictures when you KNOW HOW as to spoil one. We are in the class that "knows how." DHC The Nebraska State Railway Com mission requests that wc confer n favor on farmers of this vicinity by calling attention to tho absolute neces sity of being prepared to hold all or a largo part of their small grain indefi nitely. The Commission states: "This year's crop will move more tardily than crops of previous years, W. E. Patterson J. T. Lacy O. C. Cochrane .. Sherman Shipmnn E. Peters -s J. H. Portenicr Henry R. Fausch .., Grant, Fulton & Letton May L. Huffcr Annie B. Spanogle L. K. Willis C. F. Cnthcr O. C. Tcel Stella Ducker 590.31 C. A. Herrick 397.80 I $8Cr.9G , . 225.00 - 180.00 . 321.35! .. 305.50 - C0.00 .. 105.00 ' - 135.00 ' ,. 95.50, .. 170.67 . 90.50 - 160.00 ! ... 170.40 , ... 115.70 . 80.50, ... 116.50 ... 182.50 .. 225.00 170.40 301.80 0.10 - 90.00 . 83.32 22.50 . 6.00 . 6.00 Dr. Robt. Damercll Fred E. Maurcr R. P. Hoxsoy Alvin Hudson 1a. B. Martin ' Ordinarily enough cars arc stored on ' P-a'Pn se - sidetracks in Nebraska this time of J0"1"' J "8"11 - Henry Getsring Claus Van Boening John C. Rose Anno Mcents Geo. mith tho year to handle one-third of tho wheat crop quickly. This year thero is no surplus. Tho causes are (1) i largely increased volume of business in flio pnnnti'ir cnmnnml tn tii-o.wnr times, nnd (2) actual reduction in to-' W0810''" ,B'ok ,Ass!0' tal rolling stock available because of "U' J,n Lem1cr oum iTrecn . . ........ C. E. Vaughan E. McBrido Ovr Smith's vShoJ3tor" ,77 J' The Gleason Studio r FV V S", war necessities. enet cannot ue lm-1 mediate. The Nebraska Commission and tho Interstate Commcrco Commis sion will jointly do all possible to cx pediato crop movement, but their ef fort will, obviously, have limited re sults. Shippers owe it to themselves to protect their harvest against loss duo to Inck of storage and vo think tliov will iln fsn ?T nrnnnvli. mlftcml nt the gravity of tho transportation situ-' " D' IJnnny ntion." O. C. Tool Thos. Frond ... C. Fnsslor Smith & McKimmoy Rubon WoodfinliJ fng Co. J. I, Holcomb Mfg. Co.. Zion Institution 11.00 6.00 35.00 6.20 6.20 1.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.00 20.00 16.33 !J.25 8.50 8.!)0 6.5D 1.75 6.00 46.15 4.04 0.62 C5.ll 8.50 25.0-") Christian Church Services' Sunday School ntJLO a,.m. Remington Typewriter Co. ... Morhart Bros. 175.30 Omaha School Supply Co. 21.06 Callahan & Co. 40.00 I Bladen Enterprise , . 50.5C Give Our Jewelry Recount your own treasures that your heart "holds dear a Watch, a Pin, a Ring and you will give lasting presents to those of whom you are' fond. JEWELRY is the thing to give Our store is the place to buy it, because you can absolutely depend upon the Quality, Style and price of any piece you buy from us. Your Satisfaction or Your Money Back! E.H.Neivhouse Rot cioua Jeweler and Optometrist Nchrskn 'Bit o o Music Must Be Wooed Not Gouged and wc know that this matter may be safely left to the ver dict of your cars once you hear PATHE. It is a question, indeed, if the now famous Pathe Freres had mnde known the secret of the sapphire when other less careful men were rush ing the niBUufacture of talking ma chines, there would never have been a li steel Needle raachtue otfero to the II public. I 1 1 a i ii II if h What is the abnolut rftrr "al Yff ' l ff VT tf proof of Pathe success? m- ( that fU H ''the Pathe plant at Iirookly. N Y h - 4 V ta had to multiply Us manuf.x.i.1' . .v "B W cllltles sixteen times n ihrce -a.i After all, the real enjoyment of mu9lc cannot exist where there is -n stant fear; tho fear of damaging the records uud the endless dlstra 'to of changing the needles. "Don't use the needle more than once" "Don't scratch the record with the needle" "Don't start machine until neodlels in plncu" and the hundred other dont's havo made n labor out of listening to what mighty soon ceases to be music when It has been neodlo scratched a few times. PATHE 'THE PHONOGRAPH' needs neither needles tn buy nor to change. Tho PATHE SAPPHIRE never scratches or wears out itself or the reaords, whiuh are guaranteed to play a thousand tlmos the result always being perfect music. S& MiGRICE & GRIMES hn PATHE PHONOGRAPHS AND PATHE RECORDS ::c 3ME HE DUG H 3ME ::: :: The Price of Lumber and building material is so much less than it has been and the prospects for it going much lower is so slight that we feel justified in advising you to build now PLATT & FREES :: U ......w.,, w. U...W..UU VIIUIVII) . H"I tCoatlnuf d on page 8 ' j. ! .Il '! tfr n ' uwgyw . yzm'TTrti"' j L i-if" IIItnro nf nlirlotlnn Pli, 11 n rv. I