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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1920)
tA.rJ - - BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF $ ;) .? i hi m Wvv The City of Purple Dreams CHAPTER X. Continued. 14 ' The luxurlnnMmlrcd Polo wnB, soar ing toward his llnnlc. In a few min utes they might he discovered. She Hpoko rapidly. "You can accomplish more wonders" looking eagerly nt him. "I oven hcllevo you can make father like you. Onco you have shown Mm you can be a master of finance It Is possible his feeling townrd you will chnngo. Ho thinks you a nobody now, i8he Clapped Her Hands. Her Eyes Were Radiant. "We Will Announce Our Engagement the Da You Are Worth a Million Dollars!" ' but If you I have It I" She- clapped her hands. Her eyes woro radlnnt. "Wo will nnnounco our engagement the day you nre worth a million dol lars I" The violinist swept his how ncross Itho strings In n triumph of Moznrtlnn climax, and they drew apart and Joined la tho applause. Ami nono In tho room ?W8 more enthusiastic. CHAPTER XI. 1 Thanks to tho dexterity of his French chauffeur, FItzhugh wns at tacking his morning mall at twenty mlriutcs past ten. When running .through tho fourth letter of tho heap his secretary had opened and laid out jfor him he paused suddenly, then sat (violently back In his chair. , "Now, how In Hades," wondered ne, "could I forget that?" Ho meant tho first million. Whllo iwlth Kathleen thnt morning the thought of It had occurred and re-occurred to him, but nlways nt Inoppor tune moments, und when finally the right time had arrived It slumbered In tho meshes of his mind. "I'll tell hor on Wednesday," he con cluded; and promptly wns swnllowed up In tho rush of tho day's business. Tho boy handed hltn u scrap of pa per on which was written with a lead pencil : "I mus.t see you nt once. IMher." "Tell her I can't see lierl" and he crunched the paper between his Augers nnd shot It nugrlly out an open win dow. Beforo the lad reached the door ho checked hltn. less harshly, with: "Explain to her, Tommy, that I mn ex tremely busy, and ask her to call ugttln." Dismissing tho Incident completely from his mind, he gathered up the nheaf of letters. An altercation nrosc In the outer olllco. Tho door was Hung open. Esther entered. Seeing tho stenographer, sho held tho door open. "I want to seo you alone, Danlol," snld Esther Quietly. FItzhugh motioned to his employees to go, and closed tho door after him. "Well? What Is It?" He remained ntnndlng near tho door, tho sheaf of lottcrs clutched with an Iron grip In his right hand. Ho was striving hard to control his mounting temper.' Unbidden, she sat down. He did not resume his scat. There was an awk ward pause "This may ho the last time," she be $w gan, choosing her words carefully, "that we shall seo each other. I am going away tonight. I enmo all tho way from Pntcrson. I thought I would tell you good-by." Sho stood up ho that she faced him. Sho looked at him fixedly. "Night be fore laBt, Daniel, In Patorson, I walked my room for hours. I wns try ing to decide something, Daniel. Something very hard. A Bccret a ter rible secret and I wanted to tell you. But I couldn't decide." i "Havo you decided?" Impatiently. ' "Quito. I bhouldn't toll you. I havo reasoned It out again and again.. You shouldn't know. Hut I want you to know! And, Daniel" reaching up suddenly, sho rested her hands on his shoulders, nnd when her large, sail eyes lifted to his It struck him afresh liow like a tnnrtyr sho seemed "Dan lei, I Imvo been chosen to reinovo our ambassador." no tensed, with n quick Intake of breath. "You mean what il'von menu? You'iv rot vi 'l-trt 'i..i "It Jh l i ' Ills living Is Inimical to tho Cause. Ho Is false to Ilussln." . "And you Intend doing It?" "I will do It." Ho seized her wrlstH, gripped them till she winced. Ills voice wns as steel when ho snld : "You shall not. Under stand thnt onco for nil. You shall not I It Is madness. Nothing less." "You cun't understand. I hnrdly ex pected you to." Ho strode violently to tho door to still somebody's knocking, then camo bnck to her. "What price do you want? Name Itl" She shook her hend. "Thcro Is no price." "I sny thcro Is I Why else would you bo hero? Speak upl What do you want?" She lowered her gnzo, a little Btnr tled. "Yes, thero Is ono for whom I would renounce even tho Cause, turn traitor" . Sho Hung her nrms out to him In n rush of abandon "Oh, Dan iel, you know, you know I" Ho loosened her hands from his neck. "Thnt," snld ho, "Is Impossible. I am engaged to bo married." She recoiled as though he had struck her. Her foot struck a chair as she stepped bnck. Sho sat down very slowly. For a few moments sho seemed stricken dumb. Then: "To to thnt" "To her you saw mo with nt Uie opera." "When?" she asked. "When?" "Wo becamo engaged Inst March. Tho second of last March." "Tho second of lust March." She repeated tho words dully, pressing her hand to her forehead. "Tho second of last why, D-Dunlcl, don't you remem ber? That Is the day wo Arst mot each other. Don't you remember, Daniel?" laughing shrilly "tho crowds, and how I wns swept Into your nrms, and tho speeches you made, Arst In tho street, nnd then " "Esther 1 Esther I Do you rcnllzo where you arc? Twelve or Afteen persons nro waiting outside to see me, nnd their tlmo and mine means, money." 9 Her reminiscences trailed off Into silence. "Money t" . Then nil nt onco a terrific change enmo over her. Sho sprang up tlger Ishly, swept tho chair aside, rushed townrd the door. Ho was thero first, however, nnd stood with his back against It, bnrrlng her way. "You will not leave this office," he declared, "until" "Open thnt doorl" "until you listen to reason." "Open that door, open that doorl I'll' scream I" "You may go when you've promised me " "Open thnt doorl" Out of all patience, angry and hu miliated, he threw the door open, nnd saw her run tho gaping gauntlet In tho outer olllco. Ho closed the door quiet ly and summoned n messenger. Ills nostrils were dilated, his face white, his lower front teeth were locked firm ly over the upper ones. Ho sat at ills desk, took a pad of telegraph forms from a drawer, and 'with a hand as steady as tho mnhogany on which It rested he wrote the following, address ing It "Secret Service:" "A dement ed woman who lmnglnes she has been wronged by tho Russian ambassador will arrive In Washington from Chica go. Watch all trains for her. Sho Is slightly built, has dark hair and eyes and Is dressed In black. II. D. F." Some while after five o'clock FItz hugh sat at tho telephone on his locked desk, his hat on, an unllghted cigar be tween his teeth, delivering the custom nry order for violets. With 11 Anal ad monition to the Aorlst to send nothing except the best, ho "hung up." As he lighted his cigar and swung out of his olllco ho met a messenger, who hand ed him a square envelope. Embossed on the Lack was "Ono Thousand Lake Shro Drive," and It contained n very brief and formal request for an im mediate call from him nt thnt address. Tho chauffeur was waiting with the car In Adams street. FItzhugh settled back comfortably In the cushioned sent as tho chauffeur picked his way through tho mass of traffic, and all the cares and worries of that busy dny bllppcd gratefully from him, leaving him sercno with contentment. Ho wns received In tho library of Mr. and Mrs. Otis. Thero was no align of Kathleen; and a glance nt her pa rents bu diced to apprise hint ho was In for a dlsagreeublo time. They re mnlned standing uftcr ho entered; not was ho asked to sit down. Mrs. Otis, haughtily stationed as far from him as tho largo room would permit, had appointed herself spokeswoman. "Our daughter," said Bho, lifting n formldablo lorgnetto to her eyes and staring nt him as though ho wero the gnrlmgo man, "has Informed us of her unfortunate ulllanco with you." He bowed respectfully. "I need hardly say to you" and her head raised higher, her hauteur waxed stiff "that you must consider this en 'iig"iiiciit broken. Furthermore, you i'l regard your underhuuded uc- By EDWIN BAIRD Cotrrttta trft-O. Brawn A C qunlntance with our daughter os though It had never been. All com munication with her of whatever na turo must ceaso Instantly. That, I be Hove, Is all." ' , If Mrs. Otis hnd expected to Inflict a shock sho triumphed amply. If she hnd hoped to witness Its manifestation she wus woefully dlsuppolntcd. The crash struck Its victim as a thunder bolt; hut beyond a sudden tension that gripped every museh him, he betrayed never u. sign of '& Impact t Outwardly ho wus almost i. not quite' as self-possessed as when he entered the house. "Miss Otis docs sho know this?" "What u question I" she gasped. "Why, It Is she who" "Don't 1" He started forward Im pulsively, tho blood mounting hotly to his face. Hut ero his composure de parted irretrievably "I beg your par don. Muy I know the reason?" "The reason," she said Icily, wish ing his discomfiture wero moro pro nounced, "Is disgraceful. Most dis graceful" lunging with the superla tive. "Today this very afternoon, in fact your I " Sho floundered helplessly In n muddle of words. The starched formality she had deemed sufficient to crush the presumption of any man wilted before his steady gaze, his culm sternness. She turned np peallngly to her husband, who, hav ing held a very unwilling silence at her prior behest, came gladly to tho rescue. "I hnd best deal with this man alone,. Elizabeth." Ho waited until Bho left the room ; then he blazed at FItz hugh: "Your wife, whom you desert ed, was here today." "Tho woman Is not my wife." "Not your legal wife, you mean. "Nor nny other kind." Scarcely had FItzhugh uttered the words, advancing with he knew not what rash design, then he stopped, turned back, nnd .stood listening in tently. Otis, thoroughly alarmed, rang frantically for a servant. FItzhugh crossed to Uie hall-door and listened. From somewhere above, unbridled and spasmodic, though faint by the distance, came the hysterical sobbing of a girl. Kathleen I With an imprecation on ,hls tongue, ho bounded up tho staircase Just as Noonnn appeared In answer to the summons. His cont clutched from be hind, FItzhugh tbrned, Jerked free and, with a single push of his Aat hand, sent the butler reeling backward to the hall below. He leaped up the few remaining steps -to tho second floor, strode to a door standing ajar and knocked. Tho girlish weeping In the room beyond was muffied. He knocked again. Tho sobbing nbatcd, stopped. A third tlmo lie knocked nnd, receiv ing no response save silence, thrust tho door open, entered, closed the door behind him. It wns Kathleen's boudoir. She wni seated In u chair, weeping, with her hands hysterically covering her face; but immediately on seeing him sho Jumped up nnd stnrtcd Tor an adjoin ing room, calling hastily to her maid. He Seized Her Wrists, Gripped Them Till She Winced. And the next Instant she was held, struggling, palpitating, In the hot cm bntco of his arm, and his kisses show ered upon her lips wltii u delirious pusslon that soared as heated metal. "Kathleen sweetheart, you don't believe You don't want mo to go " Sho squirmed In his nrms, striking nt him with her lists, uttering Incoher ent words, her face scarlet with shame. The noto of huto In her voice cooled his madness. "ie released her. "So you do bellevo it." And he be came nwnro that her futher, at his wits' end how to hnndlo the outrage, wns pelting him with blows and kicks, Ho shook oft the mun ns a Newfound land would a Pomeranian. (TO DISCONTINUED.) Contrary Means. "That doctor is very successful with Insomnia cases. How does he do It?' "I guess It Is by his wldeuwuke methods." American (Copy for This Department Supplied by National Headquartors of the American legion.) LEGION PAYS OFF BIG DEBTS Organization Disposes of Claims and Interest Amounting to $44,7G8.C0 During Month of April. Long-stnndlng debts aggregating 5311,00.") nnd accrued Interest amount ing to $11.70,'1.00 were paid off by tho American Le gion during the month of -April, uceordlng to a fiuuncliil state ment recently Is sued by Itobert II. Tyndall, tin tlonnl treasurer of the organiza tion. The statement, which sets forth the financial R. H. TYNDALL. status of the Le gion ns of April 80, 1020, mnrks nn Important step In the history of tho lfi-months-nld body. It stands ns conclusive evidence that tho lultlal expenditure of some .$257,000 which the Legion borrowed prior to the Minneapolis convention for use In building up n solid, permanent organi zation ou a Arm basis, was wisely made. "When the Idea of a Legion was Arst conceived nnd Its founders be gan putting Into execution 'their plans for ranking it the vast reality It now Is," snld Mr. Tyndall, "they found they needed money, Just as In the case of nny new association or enterprise. All business men know thnt every new enterprise must sustain an Initial loss to be liquidated later over a period of time after the body becomes a suc cess. "To Initiate the organization plnn, some 200 friends of tho Legion indi vidually guaranteed 02 sepnrate loans, aggregating $257,000, secured by their personal notes. Tho money wns bor rowed on these notes throughout the country on a basis of apportionment according to federal reserve bank dis tricts. The loan Is a legal debt, ac knowledged by' tho Legion nt Its nn tlonnl convention, nnd constitutes nn ordinary, normal business transaction. Tho notes bear Interest and every penny of 'interest nnd prlnclpnl will bo paid off Just as fast as our present stable resources warrant. "Today, the best evidence thnt the money wns wisely expended Is found In the fact thnt the American Legion Is definitely established as a complete ly orgnnized body. Thnt active man agement of Its affairs Is In the hnnds of n nntionnl executive committee composed of representatives from ev ery state hi the Union shows that tho organization Is a sound one. "It Is due entirely to the nble efforts of those In chnrge of the enrly orgnnl zntlon work, who raised the money and expended It in a business-like wny, thnt the Legion Is now nble to pay off these debts In substantial sums. "National headquarters of the Le gion receives no financial support ex cept from dues and snle of emblems, excluding, of course, the $100,000 trust fund given to the Legion by tho Y. M. C. A. This money, which probably will be Increased to $r00.000 after the Anal audit of the Y. M. C. A. canteen account, will be Invested In safe secur ities pending tho formal appointment of tho Fletcher American National Dank of Indianapolis as trustee, tho executive committee of the Legion hav ing decided thnt the sum be held In trust for u period of Ave yenrs. Tho principal, under this plan, Is to bo Invested and re-invested, the Income to bo used for the benefit of disabled ex-servce men or for work In con nection with the National Americanism Commission of the American Legion, tho donors having expressed this pref erence." NEW HAMPSHIRE IS IN LEAD Department Shows Gain of 6,000 Mem bers During American Legion Week; Nebraska Second. In a letter forwnrded to all depart ments of the American Legion recent ly, Lemuel Bolles, national adjutant, announces that standings of states In tho Legion "membership push" will be determined on the basis of returns at national headquarters up to tho close of business Juno 15. Incompleto reports from various parts of the country Indicate that tho New Hampshire department witn n gain of 0,000 new members during the American Legion week, having so fur enrolled tho largest percentage of ell glbles In Us state, Is leading nil oth ers. Nebraska Is second, Massachu setts third and California fourth In tho race at present. It Is estimated that the grand total of new members gathered In during the entire cam paign will b6 nearly half n million. Telegrams arriving nt national head quarters during the last few dnys show thnt In comparatively'' few instances havo nil posts In any stnto reported their totals of new members gniueii. nnd It is believed the winning depart ment will not bo dclliiHcly knowu un- til ufter June 15. ' JZmZ3 p Q A 4 ( PAID-UP MEMBERSHIP COUNTS Delegates to Convention Are Chosen on the Basis of Number In Good Standing. Figures nt National headquarters of the American Legion show n vost num ber of posts throughout tho country havo enrolled considerably In excess of their present actual paid-up mem bership. Delegates from posts to the stnto conventions, nnd from stntes to the national convention are chosen on tho basis of paid-up membership, with out regard to enrollment. Tho state legislature of Massachu setts has enacted n law prohibiting tho wearing of tho Legion Insignia by nny save actunl bonn fide members of tho organization, which Is construed ns bariing those whose membership has been allowed to lapse, from enjoying this privilege. Individual Leglonnnlres nro being urged to assist In prevent ing the wenrlng of the Legion' button , by pprsonsiwho nre not paid-up Leglgti members. A few stnte conventions already havo been held. Tho dntes of the others, nnd plures where held, are given In tho following list: Indiana, at Vlncennes, Juno 28 nnd 29. Montana, nt Livingston, Juno 28 and 20. Wisconsin, nt Green Day, Juno 29 nnd .10. Nevada, at Lovelock, July 3. Rhode Island nt Newport, July 23 nnd 21. Oregon, nt Astoria, July .10 and 31. Wyoming, nt Sheridan, August 3, 4 nnd f. Arknnsas, nt nelenn, August 10 and 17. Minnesota, at Duluth, August 10, 17 nnd 18. Connecticut, nt Bridgeport, August 20 nnd 21. Louisiana, at New Iberia, August 20, 21 and 22. Ohio, at Youngstown, August 23 nnd 24. Texns, nt Houston, August 23 nnd 24. Kansas, at Pittsburg, August 23, 24 and 2,r. Mississippi, nt Vlcksburg, August 21 and 25. South Dakota, at Watertown, August 24, 25 nnd 20. North Dakota, nt Mlnot, August 25 and 20. New Hampshire, nt Weirs, August 25, 20 and 27. Massachusetts, at Springfield, Au gust 20, 27 nnd 23. Nebraska, at Hastings, August 20, 27 and 28. Kentucky, nt Louisville. August 27. Illinois, nt Chicago, September 2 and 3. Iowa, at Cedar Rapids, September 2 nnd 3. New Mexico, nt Roswell, September 2, 3 nnd K Virginia, at Richmond, September 2, 3 nnd 4. Maryland, nt Cumberland, Septem ber 0 and 7. Michigan, nt Snglnnw. September 7. New Jersey, nt Atlantic City, Sep tember 10 and 11. New York, at Albany, September 10 nnd 11. North Carolina, at Wilmington. Sep tember 12. West Virginia, at Parkersburg, Sep tember. HAD RUSH OF ORDERS IN MAY Demand for Memorial Day Supplies Taxed Legion Department; Fourth of July W.-vnlng. "Don't shoot the pianist he's doing the best he can." "Treat the undertaker kindly you may be burled yourself some day." These, together with various and sundry kindred ndinonitlons might constitute a seemingly appropriate In troduction to this pathetic nnrratlve. It deals with the plight of certain dis tracted Individuals ut national head quarters of the American Legion. Aside from Lemuel Holies, national adjutant, who hns been swnmpnd so often thnt he's getting used to It, this unfortu nate hnd to rend and nnswer more telegrams nnd letters In Mny thnn all other members of tho headquarters' start combined. And tho reason Is tills: Between Mny 1 nnd Mny 25 the fol lowing orders, among others, nil for de livery by May 30, poured in iikg a barrage on the emblem division, of which tho hero of our tale has chargo: 2,1 HS grave markers. 108 silk United States lings. 128 wool post lings. 00 wool United States flags. Result, some 3.200 separate and dis tinct "rush" orders, Including almost Innumerable demands for buttons, pins, badges, rings, watch-fobs, nuto radiator decorations nnd whatnots. So, nt Inst In tones that moved his collengues to tears, the mnrtyr sent out this "S. O. S.": "Pleaso tell nil posts nnd buddies," ho sighed, "that they'll either have to order tho stuff they want for July Fourth earlier than they did their Me morial day parnphernulln, or I'll drop dead In tho midst of tho rush nud gum up tho whole works. Please toll 'em to have n heart ; decide now on what they want and write about It. This will make It possible- for the factory to get tho orderifbut on tlmo nnd snvo tho expenses of 'steen hundred tele grams." . Wlmtjusny, man? 1 1 Makes Good Enrollment. f Tho Byron Hook Post, No. -133, of Stockport, O., has enrolled 18 mem bers, which Is approximately the nun her of ex-service persons to druw frro I in tho community. ' 1 1 Sure Relief 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief RELL-ANS PFOR INDIGESTION NEW SOUTH WALES INFORMATION BUREAU Sinter Boiling. 149 Brodwy, Htm York City Will be pleated to (end GoTornmentliulletlni or nniwor anr lnqnlrlea rrxardlna opportu nities tor farming, stock railing, fruit grnnlnir, mining and tuTctttnoLt In New South Walei, AUSTRALIA Kill All Flies! THEY SFltEAD DISEASE Mmh.1 inTwhtr. DAISY FLY KILLER attract! and kill all flies. Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient and 'on. Marie of metal. een'tpoill ortloovert Mill not eoll orinlurtt anything, Cunranteed. u A in 1 FLY KILLER at year ucaier or 1.1 11 fft. 8 by BXPUKS3, HAROLD HOMERS. 1W Ue alb Ave.. Urooklvn, N. T. BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity nt tho present time for young women over nineteen years of age who havo had ut leant two 1 curs in high school Vo talto Nurses' Training in general hospital. 3ur graduates aro In great demand. Address Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium Lincoln, Nebranlca Shave. Bathe and Shampoo with one Soap. Cuticura Catleura 8oap la the favorite f orf ety ratorihtttof . Accommodating. "Stop hey, stop I" yelled nn excited looking farmer, running townrd the road as we passed in our car." My, friend put on the brakes nnd ran back to give first nld, when the farmer turned nnd beckoned frantically to a little boy who came from the houso to the rond and then close to the car. "Look It over," said his father as the boy walked all around us, "this running machine Is called nn nuto." "All right," said the boy nt tast. "I snw enough of It," and we were al lowed to proceed. Exchange. LIFT OFF CORNS! Freczone is magic! Corns lift off with fingers without pain Ilurt? No, not one bit I Just drop a' little Freezono on that touchy corn. Instantly It mops aclilug, then you lift that bothersome corn right off. Yes, mnglcl Cs only a few cents. Try Frczonol Your druggist sells a tiny tiottle, sufficient to rid your feet of veri nurd corn, soft corn, or corn batwn the toes, and calluses, without oim particle of pain, soreness or Irri tation. Freczone Is the mysterious ether discovery of a Cincinnati genius, -Adv. Couldn't See It. Ruth What's the mutter, Johnny? Johnny Got something In my eye I Ruth What Is It? Little Johnny Don't know! Can't see It. The prices of cotton nnd linen hart, been doubled by the war. Lengthen their service by using Red Cross Ball Blue In the laundry. All grocers, 8c. Taking Chinese Census. Tho Inhabitants of China are count ed every year In n curious manner. Tho eldest master of every teo houses has to count tho families and make a list, w hlch Is sent to the Imperial tax liousc. WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT For many years druggists have watched with much interest the remurkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medi cine. It is a physician's prescription. Bwamp-Root is a strengthening medi cine.. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad der do the work nature intended they, should do. Swamp-Root bas stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medicine has so many friends. Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test thia reat preparation send ten cents to Lr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., for rample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this papsr. Adr. You can always ascertain a wom im's correct ago by asking some other voinnn, and thr AH Kaii14V2rJBjl ToNT nu! a,xr ai&srtgmiunii Mm-Af. U A' i- 4 i t w