m i (V J .. tto wBolu uVfctf . WV.T I II PrffHA X Mutf S7V. fTrX-Sr3i -- - X3i" ft , Jjm$&3g fotenr35pMN 5l --" M-f-W-'Wi v"-f:r-?-:"-'?f'fl il5WSiAiw A Rowsflapp.r That filvcs The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For 52 0) VOLUME 48 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. JUNE 24. 1920 NUMBER 23 i " t1 mrmrrri i fi'T Ted Lewis Makes - i VJE7 r s I Jafv n C :itHs .1. JI &4. .A-TM-VW' KA.JL W".fc.V i or JS cP HK x HOWES' m we. 5 Come in and hear the latest fox-trots by Ted Lewis Jazz Band. "I'll See You in C-U-B-A," with melodious incidental whistling by Ted Lewis himself, and "The Moon Shines on the Moonshine" by these same exclusive Columbia artists, are a pure delight to dance to. A-2927 $1.00 Other Good Records Will Play Two Teams Sunday V()MW oimuauzatio Sunday afternoon tho Republican Citj hull tomn untiio to Hud Cloud and 1 pluji'd u vtry hiteieithitf numu here,' th(! result bt'ln; a suoru of 5 tn 1 in I favor of the luunu boya Tlio litio up oi tun loeul tuuui linb uceti cluiu(;u and it aoeins to Imvo pioducud the 00 hired rusults, u-. lust Sunday's name was one that uhiiio up to htandiiiit. Sunday afturnobu of this euk a bi double, header will be played liorc on the loeal grounds, Inavitle vsill bo (Llie tlrst team to oppose the locals,, (nine called at 2 o'clock. The second gumo will btart at IJ:30 at which time Corn, Kans:ib uill play the home toam. Judging fiom lepoits of the elu'ss of ball that the&o two teams have been playing the base ball fans will receivo their mouey'h worth Sundaj. J. C. MITCHELL Columbia Phonographs The Jeweler Columbia Records vreEttm wwr. CT33 L-iiLLa. va' ur.Tit uraii accrami buj': janti iMin.iiiiiKiiiraiJii.'n wmraiuiuijiiiiirjuHLi 'i B The JLPJi&j) Three Q1-L-- In order to measure up to VcULdllLy the demands of the buying public of today any piece of merchandise must give satisfaction in every way. If it does not t is stricken from the list of desireable merchandise The goods we handle possess this QUALITY Service The service we tender our patrons, even to the 'kiddies' is known to all. Our aim at all times, is to give you wants very prompt and careful attention. 1370 Dogs in the County County Assebbor C A. Herrlck kind ly furnished us the following inform atiou which may prove interesting to our renders. The records show that ou April 1, 1920, that Webstor county had lOSC head of mules, 10,810 head of horses, '23,141 head of cattle, 15,148 head of hogs, GUI head of sheep, 2C0- stands of bees, SO, 177 bushels of wheat, 271,012 bushels of com, U,f45 bushels of oats, 4,825 bushels of barley, 10,045 dozen chickens and 1370 doL's. Tl:e autos total 1,072. The total actual valuation ot personal property is S7,2 07,01") showing nn increase, bt Wl1.9jf, over last year. The actual value cf rcil estate Is $21.031, 54,'S. In 1910 It was figured at SIG.773,110 The real estate valuatiou of Heel Cloud City was laiucd SlC,0r)3 over thai of four years ago. This iucreaso in valuation is duo to the election of the Hus-i-. Auditor Sum. Dm gig The price is figured as low as it t ilV it is possible to make it when you consider that our merchandise is the best the market affords. You are protected not only by our years of successful grocery experience, but also by our guarantee of your satisfaction. P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware LJlKTOfflmil! COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. uaauiunanra Mayor Amnck called the Council together in tegular adjourned ses sion in the Council Chambers on Wed nesday evening, with nil .members present. Mr. Fulton presented his report nnd final cstimatc'bn paving in District No. 3, nfter which Council voted that the estimate and claim of Watts Con struction Co. for $'10,-480.88 nnd C.rnnt, Fulton & Letton for $1,839.77 bo allowed. On motion of Alderman Sherwood, the Clerk was instructed to publish in the Argus, a notice to property own ers of a special meeting of the City Council to bo held on July 17, 1920, for the purpose of assessing the cost of paving in Districts No. 2 and 3 to the property benefitted. The final claims of Grant, Fulton & Letton for S105.B2 and Watts Con struction Co. for $105.C0 were allowed. RESULTS COUNT and we have the knowledge the equipment and the desire to produce RESULTS. Let Us Prove It Over Smith's Shoe Store The Gleason Studio JL. UNITED CHRISTIAN CHURCH A business meeting of the member ship nnd all interested will bo held at the Christian church at 8 n. m. Wnd- ' nesdny, Juno 30th. The matter of 1 securing a pastor for tho ensuing year ( will he discussed ns well as other t matters pertaining to tho future act ion of the United movement. ! COMMITTEE . According to the Wednesday Omnha World Herald, Harry A. Williams, of Omaha, and Mrs. Sadie A. Tomllnson of this city wore granted a marriage- license. , l325Bsg.HJga Mr. and Mrs. Cha3. Dickcrson and daughter, Mrs. Ralph Shepardson ?cft Monday nftornbon, via automobile, for Parsons, Kansas, where they will visit their daughter nnd sister. Thoy will also visit in Oklnhoma nnd Ark ansas before returning home. Dave Hell, B. E. Eiholman, Bert Duckcr, W. H. Thomn.-', Will itoscn crnns and E. S. Fitz returned homo Wednesday from Eldorado, Kansas, where thoy had been investigating the Boyer oil lease and thoy aro well pleased with tho prospects. Red Cloud, Ncbr. Juno 15-1920 This being tho dale fixed by law, tin County Boaul of Equalization convened at 10 o'clock a. m., with ull members present. Meeting called to ordcrTjy County Clcik. Motion made hy Waldo, seconded by Knigge, that W. II. Thomas act i6 chairman of Board of Equalization for tho year 1920. Motion carried. Mathais Massinger appeared before the Hoard and complained that ms improvements wcio assessed too high on lots G-7 and 8 in the N. W. U Lec tion 10-1-9. Motion made and carried that the assessment lcmain tho same as fixed by tho Precinct Assessor. Tho next complaint was that of Porter Halo who appeared before tne Board and complained that his land lots 3 and 4, Wj of S. E. Section 11-1-10 was assessed too high. After comparison by the Board of adjoining land motion was made and carried that said land be reduced to $50 per acre. Win. McCaKum next appeared bc foic the Board and complained of his assessment being too high on the WM of Section 23-1-11. After the Board had investigated the assessment us made on lands in the same vicinity a motion was made by tho Precinct As sessor for 1920 on above land he not changed. Board adjourned to meet at 10 a. m Juno, 10, 1920. Juno 10, 1920 Board convened at 10 o'clock a. m. with all members present. Mrs. E. J. Duckcr appeared before the Board and complained that her improvements on Blk 8 Red Cloud An nex were assessed too high. Aft-'r investigation of this property by the Board tho same was reduced from $1500 to $1100 actual value. Fred Mauicr next appeared before the Board and staled that he consid ered his improvements on lots 1 to 3, Blk 7 Lc-Duc add to Red Cloud vcic assessed too high. Motion made and carried that no change be madu on above assessment. H. A. Stumpenhorst appeared be fore the Board and complained that his improvements on the N. W. U of Section 3G-1-11 were assessed too high. Motion made and carried that the assessment on above remain tnc same as turned in by Precinct Asses sor. Board adjourned to 10 a. m. June 17, 1290 June 17, 1920 Board convened at 10 a. m. with all member.s present. Henry R.' Fausch appeared bcfoie the Board and claimed h(s improve ments on tho N. E. V of Section 2-1-9 were assessed too high. Motion made and carried that tho same bo reduced from $2500 to $1500 actual 1 value. No other complaints coming before tho Board thoy now took up tho mat ter of equalizing the real estate bc- j tween the different precincts of the county. After u careful comparipon j of all the precincts ns shown by tae summarys prepared by County Asses sor Horrick a motion was made by Waldo and carried that assessments as turned in by Precinct Assessor in ' hiavalo precinct bo reduced 10 per , ' cent on both land improvements also ' tho same reduction on lots and im provements in tho village of Inavale. I Motion made by Knigge and second- Give Osjr Jewelry Recount your own treasures that your heart holds dear a Watch, a Pin, a Ring and you will give lasting presents to those of whom you are fond. JEWELRY Is the thing to give Our store is the place to buy it, because you can absolutely depend upon the Quality, Style and price of any piece you buy from us. Your Satisfaction or Your Money Back! B. H.NeWhouse ui chud . Jeweler xadtQ&tomrtris t Hnk Pathe 1 Phonographs Conceived in Paris decades ago and delicately perfected' as time went on, Pathc music has long enjoyed the approval of our musically fastidious allies. Ears that would be distraught by the blair of thcV'talking ma chines" have welcomed the jeweled music of Pathe. It is the romantic belief of poets that In their encircling, through space the Btars made musical tholr pHosago. The "music of the spheres" may be on a grander bcale but It is not more bo. witching than the music of that tiny sapphire ball whliih glides around its appointed orbit on a Pathe Record. In contemplating tho more sophisticated mechanism of Pathe one should remember that thero are twoways of considering re corded music Ono is that it is u sort of science. The other that It Is Art. The pseudo-scicutlbt uses points, noodles, which rip sound out of the record. Tho Artist Is gontlei; ho uses a porfoctly rounded saphlro which by mere touch releases music Music must be wooed, not gougod; and wo know that this matter may be safely left to tho vordlct of your ears once you hear Patho , UKAKTUIJ PATHE AT JJ i v 'Ililil 1 ?o I N MiGRICE & GRIMES n ebras ka PATHE PHONOGRAPHS v AND PATHE RECORDS HE 3K 3E OIIE 3E 3ME i:: cd by Waldo that Oak Creek prc- cinct be reduced 15 per cent on the land only. Motion carried. I No other business appearing before , the Board thoy adjourned to call- of the County Clerk. B. .F. PERRY, County Clerk E-2 TO OUR MEMBERS AND PATRONS Owing to the 4th of July falling on ( Sunday our store and elevator will bo closed all day Monday,- July Cth The Price of Lumber and building material is so much less than it has been and the prospects for it ffnintf much Inurnr is an Rlirthf fhnf uro feel justified in advising you to build now PLATT & FREES FARMERS' UNION Efe nr W vzW H ' I i i M