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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1920)
ESD OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF LIFT OFF CORNS! TWO MODEL SUITS sfc FOR SUMMER WEAR ASPIRIN Sure Relief Backache Slowing You Up? Are you drngRing along with a dull, throbbing backache? Feel lame morn ing, tired all day; Buffer torturing twinge at every move? Often the kid neys are to blnnic. A cold, strain or overwork congests the kidneys; poisons accumulate and mysterious aches and pains result. You niny have headaches and dury spell", too, with perhaps bladder irregularity. Use Doan's Kid ney Pills. They have helped thou sands. Ask your neighbor I A. Nehrnqkn Cnai Doesn't hurt a bit I Sot a corns lift right off with fingers. Magic 1 Name "Bayer" on Genuinfe y Ari$&ar Bell-ans vs-sa: r'ZZ'Tyr VrfS4J M -YN. F3ftPW3D) 6 1 Wfi " TAB 1 L-Yai6SJ Hot vater Relief MS SSSi lJjfClrLSu fc RE LL-A I 4 f i v i 4 n rctd. farmer, G othonburB, 'sebr., says; "My bmk liml been bothering me for over two months. I couldn't pet out of bed on nc count of the Sharp, sliootlntr pains d a r 1 1 n p through my loins. The kidney secre- wsst lar In parsaRo, at times belnp too fre nuent and scanty. I also suffered from dizziness nnd could Beo spots before my eyes. One box of Doan's Kidney Plllc cured me eo that I liavo never been bothered since." Cat Doan's Any Store, COc Bos DOAWSiKLV FOSTER.M1LBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. BE A NURSE Exceptional oppor'unlty at thu present time for young women ver nineteen years of ago who lmvo had a least ono year in high school to tako Nurds' Training lu general hospital. Our gr&duute aru In great demand. Address Supt. of Nurtet, Lincoln Sanitarium Lincoln, Nebraska Kill All Flies! TIIBV EPRHAU D13EASE JImkI anywhoro, DAISY tLY KILLER attrectn and Kill all flic. Neit. clean, ornamental, convenient and kencap i.aiian.nira rton. Ma le of metal. rcsn't inlll nrtlnmer: 'will not toll orinlur njrtuinir. lianrantcta. UAIfll FLY KILLER at your dealer or 6 by KXPRES3. prepaid, 41.28., HAROLD B0MEIIS. 1W Do Ealb Ave.. Urookljo, N. Y. T. IlKKNAlil) MJI'S FOIt SAI.Kt tnnlta ll50: females. SIC. UOY DOI.AN, bTANTON, VKIIKASKA. t Quickest Way. "How do you think this high cost f living can bo suspended?" "The only way I know of 1b to hung thu prof Veers." Important to Mothors Examine carefully every bottlo'oi jASTOKIA, that famous old remedy iur milium niiu cmiurcn, gnu see taut it Pnnra frio Signature ot2L&gu In U8e for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria NOBLF. RELICS OF THE PAST Triumphal Arch of Titus, at Rome, and the Colosseum, Are Splendid In Their Ruin. Tho Triumphal Arch of Titus In ftone, was hullt In 70 A. D. to com memorate the defeat of the Jews, nnd wns dedicated to tho Emperor Titus after his death. It Is adorned with flue sculptures in relief. On the frieze out Bide Is n sacrificial procession nnd on tho Inner side Titus is seen crowned by Victory In n quadriga driven ly. Roma. On nnother part of tho arch Is o triumphal procession of Jews, the Table of Shew Bread, and the seven branched candlestick. In the center ' of the vaulting the consecrated emper or Is feeu being carried to heaven by on eagle. In 1S82 the arch was n set of ruins, nnd some of the medieval additions were removed and It was partly recon structed. The rnlosseum, with seats for G0.O0O spectators, originally called the Flavian amphitheater, was com pleted by Titus In the year 80 A. D., and derives Its later, nnme, probably, trom a colossal statue of Nero. The rolosseum Is now all In ruins. The Likeness. "The fine new house that promoter has built himself Is standing n a bluff." "So is he." If the face of n small boy ban A set look, It'F a sign that mlschl s nbout to be lintched. . 2l:LYsA kIV!&1 r!l!fCIJtQlJtt&4 jvwinwaMKf a A Coffee-like ever in flavor and Insiani Fbsium but Postum is different be cause it contains no health" disturbing drug. A saver in manij ways. TiejrGs Mode hy Poatum. Cereal Co., . , Battle Oreelc.Mich. ra VJJJ Costs few cents 1 Drop n llttlo Frceaone on that touchy corn, Instant ly that corn stops hurting, then you lift It right out with the fingers. Why wait? Your druggist sells n tiny bottle of Freezone for n few cents, Milllclent to i Id your feet of every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between tho toes, nnd calluses, without soreness or Irritation. Freezone Is tho much talked of discovery of the Cincinnati genius. Adv. Few Bricks Came From England. The late George Alfred Townsend established beyond controversy that, while there may have been n few Iso lated Instances of enrgoes of bricks from England, not one colonial house In fifty, for which such claim Is made, Included English bricks In Its compo sition. From a letter In the Baltimore Sun. SHOES WEAR LONGER When you walk In comfort; ao do stockings A package of Allen's KootnKnue, the anil irptlc powder to ahakn into the fihora and sprinkle In the fpot-bnth, gives you that "old shoe" comfort and naves near. Allen's I'ootalSnst makea tight or new ahoca feel easy. Ladles can wear shoes one slz mnller by shaking aome Allen's Foot Ease In ench shoe In the morning. Bold everywhere. Adv. WANTED IT AS A WARNING Old Gentleman Had Particular Use for That Peculiarly Atrocious Looking Beetle. j On the counter of the Christmas bazaar stood all the usual horrors which an unscrupulous world Insists on giving the poor kiddles ns "toys." There were animals, birds and Insects which resembled nothing save the creatures of n particularly fierce night mare. The customer steadied himself by n chair, nnd after a careful selection, picked up one specially, terrible beetle. "I'll take that," he told the assistant, "How much Is it?" "Half a dollar!" replied the girl. "Is It for your llttlo boy?" "No, I want to take It to a dinner party I have to attend." "Whatever for?" exclaimed the girl, surprised out of her carefully acquired calm. "Well, I'm going to stnnd It In front of me on tho table when tho drinks are going round and when 1 see two beetles well, It's time to go homo!" Place Knew Her No More. Husband That new iijiild l: certain ly quiet. One would never know that she was nbout the place. Wife She Isn't. She left this morn ing. London Tlt-Hlts. Muk may have gone out of fashion, but-lt has wormed Its way Into a lot of other perfumeries. e appearance a Reason TIIK Hrst suits launched for spring Included simple severely-tailored models with a fair representation, others, more numerous, In which coats were cut on usual suit lines, but more or less elaborated with decorations of vnrlous kinds, and still others In which coats were abbreviated to Jack ets. Hesldes the6o there were some fanciful and elaborate models out of tho class of utility suits to which any of the otherB belonged. Now that these several styles have been tested out, we find the models cut on usual fcult lines, but not belonging to tho severely tailored class, have outsold both the plainer nnd the more elabo rate styles. These conservatively cut and moderately trimmed suits prove to be the fnvorltes for all-around wear. Two very fine models of tho suit for general wear are pictured above. One of them has a plain skirt with lapped seams, cut wide enough for Hats to Grace ALL the nfTalrs of summer uro graced by the most beautiful mil linery that tho year calls out since the glory of tho passing season Is re flected In headwear, It could not bo otherwise. Juno sees tho climax of picturesque, colorful, flower-trimmed nnd trnnt-pnront hats that nddin beauty to its graduations and weddings and to all the guyetles that follow, to tho end of summer. In July and Augut similar lints como In, mado In nil white or pale colors ; usually they Join their more splendid sisters and nro worn for sports and outings. Their career 1" brief and Joyous; in tlifcm wo bid farewell to summer, for they vanish with the first hint of cold weather. Ono of theso exquisite, nll-whlto lints nppears among other summary hats In the group above. It has n crown of whlto brocaded silk nnd n brim of white taffeta, encircled by n fringed sash of taffeta. Wo.n with ,n frock of whlto georgette or organdto It makes n costumo dainty enough to rival tho roses In the hands of Ita wearer. x A beautiful hat for tho heart of summer Is shown mado of satin braid lu Muo with n 6ash of brown satin ribbon about Us crown and it hnlf wrcntb of grasses, grapes, roses' nnd their foliage about It. Tho whlabrlm Is softened at the edge with n fold qf brown tnallncs. Such a tint has much chnrm to lend Its wenrer. Wo might expect nn nppreclntlvo girl to pick out for herself tho sport hnt shown, made of tnffeta silk In green nnd faced with white braid. It has a border of narrow ribbon and a Bash of It, tied S 1 lsSiaaSS'''SSV x . mm- y'? x ! r-M3L"fTh .'.4eaaTaaV&3rasdi I'- aBW.VOKT- .SaBBBBBBBBBBBBBF..'JS'.vf ' W SBBBBBBBBBETO- a. mtt-iid&mmzm , . sz 'IA?V-'JFV$ aWaSSWSBaf Z. fmm' ' i " V ? . comfort In walking. A handsome vest, of trlcolette, Is embroidered with flowers and adorned with a band of velvet ribbon across tho top and It Is sot In the coat which does not close nt the front. Lapels nt ench side extend not 'quite to the bottom of tho vest, nnd from tho line downward, thero nre hound button holes In them. Bind ing finishes the edges of the silt pock ets In the skirt of tho coat, at ench side. The straight coat sleeves nre un usual and attractive. They nre ended by cuffs formed by stitching bauds of the cloth to a trlcolette foundation. A very nnrrow belt extends twlco about the waist. Tho coat In tho second suit has a narrow shawl collar and fastens with u single button at the waistline. It is embroidered in silk In a baud that extends from shoulder to hem and spreads across the pockets. The nar rowest girdles tie at the front and Its long ends are finished with silk balls. Summer Affairs S&v- In a saucy bow at tho front. Flunlly there Is n smart street hat with taf-( feta crown and brilliant turned-back' brim of piping braid. This Is In black with a tight rose also In black, nt tho front, sot In whlto velvet leuves. J 44&1, $lrfrt& To Launder Georgette. To launder georgette waists so they will not shrink, let soak In lukewarm water with a sack of soap chips for perhnps half an hour, depending on how soiled tho waist Is; rlnso In sev eral tepid waters, squeeze out wntcr between tho hands; do not wring or twist tho waist, and Iron wet, with an Iron bb hot us posslblo without scorch ing. Wot georgotto Is very pllnblo and may bo gently pulled and stretched while, pressing. Discarded, shrunken waists may bo reclnlmed In this man-! nor and restored to their original slzo. Wooden 8ports Hats. As remarkahlo as tho glazed hat of Captain Cuttlo of Dombey and Son fnmo nro tho wooden sports hats of this summer. Wood fiber, not unllko shavings In nppeuranco and as Jlght In weight as any straw, Is mado Into sports hats of nil shapes nnd sires. To mnko tho trimming tho wood Is shaved nnd applied llko llttlo quills that curl slightly at the ends. Theso hats nro In roso color a shade very popular In Paris for sports clothes bright blue, ornnire and. In fact, nlmnst every'shade. "Htiycr Tablets of Aspirin" Is genu ine Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for over twenty years. Accept only an unbroken "Dnyer package" which contains proper directions to relievo Headache, Tooth ache, Kiirache. Neuralgia, IMietimatlsm, Colds and I'aln. Handy tin boxes of lil tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Hnyer packages." Aspirin Is trade mark Ilayer Manufacture Jlon oacetlcacldester of Sallcyllcacld. Adv. Open Bribery. Jane had Just commenced school, nnd the teacher asked her u question n numbers which she was uiiablo to answer. She walked up to the teach er and said lu a low voice: "if you won't ask me that I'll give you some of my animal crackers." To Insure gllstenlng-whlte tnblo linens, use Red Cross Hall Illue In your laundry. It never disappoints. At ull good grocers, 5c. All Suffer Alike. It Is an eternal truth in the political ns well as the mystical body that "wheru one member suffers, all the members suffer with It." Junius. Freshen a Heavy Skin With tho antiseptic, fascinating Cntl cura Talcum Powder, un exquisitely scented convenient, economical face, skin, bnby and dusting powder nnd perfume. Renders other perfumes su perfluous. One of the Cutlcurn Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum). Adv. Their Native Locality. "I see they are eating camels In Paris." "Do they serve them tor the desert?" WOMEN HEED SWAMP-ROOT Thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. WoraenB' complaints often prove to be . nothing else hut .kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If thd kidneys arc not in a healthy conuuion, tney may causo the other or gans to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of am bition, neivousncss, arc often times symp tqms of kidney trouble. T)on't delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician's pre scription, obtained at any drug store, may be Just tho remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Gt a medium or largo size bottle im mediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., BinRhamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. WILLING TO STRIKE BARGAIN Wife Quite Ready to Ab'andon Style If Her Hubby Would Only Do His Part. She wns ono of tlioso dross women who nlwnys wear tho lutest thlnK whether It suited her or not. Ono dny her hut touched lmr nosu; next wool: It rested oif tlu buck of her neck. Her lust frock barely covered her shoo tons, her new ono huddled round her tinkles. Oh, bho was always "It!" Iler hushnntl was no passive icslst er. Itogulnrly he-alsni his voice in protest nt each craving nfter fashion. Hut tho one thliiK that really annoyed him was when she suddenly ..craped her liulr straight back from her fore head on top and trained It down like window curtulns on each side of her fucc. "Look hero I" lie said, In exaspera tion. "Can't I Induco you to stop wearing your hair over your ears?" "Certainly 1" sho eplled, with n charming Binlle. "Buy mo diamond earrings." No Burled Trouble. "Did you seo where a man some where used , n cemetery for making moonshine whisky nnd got raided?" "In going thero ho certainly mado a gravo mistake." "In real friendship there Is nlwnys tho knitting of soul to soul, tho ex change of heart for heart." TJRat Unusual Flavor Wholesome, Rich, Delightful that comes from blending malt ed barley with whole "wheat is jdistinctive of GrapeNuts lFiis food is ready cooked, eco nomical, easily digested and veiy nourishing. Sold by grocers I FOR INDIGESTION " DONT DESPAIR If you nro troubled with pairt9 or ncheo; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass age of urine, you will find relief iq COLD MEDAL Th world's sundard remedy forlcldnsy, liver, bladder and uric acid troublosand National Remody of Holland sinco 1696; Three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed. Look for tlia nam Gold Mvdal ea eTary boa and accapt no imitation Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Permanent Relief CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS never fail. Purely vege table act surely but Bently on the I m rvr r- ' Over. UMItlCltO Stop after dinner dis tress cor rect indiges tion: Improve IITTLE IVER PILLS the complexion brighten the eyes. Small PHI Small Dote Small. Fries DR. CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Nature's great nerve and blood tonic for Anemia, Rheumatism, NervoBiHMov 8leeplsncas and Female Weakness. mlitHttiitrilitiiira ?iorir&C PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM frmov'Slhmdran-StopilIalriralUlld neeiorea t-oior and Beauty to Cray and Faded Hair cue nna 11 oo at arncruu. ntseoi Chrm. V, ki. I 'ate hopiis.N.Y HINDERCORNS n omt, rnt. Cat.) rort to tuaJ r at Drog-J ,W.V. loose, rto., stops all pain, cnsiirta comfort rrt. mssrs naiainfr rar. 10a. ur tnau or sjuia. uiicox uosuiicai norii, ratcauiraoi PATENTS Wation Bi Oolemttu. 1'atent iJiwjer.WasUlnirton. Bates reaiooable. Iilabett reference!, iloateerriooa. J 'in .Noiilirrn hlirrinun C'ii. U'lirat mill Corn nnila. Illaclc sull, flno wiitnr, exc'l'nt crops, main It. It , oil prusiircta. I'm tin', iMsnn. Kan. rHM.KI f- rr.U OI.Un.ot-.rcr 4ro(l)al bs ,m""w Co. 2eTSaUhlaanvniM,CMca(a LEARNED LESSON OF THRIFT By and 9TB J Nc J"e; Town Have "ade ?ecoId of. Whlch -' They Are Proud. If there has been loss talk of the servant problem In Urldgoton, New Jersey, than elsewhere, It Is quite ex plainable. Not to be outdone hy their European sisters and brothers In mat ters of thrift and Industry, l!.r young sters In that town have Invested $1,000 In United States thrift btatups this year, thanks to their own hard work. Hoys and girls alike have welcomed opportunities of doing remunerative dlhliwiidliliiK, sweeping, dusting, store clcrklng, baby-inludlng, errand-running, etc., with the goal of economy symbolized by government stamps nhead of them. Tim more nmbltlous havo undertaken cutting weeds, carry ing coal, sifting ashes, selling papers, raising chickens, cleaning pavemebts, and some hnve even won prizes to add to their savings. Having found thnt time can he converted Into money It la doubtful whether these boys will ngaln find the street comer a worthwhllo place for spending Idle hours, or tho girls be content to waste periods In porch chittter. Price and Percentage. Incrcaso of price when measured In pcrcentago Is very often Incorrectly given. When tho price doubles tho In crease Is 100 per cent, but many peo ple describe It Is an Increase of CO per cent. Wj(tyS' fV I J&r (5jr JBI l;l5r Jmm lyvvrwipi Ji