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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1920)
If RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF RJDEC A Hot Weather Necessity ) UhSAth amnM. jtmu otmlteh. for Hifihest Possible Quality at Lowest Possible Price FUEL SAVED BY GOOD ROADS I 9 1 f 1 I .V t m & &W m . 4 ties Cipare w. ' v I 3Mrr I if v fcifi i 1 1 ' i "t ' rim i ii ' '""IfnTlh ' EV" " ' ' ----,--.y.-.7i'npf WITil Willi I.I -? A"-":! Ji ssl?'..iB ' Here is the topmost cigarette joymen't and satisfaction the spur cigaret te. Studied "from the ground up" in seed, soil, plant and culture. Studied in blending, studied in making, studied in packing. Spurs are blended in a new way from American and Oriental tobaccos, bringing out to the full thatgood old-time tobacco taste. The satiny im ported paper is crimped, not pasted, making an easier-drawing, slower-burning cigarette. You'll approve of the smart brown and silver packet, three fold,that preserves Spur's taste and fragrance. Liggett 6? Myers Tobacco Co. Our Job Department is at Your Service-Try it THE UNIVERSAL CAR i There are more than 3,000,000 Ford cars in daily service throughout the" world, and fully eighty per cent of these arc Ford Touring Cars. There are manjr reasons for this, not the least of which is the simplicity in the design of the caiy so easy to understand; likewise it is easy to operate, and mighty inexpensive,' compared to other motor cars. The maintenance expense is low, and it has won an unparalleled reputation for satisfactory service during the past sixteen ycarsJ On the farm, in the city, for business and for family pleasure, it i3 the car of the' people, and the demand is increasing every day. Let us ,mi w i have your order promptly if you want oncij We can supply, you with most everything in motor car accessories, and we assure you genuine Ford Parts and skilled workmen in our repair service. Be fair. with your car and it will jive you full value.' v 't-.' rT fr" wJ feft-rj & feA- ; Frame. & Smith Bros. Co. Authorized Fcrd Agis. Red Cloud, Neb " S m rafrt.VfTiasB- &msBgg&$ Sfesssrssa -Jr-Mli.''Sm, ?r iscuZLiZl J"t u. w f . fcr-v : 9 Wear and Tear on Truck3 and Amount of Gasoline Consumed Shown In Recent Ohio Test A tost conducted In Ohio recently to determine the saving In gasoline from running over n good road ns coin pnrod with gas consumption over bud nnd medlum-grndo roads, disclosed n surprising difference. I'lvo new army standard "A" trucks with seven different types of road service, showed a gain of six miles per gallon of fuel hotween the host nnd worst types of rnncR All tlio trucks were empty dur ing the test. 'J lie trucks loaded showed that the poor road took seven times ns much gasoline per mile ns the good one. The tost results showed an average of 5.7S miles per gallon over a dirt road In good condition, 7.1D over fair gravel, 0.39 over good gravel, about the same over fair bituminous nmcail am and good brick roads, 11.11 over extra smooth brick and ll.TS over good concrete. The having to the motoring public In gasoline jilono would amount to millions of dollars annually. Perhaps equal to this would ho the saving In tire", which Is considered ns Important nn Item of enr upkeep ns Is gasoline. Calculating the saving In wear and tear on the mechanism of cars and trucks and also the Item of time lost by poor rpads, adequate highways are undoubtedly n snno Investment. CULVERT IS EASILY CLEANED Much Trouble- Obviated by Invention of Grate or Iron Bars, Resting In Notches. Often culverts under roads nnd pnths become clogged with debris nud frequently give trouble becauso they cannot bo rendlly clenncd. The de vice Illustrated obviates all this diffi culty. It consists of a grate of iron bars supported by crosspleces which rest In notches or upon the surface of stonework or concrete, says Ameri can Agriculturist. The bats and the crosspleces should bo of heavy enough material to support any load that will be driven across the grating. The one from which this drawing was made Is in n footpath, so the bars No wicks to clean, trim or adjust. Always ready. No valves to worry about; It does not require generating. Burns ordinary kerosene. The "Florence" is the one Ideal Oil Cook Stove Hundred of satisfied 'Florence' users in this community Ask one oE ihem or come into our store. GEO. W. TRINE Authorized Sales Agent Red Cloud, Nebraska Grating Easily Lifted. were only 1 Inches wide nnd a qunrter of nn Inch thick. The cross pieces arc of the same material, bent at the cuds and riveted to the bars. All that Is necessary to clean such n culvert Is to lift the grating and do tho work with a spade or a hoe. HIGHWAYS IN SOUTH DAKOTA State Has 6,000 Miles of Improved Roads Only Ten Other States Exceed In Mileage. South Dakota has 0,000 mllea of mnln highways, out of a total of 20:$, fl'.M In tho United States. Definite road systems have been establlhhcd In 41 states, either through legisla tive action or through state and local olllchils. North Dakota has 4,000 inlleti nnd Minnesota 12,700. Only ton Mutes exceed South Dakota In mile age, while several of them hnvu less than 1,000 miles of main highway. BIG HIGHWAY APPROPRIATION Stato of Wyoming Has Let Contracts for Improvements to Cost $3,000,000 In 1020. Tho total estimated cost of highway ImprovemenlM for which the Wyom ing state highway department has let contractu, and which will bo complet ed during the present year, exceeds $:S,00O,0OO. Tills tolal i ('presents l.i for each Inhabitant of tho state. Moroccan Road Traffic. Trafllc on the (French) Moroccan highways Is very large. In addition to thu transport of pnengers by pri vate or public automobiles, thu roads penult an Important movement of merchandise by motorlYucks. Clltus Could Net Survive. Without roads, cities could not sur vive, .and country-folk would be with out many of the present necessities, comforts, and luxuries of life, which they are now able to enjoy. ATTE&Y OUE SERVICE IS FREE WE will be pleased to Inspect your battery nt any time and as often as is necessary, free of charge. Our service is the expert kind, and our experience Is inlwnys at your disposal. Should repairs be necessary wc make them at a moderate charge. The "Exfoe" Starting and Lighting Battery is the famous "ftlant that lives In a box.". JExloe You have heard of this battery and Its unique features It's the original Unit Seal Battery; extra powerful, easy to care for and i cpalr. Let us explain Its features to you. Take advantage of our free service. Red Cloud Battery Service Sta'n CARL S. McARTHUR, Prop. REGARDLESS 7Q& MAKEZ; OS OATTERV j will MM Bread Winner" OittJbvSVliifilxha v r&k j v;i xfT0V Standing the "strain WHEN you give the playclothes problem the careful consideration it deserves you invariably buy only such garments you believe will stand the strain of strenuous play. At each step iti the making: of "Bread Winner" play clothes this strain is considered. Each garment is reinforced where there is any considerable strain upon it, each jarment is finished to the last detail of buttons, buttonholes and seams with the necessary care to withstand this strain. You can buy our playclothes bearing the label "Dread Winner" with the positive assurance that you have purchased a garment that will absolutely satisfy. Made under the most sanitary conditions, for tiny tots in creepers up to boys of eight and girls of six. Come into our children's washwear department and let us show you our full line of sturdy garments, Mrs. Barbara Phares : mfweanMiw ww.vv I wws Base Burner Users ! We have a car o base burner size Cerrilos Anthracite now on the road. Base burner coal will be hard to get this year. ORDER NOW. :" The Malone-Geilatly Co. IIUNAJWWWV,V.V.VV.VVUW UnWittfUi ,imj -wsU-jl-kJ v