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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1920)
u .'v M RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, OflDSF LOOK OUT FOR . Ha. t H4Wff Ht is mM d ei . aJE i iijc vtiiuiwuiu She is due to hit Red Cloud Thursday evening, June 17. IleVo'sa picture with a bunch of thrills and spills longer than the Wabash Railroad. This is a regular entertain ment, brother a serial with more thrills than Carter has pills. . If you crave excitement just annex yourself to one of our cushion scats with the soft wood backs and see the picture that knocks them all cuckoo. BRHSKvm vS9feSS 9M ! I 1 -"kZ" m MftM WtRET1' in the most t serial ever filmed WHIRL1 Besse Auditorium Adults 25c Children 10c Geo. W. Hutchison Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Abstracts PHONES ) Office, Red 33. J Residence, 177 lnd. 63 Rod Cloud Nebraska INS URA NCB ! This is the time of year when there will be losses from , Lightning, Wind Storm, Tornado Also Hail on Growing Crops Have you got the piotection? If not see me at my office or call me on the phone. I represent Old Line, Legal Reserve Companies. Get protection, that is protection, when you have a loss, as that is what you buy Insurance for, rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nobrnskev. UIILiISIIKD EVERY THURSDAY Sntrred In tlio t'oMolllco nt Kcil f loud, Nob as Bccoml Class Matter A. U McAltTIl UK, Editor suid Oivno tH ONI,Y DKMOCKATIC I'APL'U IN WniJHTKH COUNTY PRAIRIE DOGS . Mr. W. D. Perry, Extension Spec iilirt on Prairie Doy eradication, will bo in the County, on Wednesday Juno 23. Two field demonstrations on poisoning prairie dogs, will bo hold. JO n. m. 1 mile north of Inavalo on the Cloud farm. 1:30 p. m. 1 miloH cast of Cowlcs, or I mile west of Eeklcy school, on the farm of Allen Vance. Farmers having prairie dogs should plan to attend the demonstration near cat them, and if all farmers having prairie dogs, do their part, Webster county will be free from the pesky dogs. GRASSHOPPERS Inquiries are coming in for the "Poison Hran Mash," ucd as bait for grasshoppers. Follow directions carefully in mix ing the following: Take 100 lbs. of Rran, four lbs. of Paris Green or White Arsenic. Shovel over nnd over until some poison sticks to every flake of Bran. Mix four lbs. of coarse salt with 15 gal. of water. Grind 1 doz. lemons vlth food chopper, stir into salt water. Next add 2 gal. of black molasses and stir well. This mixture should be poured over the poisoned bran slowly, while shov eling the 4ran. Mix until there is no lumps left in the mash. Scatter in strips across field in tho evening. The nbovc mixture is suf ficient for 20 to 25 acres. HENRY R. FAUSCH, Service! Pie? so?. Thio comes a time in life, fooner or la. or, when patience ccas to be n virtue, and wo feel that the time is at hand with most of tho people who are depending on the local power plnnt for light, and power. We dis-. liko very much to. find fault with the , plnnt or the administration, but the' service that is being "dished out" to i the public during the past year isj such that we fool justified in saying that tho said service i nist a trifle j sdiort of "rotten." If the printer,) grocer or clothier wn? to hand his l patrons the same service that the city plant has been giving iU patrons the publ.p would hoot him out of town. Still tho taxpayer puts up his money cheerfully and pays his light bills promptly, and continues to content himolf with a kerosene lamp or candle from one to twenty-nine even imrs each month and if he should re quire power he must resoit to his oliM gas engine. If he dares to complain on this excellent service ho is im mediately classed as a knocker. If the installation of n new oil on gine every year, ranging from $5000 to $15000 will not develop enough cur rent why continue tho oil engine route why not purchase a steam tur bine nnd generator and have the pur chasing agony over with? If tho administration cannot successfully operate the plant why not sell it to an individual or a corporation who makes a business of manufacturing elec tricity and marketing his product? Any thing would be acceptable. Whnt we want is service and let us have it. wmmmmmmmammammmmimMammmmmmmmm w r?w Wi-' '.;'. -itW- M & ,i si MACHINE Specials!! FREE CABINET 'WHITE ROTARY You can get your choice of a White or Free Sewing Machine This Week at Extremely LOW PRICES. Be sure to call and see these fine Sewing Machines priced on COSTS of over a year ago. We allow a FAIR TRADE on your OLD MACHINE in exchange on a new one. 1 I W ' a- i -&y an m Eftttm wj r MEiKEMm Bf flv v MB 49 H Everything, in Sblusic KSBHE&SRBXtte ?! Gaston y Service eg Protefls mssssamami Mrs. M. C. Sherman, nccomnanicd by her daughter, Mrs. McNcny and sister, Mrs. Hogcnbone, went to Hast ings Saturday morning where Mrs. Sherman hnd her eyes treated. She is getting along better than was hoped , for at first and will soon bo well again. George Wolfe and family and Eli Houchin nnd family of St. Francis, Kansas, are visiting relatives and friends in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Evans and daughter. Myra. left 'Thursday even ing for Los Anjjeles, California, where they will visit their daughter, Mrs. Marvin Emigh. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Tool will leave this evening for Los Angeles, Cali fornia, where they will visit their son, Roy and wife. Mrs. C. C. Goeshc of Council Bluffs, Iowa, Mlrs. John Lane of Omaha and Miss Florence Harwood of Chicago, arrived in the city Monday to visit Mrs. V. Harwood. I VWUVWWVWAVAV.JWW.VAW.V.W.'AWAWW 5 Mr. and Mrs. I i ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Phone, Store lnd. 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB UWWrtWWJWVNW.VVAVS In our store9 you can hear the phonograph that substituted for Anna Case and astonished all New York in the audacious "Dark Scene" Test. yMr I mmmm Let Us Figure on Your Job Printing Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST - OVER STATU HANK REDCLOUD NEBRASKA I Dr. R.V. Nichols!! DENTIST Ollleo Over Allirluhi'i Storo Red Cloud Ncbraski same. (g) Read b.clow what the New York newspapers said of the test. Remember the mar velous instrument used in New York City was an exact duplicate of the original Offi cial Laboratory Model, which cost Mr. Edison three million dollars in research work. We, too, have an exact duplicate of the famous three million dollar original. Wc guarantee that it is capable of sustaining all the astonishing tests made on March loth, at Carnegie Hall, New York City. , Come in and hear this guaranteed Official Laboratory Model. Experience its marvelous realism for yourself. Wc give Mr. Edison's unique Realism Test. 2&NEW EDI C'A portion of the demonstration was even carried on without the lights, so that no one could sec whether Miss Case's lips moved or not. It was all gonuinely instruc tive, and the twin-ship between Miss Case's singing, and the repro duction thereof; proved so close a to be often indistinguishable." New York Globe. "When you second hear Miss Case sing, you can scarcely believe that an art so essentially individual and personal as hers could ever befepro duced mechanically, yet the New Edison has succeeded, to the point wheK the voice in tftc fluffy pink draperies and the voice in the nw- 6cany box seemed one and the SON "The Phonograph with a Soul' i t''Af -New York Evening Mail "Whrn the lights were lowered, it was impossible to tell when it was Anna Case, and when it was only her voice that was singing." New Tork Evening Sun. The "dark scene" test was positive ly sensational in its proof of tHe realism of the New Edison. Anna Case, the world-femed so prano, stood beside a dignified Chippendale cabinet. She started to sing. Her voice enthralled the ' audience with" its aolorful brilliance. Suddenly the lights went "out. Denses;.. black swallowed stage, phonogfaph and singer. W)an you ctmt at, m, about tht dollar go farihtr tbi But Miss Case's voice went smooth- ., ly on. It rose to the very heights 'r of its superb artistry. -' Then, the lights flashed on! The audience gasped with astonish ment. Case was gone! Her voice had been coming from the New Edison. Under cover of the darkness, Miss Case had stolen from the platform, leading the New Edison to con tinue her song alone. The audi" ence never kaew she "had gone, till the lights wcnt.up. A The exact duplicate of this instru ment is here in (mr atorejwaiting to prove its perfect realism to you. onr Budget 'Plan. It mej 4 ' New Edison come eattth. , A E. H. NEWHOUSE &Kt Edison Dealer Nebraska J' - v J -" '.