The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 17, 1920, Image 10
REb CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF MWMM ( LfJStfTTy i Ffl f Mens 30c Dress Hose 8 Mens 85 c mmwui pnriiinnmmwinniwtiiu 'JT '"" w"w'"''!tvw""W'p 'wim' Silk Hose tLg&ffi1' y f .,... t '3ujA'(;j .;.-.2 ,--j gmyyjrgMt"B imwiinfUfM "f rm -VHttr MitiiW'V .vSiw' " - -v- yssi :VI fl H ,tfl A flIS ? M ' EX XaMSB Ki $J3 1 i ii. r iVmnfiflthaUli. ( :?5te:,p:irT?,r"' "" r MMtMhaitHbN Mtt. fVkr I ro ll nw2 a ini tr? V 1 ML 1 w v rPM-ii WtottMM !' ('-"'A. Ajuy a vvvj ivii' jL-'aya fcJ?St w ffi a7 a -U a' m -Jl ll K'l I iru I" 1 mm qh ?w vra "S ' T "3 T 1 k lf M n i I'! I m bB tt s ). t t 4 i and we expedt to make these La I wo Uavs a whirlwir finish that will linger long in the memories af the people of this community as a fitting climax to one of the Greatest Bargain events ever known in this section of Nebraska. Beyond preadvent ure the Greatest money saving event you ever had the opportunity to share in and so different from ordi nary sales not a spasmodic effort to unload odds and ends, etc., but a real Honest to John Cut Price Sale on every article in this high grade stock. It is the ultimate demonstration of the power of pulverized pric es. With true economic judgment and keen farsightedness wise buyers are taking advantage of this chance to buy for present and future needs at prices far below today's prices, and you can safely supply your needs of now and this fall during this sale with the full assurance that prices for fall are higher than at any pre vious lime. Come Buy and Save. iromaaarwntim n iJ n; TE'j & moer iBHMaHHBMnnHann(eaBBanRnaaiaKaManBHBiHHi h TRA ft A31 4XTmhMK m 1 Mens Wool Suits Greys, mixed greys, etc., in good styles J mostly three -button sack models, in values up to $35.00 Friday and Saturday 1.45 ft i; -;! The Last and Final Cut All Boys Suits at 20 per cent Discount Boys Elk Skin Bal. Work Shorn- all sizes, 54.00 values LAST A 3 W-WW UlT on these high grade Hart Schaffner & Marx and Michaels-Sterns Beautiful models in every cloth and weave. An entire range of styles in all colors grey, brown, fancy mixtures and blue serges, values up to SCO Friday and Saturday ; 7 r J 49 7 n o peeiaa- I lllU MM J CI ft M. Mens Hart, Schaffner and Marx All Wool SUITS In every color and Hyie. A full line of sizes to seledl j;1f; t r- . ...mi ..nn J uom. rormeny soiu ior ju.uu. Friday and Saturday Q0 7C O C7 m 3 v The Last and Final Cut $3.19 IBTWMMMaaBHB tit$y-Vj i-ff IlbJMWHnMUUlMl EZh pi .r- -fiT j aafcy.H ' Hand Tailored Suits 77-M? LAST CALL on these Finest Quality Hart, Schaffner and Marx hand tailored Suits, in values up to SGO, at the very low price FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Ktr.ii U A ti' Clean 'em Up1 Aii Palm Beach Suits tl Mens S2.00 Dress Shirts . Mens SI. 65 Work Shirts. Mens $3.00 Overalls $1.19 $1.39 $2.45 nfl wm I on the bargain block for final disposal. Get yoursnow-FRIDAYAND SATURDAY S20.00 Palm Bench Suits, on sale Friday and Saturday at S25.00 Palm Beach Suits, sale Friday and Saturday at S25.00 mixed grey Palm Beach Suits, Friday and Saturday $11.75 $14.95 $19.85 rc Mothers! Notice! As a special attraction we arc placing on sale one lot of Boys Dress and School Shoes both brown and black in values up to S6, all sizes, for two days only FRIDAY AND SATURDAY It 2.55 ii nwMwwwwwPwf iwwwwwt f on i ii ii iMfi m ! fTPSp fcmm.J.ifci.tMU ,mmrmn izsmMa&aBsmBsmj&ffsszsimime ...M.., ..T . "yfpfiir Tnr-fT lr' i frr- ir.ii ti .-.- ....mmmumm .. JHZSH Mens $7.S0 Mens $3. Duchess Dress Pants 1 FOU S r S G An!of Qnn;nl Mens $2.23 Summer Union Suits Last Two Days $139 Union Suits for Mon, values up to $2.00 Special at only Mens White Can vas Oxfords and Shoes vutto8 $4.50 Special at $98. I I Sf95 $4"fc45 I Mens 38c M II A HIII TiM l1 sar I HAM1L 1 )H I I M 1 1st I "' '" Mens $5 and $6 Work and Dress Shoes Last Call at $095 IK. Childrens Wash Suits, Rompers 20 Discount from Regular Price LOTTING CO. t - k, PVh Red Cloud 1 Mens $1.25 I j Nebraska iiloseJ Jvi i im S ff, WM