RED OLOtJD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I A . t i At the ORPHEUM ADMISSION 10c-20c FRIDAY AND SATURDAY GLADYS BROCKWELL in Mother of His Children Also Fox Sunshine Comedy MONDAY AND TUESDAY TOM MOORE in THE GAY LORD QUE She hnd forgiven her husband of n boyhood escapade and looked at him as n model. Her enemies used this forgiveness to stain her fair name and arouse her husband's suspicion. It was a plot to ruin the Duke and Duchess of Dcsborough. The duke was lured into the web and dragged the dutchess in after him. He became so involved that he lost everything. The fate of his divorced wife was in the balance. It depended upon the winner of the Derby. Around this plot is woven "The Sporting Dutchess," a play that created a sensa tion at the Drury Lane theatre in London. Alice Joyce is starred in the film version. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY ALICE JOYCE in The Sporting Duchess What would you do if you ,wcre to be discovered in a woman's apartments at a weekend party at midnight? Tom Moore finds himself in this predicament in his latest Goldwyn picture, "The Gay Lord Quex," and for a moment is entirely at sea as to what to do, but only for a moment. He conceives a brilliant plan by which he draws the discoverer into the embarrassment of the situation and thus saves the woman in the case from the tongues of scandal. His self-sacri-ficD in the matttcr meets with instant appreciation from his late ene my and results in paving the way to his happiness. as TOLD to us Buy Uread at Powell and Popes. Ted Manley spent Tuesday in Hast ings. Rev. Cope spent Monday in Hast ings. Isadora Johnson was in Hastings Wednesday. Miss Mildred Mercer spent Tuesday in Hastings. Mrs. J. W. tockman spent Monday in Hastings. N. E. Harvey was down from Ina valc Monday. Mis Nellie Gilliam went to Lincoln Friday morning. Con Barr of McCook spent Satur day in the city. Mrs. Andrew Saladcn spent Satur day in Hastings. .. ( Mr. Stuntebcck of Wymoro was in the city Sunday. W. A. Sherwood is driving a new Dodgo sedan car. Mrs. Ida Marshnll is visiting rela tives at Lebanon. Mrs. Sam Miller of Lincoln is visit ing Mrs. C. C. Cox. Roy Sanderson of Omnha is visiting fiicnds in the city. John Rose was down from Blue Hill Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Max Mizer spent Thursday in Hastings. Attorney Bernard McNcny went to Lincoln Monday morning. Everett Bean was down from Ina vale Wednesday afternoon. Lloyd Hall of Lincoln is visiting friends in the city this week. Attorney A. M. Walters of Bluo Hill was in the city Tuesday. Miss Minnie Kellott went to Hast ings Monday to visit friends. Mrs. J. A. Bradford went to Hast ings Thursday to visit relatives. The Amboy Milling Co., hns pur chased a new Ford one ton truck. Mrs. J. W. Auld and daughter, Vir ginia, spent Saturday in Hastings. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Boles' spent tho weekend with relatives at Hastings. Miss Mildred Polnicky returned homo,Fridny evening from Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Cordle of Rivorton spent Sunday with friends in the city. Mrs. Frank Foley went to Oborlin Tuesday morning to visit her parents. Mrs. E. H. Erickson of Fremont is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Ar nell. Mrs. Christy Patmoro returned homo Thursday evening from Hast ings. .Mrs. Jennie Hassingcr returned home Saturday evening from Hast ings, Mrs. Fay Wells of Lincoln is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Teel. Rev. Bcebo and daughter, Gladys, returned homo Tuesday evening from Omaha. First Show at 7:30 Ent and drink at Powell & iPopo's Cafe. tf Good meals good service moderate prices Powell & Pope's cafe Mrs. Chas. Grout of Wichita, Kan sas, is visiting relatives and friends in the city. Mrs. Ernest Davis of Axtell is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. McDowell. The Misses Antonettc and Bertha Havel spent Monday with friends at Guide Rock. Attend tho ball game at 3 p. m. Sunday afternoon. Mt. Clare Giants vs Red Cloud. Mrs. Bert Clark of McCook arrived in tho city Friday to visit Ir. and Mrs. )A. Clark. - Mrs, C. C Cox went to Cowlcs Wednesday morning to spend the day with relatives. J. C. Mitchell went to Kansas City Wednesday morning to attend to some business matters. Bert Sherman returned to Lincoln Saturday after spending a few days with his parents. Miss Bculah Merry of Orleans spent Sunday in the city with her brother, Ralph and wife. Mrs. Mark McConkcy went to Blue Hill Tuesday morning to visit rela tives and friends. Mrs. Geo. Hines of Lincoln arrived Monday evening to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ailcs. Mrs. Silas Fincher left the last of tho week for Alva, Oklahoma, wjicro sKo will visit her daughter. Forest Mountford returned homo Friday evening from Hastings whero he had been attending college. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson of Superior spent Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Robinson. Miss Margaret Leonard went to Ex celsior Springs Tuesday morning where she will spend her vacation. FOR SALE A strictly modern 7 room residence with 3 lots, also a majestic range Dr. J. W. Stockman. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carpenter of Seldcn, Kansas, aro visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Carpen ter. Flnvo Grico and Ed Garber Wont Omaha the first of the week to at tend the Masonic Grand lodge meet ing. Mrs. W. L. Hines returned homo Wednesday morning from Lebanon whore sho had been visiting her sis ter. Ed Amack went to Lincoln Tues day morning to attend the State As sociation meeting of Funeral Direct ors. Mr. Gleason arrived homo Saturday from Casper, Wyoming. JIc drove his auto back which he left there last winter. Miss Hazel Overlceso returned home Sunday from Lincoln where she at tended the wedding of her brother, George. William McBridc returned home Tuesday evening from Lincoln whore ho hnd been attending ho.stato uni versity. - s -' N. II. Bush went to Hastings Wed nesday .morning to attend a meeting of tho agents and ofilcials of the Bur lington. Miss Conine Neuerborg returned home Tuesday evening from Grand Island whero she had been visiting hev aunt. Hay Fordycc returned to Fremont Sunday after spending a few days with his" wife who is visiting relatives in tho city. Mrs. Sorcnson returned to her home at University Place Thursday after visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Richardson. '.? Mrs. Carey Dorr returned home Wednesday morning from Scottsbluff where sho had been visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Goos. Miss Mnrgaret Minor returned homo tho last of tho week from Lin coln where sho had been attending tho stale university. Mrs. II. S. Foe returned homo Thurs day evening from Norfolk whero sho had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Storey. Chas. Turner returned homo Friday from Solden, Kansas, where ho had boon visiting his daughter, Mrs. Ray Simpson and family. C. C. McConkcy returned to the Soldiers' Homo at Grand Islnnd Wed nesday after visiting his daughter. Mrs. Rich Lippincott. Chas. Steward left this morning for Omaha, Fremont and points in Missouri where ho will look after some business matters. Tho Peoples Department store at Campbell was burglarized Sunday nnd a lnrgo quantity of merchandise was carried off by the thieves. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Turnurc re turned home Tuesday evening from Lincoln where they were called to nt tond the funeral of Robt. Avery. Mrs. Fred Brcrcton and children re turned to her home at Sedalia, Mis souri, Thursday after spending the winter with her father, C. R. Bcsse. Chas. Robinson, Clins. Schultz, Syl vester Frisbio and Paul Polnicky arc driving new Ford cars which they purchased of Frame & Smith Bros. Co. The Misses Mario Wunnenberg and Gladys Yost of Swanton and La Vemo Shrock of Garden City, Missouri, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Yost this week. Mr. and Mi's. Paul Ncwhouse of Guide Rock are rejoicing over tho ar rival of a baby girl at their home on Sunday. Tho little miss has been named Dorothy May. The Misses Blanche and Mabel Pope went to Wellington, Kansas, Wednesday morning to visit their sis4 tor, Miss Alice, who underwent an operation at that place. Clyde and;Chas. Smith;. Howard Frisbio and Paul Polnicky went to Omaha the last of the week and drove back new Ford cars for thy Frame & Smith Bros. Co. garage. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jarboo and daughter, Bula, went to Sedalia, Mis souri, Wednesday morning to attend the Brethren church convention. Mrs. W. II. Thomas accompanied them. Tho following couples were granted marriage licenses by Judge Rannoy, Saturday: Edward G. Stumpcnhorst and Miss Rosa Siebrass of Blue Hill; Monday, Walter V. Houtz, of Nap once, and Miss Blanche Rath of Bladen. Not only do wo train you for posi tions in Easiness, in Civil Service or as a Commercial Teacher, but wo help you to secure such a position. Our Employment Department receives more calls than six schools could fill. Send for free catalogue. Enter now. School in session all the year. Ad dress: Grand Islnnd Business Col lege, Grand Island, Nebraska Ne braska's Oldest, Largest and Leading Business Training School. The Lincoln Journal's old rates arc still in effect. $5 n year without Sunday, or $7 with the Big Feature Sunday paper. This makes The Journ al .the lowest priced morning paper in tho state. You can save money by subscribing for tho Journal now. Just to let you compare tho Journal with any other paper wo will mail it a trial month for only 35 cents, or with tho Big Sunday Taper only CO cents. This will give you tho reports of all tho national convention's. Of course it will bo stopped nt the end of one month. If you aro not ready to send in for a year send in your trinl order anyway. , Notlcis To rrtdlfers- intlio County Court of Webster County, NobMKka In tho mtittcr of tho cstato of Robert II Wilson. ncccftRed. Creditors of Bald estate will tnko rfotlce, t'lixt tho tlmo limited for lircfntatlon nnd IUIiik of claims nsnlnst unlet cstnto Is October liit mo, nnd for tho payment of debts In Octo her 12th, 1MJ, thnt i will hit nt tho county court room In said county on tho 2nd tiny of Inly l,a) to otnmlup, hear nnd allow nil claims duly lllcd which nro n Mrst or second lien upon uM ostrite. nnd on the 2nd day of October, l!Di. to examine, henr, allow and adjust all claims nnd oljcctlons of general creditors duly tiled. Dated thls23th day of.Mnv.m-n. (al) w A. DfUANNKY" County Judge. AMERICAN LEGION MEETING Red Cloud Post No. 238 of tho American Legion will hold a special meeting Friday evening, Juno 11, at 8 o'clock in the I. 0. 0. F. hall. All tho members nro urged to bo present, By order of Commander and Adjutant. George Ovcrlecsc is Wed The mnriiiiKO of Miss Ilcriiicc M Thorpu to George II. Ovorloeso tool place Saturday tnnrnlng nt the Flrft Pivbvtetlnn church, Uuv L. I). Young, otllchllng. .hut preceedlng the cero niony Mlf-s Helen Palmar, violinist, no compsmled by Mls Helen Cook at tho piano played "0 Promise Mo". As the bridal party entered thu church the "Mondelsohii's wedding inarch was played and M)ft music continued dur ing the reading of the tnnrriiiKc linos. The hrlde, nt tended by Miss Hazel Ovorleesc of Red Oloudnnd.Miss LotiUo Wliltnoy, entered from tho loft and were met nt the altar by tho groom ac companied liy Hrwln Hoffman and Glenn 11. Colley. Mrs. Ovorlousc woie a golngVway costume of bluo with a plsttiiohnt of tho same .shade. Her oor'wjo was of white bride's rose. MUs Oveilecso was nttircd In nn attractive btreet costume and carried pink roBeH. Immediately aftor the coremuny Mr. and Mrs, Overleeo left for a short ttip. Mis. Overleese, formerly of Fill lerti u, Is liie only daughter of .Mrs. Leoun K. Thorpe. Sho is a graduate of the Fullerton high school and for the past two years has boon a student of lino arts in the university of Nebrob lta and in tho university school of music. She is a member of tho uni versity orchestra. Mr. Ovorlecse who Is fiom Red Cloud attended the York business college and Inter tho univers ity school of music and is director of the Y. M. O. A. orchestrn at present. Mr and Mrs. Ovorleesc will benthomo to thoir friends nt the Orlo npartmonts after June 11 Sunday Stnto Journal. Attorney 11. W. Stewart, who hnB boon Deputy County Treasurer for the past 18 mouths has resigned this posi tion and ic-opencd his law and ab htr'ncoilleo in his old location, over Til lie's hardware emporium where he will be "at homo" to his mony old pa trons, ns well as new customers who require the advice of one versed in law and abstracts. There is no just cause for anyone being short on wearing apparel of the latest styles nnd materials as tho two local clothing firms arc conducting special sales at their respective plnces of business. Largo posters, huvc been mniled out by tho thousands, and con siderable space used In tho local news papers to tell tho peoplo of the oppor tunities that they are offering tho buy ing public. The largo volume of trade being enjoyed by both firms indicates that tho people aro nwaUc and appre ciate real values Hnd low prices. , JUMPS GO FEET OVER WATER WHILE RIDING MOTORCYCLE Charles Hutchison Had To Get Aboard Yacht, So Took a Chance There's more than one way to overtake a yacht. Perhaps the least simple was employed by Charles Hutchison in the 15 episode thriller, "Thu Whirlwind," which is being shown at the Besso auditorium. Tt was vory important that Hutchi son' 'reach the yacht. For the villian had just taken the heroine, drugged, on board. "The Whirlwind," played by Hutchi son, dashing along the road on his mortorcycle, sees the yncht steaming up the river, headed for Bermuda. There is but one chance that ho can reach the yacht. He takes that chance. Ho comes down a steep hill leading to an old wharf which juts out into tho river. He strikes at full speed, jumps his motorcycle away out into the river, and the machine and tho driver aro disappearing into tho water as the yacht approaches. "Tho "machine landed CO feet from tho edge of the dock," said Hutchi son, in speaking of the stunt, "but you know wo have to save our woman, no matter what personal discomfort is involved." zn ' .'i " -2 HEELS, HAMMERS OR HOT WATER will not harm CHI-NAMEL VISIT us on dates given below and SEE these brlliant, beauti ful CHI-NAMELFInishcs tcstcf and explained dm inj our (" Chi-Nnmel Demonstration A Factory Demonstrator will b;j In charge of this Interesting Chi-Namcl Exhibition to cxplair nnd Instruct. : : FREE : : A 30 cent can of Chi-Namol Varnish with purchase of 25 cent bruh to Insure a ' fair trial KL0' June 25-26 My Store C0TT1NG Hfei-tg? ". .. The Druggist AT : THE : NEW : BESSE Auditorium TONIGHT HERBERT RAWLINSON in AD angerous Affair Friday and Saturday WALLACE REID in A GRAND SUPER SPECIAL The Valley of Giants NO - ADVANCE - IN - PRICE Admission; Adults 25c, Children 10c We Pay the War Tax VmIHI i Tr 4V wv "j flil V i, "l. ftt w&bXjBc' 1OVk serial ever filmed II kWHIRLWrft0 Coming to Next Week-Watch for It BESSE AUDITORIUM - Scene Ln o SebIAiIhRIIXINO 'OieWfllBIWINl)" iramrrjiiirjciniimcaMnxmanjJina'jjEniiij; Capital and Surplus $351000.00 i'! Interet! Paid on Time Deposits THE WEBSTER H Edward Floiance, President Red Utpotlli Ouurantttit by tht Dtpotltori unamiM BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES Tho Baptist church will have their rogular sendees next Sunday as usual with Rev. Harper preaching again. A largo crowd is requested. Delegates to the. Stale Convention at Ragan next week wore chosen last Sunday, they being Rev. Harper,, Grnco Harpei', Lontha Hunaicker, Wavy Christian and Miu Tophain. 1 0 'm Red Cloud .vftj,'ri ? -: v:fVj uwpuiiiiiiiina NINETY-FIVE ' PER CENT of the world's buincss is done by check FIVE PERtCENT of the world's buslnets is done by the transfer of cash. The world is progressing. Do not pay your bills like the cliff dwellers did. Open a Checking Account COUNTY BANK Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florence. Cashier Ouaranlte Fund of the ilaU of Xtlratka R. P. Wcesner returned homo Fr' day evening from Hastings vhc.i he attended the state association mo.v ing of Commercial Clubs. - FARM LOANS If you want a farm loan and it is an exceptionally good ono I can make, it for you jf closed soon at an at tractive rate of interest. J. II. BAILEY, m i It.