The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 03, 1920, Image 8

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&Hik.: r-,ai
j Shall Nebraska Keep Her Promise?
. j. i i.i i. i. j -i - - . i.. j ii miii miniwi i 1 1 in i ii in i i mi r mi imm hbm i ! i i ii in iMiuiliin niirir r ' titut iiin- in i i i
m '
Nebraska has n&vor crested . ftScmarte!
to her sons who fought in all tho wars
The Time Has Come for the Patriotic People of the v:
State to Pay this Lasting Tribute to Our Fallen Heroes"
Big 2
The Nebraska War Memorial Association has pranncd a magnificent memorial
building to be erected on the university campus at Lincoln. It will cost
51,000,000. It will be paid for by the contributions of the patriotic men
and women of Nebraska. Eaoh county will pay its due proportion.
The Mi'inorlul Hull will be tin big feature of the great eillfici:. Upon t lie marble will J will be
iigraved the i.ainys of nil the Nebraska soldiers mill pallors. '
The Museum will afford u info plnuo Tor all trophies, relies, buttle 11 igs, Inslgnns, etc.
JTjiu Assembly Hull will afford a meeting place for all pulViotic societies, composed of men and
women who wore the uniform or who did war work.
The Stadium will appeal to the young men and women who delight hmthleties out door sport
The (iytnnaslum will ho fully equipped with every facility for conserving the well
being of the veterans.
The .Memorial building will provide headquarters for associations of veterans of nil the wars,
It will be a splendid tribute to the valor and herroism of the Nebrasha Soldiers
and Sailors.
Every man and woman in Nebraska wants to have a part in this tribute.
Get in touch with your local committee. Contribute liberally through your
local bank.
Look For This Sign-
" r Gasoline- Kerosene
Greases' Lubricating Oils
3. F. COPLEY. AgL OT Red Cloud, Neb.
Stockholders AnnualMeeting
The Stockholders of the ltessp Audi
toiium ' Association will hold their
annual meeting on Tuesday, June 8th,
it 12 p. m. in the Auditorium The
purpose of Uk-' meeting is to elect h
lloaid of Directors and also transact
other biiliiebs that may tome before
the meeting.
lies&cAudltoiiuiu Association
II H Fau-oli. Secretary
Statement o Ownership, Etc.
Statement of iwmrxlili, iiiaiinueiiieiit, elr
c ilatlnn, etc.. required lij- tle act o onyrcss
it Aiiunut -J I, 111 I -J. ui the KinU'linid chief u
blMiei w I) at tied Cloud, Neb a kit, (or
A pi II l.i.ui.
IMItor. MiiiiukIiiu Id tor. II slnus Mniia
wer -iinl Publisher miit owner: A. Ii. Me
Artlmr Ited (loud. Nebr. Known bund
I older iMirtunite. none.
(.Mmiedi: A. II. MeXitbur
Nlbii ilbed nuilsunrn tobefo v me llil.s Mb
day ol April. I 'J .'
ibealj s, . "j r n -f. Notary I'ublie
urn - s5
I ,1C&
Let's settle
this right now!
No man ever smoked a
better cigarette than Camel!
You'll find Camels unequalled by
any cigarette in the world at any
price because Camels combine
every feature that can make a
cigarette supreme
Camels expert blend of choice
Turkish and choice Domestic
tobaccos puts Camels in a class by
themselves. Their smoothness
will appeal to you, and permit
you to smoke liberally without tir
ing your taste !
Camels leave no unpleasant ciga
retty aftertaste nor unpleasant
cigaretty odor 1
You'll prefer Camels blend to either
kind of tobacco smoked straight!
Ctmah are aold evarywhera in acitntificalljrfMhd
packafita of 30 ciianlltt for 30 cent; or fen pA
aiaa (300 cigaraitaa) in a ilaaaina-papar-corartd
carton. vr atrongly racommtnd Ihla carton far
the homo or office tupply or whan jtmi traral
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
vWinston-Salcm, N. C. .
li I'jrlRht. l-i, x...,firi N. T fnlon)
1'ietfy Itltn Fowler shook her finder
In playful warning mid censure n?
a uroiip f H'ho.ili.oyH lniited, cni'h oiu
urine. with n i .yen or more miow
hnlN. One .!! of the linuc roof had
pendant from the onvos n slltt(rltiij
nrrny of lelripi. They formeil i.ih.."!
,' tvtoon!. rnnnplPfl, thirk splml. n tnr-
fc'pt nrrny lirlndnit dollslit to the de
trticllvp JiivmjIIp muil.
, It wrm the littteil: of ilyng ir(,;,.n
particle nf the Icy pendant ngtiliwt
the piniefl Unit hrotiglit i:ita to therln.
don. Iiiiinctllnlel.v the huN fie.inipeivd
tiwny, but nor nut II they had bulk-d
ii collective fusillade on the great
liaiielnir hulk which hud uttiiehed It
self to the enve trough ppi, nnd, fed
hy constantly cornrcnled drippings, liad
inquired a formidable volume.
If Win's heart had not been hub.
I'llns: over with happiness nnd Joy. she
would have gone out. hnve obtained u
clothes pole and disconnected the men
.lelng monster of Ice. Sn intmli ..
there to dr. nbout the home, however,
and so engrossed was .sho In viewing
Hi" engagement rirg on her linger and
In thinking of its donor, YVude I'.urtoii,
that sin. forgot nil else for the tlnie
lielng. It was getting on toward dusk,
and at seven o'cloek her mother and
iNter would ho home, needing n little
nack, after a long, cold walk. Then,
too, an hour later Vnde would drop
In to see how the fiance of 21 hours
viis getting along.
Wtu bustled nbout, mid when she
went Into the cozy living room where
,i cheerful lire was blazing in the grate
mil seated herself on the rug with a
wuill pasteboard box widely contained
ihotographs of dear friends, notes
etters berlhboned mementoes, ami one
; one she took them up In half sad,
half smiling reverie, reviewing the
neiiiorles they suggested. Some she
aiel. All those that applied to close
my friends and later suitors Wtu cast
into the tlnnies. She shuddered ns
die took tip a package of letters on
he top of which was the photograph
f a sinister-eyed, hold-looking young
nan. It was labeled "Italph Trtt
lale." With u nervous moieinent she thrust
he package out of reach and It was
Hilrkly consumed. v
Ihilph Trudale! The name thrilled
ler wllli somber memories. She li.-nl
lever liked him, but lieeaus-e he was
lie brother of an old girl friend she
mil tolerated him. Ills headstrong, but
insiiccessful wooing had been brief,
le had been nrrcstcd for forgery nnd
eiitenced to penal servitude. Only
wlce a year had Kltn heard from hiiii,
hrough letters written to her from his
-Non cell. They breathed low, but
engeanee, too; nnd he told her with
iiipliasls that she should yet be hK
Trying to ftfrgct his Hcrce, unworthy
icqtialntance of the past, Klta abruptly
darted and glanced at the window. '
)uts!de, his face pressed clost to the
due, was a man. In u Hashing In
tiiut she recognized her old persecu-1
or nn escaped convict italph Tru-1
In lei . (
He vanished ii" she sprang to her
' et. A great terror possessed her.
he ran to the corner of the room and
Hutched up the telephone receiver. No
Ignal was given, mid Wtu knew that
he, wire outside had been severed. The
ic.vt moment Tnulale crashed In tho
Ide door and was in the room, nnd
iiist lilm In the yard roadway" Wta
tuple out an automobile with its
iglits' lowered,
"I have come at u risk, and I must
cave quick." spoke Truditlc, his t.,ves
:leiimlug with a settled purpose. "And
-on go with inc. A new lover, eh? mid
ue forgotten? Itut not out of the race!
.lake no noise or resistance. It will bo
iMli-ss, You are to go with me you
II1 be placed with a woman friend at
. illstmice. Then I elve von n week
.. ........ ,,. ..,.. '. .... i
r ion-till, ii, ii Ol.ll 1 JIll, ur I will
III .ou, nnd m.isolt. us well. I am
desperate mini, and I moan eery word
The Intruder .snatched up a clonk
ud threw it oxer the head of the
bricking, appealing Wta. She was
rostrated b,x bis threats mid her ro
Miiiitv was xveiik and futile ia lie eii
irded Iter anus and body with a stout
"One minute, and 1 will be back to
arry you to the automobile," spoke
'rudalje rapidly. "No outcry, or I will
g you."
I'aral.xzed with terror, Wta sat In
lie chair be had thrustjior Inty. help
ess. She noted him glide through the
loorxvay. Then there xvas a st range,
earing sound, a heav.x tllud, a crash, a
iiullled shriek, a groan, and then all
vas still ns Wta sank Into n swoon.
She came back to consciousness to
hid her mother and sister mid Wade
lurton bending over her. I ler bonds
tad been released. She struggled wild
y to her feet.
"Oh, that horrible maul" she pant
d. "He wnn here, What has bap
leued?" "Pome mid see," wild her lover, lend
ng her to the doorway, and Wta, gaz
ng timorously, saw lying prone near
lie corner of tho house her dread vis
tor. He xx'nfl burled In the ruins of tho
;reat Icicle, At the climnx moment,
renkoned by n clifinuc In the tempera
nro, the tnnss of Ice had been his
"He will never trouble you rtgnln,"
poke WudP Burton solemnly, shield
ng the Hhuddorlng Wtrt within Ida
ireis'ng elaap,
Standing of Contestants
Considerable interest is being shown
in tho Community Contest Sale that
is being put on at tho Pope tiro.
hardware sto'c. The sale which lias
been in progress for tho past week
will uin for twelve days mote. Fol
lowing is the list of the coiltestants
and the number 'of votes received by
men up until Tuevdny night
by special purr, i io:;
Saturday, June. 5th, M. P. Lavo.-k,
Nattra!hr.tlon Examiner, vi'! lie a;
the olfice of the Clerk of tho Di-trict
Any honorably T : ar;;ed soi.,l.o,
who dcres to be i rv'irl'Trd. undo
tho i.mct.dinehj rooming fn'"'fio
July V.), 11)19, shou'd pT nt hlm-c'f
at the office, with tvo x i'nte-. at
I) o'rhjr-k a. m. Shoit'd ai-o biing di.
charge and declaration of intention,
providing- ho ha? ".. n a docln'ntlon.
The above pro"" jii entitles honor
ably discharged kr:;;?r to fi.p p t
tion without payment of an- fee, o'
making the cuitorK.i.v proot of re i
dcnci but milita1.. s.txke a'l ti'n"
tlforcol to be p-talilM-ed by two v -nesses.
Commissioner of Natura'.
zation lias held tha r-" ' hi1'"" com'nvr
'.thin the ternir? of the above men
tioned provision doo3 not need a dec
imation of intention, but if applicant
ii. i-. une, ue MiiuiKi iuukc it a part oi -... .
hi petition. Petitioners, under this "hc'-tin undei the direction of A. L.
avi, inuwt ue oxainmou uy n repvo- J"1 '"" nmieu ny uutueiino wuiiunis
opriino, .miss rsi'tn Ivtrlipiitilck rend
er, and the I'ratiUliu Male Quartet, will
be at the UesH' Atidltotiuin next Sun
day afternoon, .luue t'.th, at 2 o'clock
Eunico Arbuckle
Mr-". Clnra Herrick
Irene IJgcklon
Lucille Ilarwood i
flpsina -Boom .
Hevnico Sheror . . .
Fern I'itz . . ..
Luddic Kcagle ..
Hobt. .McKnrlHhd ..
Grace lai.
Anabell Starke
. 8,2G0
.- C.G50
- 0,100
.. ,1GOO
. -1,700
Orchestra Concert Sunday
The Franklin Mandolin Concert Or
senlativo of the naturalization service
and petition compcltcd unit, i .tipcr
vi.slonof that ofTicor.
"This provision shall conMnlic for
the period of one year after all the
American troops are returned to the
United States."
Farmer Can Make Much Improvement
by Dragging Highway In Front
of His Property.
Every farmer should feel his de
pendence upon good roads. Whether
or not one lives on a public hlghxvay
he should take an Interest In the
nearest one to his farm or the road
ho must' use to market his farm, or
chard and garden products.
There are many times xvhen n dny's
work can be spared on the road. Aft
er heavy rains the road may need cer
tain repairs' or Improvements xvhen
the ox-erseer is not readv to call out
tthe hands. -Why not Individual farm
ers donate a days work on the road
at such time?
By keeping a road drag and drag
ging the road along one's land after
heavy rains the road may be greatly
iff mt
The Above Is a Cut of Seager Wheel
er's Plank Drag. It is of the Type
for Good Road Maintenance. The
Cut Shows Fully the Method of
It Is nn
easy matter to
so each farmer
In front of his
have mi agreement
will drug the mail
farm. This would maintain the road
till the regular hands could bo called
out at stated Intervals or till the com
missioner could make the necessary
The time has cnlne when we must
consider the roads an asset, Indis
pensable to the well-being of the
farmer mid his family. This being
true, Is It uot every mini's duty to do
all he can to keep the roads in good
condition? The Inillxldiml as well as
the county Is responsible.
Millions to Be Spent in Improving
Public Highways and Transporta
tion Facilities.
The yenr 1020 promises to develop n
revolution In America's txvo great
problems highways and transporta
tion. All over tho country great Interest
Is being manifested In better roads
nnd Improved transportation facili
ties. The coming of the pneuiiiatlc-tlrcil
motortruck has given an Impetus to
the movement for u national highway
system that Is sweeping ex'erythlng
beforu It.
Stute nfler state hns passed, with
out notlccajilu opposition, appropria
tions for millions of dollars to build
and Improve main market mid Inter
county highways.
What theso activities portend can ho
visualized In some measure when It Is
said thnt of the 2,000,000 miles of
roads In this country only "00,000 miles
are Improved.
Motor transports xvork at highest ef
ficiency on good roads, although the
pneumatic truck tire Is rendering con
spicuous servlco In transporting
heavy loads over Rxvnmp ground and
the sandy soil of fruit ,groveH.
sharp. The concert will start enrlv so
that it will be out in time for the big
(it and Island -Red Cloud ball game
which the manager has kindly consent
ed to cull at .'MO instead of :t o'clock as
This U a good twenty piece string
orchestra with a complete set of the
World Famous Gibson instruments
You will lore the voice of thp Gibson
Htidjoy tho program thruout. Tick-
ets"J5 nnd ,"0o including tax, no seats
The opening number is xvnth hurry.
Ingfor, dont tnlss it, be on time.
Hires New Superintendent
U. R. Frazier, of Linclon, xvas in
the city Saturday and after looking
over the field and being made ac
quainted with the duties and responsi
bilities connected with the city's light
and power superintendent's office,"
submitted the necessary credentials
as to certify, beyond'n "doubt, he is
heavy enough for the job, consequent
ly was engaged by the Council and
will within the next ten days begin
his work as successor to H. C. Stephen
Son. Who Was some two wnnlrs rum
seveily injured, while in the perform
ance of his duties.
Mr. Frazier is at present connected
with the city engineer's office at Lin
coln, where he has been for several
yenrs and is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Nebraska School of Engi
neering, with the class of 1907. He
has also spent several years with tho
General Electric Company. He is a
man with a family. Commercial Ad
vertiser. Melviu Walker, aged about ,'iS yeais,
passed away lnt Thursdny night, at
the O'Nell Camp one mile xvest of
Cowles. lie had been one of the em
ployes of the Federal UoadUrew, work
ing near that place. A brother, Uoy
Walker, also ope of this crew xvas with
him at the time of his death. Our
local Funeral Diiector, Hd Atnnck, xvas
called and took chat go of the remains,
which wore taken to St. doe, Friday
night, xvhere interment xvas made.
Charles allium ono of the highly
respected citizens residing. in Line
township, pnssed away .Monday night,
at the home of Ids daughter, Mrs.
Uernie Shannon, near Lebanon, after
a brief Illness. lie leaves to mourn
hU demise, two daughters and one son.
along xvith several other relatives. The
funeral services were held this after
noon at the Congregational church in
this city, nfter which Interment was
made in the city cemetery.
Madame Scott, the famous Knglish
Contralto, who appeared in public recit
al at the Auditorium Monday evening,
rendered a program that xvhh very
pleasing to those In attendance. It Is
to be regretted that the andieuce was
so small, never the less she gave tho
full progtam as advertised, and those
who had the pleasmo of hearing her
selections liave many words' of pralso
for life noted singer. From a musical
standpoinVUie entertainment was a
success, bur-Cvhen viewed from a llniui
c'ttil angle It was a futlure.
The Margin of Safety
Is represented,' by Jtho) amount of
insurance you carry.
Don't lull yourself .into a, fancied
Because fire has never touched you
It doesn't follow tluU you're immiiue
Tomorrow -no today, ifjyou have
time and you better find Minn
ooniu tothe aflioo andSJxve'll write
a policy cm "your.Shouse, gfurulture,
store or merchandise.
R.elia.ble Insurance
E. S. .Gaa-ber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
-i Varnish
(Work Guaranteed!
Electrical Goods of all Kindt
Wtt! Wire Your House And '.
FurnishU'th? Fixtures.
. i
jiw-ttrr ', '" -.