& tt RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF rim ii imiiiMi m mm l ' !'. i Sure Relief 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief RE LL-ANS PJFOR INDIGESTION III Y BUTTER SHOP llUfl 1112 15th Street a.k.joy,rrop. Denver, Colo. Euya for ( BjggR Cash cream PRODUCER TO CONSUMER SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begin9 to stiffen end movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that the kidneys are out Of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking COLD MEDAL v- ag-iiwgHi &KrZ The world's standat4 remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles. Famous slncq 16(4. Take regularly and Veep in good "health. In three sites, all druggists. Guaranteed as represented, look for the name Gold MeJel oa every bos aad acpt (mlutto OATCNTC VVntson E. (7olnman, " " 7f D.U.,AaYlcoanl boo free! putoi reaionable. Ulgheat rotetoncoa. lioetaert Icea. BUILTMANYckNTURIESAGO florlda's Shell Mounds Believed to Date '"Sack to Before Beginning , of Christian Era. Flor.fla's shell mounds, which nro found in different portions of the etate, nro unquestionably of human rttructIon, and were probably built ,y some race of people who Inhabited the country about the beginning of tho Chrlstlnn era. These mounds were found overgrown with herbage and forest ns lo;ig ago ns when tho first red man set foot in Florida, and the lact that tho deposit of earth above hem wns sufllclent to give place to the root of trees proved their great nee. There have been found In all these mounds pieces of pottery imbedded In the shell conglomerate, ns well as ar ticles made of shell nnd bone, rude stone Implements nnd many bones of Animals and llsli, such as deer, terra pin, rnbblts.alllgators and others. There nro In the entire state about forty mounds, tho most important of which nro thoso of King Philip's town, nenr the outlet of Lake Harney, which are 450 feet long, from 100 to lfiO feet broad, nnd with nn average height of eight feet. Hee Particular Tree. Christine was visiting Aunt Louise while the latter worked In her garden. "Have you any plckln trees?" asked Christine "What?" was rtunt's puzzled reply. "What nro they?" "Why, n plckln tree," rejoined Christine In n tone full of surprise that anyone- should not know tho ppecles, "why, my grandpa has some in his garden. They have pretty (lowers for me to pick. I can't pick any oth er without holng.nnughtv." Nowadays. Willis "A satisfied customer Is a store's best "Mlvertlsemcnt." Oillls "Old Steffi A good-looking girl clerk Is." Judge. r" n 'r' 1 .?v mF-i u ' Try Postum Instead of Coffee at the family table for a week or two and see if everyone 1 doesn't relish the change. Postum Cereal a drink of delicious flavor should be boiled fully fifteen minutes to bring out its full-bodied richness. Better health and comfort usually follow a change from coffee to Postum. C There's a Madeby POSTUM CEREAL Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local nt'MlftUlotiB as they cannot ruuli tho diseased portion of tlio ear. There Is only one way to euro Catarrhal Deafness, and that la by a constitutional remedy. II ALL'S CATAUIUI MEDICIN'B net through the Blood on tho Mucous Surface of tho System. Catiurlial Deafness Is caused by nn Inflamed condition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tubo Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed, Deafness Is tho result. Unless thu Inflammation can be re duced and this tubo restored to Its nor mal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Mnny cases of Deafness nro cnuscd by Catarrh, which lb nn Inllamod rondltlon of tho Mucous Surfaces. ONi: Ilt'N'DItED DOLLARS for nnv fenso of catarrhal deafness that cannot bo cured by HALL'S CATAUHIJ MEIJ1CINR. All druKitlsts 75. Circulars free. 1 J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. Junior Demands Variety. Junior Insists on hearing a story nt bedtime. Ho hns exhausted nil tin: fairy stork's of Ills cntlte army of relatives and friends. Tlio other night Junior mndo Ills usual di'iiiiuul for a story. Grand mother, always to lie rolled upon, racked lier liraln for a now bno and finally had to fait hack on one lie had lioard before. Grandmother saw his lips curl as she started In on tho tale. Then he throw hack his head, yawned and reached for his grand mother's hand. "Aw, cut that out, grnnny," ho said. "That's old stuff. Let's talk ahotit tho strike." ASK FOR "DIAMOND DYES" Don't Buy a Poor Dye That Fades, Streaks or Ruins Material. Kach package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that any woman can dhimond-dye n new, rich, fadeless color Into worn, shabby gar ments, draperies, coverings, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect results are guaranteed even If you have never dyed before. Druggist has color card. Adv. Scant Comfort. One positive service performed by visiting wife's relatives is eating so much that there aren't so many left overs for next day. Ohio State Jour nal. The housewife smiles with satisfac tion ns she looks at the basket of clear, white clothes nnd thnnks Red Cross Ball Blue. At grocers, Oc. GOT CHARACTERS MIXED UP According to English Actor, History Is Not a Strong Point With Theatergoers. The late II. B. Irving once told In Philadelphia a story about ids fa ther's performance of Sardou's "Robes pierre." He said : "Two dear old ladles sat in their Rtalls nt the Lyceum, waiting for 'Robespierre to begin. "'By the wny, who wns Robes pierre?' snld tho first old lady. '"Why, don't you know?' snld the second old lady. 'He's tho mnn who was murdered in his bath by Marie Corel II.' "'Oh, no,' my dearl' said tho first old lady. 'That can't bo right, for Marie I'orelll Is still nllve. I remem ber who It was now. It wns Char lotte Bronte.' " Then, nt the end of his story Mr. Irving ndded: "I once told this anecdote to a duchess. When I finished tho duchess gave a kind of puzzled laugh and snld: "'Poor Shakespeare I" Lady Pygmalion. Tho Instructor That bust Is fairly well modeled, hut the expression Is nil wrong. It 'should bo sad and thoughtful. Tho Pretty Art Student I know it nnd I had expression Just right sev eral times, but whenever I'd try to fix his hnlr'or Just touch his cheeks with my fingers the face would break into n smile. Reason" CO., Inc.. BattleCr.!! ids. BOYS CONFESS BRUTAL MURDER Pennsylvania Lads Admit Caus ing the Death of Their Companion. HANGED HIM IN BARN Body Then Thrown Into Swlmmlnfl Hole, Whore Implicated Youths "Dlccover" It and Report a Drowning. Snow Shoe, Pa. Four boys, Mclvln Rowan, Arthur and Charles Mark'ley nnd Thomas Stark, are under arrest here, charged with causing the death of Jnrvls Hall, ten-year-old grandson of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Ii. Hall of Snow Shoe, on August 17, HMD. At the time of the Hall boy's death It was general ly believed that ho had been drowned accidentally while swimming In a pond near his home. Ills grandfather, however, was not satisfied with this version of the affair anil secured the services of a Pennsylvania state io llce, who llnally unniveled the details of tho tragedy and caused tho arrest of the four lads, who have confessed the crime. Tho four defendants range In age from eleven to tlfteen years. In re sponse to questions from friends nnd ollleeis as to why they committed the act. the boys always have replied that thev tlo not know. Crime of Unusual Features. According to evidence In the case, the Hall hoy loft his homo on the af ternoon of August 17. as was his cus tom, to bring In the cows. As ho was passing nn abandoned bam the Row nn, Markley nnd Stark boys rushed out nnd captured him. Ho wns taken In side, where two of the lads held him while the other two placed a tie rope nbout the victim's neck. Then they Imaged him to n rafter and allowed the body to hung for nbout five min utes. Finding the boy dead, the four youths dressed the body In old cloth lug and threw It Into a pond. Later tho boys reported that they believed a They Hanged Him to a Rafter. boy had been drowned nnd tho body was discovered in tho pond. Investigation after the discovery ol Hall's body revealed that his tongue was hanging out and that rolling did not force any wnter from tlio lungs, two unusual Incidents In connection with n drowning. This nroused the suspicion of the grandfather, who en listed the aid of state troopers and cleared tho mystery surrounding the crime. GREEK PRINCE HOLDS RANK Mrs. Leeds' Husband Denies Report He Han Renounced Claims to Throne. Geneva, Switzerland. Prince Chris topher of Greece and his wife, the Int ter formerly Mrs. W. P. Leeds, widow of tho American tlnplatc magnnte, have requested that reports recently published In Amerlcn thnt tho prince has renounced his rnnk In tho sover eign house of Greece be dented. It has been snld that ho had given up ,his right to succession, nnif that ho nnd his wife wore content to becomo simply a Danish count nnd countess. Dissension between former King Constantino nnd tho prince has been reported, hut Constnntlne and his wlfo recently spent n week with the prince nnd princess nt Montrenux, nnd tho latter hnve been visiting tho' fonner sovereigns nt StMorlta. SAY HE USED MARKED CARDS Man Charged In Court With Obtaining Money by Fraud In Game of Chance. Now York. During tho trlnl In n Now York court of Louis Krohnborg, n shirt manufacturer, who is charged with obtaining money in n gnmo of chtinco by fraud, n stud! poker gamo with marked cards was reproduced. Two hands from n deck, which Is nl leged to have come from tho Krohn borg homo, were laid before the magls trato by ono of the half-dozen com plnlnnnts. These proved to have shnd Ings on tho design on tho backs, which Indicated the nature of tlio cards. The complainants say Krohnberg won $5, 700 with tho marked deck. GOTHAM TEACHER MARRIES CONVICT Public School' Principal Finds Her Ideal in Sing Sing Prison. New York. Miss Mnry Falrchlld, principal of a public school on Long Island, and Henry Iloppe, released from Sing Sing prison in 11)17, have been married, following nn unusual ro mance In which Cupid again demon strated that "stone walls do not ii prison make nor Iron bnrs a cage." MKs Falrchlld, according to tho storj she relates, met Iloppe, n Get man immigrant, when lie was a con vict In Sing Sing prison, serving tlmo for robbery and carrying conconled nnd deadly weapons. She Mist ob- Mlsuxizn On Her Very First Visit She Met Hoppe. talnetl ids freedom nnd then his prom ise to take her for hotter or worse. Some four years ngo Miss Falrchlld, then principal of n school In New York city, decided to take up prison welfare work as a relief from the routine of tho schoolroom. She select ed Sing Sing ns the field for her op erations. On her very first visit she met Hoppe. She became Interested In his case and felt certnln he would make an excellent citizen, If ho had n chance. She went before Judge Rosal sky, who had sentenced Iloppe, and then carried her plea to Governor Whitman. Iloppe was paroled. Thtee years have elapsed since Miss Falrchlld won freedom for Hoppe. Dining that period the young man has engaged la the confectionery busi ness in New York city and lam more than demonstrated that tho New York schoolteacher made no error in pick ing him for her ideal. Wriggles Way Out of Jail For 180th Time in Life Roy Dlckerson, chnrged with aid ag in tho robbery of a bank nt Glrard, Ala., made what Is said to have been his one hun dred ami eightieth escape from Jail when ho used a crude key on his cell lock In tho city prison 'nt Los Angeles, Cnl., climbed up a ventilator shaft and lied. Dlckerson's wlfo, who wns In Jail with her husband, said ho formerly wns a vaudeville per former, making a specialty of freeing himself from handcuffs and other restraints.' She told the police he had escaped ISO times and that ho never had been Imprisoned successfully longer than two months. Dlckerson's cell-mato was X round asleep after tho escape. Ho told tho guards ho had not heard Dlckerson's movements. END YOUNGER SET PARTIES Parents Require Young People to Go Home Early and Will Censor Amusements and Clothes. Knnsns City. Mo. An organization of mothers made up of society ma trons In Knnsns City Is to Je formed to put nn end to the "wild wnys" ol the young folk In that city. Tho organization plans to have the hoys and girls sign n pledge not to stny out after a curfew hour that Is to bo agreed pon between the parents nnd tho young people. The blase man ners the young folk hnve assumed, and stories of erotic affairs hold by them led to tho organized effort by their parents. Street and evening clothes for young misses niso nro to be censored. 9,000,000 PEOPLE IN CANADA Secretary Slfton's Report Shows 2,000,. 000 Increase Jn the Dominion Since 1911. Ottnwn, Ont. Thp population ol Canada for 1020 Is estimated nt 0,000,. 000, ns compared with 7,000,000 In 1011, in n report, mado public In the hoiiBo of commons by Secretary ol State Slfton. Tho estimated total revenuo for 102C Is $.125,000,000. Total rovenuo per cap ita for 1020 Is estimated nt $30.11 nnc" expenditures per capita at $75.01. J5SS in WRvt ja. T y$- ASPIRIN INTRODUCED BY "BAYER" IN 1900 Look for name "Bayer" on the tablets, then you need never worry. If you want tho true, world-famous Aspirin, ns prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years, you must nstc for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." The "Bayer Cross" Is stamped on each tablet and appears oil each pack age for your protection ngnlnst imi tations. In cuch package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" arc safe and proper direc tions for Colds, llendache, Neuralgia, j Toothncbe, Earache, Rheumatism, ; Lumbago, Neuritis, nnd for Pain In ' general. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tablets cost but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufac ture of Monoacetlcacldester of Snllcy licacld. Adv. Americanization. He was a Chinaman. Ho ran a laun dry, and no one over heard him speak a word of English. I often wondered why he bad not learned our beautiful language. But to my queries ho only shook his head. Ono day when I paid for my weekly wash, he returned less change than usual. "You've short-changed me, Ping Pong!" I cried. Ping Pong smiled 'blandly, showed me his Americanism of Foreign Mer chants' certificate and, speaking for tho first tlmo In faultless Kngllsh, re plied: "No; I've raised!" Iowa Frl- TOl. 8HAKE INTO YOUR 8HOE8 Allrn' FootfKnuc, tlin nntlapptlo powder to be shnken Into the ahora and sprinkled In tho font-lmth. Tho I'lattaburK Cnmp Mnn unl Btlvlars mm In trnlnln to uae Foot Ens In thrlr linon each morning. It pre vents bllttem anil aore spots anil relieve! pnlnful, swollen, smarting feet and tnhea the atlnic out of corna and bunion. Alwuya uae Allen'a Foot-Uaaa to break In new ehoei. Adv. Praticlng Her Lesson. I recently visited my married sis ter, who has a lluxcn-hnlrcd daugh ter of three years. During my visit I taught my little niece to put one arm nround my neck, the other about my neck, the other about my sister, nnd "all threo kiss together." A rather shy young mnn called upon mo ono evening and, though wo had mot but twlco before, I sat with him on the couch In order to show him some pictures. Before I realized what she was doing my Infant niece had ono arm nround my neck and was reaching frantically for the young man, all tho while repeating: "All free tlss todez zcr." Exchange. Important to Mothers Exnmlno carefully every bottle ol CASTOKIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and sec that It Bears tho Signature In Use for Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria SUBSIST MAINLY ON DATES Fruit Is the Mainstay of Life to tho People of Egypt, Arabia and Persia. East Is west so fnr ns the palm Is concerned, Hawaii, California, Flor ida, Cuba, Egypt, Palestine, they all know their palms. Of all varieties none Is so dear to the heart as tho date palm. Wo all know Its delicious fruit, but few can conceive tho desert dweller's lovo for It, for he only enn appreciate Its grateful shade in the sweltering desert heat. Tho date pnlm Is nlwnys n sure sign of wnter, for to thrive It must hnve this. Itlslug often to a height of KM) feet, It Is a haven of refuge to tho parched traveler who knows that to dig nenr It is to find wnter. 'Then there Is tho delicious fruit to bo con sidered, too. Many of us know the dnto us n luxury sometimes stuffed or otherwise, but n considerable part of tho inhabitants of Egypt, of Arabia nnd L'ersin subsist almost en tirely on its fruit. They boast also of its mcdlclnnl virtues. Then tho cam els feed upon the date stone. Additional Charge. "Twenty dollars for tills job of plumbing?" That's correct."' "But you were not on tho premises more than nn hour, nnd I paid for nil tho material you used." "There was a piece of glass on your drlvcwny. I damaged n tire," said tho plumber, briefly. (Birmingham Age-Herald. Tot your breakfast GrapeNuts A ready-to-eat -food that costs butlittle andisfiiU of the sound nourishment of wheat t5255n?Sr"" am m ! jAFOOO IsHSCHSsSSS VhiiiiiiI. brace: up! Tho mnn or wnmnn with weak kid neys i Imlf crippled. A lnme, utifl buck, with Ub constant, dull nclie nnd nlinrp, hooting twinges, makes the simplcet tank a harden, llcmlncliea, dizzy upell. urinary disorders nnii nn "nil worn out" feeling nrc dnily sources of distrcM. Don't neglect kidney wrnlcncss nnd risk Krnvcl, dropsy or Itright'H disrnso. Get it box of Drain's Kidney Pills. They hnve helped other people the world over. Ask your neighbor! A Nebraska Case M r h llnni y Cooper, llnm b o 1 il t, N n b r.. Hnya, "Aftur I liml tin. Mill' tnv j - mm inn iiu (T Imck nnd kldn A bothered mo grout ileal. Tl: ,', wan a rontlti 4 tinrlf nnit 1liltinvn mo n. hero ntiiil pnln In tho small of my Imck. As n member of tho fninlly had used 1 loan's K I ii n n y Pills with good HUVCCBfl I got ft liny nttil I lin v helped mo from tho nrst. Two boxes oared mo nail I haven't been troubled since." Get Donn'a at Any Store, COc n Dos DOAN'SSK? FOSTER-MILDURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. Constipation and Sluggish Liver Don't take chances. Get Carter Little Liver 1111 right now. They never fail to make tlio liver do Its duty. ThcK relieve constipa tion, banish in digestion, drive out bill- J CARTER'S IITTLE IVER ousness, stop dizziness, clear tho com PILLS plexion, put a healthy slow oa the cheek and sparkle in the eye. Be sura and get the genuine. Saudi Pill-Small Dose SmrilFiic OR- CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Nature' great nerve nnd blood tonic for Aaemla, Rheamatlsui, NervoBsaeas, Sleeplessness and Female Weakness. ainlia nail bur iliiifire && Cuticura Soap Imparts The Velvet Touch Seep 25c, Ointment 25 end 50c, Ttlcan 25c. METHOD IN THAT MADNESS Why Dad Could Not Bring Himself to Make Serious Objections to Ger ald's Smoking. "Henry I" Mrs. Brown's voice wns Btern. Mr. Brown recognized tho signs of n com Ing storm, so ho prepared to listen. "I snw Gerald our boy smoking n pipe today actually, n dirty, smelly pipe!" tlio por woman ended with a sob. "Well, what can wo do?" exclnlmcd her husbald. "Tho boy's seventeen nnd has two dollars n week pocket money. I don't set " "You mean to sny that you will al low him to smoke? Why, It's sheer madness I" Henry nodded. Then, nftcr wit nessing the unique spectacle of his wlfo speechless for once, he strolled off Into tho garden, whero he enmo across Gerald In a corner, with tho pipe going full blast. "Hello, my boy!" lie cried. "Tills is something new, Isn't it?. Er by tho way, I'vo left my pouch in tho house. Can you give mo a illl?" Then lie, ns he walked away puf fing happily, murmured: "It may bo madness, but there's method In It. 1 can see Gerald's pouch being quite a money saver to poor old dad." Itehoboth Sunday Herald. Wanted:. A 'Ticket Seller. "I see you advertise' for u ticket seller nnd ask that ladles weighing more than 200 pounds; kindly do not apply." "Yes." "Isn't thnt discrimination?" "No; merely common sense. Any lady shaping up larger than thnt could not get into my glnss cage," Film Fun. His Prominent Characteristic. "You must hnve seen some trait In mo to ndmlre," said Mr. Mcekton, "or you wouldn't hnvo married me." "I did," replied Ids wlfo; "your sub lime nerve in wnntlng to bo my bus bnnd," Pearson's Weekly. igvVk?jiPiaMBt.iv 'JFjT rf c ( mmsmimmiMMMmm and.malted barley. Appetizing Economical At Orocers Everywhere! .1 IS , ., t, , .. ... ,