RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CH1EP Chtldnml'l'l'LCii'ict MBppPi-W,"'" rh I 1 1 Standing thetrain WHEN you give the playclothcs problem the careful consideration it deserves you invariably buy only such garments you believe will stand the strain of strenuous play. -fab At each step in the making of "Bread Winner" play- clothes this strain is considered, hach garment is remlorccd where there is any considerable strain upon it, each garment is finished to the last detail of buttons, buttonholes and seams with the necessary care to withstand this strain. U You can buv our nlayclothcs bcarins the label "Bread 1 Wl Winner" with the nositivc assurance that vou have nurchased ,.. ., j .- . tTH 1...1 nivlff nV 2g- Come into our children's washwear department and let us show you our full line of sturdy garments. Mrs. Barbara Phares rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nebrnsko. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY entered In the roMoflice nt Hcd Cloud, Neb m Btcond lias Mntter' A. B. Mt'AUTHUK, Editor and Owno CHIC ONIiY DKM0CKAT1U PAFKlt IN WniJHTKK COUNTY t &. iVil W a garment that will absolutely satisfy. Made under the most .V . . ! :-.. ...... : ............... .... !... uw stannary tunuiuuus, jui wiiy iuis hi cittjina uy iu uvja ui Geo. W. Hutchison Re Q.1 Estate, Insurance, Loans, Abstracts dliomcc I Office, Red 33. Ind, 63 Red Cloud , PHONES J Retldencei ,77 , N.brat r NS URA NCB I This is the time of year when there will be losses fnm , Lightning, Wind Storm, Tornado Also Hail on Growing Crops . Have you got the pioteclion? If not see me at my office or call me off the phone. I represent Old Line, Legal Reserve Companies. Get protection, that is protection, when you have a loss, as that is what you buy. Insurance for, Farm Bureau Notes STANDARD JUXIOIt CLUI5S WoMfcr county will liavo four Stnndnft Calf Club?. Thoy arc as follows : Kckley Improved Shorthorn Club--11 Members V. A. Vnnce Local Leader. Walter Vance President. Karl I'ortenier Vice President. Geo. GrccnhnlKh Secretary. Loytl Ashby Treasurer. Glenwood Pure Hied Live Stock Kaisers G Members Karl Mattock Local Leader. Kldon Lewis President. Floyd McMahon Vice President. Harvey Stevens Secretary. Gilbert McMahon Treasurer. The Hereford Processors 22 Members Frank BonnLocal Leader. Renfrew Pitney President. Ralph Lea Vice President. Rachel Bean Secretary. Oscar Lea Treasurer. Republican Valley Shorthorn Roosters 14 Members C. B. Steward Local Leader. Harold Whitaker President. . Ruth Overing Vice President. Miles Wilmot Secretary. Amelia Steward Treasurer. Standard Pig Club 5 Members Eckley's Best Swine Breeders V. B. Vance Local Leader. Albert Vance President. , George Meents Vice President. Spencer Vance Secretary. , Henry Meents Secretary. Irma Reeve Treasurer. Chicks-Poultry Club 9 Members K. J. Overing Local Leader. Floyd Pope President Robert Overing Vice President. Pearl Ncwhouse Secretary. Krma Mitchell Treasurer . ' Six Webster county boys earned free trips to Junior Fanners' Wek Lincoln, as prizes for Club Work last year. The following are the riamos of the winners, who are spending this week in Lincoln: Logan Ohmstede Guide Rock. Albert -Vance Guide Rock. Leonard Fisliel Guide Rock. Leroy Springer Guide Rock. August Blobaum Cowles. Floyd Robinson Bladen. Harlan Reiselt Treasurer. Standard Poultry Clubs 9 Member? Mrs. E. W. Ashby Local Leader. Orville Clark President. Harry Fishel Vice President. HENRY R. FAUSCH,' County Agricultural Agtnt CO. CD! I Noticr. To Creditors- In the County Court ot WtbstCr County. Nchratka In the matter ol the istato ol Koliert II' Wll(.on, l)tccanl. rri-illiurRol Mild estate will take notice, ttiat tliotlmo limited lor presentation nml llllngol claims against fcald CKtiitelH Octolier 1st IBM. and lor the payment ol debts Is Octo liirl'JIth. IVJD, that I will sit at the county court room In Raid county on the 2nd day ol .luly 19,30 to examine, htar and allow all IclalmR duly Hied which arc a first or second I .. .... ....... .l .!. fin., .In, nf urn upon Kiuu ciuic, im uit iiiu .iiu u October, IVJO, to examine, bear, nllow and adjust all claim and objections ol Keiural creditors duly tiled. Dated thlsfflth day ol May, 1020. v.,. (Hull) A. I). HAN.NKV County J mice. FOR SALE-1 model 1G touring, 1 model 17 touring, 1 model 17 Sedan Ford; 1 Ford with 1 ton truck attach' ment; 2 Uulck bixes; 1 PaiRe six; 1 Mitchell six; 2 new Ford 1 tou truck.. These cars are all in good repair and priced to sell. You are taking uo chance. Frame fc Smith Bros. Co. MARIE VtRNON SHALL NEBRASKA KEEP HER PROMISE? Lincoln nd Omaha Drive Dtfln Jun 1 STATE-WIDE DRIVE BEGINS JUNE O May Weather Report Temperature: Mean 70 (leg., must mum SGdeg.on 22, 25, 31, minimum 37 (leg. on Stli. Precipitation: Total 2 19 Inches. Number of days clear 5, partly cloudy 8, cloudv IB. xNo frost In May. Thunderstorms 9,'H. 12, 10, 31M. Italufall since Jan. 1, 8.04 Inches. Chas. S. Ludlow, Observer Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dickerson and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shcphcrson left Wednesday via automobile for Ala bama, where they will visit relatives. The concert given by the Mandolin Orchestra at the opera house last Friday night shows that wo have just as good, if not better, musical talent than the average Chautauqua company that visits this place Franklin County News. 4 .' vuwwvvw. WSJWJV, Base Burner Users ! We have a car of base burner size Cerrilos Anthracite now on the road. Base burner coal will be hard to get this year. ORDER NOW. The Malone-Gellatly Co. lfWWArVWVAT.VAV.iV.V.V.VV.V.V.SV . i r. a'ti LrL I. ... .U.. j.i .ill ii 'i. .'I r !' r.rV '(!) 7n.u Drawn front actual jfrTlilll3i'gfLlul,iriiM!l photograph taken JfiS&Emr M- u ni " " -'i'1yr:SiNew York, Pp53Sl Plilfcirw r T9MmM.y'PJk r M. wc i J ftiii jsLy JSsk f the Miraculous Proof given I I 7yvVv( JjSSlHI at Carnegie Hall, New York, I ' iJjLjir iJ on BIarcb 10th' 192- I Ji w I "Miss Case draped her beautiful self against T I ? ' the phonouranh. One of her om record- '.' Htf .. BK r "3TV W JHHHHBk .. t MBjggylBffiwB jft iiThT ilT r ) r TTT J I UL"' t Hear the phonograph that baffled James Montgomery Flagg Come, in and test its marvelous realism for yourself An audience of 2800 New Yorkers completely baffled ! An Official Laboratory Model did it actually rivalled Anna Case, one of the world's most brilliant sopranos, in a startling test at Carnegie Hall, on March 10th, 1920. In our store, you can hear an instrument exactly like this famous Official Laboratory Model. You can test it for yourself and see what a truly perfect realism it strains. We have equipped ourselves to give Mr. Edison's unique Realism Test. '.s . tv mga wu pui on we instrument, anu iney, ffj Mils Case and the phonograph, ang to- Jftj ether. Then she stopped, and her other ., self continued. Then together again. .$ I looked awav anil thrn limV amln itwl Y it puzJed ne to determine which waj at the bet. 1 The Pianist "Then the tallest pianist in the civilized world played a rbamiing thing, 'accompa nied by himself via the phonograph, lift ing hb Sngers away from the keys now and spin. I could ut him stop playing, , but I couldn't hear hinAtop. afKmw Edison 4 No wicks to clean, trim or adjust. Always ready. No valves to worry about. It does not require generating. Burns ordinary kerosene. The "Florence" is the one Ideal Oil Cook Stove Hundred of satisfied 'Florence' users in this community Ask one of them or come into our store. GEO. W. TRINE The PhonoRrafik with a Soul" The instrument used on March loth, 1920, in Carnegie Hall, New York, was an exact duplicate of the original Official Laboratory Model on which Mr. Edison spent three million dollars in research work. We, too, have an exact duplicate of this three million dollar original. We guarantee that it is capable of sus taining precisely the same test made on March joth, ia Carnegie Hall, New York City. This guarantee will be given in writing, if you wish. Our Budget Plan putt this guaranteed Offitial Laboratory Mtdel within jour reach. It's a thrift cay of buying. Ask altut it whtn you eeme to htar tht Realism Test. Authorized Sales Agent Red Cloud, Nebraska E. Hi NEWHOUSE The Dark Scene "Then the big Hunt of the recital. "Miss Case began singing with the phono graph. At a certain stan7.a the house was ' suddenly darkened. The song went on. c I uas shooting my ears out lile periscopes to detect tie second when she would stop. I was sure I got it. Then she seemed to be back ?gain. The flood of lights cc'me on,- but 110 Anna! Only the phono gr?ph singing away. " , It was ifiu'tc wonderful, and the audience applauded and laughed. Two girls behind me said 'GoogniciousV Read what the New York papers sav: 'The twin-ship between Miss Case's sing, ing, and the reproduction thereof, proved 7o close as to be often indistinguishable." 'New York Globe. "When the lights were lowered, it was impossible to tell when it vjf Anna Case, and when it was only her voice that was , singing. M New York Evening Sun, "The voice in the fiuffV pink draperies and the voice in the mahogany box seemed one andlne'same." New York Evening Mail. ,A I r V .'" n. $ Aulhorized Edison "Dealer - a.. r- l rf Red Cloudl Nebaska v ... J ; . t IT i ! .1 1 V .1 ft ,SH i . ' '