The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 27, 1920, Image 8

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11. 3F , "EST .iBjl
Zl '
...,. ,..-... --1
The Greatest Super Feature
The Film World Has Known
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
Reserved Seats on Sale at Ege's Ice Cream Parlor, Red Cloud
Commencing at 9 a. m., Friday. Seats $1.50 and $1- Plus War Tax
& T W
of Fo
Wait! Wonder!
' ."'ri"
" 'Mri'ri?!-''
- 3iMi4I
DECIDE! Lay out a course, and then
follow it. Let nothing stop you.
That's the way to do things.
This clothing store subscribes to that
idea. The day we put up the "open
for business" sign on our front door we
decided to render sound satisfaction to
every man and young who came into
our store. Since that day, no obstacle,
however great or small has swayed us
from our decision.
Kuppenheimer good clothes are an
example of the success of decision.
We sell them.
Always Reliable
m r s9f
Mandolin Orchestra Concert
Mr. Hi:
promised t
Mr. Hurtoti, the piano tuner, has
id to bring hl Mandolin Or-
to thi l'e-s Aiulltoriittti 'mm
Si- next lafcu'i fni date Plun tu lour
I s conceit.
Stockholder.- Annual Meeting
'J l.o Stoc' holders ofHhe lt.-.'-e Audi
torium Associntlon will hold their
an mill meeting on Tuesday, .1 tine Stl
i at Up. id. in tlu- AiuHtorliini
'1,0 '
P'lrpii:.' of ilii tm-eling is to oleet a
IJmd of Hiieetoi-i and also transact
other bu.slues that may come before
. the meeting. x
' llo-te Audilotium Association
II. It. l'auoh, Secretary-
Durnrifinn Hiv Pr-nrliinifirm
ecoiation uayrrociaination
Another year bus come and Konennd
privilege tojik every loyal cltien to
ooserve the it ay set npsirt bv our gov
er nneiit to commemorate the memory
of the heroes who offered and gave
their lives for the preservation of our
N itlnn.
Therefore, I, Ed Amaek, Mayor of
t.'cityof Red Cloud, Nebraska, do
pielnlm May Illst, 1920, as the day to
hi eonseorated to the memory of de
pvted comrades, and that business be
s i-pended from 1:30 to 1 p. m., tif said
" .lay. ED AMACK, Mayor.
Rev. .1 E .larboe and wife, who
Imve just returned from California
are iu the community for a few dnjsj
Rev. Jarboc has been
een doing revlml
for the past nine I
wotk In tho west
m nit lis. They are on
their wnv
.u.miesoia io engage in evangelistic
work and will stop over in Medalin,
Missouri to attpnd the National Con-1
vention of tho Church of the Hrethren. I
. .. ,. ....i
Rev. .Farboe will preauh at the liretlin n
ehnreh In this olty Sunday morning at
ll 'clrek.
Mis9 Eunice Iloft'uinu, daughter of
A. H. Hoifman of this elty,and Monroe
Meiute of Hlue Hill were milted in
marriage by County .Judge A. I). Run
ney last Friday afternoon. The bride,
after having graduated from the local
lii'h school, class of lOl'.i, was engaged
as instructor In one of the rural
schools near Ulue Hill. She has many
jj, friends In this vicinity to wish her uu
rf limited happiness throughout her wed.
i ded life. The man of her choice is a
:il prosperous farmer residing in the vl
jclnlty of Hlue Hill. A delicious wed
01 ' dng supper was served after which the
in the mountain country., t'pon their
return they will be at home to their
mauv friends on a farm near Ulue Hill.
Old Bridge Stood for Centuries.
The new London bridge wns opened
on August 1, 18.'U. This replaced the
rplphrnteri old lirlik'o. Imllt more than
eight centuries before. It ImilJS solid j
stono piers, with bulky stone arches,
nnd was covered from end to cud with
buildings. On the "Tailor's gate," at
one end, the heads of traitors were
shown. It was removed on accouut of
Its obstruction to navigation.
Shuts Off Gas.
Above the frame of a new gas light
fixture Is a turbine that is whirled
by the heated air, stopping and shut
ting off the flow of gas should the
llanu liu l.lnwu nut.
Dr. R.V. Nicholson
( itllc.o Over A I lirlulit'h Store
Red Cloud Ncbruska
'"i r
rSfrt - "vv imi owiijfcHiu j . rtj
nooui uie proposed- rtenraskn nav
Memorial to bo erected at Lincoln in
honor of all Ncbraskans who. went to
II. S. McXobb of Or.ial-a culled or
us yesterday and slated that he came '
iu uui tiiy 10 mi'.iview our piurioui
men and women and tc enli.t then-co-optation
in tho vnk rcce.sarv to
provide a magnificent building which
will expiess the profound gratitude of
tho people to the bov who wore a
uniform. The : trcUro will com-
memoratoi thf iWd. of valiant Ne-
ii.isKun.s m an ir.o wars.
Mr. McXobb in a rpocial represent
ative of the general committee of 500
compo'ed of men and women rpsidin
throughout tho whole state. Ho tell.
us that the memorial drive will begin
.Tune G, ami that it will bo nromotod
pjy local committee? in all tho conn
ties. Mr. McNobb was sent to our
county to interview the men and wo.
mon Immcil on the countv commUtcCi
n"j M" wl,0SV attfetaiice is solicit-
Und he tell. us that he received much
ncouragemnct in his interviews with
our people. lie said that a special
committee had been appointed for
Lincoln, of which Guy K. Reed is
chairman, and another special com
mittee for -Omaha, of which Chiles T.
kountzc is chairman. These two
committees will undertake to raise
'$200,000 in each of these cities for
the building fund of the memorial.
The remaining counties of the state
have been assigned to tho general
committee which lias named an execu
tive committee, of which Judge Vin
cent G. Hnscall in-executive secretary,
with offices in Omaha. This com
mittee will try to raise $600,000
through popular subscription of patri
otic men and women, and tho amount
w'l l)e pro rated among the counties
ilccol(lmg to population and wealth.
.HI. iULiUl)U IL'IIS us uiai UIC COlU'
mittee was organized in response to
many calls from various portions of
the state for concerted action that
would produce a fitting tribute to tho
co900 Ncbraskans in the great war,
I and to other thousands who fought in
previous wars. He said that it was
only necessary to tell the people of
the organization and its purpose to
enlist their immediate co-operation.
Tlie members of our county committee
have been appointed as follows: W.
A. Sherwood, chairman; C. F. Cathcr;
C. H. Miner; D. W. Stewart.
Notice is hereby given that the
riding of bicycles, coasters and small
wagons on the sidewalks of this city
is prohibited by law and must bo
stopped immediately as tho ordinance
provides pennltv for same N. I'.
PHILLIPS, City Marshal.
FORSALE-l model 10 touring, 1
model 17 touring, 1 model IT Sedan
Ford; 1 Ford with 1 ton truck attach
ment; '2 Hnick sixes; I Paige six; 1
Mitchell six; 2 new Ford I ton trucks.
Thes cars arp all In good repair and
priced to sell. You are taking no
chancp. Frame A. Smith Bros. Co,
A. V. Duclcer, Clerk of the M. W. A.
Camp of this city, received a communi-
cation from the State Headquarters at
Lincoln, stating that the claim of the
lute Neighbor, .1. F. Ruckles, who pass,
ed away hero a few weeks ago, had
been allowed ami ordered paid by tho
nciiif Camp and that a clippk for $2000
had been sent to Mr. Dueker for the
beneilclarlcs of tho deceased Mr.
I uui'idt's nmi ui'i'ii ;i iiiriiiutT 01 uic iO.
W. A. for 21 years. Dining that per.
iod he had paid in a total of SIOOHO.
This leaves a clear gain of Slfifi.'i.lQ,
aside from having had the benefit of
the protection of insurance during this
period of 21 years. The prompt and
ellicient manner Jn which all claims
are handled by tills organization the
total amount of the insurance carried
by the member being paid as soon i s
satisfactory statements have been filed
is one of the strong points iu favor
of this organization.
"Quality" Job Printing
Report of the Condition
OK Tilt;
Bank of In a vale
of Inavnlo (Clinrlcr No. 793 In lite Slate
of Ncbrtttkn nt tlic dose o? fouslniss
jjay 15, 15)20.
inform k-
I.'iitisnmt I'Ncount i'iMC.'i
m nlrattn (f)7.d7
liuuilf", :ccurltle4,JiulKiueiiti, claims
etc., Inc;iutliijt all igovorntneut
ImiuM "T.7M.10
lliiiklii liou-v, frfrnltiire A llTtnros ' S.P00C0
t'urient c;pene, taxes ami Ii'iter-
PMl pultl ... :i,si.l.)
Pile troiu national aitil state
txuiki J7I.IKJ.PJ
Ciirrmiev .. 8.107.M
Hold coin i no,no
silver, iilckfH nml coats 7U7.1 1 :m,(XkS.C3
Total . e 21(1,1! MM P
MA1III.I1 111.1
Capital slock ptila In ...'. S I0.000.CO
SurpltM (unit 10,000.00
Uiullvlilpil protlts 0.771.10
lliillvlitiint ileposttH subject
to check 171,88.1.17
Tlmucei (Meatus utilci'osll al,sj(l.0i 2'i.7i.(W
Hills pnvab o VifflO.W
Pcpinltor'.s uauraniy (nml 1.W0.M
Total s 2i8,iri7.ftl
t'otiutyot Webster f
1, (i. It. Mcl'rary Cashier ol tliu above nam.
eil bank ilo hereby swear that the tiuovo
Htatement Is a correct and true copy o't (ho
report made tu the titiite llauktiu Hoard.
U.K. Mcl'KAKV,
' tashlcr.
Attest: -
Charles Hunter. Plrector. ,
AKred Mcl'all, Plreclur.
f?ubscrlbed and Nivorn lo belore me thIs2Uh
dayo( May, IDij.
(' M Sherwood,
(rfeal). Notary Public.
Former service men are notified by
Director R. G. Chomley-Jones. of tho
Rurcati of War Risk Insurance that
a now official circular of information
listed as "LD-9" nnd entitled "New
and Liberal Features of War Risk
Insurance," is now issued.
The text of this bulletin is based
upon tho latest amendmefit to tho
War Risk Act which permits pay
ments in one sum on converted in
surance in case of death, and enlarges
the permitted class of beneficiaries in
the case of botli War Risk (Term)
and converted insurance.
The circular is printed in booklet'
form, illustrated by charts, and has
an index by the use of which any or
dinary question about government
insurance may be readily answered.
A copy of the booklet may be obtain
ed by writing to tho Dureau of War
Risk Insurance, Washington, D. C, or
upon application to organizations of
former, service men and welfare or
ganizations cooperating with tho Du
reau of War Risk Insurance.
Former service men whoso insur
ance has lapsed or been canceled, and
who wish to reinstate it or convert it,
or to effect both these processes at
the same time, arc advised to secure
a copv of the official form described
as "L'D-8", "Good News For All Ex
Service Men," which is a combination
of information sheet and reinstate
ment and conversion blanks, the lat
ter to be filled out, detached and mail
ed directly to the Rureau.
Regardless of how long a service
man lias been discharged or how long
his insurance has lapsed or been can
celed, he may reinstate his War Risk
Insurance at any time before July 1,
1920, or within eighteen months after
his discharge, ifthat be n later date,
and upon payment of only two month
ly premiums on the amount of insurance-he
desires to reinstate, with
a satisfactory statement of health.
Dally Thought.
Tts Imppy for him that his father
was born before him, Swift.
' I
IB&&s k J3StLfe