amsL & RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I i. Y i PE-RU-NA and M AN ALIN Cured Me Mrs. E. M. Harris, R. R. No. 3, Ashland, Wis., sends a message of cheer to ihe pick: "After following your ndvlco ana uslnp I'oruna and Manalln, I Trim cared of catarrh of the noer. throat and atomach, from which I had BuiTerod for errrnl year. when I commenced taking Fe runa I could not mako my bed without stopping to xtU Now I The Right Way In all cases of DISTEMPER, PINKEYE INFLUENZA, COLDS, ETC. of all horses, .brood marcs, colta nnd stallions is to "SPOHN THEN" on the tonguo or tn tho feed with SrOHN'S DISTEMPER COMPOUND Give tho remedy to all of them. It acts on tho blood nnd glands. It routs the dlseaso by expelling the germs. It wards oft the trouble, no matter how they are "exposed." A few drops a day fircvent those exposed from contrnct ng disease. Contains nothing Injuri ous. Sold by drugglBts, harness deal ers or by the manufacturers. CO cents and $1.15 per bottlo. AGENTS WANTED. SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY. GOSHEN, IND. A Tramp's Reply. "Hnve you no frlomls?" "No, ma'am; I ctiniot afford luxu ries these days." .l.H,mHMHM HMIMIIMH HIIMHMMII, MMHMIIIMtniltHIMMUMIIIIIt WOMEN! DON'T Say You Want "Diamond Dyes" No Other Kind! Don't Spoil or Streak Your Material L HMi,IMMHHI,lltlMMIHIIIIIIMIMMMMIIItMIHIHItlMIHIMIIIIMIMI ' Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that any .woman can diamond-dye a new, rich, fadeless color into worn, shabby' gar ments, draperies, coverings, whether ALL OF FAMILY NOT THERE Wow .Many of Spaniard's Daughters Were Missing Had ta Be Left to the Imagination. In Spain, and particularly In the province of Andnlusla, families nre so large that even Theodore Roosevelt would have been appalled. Hamilton Fyfe, tho wcll-.known writer, was touring Andnlusla on fiorscbnck one winter and spent the night In n fomhi nenr Los Dollchcs. At dinner over his hominy soup, Mr. Fyfe was nmnzed to see the multitude of daughters that the Inkcper pos sessed. "You have n fine, a very due fam ily of daughters there," he said. "Ah. Schor," said the Innkeeper, "we've been very unfortunate with our daughters. During n 1917 teirnl, the chimney fell In and killed nil hut eleven of them." Pleasure Missed. "01" said Mnrjorle as the desj-crt came on, "how I wish yoji hnd told me this morning, mamma, that you were going to have strawberries nnd cream for dinner I" "Why, what difference would tnnt hnve made?" Inquired her mother. "0, lots!" with a sigh. "I could have looked forward to It all day then." Economy mny be made a passion; though n passion entirely without thrills. For Every Home A table drink that refreshes, but leaves no after-depression Instant Postum Much used nowadays instead of coffee as a breakfast beverage because of ita similarity in flavor to coffee, but with entire absence of ill effect, since Postam "caffeine." Instant Postum is made quickly In the cup, with economy as well as con venience. Sold by Grocers Everywhere Mad by POSTUM CEREAL CO., Inc. ' BATTLB CRXBK. MICHIGAN aSflaawawaaWawJBBM aaBHMMUfenMj Catarrh of tie Nose, Throat and Stomach. do all my work nnd tun in Rood health. I recommend this vnlu able remedy 1o nil uuftorlnfr fram any disease of tbo stomach." Perana Ta Sold Everrnner Liquid or Tablet Form The Natural Place. "Where Is the best place to obscrvo the dog star?" "I guess It Is tho Lick observatory." BUY POOR DYE! wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect results are guaran teed even If you have never dyed be fore. Druggist bus color curd. PERFECTION NOT OFTEN SEEN Assertion Made That Not One Person in Ten Thousand Is Abso lutely Sane. Perfect health of mind nnd body nre both exceedingly rare. Not one "civi lized" person out of ten thousand Is perfectly healthy. Not one civilized person out of ten thousand Is perfectly sane. That Is to say, absolutely level headed In all respects, not attaching undue Importance to his own hobby, nnd with no prejudices against new Mens, able to appreclnte the other side of tho question nnd to change his Idens when he Is convinced that ho Is wrong. Sanity has been defined ns "the abil ity to accommodate oneself to ono'a environment." Not n had definition. Those who decry ' tho mnnners nnd customs of other races or people, merely because they are different from their own nre not entirely sane. Loi Angeles Times. Its Fitting Kind. "Jim said when he went outdoon this morning, he saw a snake called nround tho gnrdon hose." "Of course, it was hardly nccesjinry for him to stnte It wasji garter snuke." Anyone can make predictions though few can make them stny pre dicted. An explanation works well so long ns nobody nsks questions. MAKING MILK DISEASE-FREE Thriving Vermont Municipality to First Small City to Adopt I Strict Regulations. Bnrre, Vt., n thriving municipality of nbout Ifi.OOO. Is the llrst small city In the United States which requires dairymen furnishing It with milk to place their herds under federal-stnto supervision for the eradication of tuberculosis. The result has been ac complished by close and persistent co operation on the part of the mayor nnd other municipal nutliorltle.'t, tho United States department of agricul ture, tho state commissioner of agri culture, the local veterinarian. Eradication of tuberculosis was be gun In n thoroughly systematic man ner. The regulations of the federal bureau of nnlmr.l Industry nnd of tho state commissioner of agriculture wero supplemented by n city ordinance. Tho city provided at Its own expense a large barn, In which were assembled Biisvx' n xs The Sort of Cow Condemned by Dairy Experts. nil smnll herds, scattered lots, nnd In dividual cows. The city also fur nished necessary conveyances, and employed n man who devoted his tlrao to notifying owners when to bring their cnttle in for test, assigning them stalls as they came In, nnd keeping tho cattle moving out promptly after tests wero completed. Two hundred and sixteen herds, composed of 2,107 Individuals, wero tested, nnd 379 reactors 17.0 per cent of tho total were found. Those re acting to tho test were promptly shipped out nnd slaughtered under fedcrnl inspection. Among the lnrger cities whose milk Is obtained entirely or chiefly from tuberculin-tested cattlo that have pnssed f?deral and state tests nre Birmingham, Aln., nnd Washington, D. O. In addition, numerous others hnve ordinances requiring the tuber culin tent applied under local super vision. ' PROPER MANAGEMENT OF COW Ration Should Be of Such Kind That Animal Will Bo In Good Flesh on Freshening. During tho dry period, tho cow should be given a good ration so that sho will be In good flesh when sho freshens. This will Improve the qual ity ns well ns tho quantity of tho milk. Just before freshening the grain ration should not he too heavy and should contain plenty of bran. "Tho bowels should bo kept well regulated. If necessary, one to one nnd one-half poundw of Epsom milts mny be used as a drench. Tho cow should havo n pe riod of rest of four to six weeks tn order to give the best supply of milk during tho period of lactation. GOOD COWS ARE ECONOMICAL Animals Provide Cheapest, Best and Most Wholesome Feed No Way of Doing Without Them. Tho first reason for having good milk tows on tho farm comes from tho fact that they provide tho cheapest, best and most wholesomo food for tho family. Their value Is hard to esti mate when wo consider the amount saved on the bills. Their produce Is a nuperlor substitute for many foods necessarily purchased at high prices. In fact, there Is no economic way of doing without plenty of good milk cows on the farm. SILO HAS MANY ADVANTAGES Owner Can Carry Maximum Number of Cows and Supply Necessary 8ucculent Feed. The farmer who has a silo can car ry a' maximum numher of cows and supply his herd with a pnlntnlilo, suc culent feed of n uniform quality nt any time during tho yenr, conditions favor able to a large milk production. DAIRY NOTES "I Uso clean bedding'only, In selecting n sire attention must ho paid to tho uverngo typo of fcmnles in tho herd. Tho old country breeders wero very careful In tho females selected to re plenish their herds. . Improvement of tho herd comes through tho sire. Therefore, mnko euro you get a right good one. A good-sized barrel In a dairy cow Indicates largo enpneity for digestion. Thero should be a good spring of ribs. w,m .&aK'. .- uw 3 V. V &lrrJWKx -J J Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freeione costs only a few cents. ' ft N3 With ,our lingers 1 You can lift off on.v hard coin, soft corn, or corn be tween the toes, and the hard skin cal- J luses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Kreezone" costs little at any drug store; apply n few drops upon the corn or callous. In Bluntly It stops hurling, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or cal "lous r'ght off, root and all, without one hit of pain or soreness, Truly I (No humbug I Adv. Memorial to Norsemen. Nearly live centuries before Colum bia sailed to America, according to st ne historians, n party of Norsemen lauded on the noithcnstcrn coast of the continent, and a few years later established a colony. As a memorial to thei early exploreis a rough stone tower bus been erected at Auburndale, Mass.. a town that Is believed to oc cupy the same site art the legendary settlement. Investigation has failed to reveal any traces of building ruins In the vicinity, hut has resulted In the finding of several old stone walks, which are thought to have boon con structed by the Inhabitants of the an cient village. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local npplli'iitloiis as they cannot rcuult tho diseased portion of tlio cur. Thoro Is only ono way to euro Catarrhal DcafncBB. nnd that lu by n conHtlUitlonol remedy. HALL'S CATAnnil MKD1CINR acts through tho Blood on the Mucous Surfaced f the System. Catarrhal Deafness) Is eftUBcd by an Inflamed condition of the mucous unw& or tno wusiacninn iuuo. When this tubo Is Inflamed you havo n rumbling sound or Imperfect hearltiB, nnd when It Is entirely closed. Deafness la the result. Unless tho Inflammation can bo re duced and this tubo restored to Its nor mal condition, hearing may bo destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which Is nn Inflamed condition of tho Muroim Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catnrrhal Deafness that ennnot be cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. All DniKRlsts 75c. Circulars freo. P. J. Chenoy & Co., Toledo. Ohio. The Birds. "Those birds lly over here to feed. Their sleeping place Is many miles away, but they ivturn every night." "I see. They commute." Louisville Courier-Journal. Cutlcura for Sore Hands. Soak hands on retiring In the hot suds of Cutlcwrn Soun, dry and rub In Cu tlcura Ointment. Remove surplus Ointment with tissue paper. This Is only one of the things Cutlcura will do If Soap, Ointment nnd Tnlcum ure UBed for ull toilet purposes. Adv. Golf has tlu mlviintiiKo of keeping one In the open air without ufflictliiK him with chlKKurs. Snowy linens nr tho pride of every housewife. Keep them In that condi tion by using Red Gross Bull Blue In your luundry. 5 cents at grocers. When you hear a man praising his neighbors It's doughnuts to fudge he wants to sell his home. Bfrt flnntenM 15PluidI)faohm1 '!""WlT?f"fiW kl'le'fJeTll'rrSS rmmimmmmmu nil ira: ' . .i'iiAnMndnnl j TitcrcDj'iTomouiivu.jjv---, tn. ..(nn.cnnHnMtConUlflil n,o nnirtm.Mornhlncnw Mucml.NoTNAncoTic t- ...m nV2 JbxJuL't&Jt I Vjttf JVptrmtrJ JUtlM m (fcioHttttSM Him j' hvnr m r lr,Nf AlicllHUlltcmBujiM 2 ."aS3BS f tSSriti m restilUni ihcrcfromjnlnfa j ItCCIIH JlibMi m rac-SlmileStfnotureoi: ss IHibJ CS.!1! Tiir. CENTAUn COMPAQ MRS eS.CJ NEW W--js I Exact Copy of Wrapper. mBPEEmmSi SV irn "ll1" IN BUYING ASPIRIN ALWAYS SAY "BAYER" Look for the name "Bayer" on tablets, then you need never worry. "llayer Tablets of Aspirin," can be taken safely for ColtW, Headache, Toothache, Ka'.ache, Neuralgia, Lum bago, ltheumatlsm, Joint Talus, Neuri tis, and I'alu gtucrnlly. To get quick relief follow carefully the safe and proper directions in eaclt unbroken package of "Huyer Tablets of Aspirin." This package Is plainly Mumped with the safety "Iliiyer Cro.W The "Ilnjor Cross" means the gen uine, world-famous Aspliln pn scribed by physicians for over eighteen years. Handy tin laaes of 11! tablets cost but n lew ct'iits. Diugglsts also sell larger "llayer" packages. Aspliln is the trade maiU of ltuer Manufacture of Monoacelleaeldester of Salicylic uold. -Adv. It's a mean who will Siime In church and keep the others "wake. Sure Relief iBUVKHV w&3 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief B LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION Women Made Young Bright cyc9, a dear skin and a body full of youth and health may be yours if you will keep your syotem In order by regularly taking GOLD MEDAL Th world's standard remedy (or kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles, the enemies of Hie nnd looks. In use since 1696. All druggists, three sizes. look for tlie name (.old Medal on every bos and tcceot no Imitation HI r iti ' -m Thou sawdsef Happy Housewives jwmss m WESTERN (flSSp TSBsaeWmC" rLmm?Ji' rZ yj juMim8me arc hclninc their husbands to orosner are clad they encouraged them to own sav paying rent couiu rca& prosperity ana independence by buying on easy terms. Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Acre --Innd similar to that which through many years has yielded from illi to 45 bushels of wheat to tha acre. Hundreds of farmers in Western Canada have raised crops In a singlo season worth more than the whola cost of their land, with such crops come prosperity, independence, good homes, and all the comforts and conveniences which make for happy living. Farm Gardens Poultry Dairying are sources of income 1 ' schools, rural telephone, etc., give you the Z?.C opportunities nt a new una witn tne con veniences of old settled districts. ForlHiutratadlltcratar. map., dracrlptlon of rarin nnnonuniin-a in W. V. tosa 4, Bee a Canadian k Children and Albra, reduced railway ratea. ate., write Department of Immigration, Ottawa, Can , or k VIP h HttttEwa&A R' Az:1V-ro1 '" IWV Ul Special Care of Baby. That Baby should have a bed of its own all are agreed. Tet it is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use -a man's medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of thac same infant. Either practice is to be shunned, neither would be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases. Your Physician will tell you that Baby's medicine must be prepared wiih even greater care than Baby's fcod. A Babys stomach when in good health is too often disarranged by improper food Could you for a moment, thn, think of giving to your ailing, child anything but a medicine especially prepared for Infants and Children ? Don't be deceived. Make a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is do abnormal that the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily prepared for grown-ups. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY DOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Ctzc TH CSNTAUn COMPANY. NSW YORK CITY. IflV BUTTER S.sOfc UUI 1112 15th Street it. a Joy, Prop. Denver, Colo. Buys for I butter r,i EGGS Oastl CREAM PRODUCER TO CONSUMER Nebraska Directory 7 PER ANNUM TAX FREE nm Lincoln Tpli-t'Iionr & TVIegrnph Com tinny, Lincoln, Ni'h , Ik offcrlnit to InvnMora nt mr, J100 t"r Minr, coiiin nf lln titi-f rcn 7 Btnck Hint linn luilil uu.irtcrly illvlilcriila for tliu pniit 11 rarx. Thin In n pnfi nml run venlrnl Itnentrni'M. Uirrlc fur illvlilcmU li. in iimlliMl tn our nildrcsi for II 76 jr 1100 Hlinrc In Jnnunry, April, .luly nml Oc tober Kor Informiitlon or fur nlmrcK of MooU n del rem U. P. IUikid-II, Hrcy, Lincoln Trie phono A Trleirniph Company, Telcphoi illi'tf.. Lincoln. Nob. KODAKS Developing, Printing and Enlarging Lincoln Photo Supply Co. (Kiisttmtn Koduk Co.) Dept. K. 1217 O St. Lincoln, Nob. PAINT "UP i BUY ' Bradley & Vrooman House Colors for the House Sold in every 'own Write for color scheme WESTERN GLASS & PAINT CO. LINCOLN, NEB. 'ircMftritfKiHfl '-7-I&31VI - m-TVKVM.HDHHBWS. 1 B) UBTT"1M B"" SANITARIUM SULPHO SALINE SPRINGS Located on our own promises and used lu tho Natural) Mineral Water Baths aft--.. .u.- ...1 1.. 4 eVtatf.n .a era 9 n4V UUbUrpubbVU IU uiu HtuHUBin u. a RHEUMATISM llcurti Stomneh Kinney ana Liver Diseases Moderate eharges Address DR. O. W. CVERE rT. Mar. 14th and N Ste. Lincoln- Neb -O 5k1 VeTJiS .sk a am. m m tksaw m J8wkrdm sSaSS'a'&R Ple. -E3Za U &w $ W go where they could make o home of their and reduce cost of living where they second only to grain growing and stock raisins. uamuxia. auK.tcn.wan. BENNETT Bldg., Omtht, NS. Government Agent Cry For Signature of M-fA "if fW..'n l -f VV e-w . iwfvnn ' - U-XL.JTMl.V.'l!riSiJV-lCl. JfP'", TTBr TfM:gfff'l Bfcy!r tf smmKm -Nrs Zvi iBwSB!wl ?&ttn5X: rXm2y4ry TmmPFmW E&22jj$M tUa,-JMaja a, . zxtmnu: -jtmw' NrHi 100 f aaeJBtfiaajBiajpfaesj