The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 27, 1920, Image 1

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A Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For 51.50
The Latest Jazzes .
by the
1 Greatest
on Columbia Records
v P ff &
iThe greatest dance organizations in the
country make records for Columbia exclusively,
They play all the best and latest dances with
such perfect rhythm that they are sure to
make your dances a success.
Work That Satisfies
Whether you have a Portrait
made, or bring its a film to
finish or enlarge, our aim is to
We want Your Work in all
lines of the photograph business
and you- zvill find our work
Over Smith's
Shoo Store-
Jhe Gleason Studio
The Big Three
In order to measure up to
the demands of the buying
public of today any piece of merchandise must
give satisfaction in every way. If it does not Jt
is stricken from the list of desireable merchandise
The goods we handle possess this QUALITY
The service we tender our
patrons, even to the 'kiddies'
is known to all. Our aim at all times, is to give
you wants very prompt and careful attention.
PfifTfik The Pnce s n8ure as lw as 'l
ICC it is possible to make it when '
you consider that our merchandise is the best
the market affords. You are protected not only
by our .years of successful grocery experience,
buj also by our guarantee of your satisfaction.
P. A. Wullbrandt
Groceries and Qua ens ware
Masons Elects Officers
Charity Lodge, No. 5!J, A. P. &, A.
M., mot last Friday evening and elect
ed the following officers for the en
suing year:
F. J. Grico W. .M.
H. S. Foe Senior Warden.
W. D. Kd.son Junior Warden.
E. L. Grimes Treasurer.
D. P. Perry Sect ctary.
The enter apprentice degree was
conferred on a candidate by J. W.
The following is the Memorial
Day program to be given in the Besfco
auditorium, on next Sunday, May
aoth, at 11 a. m:
Anthem Chorus
Prayer Rev. J. L. Beobc
Solo . . . ...Mrs. H. C. Gellatly
Scripture Reading
Anthem Chorus
Addreas Rev. Ht W. Cope
Benediction Rev. V. M. Harper
The following is the Decoration
Day program to be observed next
Monday, May a 1st:
1:30 P. M.
Parade will form on comer of Web
ster Street and Fourth Avenue. All
soldiers of Civil, Spanish American
and World War, Boy Scouts, Red
Cross will march in a body to ceme
tery where they will decorate tlic
0:00 P. M. Besso Auditorium'
Song Chorus
Song Young Ladies' Sextette
Reading . S. B. Kizer
List of Deceased Soldiers
Address S. R. Boyce
Gettysburg Speech
Song ..... . . Chorus
Song Young Ladies' Sextette
Star Spangled Banner
England's famous Contralto
Hesse Auditorium, Red Cloud
Monduy, May 31st-
Gertrude Culbertson Bell at the piano
Voce di Donna (La Gioconda)
-.. Ponchiclli
The Last Hour W. Kramer
Possession . dough-Leigh ter
The Bitterness of Love S. P. Dunn
Butterflies Linn Seiler
Mon coeur s'ouvrea ta viox (Sam
son & Dalilnh) ... Saint Sacns
Invocation to Eros Kur&teiner
Her Rose Whitney Combs
Monotone . Cornelius
Spring Hildach
Indinn songs arianged by Thurlow
a. Her Blanket Nawao
b. Wounded Fawn . ......
Chcyene Medicine Rye Song
c. From an Indian Village Blackfoot
d. Serenade Sioux
e. By the Waters of tMinnclonka
. Sioux
Lassie o'Mine E. S. Walt
Cupid's Garden . . .
English Folk Song (Sonorset)
Ballynurc Ballad Irish Folk Song
Lezzie Lindsay Scotch Folk Song
First PhotoTfayTthe
Auditorium" Next Week
T'.ie new equipment for the Besse
Auditorium bus arrived and the maim
gar, O. L Atkins is having the same
installed. This equipment Includes the
Tory latest screens and two Into model
picture machines. Mr. Atkins slates
that they are the very best to be had
and all the equipment Is an exact dup
licate of what in used in the theaters
of Chicago and New York,
Be expects to have all details Mulsh
ed and ready for opening' Tuesday,
Juno 1st. "Soldieis of Fortune," a
big special feature, Is the picture that
has boon scleotud for the opening en
gagement. Judge Dungan, of Hastings, was in
the city Saturday morning and hold
a speeiul. term of district court at
which timo tho following cases wcte
up for hearing: Wm. H. Cloud va
Don Cloud et al, confirmation of sale,
deed ordered nnd distribution nwaid
ed in accordance with decree of par
tition; Clara Peters vs Elizabeth
Peters ct al. sale confirmed, dcd or
dered and distribution awarded in ac
cordance with decree or partition;
Red Cloud to Celebrate
At a meeting of the Chamber of Com.
nu'fe held Tuesday evening plans for
a I'oiuth of July celebration were ills
iMlStfd and It was decided that Red
Cloud would observe- that gleat da v.
The entertainment committee of this
club will be In charge of the making
of all nriangements, nd this matter
will bo given publlc'ty In the news
Now Is the time for evetyone to lay
their plans Make arrangements to be
with us that day, a n cordial iuvltat
ibn U extended to all.
To Our Subscribers
Ou and after tho 10th day of Juno
tho subscription ptice of The Red
Cloud Chief will be $'.00 per year pay
aide in advance. The ever increasing
coit of producing o newspaper labor,
ink, paper, type, etc. makes it neces
sary for us to make this additional
charge of GOc per year. The Western
Newspaper Union has twice in the
imst eight months raised the price of
stock und ready prints, with the third
mite scheduled for the tirst of June.
Although material and paper has
doubled in cost, and in some cases
trebled we are making an attempt to
meet this raise with i-nly a fifty cent
i icrease in subscription price.
4 Win Both Games
Rod Cloud base ball fans had a pretty
fair sample of what the local team can
produce on the diamond when they
really 6ettle down to the game in earn
est, as last Sunday they played a double
header and weie victorious in both
They met tho Bangert Bros, nine on
the local Deld and ti limned them !) to
4 in asercu-inning gHme, and the way
they were going at the finish would In
all probability have resulted In a much
higher score If the regulation nine
inning game had been plajed. They
were obliged to cut the game short
owing to their opponents failing to
reach hete on time and a game being
scheduled for four bells at Rlvcrton,
Herzog was on the mound and ably
demonstrated that his sense of touch
was as keen on the "pill" as It Is on
the Ivories of a baby grand piano.
Hardin of Lebanon took everything
that passed the batter as all good
catchers should,
A jmiiit to Rivertou in a car acted as
a stlmulent on tho boys amMvhen the
giimo came to a close there tho scoie
was 10 to 0 In Red Cloud's favor.
D.ilims pitched this game with Hardin
While Lebanon may not be very en
tliuslastlcover Hardin's style of talc
lug them oil' tho end of tho bat, base
ball fans in this vicinity class him
among the good ones nnd wo hope to
soo him again adottied with the mlt
and mask.
Additional practice and less rag
chowlug was the lemedy preecilbedfor
tho locals about ten days ago, and ou
this specific thoy scorn to have flourish
od, as they showed u great amount of
Improvement and what's more the
boys say that they are going to increaso
the dose,
Give Our Jewelry
Recount your own treasures' that your
heart holds dear a Watch, a Pin, a
Ring and you will give lasting presents
to those of whom you are fond.
JEWELRY is the thing to give
Our store is the place to buy it, because
you can absolutely depend upon the
Quality, Style and price of any piece
you buy from us.
Your Satisfaction or
Your Money, Back!
Red ciouj Jeweler and Optometrist
Red Cloud Post No. 238, American
Legion, extends a coulial invitation
to all tho ex-soldiers and sailors of
tho community to join them and at
tend tho Memorial services on next
Sunday morning at 11 oclock at the
Basse auditorium, nnd also to tuin
out on Monduy afternoon at 1:H0 and
inarch with the G. A, R. to tho ceme
tery. As Memorial Sunday and Decolla
tion Day comes but once n year you
should show your respect for the boys
who lost their lives during tho lute
war and also in honor of th G. A. R.
Wear your uniform, if possible, on
both occasions.
DR. R. S. MITCHELL, Commander
. A. n. McARTHUR, Adjutant
Red Cloud Post No. 238.
The American Lesrion will meet
1 Friday evening at 8 o'clock in the I.
O. O. F. hall and all the members aio
urged to attend.
Attention! Men!
We now carry a guaranteed line of working
man's wearing apparel. You should not buy
until you have inspected this line of goods.
You know our record of giving customers
HIGH QUALITY in all lines of merchan
dise and at the very LOWEST PRICES.
We offer you the following:
Work Shirts
Work Socks
Leather Gloves
Canvass Gloves
Leather Faced Gloves
Handkerchiefs ?i
Dress Socks
For the Boys
Farmers Union
J. F. Edwards, Mgr. Red Cloud, Neb.
Ve wautjto tip our hat to those boys
behind tho Red Cloud oil project.
Tlii-v am il I7I1I11H hunnli nf hhii'Ik.
( Nothiug seems to detor their ardor for
puttlug that Red Cloud well down to
itho Ik"iOo foot level. Thoy have met
tflth reverse after rovoiso but they
j light gamely on and wo ate hoping and
trusting that their eirortt will be
'crowned with reward in abuudarioe,
Such game follow-s, ought win or thoro
isn't suoh a tulgg ot due reward to the
, fatthful.-Jiluo BUI Leader - '"'
E. S. Gerber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
FumistoYowthe Fixtures
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