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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1920)
Vfr RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I r fi k ra 4. I m E V 53P c WRIGLEYS Bright eyes, rosy cheeks arid red lips come from good digestion, Wrigley's Is a delicious aid to the teeth, breath, appetite and digestion. fftfmafl Lz I i & jl1.1 Sealed Tight Kept Right II nn. PERFECT GUM TP s.TMvMjm i v..; jflilE'iKCTlSlI p V IkhI!I!III ni in hi I" ! mm 14 m m jiimjn If '! k SSSE & VXlT l7'JmnrL T"'"''Ml"q'''i' iMnt.iwM J1 tSSSSSSt PERU'S DRIFTING SAND DUNES I Plateau Shelf Has Strange Crescent Shaped Formations That Ars Packed Hard. As one makes tho ascent of the Anrtes from tlio Pnclflc port of Mol lendo. Porn. following the lino of the Southern At Peru railway, tho climb to the divide Is broken by two great steps or wldcspreadlng shelves of des ert or pnmpa, On the first of these steps, .about two hours' steep climb from tho sen, nnd nt nn altitude of from four thou sand to live thousnnd feet, nro locnted the famous drifting and hills of Peru The plateau Is here nbout twenty mile's wide, the nlr thin nnd dry nnd no trnro of vcpetntlon to bo seen, only these gigantic crescent-shaped sand dunes dotting the patupa as far as Hie eye enn se. Composed of fine gray cryslnl snnd. they gleam white against tho brown of the desert, nnd their horns point toward the prevailing south wind of this region. They are from fifteen to twenty feet In breadth across tho thick part of tho crescent nnd some times one hundred feet from born to horn. So tightly Is the sand packed that the feet of the horse's or mules make little Impression on It. The CheeHul Optometrist Patient Mr headache Is not any bet ter, doctor. Doct'Mr-DId you report to the eye "llnK iis I told you? Patient Yes, doctor, I went to the eyo clinic nnd the optimist said I was till rlfrflt nltlinllf.1l lin fllll nti nvnmltin my eyes. Journal of tho American Medical Association. No Prohibitionist "Don't you think James has a great deal of dry wit?" "Yes, but 1 would llko moro spirit Vj It." A man can make or lose n, fortune frhllo two women nro saying goodby to each other. AFood That Builds Grape A staunch food made of wheat and -malted barley; ready to eat .easily digested, and full of sound nourishment For those who "work -with brain or brawn there is no better breoklast or lunch Hian Grape-Nxlts'teere5aieesQi7, Sold bv Grocers (I Mad by Postum Cereal Co, gk . w M1 ffljg naiMMfi tcnc & COULDN'T FORGET THE GREEN Mrs. Flnnolgan's Neat Expression ot Loyalty to Her Native and Her Adopted Land. Mrs. Flanntgnn for yenrs has proud ly exhibited from her front, window n row of geraniums, In pots 'wrapped In bright, Irish green crepe paper, says the Indlnnnpolls News. But tho other dny when her neighbor, whose son was In Franco for severnl months, pulled bnck her window curtain nnd revealed her flower pots, decorated In red. white nnd blue pnper, Mrs. Flnn nlgan was visibly troubled. She wor ried and worried. It Is quite hard to ho loyal to two countries at tho same time, yet Mrs. Flannlgnu desired to be so. Then one morning her wldo Irish smile cnine hack to her face. And passers-by snw In tho Flannlgnu front window n row of flower pots brave In red, white and blue coverings nnd every covering wns tied to the pot with n wide hand of green ribbon. Wild Beasts' Toll In India. Not n day passes of your own Ilfo but somewhere In India some r0 peo ple have died through the action of wild beasts. It Is not to be suproscd that efforts ore not made to destroy these monsters. Standing rewards nro offered by tho government for tho killing of all the more dangerous types. But so wild and Impenetrable nre their sanctuaries that It Is linposslblo to do anything except to keep their number within bounds in tho more populous territories. A War Lesson. "Sponelelgh borrowed $20 from me this morning, but I didn't mind letting him have the money." 1 "Why not?" "1 noticed thnt ho Jotted down tho amount on a scrap of paper." "I thought It generally understood thnt n scrap of pnper signifies an obll. gatiou that won't be met." Some men's Ideas of reciprocity are rather one-sided. -Nuts i"S-'l Inc., Battle Creek. Michigan.. . mMMMHad 1 rim wmmmm4 I !! illnilCrWr Me ,. m 1 'a rooo " M W4"WMS BANDIT FIGHTS 0 INTHEATER Robs Bank of $20,000 and Seeks Refuge In Deserted Movie. CRAZED FROM DRUGS Makes Last Stand In Orchestra Pit and Shoots Police as Fast as They Appear Bullet Finds Him. St. Louis. A bandit killed one po lice ollleor, seriously wounded three others and himself was killed when he held up nnd robbed the Knston l'nyjor Trust company here of SUO.OOO. The bandit, carrying it revolver In each hand, entered the hank shortly after three o'clock. There were 18 customers In tho bank and he herded them and the employees In a private room and began firing tho revolvers. A riot call wan sounded, nnd 50 po licemen, heavily nrmed. responded. The bandit obtained the $20,000 from Louis I- Schneider, the, cashier, nnd sought refuge In nn adjoining thea ter which wns empty ut the time. Bottle Lasts Twenty Minutes. The police surrounded tho theater. The bandit used the orchestrn pit from which to shoot and would rise over the top of It nnd Arc as the pa trolmen entered. The battle lasted nearly 20 minutes. Crouched In the pit, he waB hidden In the darkness, while tho policemen were silhouetted against the light as they entered. rollccmnn Terrence McFnrlnnd was 6hot through the henrt nnd died In stantly. Patrolman Clnudo Adams wns ihot In the nbdomen. The wounded nre Sergts. William McHenry nnd Michael Flavin nnd Pa trolman Claude Adams. Patrolman Otto Glaser wns wounded slightly by a bullet from n policeman's revolver. Police said the man's conduct indi cated he w'ns crazed from drugs. The money was found concealed In his clothing. Opened Fire at Once. John It. Lanlgan, president of tho bank, told the police Uie man began firing as soon as he entered, and that one of the bullets passed through his hair. Several women fainted. The Fire as the Patrolmen Entered. robber wns shot In the face so bndly thnt police said It probably would bo Impossible to Identify him. The dead bandit was Identified later as Frederick C Smith, nn electrician. According to Mrs. Minnlo Smith, the widow, her husband suffered conges tion of the brain In a ratlrond accident seven years ago. She believes ho was mentally unbalanced and called him a "model husband." MAN CATAPULTS SIX STORIES Just Grins and Rubs His BruUes When Spectators Rush to His Aid. New York. Charles Butter, a win dow cleaner, slipped off a seventh floor ledgo of the office building at 05 William 6trcet. After leaving the ledge his body performed a somer sault, so that his head was pointed downward during most of the Jour ney. As ho approached tho end of tho Journey he managed to bring his body to a horizontal position, Just as he crashed Into a skylight, cov ered with wire screening. Tlio glass broke, but the screen held. ISmpIoyces hurried out to ascertain tho worst, but Butter grinned and rubbed his bruises. MAN JUMPS INTO COKE OVEN Body Is Entirely Consumed In Minute by Intense Heat of Great Furnace. Colonial, Pa. All traces of the body of Michael Goodlsh, eighteen years old, a charger In a mlno of tho II. C. Frlck Coke company, here, were gone In less than a minute when he leaped into a llvo coke oven. Fellow work men saw merely n puff of smoko as tho young man entered the oven. Goodlsh Jumped from tho path of a runaway lorry and landed In the oven. 1- i i. .,..,.,. ..... ....,.. ....... "Diamond Dyes" Tell You How A Child can Follow Directions and get Perfect Results Kach package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple thnt any woman can diumoud-dyo u now, rich, fadeless color Into worn, shabby gar ments, draperies, coverings, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect results nre guaranteed even If you have never dyed before Druggist has color card. Adv. The War's Three Phrases. "They shall not pass," said the des peruto Frenchman. The Boche tide beat against him. Ho prevailed. "Carry on," said tho dogged Briton. Iln held, and history will say there was no telling how. "Let's go," said tho exuberant Yank. And go ho did, over and through nnd beyond. It took nil thrco phrases, In Clem enceau's phrase, to "make tho war,' and win it. Tho spirit that was In those phrases, and In tho men pollu, Tommy and doughboy who said them, did tho business. Stars nnd Stripes. Of Course Not. Diners nt a certain city restaurant ore gutting much enjoyment out of n warning sign recently placed In n conspicuous pluco behind the counter and reudlng, "Not rosponclblo for Wenrlng Apcarl or pacages." Baby's llttlo dresses will Just simply dazzle If Red Cross Ball Blue Is used In tho laundry. Try It nnd see for your self. At all good grocers, Cc. Laws of health are simple. They consist In not enjoying anything a Treat deal. V .. GRAND old "Bull" Durham. He belongs in this country's Hall of Fame. Can you think of a more familiar figure ? For over half a century Bull has been part of the landscape; the tobacco he represents has made millions and millions of friends. , You can roll fifty-thrifty cigarettes from one bag. GENUINE BullDurham TOBACCO i Tk BBaHcr If You Need a Medicine You Should Have the Best Havo you ever stopped to renson why it is thnt po innny products thnt nro ex tensively advertised, nil nt onco drop out of sight nnd nro noon forRottcn? The renson is plnin the nrticlo did not fulfill tho promises of tlio mntiufncturcr. This applies inoro particularly to n medicine. A medicinal preparation thnt tins real curntivo vnluo nlmost sells itself, ns like nn endless clinin system the remedy is recommended by thoso who have been benclitcd, to those who nro in need of it. A prominent driiKdist snys "Tnko for cxnmpio Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a preparation I have sold for ninny years nnd never hecitato to recommend, for in almost every enso it shows excellent re sults, nn ninny of iny customers testify. No other kidney remedy has bo largo n enlo." According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who have used the preparation, tho Mtccess of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot is due to the fact, so mnny people claim, that It fulfill nl most every with in overcoming kidney, liver nnd bladder niltnents; corrects uri nary troubles nnd neutralizes tho urio ncid which cnuses rheumatism. You may receive a sample, bottle of Swnmp-lloot by Parcels Post. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ilinphamton, N. Y., nnd cnclot-o ten cents; nlso mention this paper. Large nnd medium sio bottles for sale nt nil drug stores. Adv. Depends on the Angle. "Do you think you can got mo out of this scrape?" tho oil promoter asked his lawyer. "How much would It be worth to mo?" retorted tho lnwyer promptly. "Suppose wo say $1,0007" "And you made SHO.OOO out of the deal? No, sir. I don't see tho slight est chanco of getting you acquitted for $1,000, but ahem I wo might view the matter from nnother angle." "What do you mean?" "Looking nt your enso from a ?r,000 angle. I don't see the slightest cliunco of you to bo convicted." The Verdict. "Do you think my sou Is now rlpo for musical honors?" "BlpeV No, sir; he's rotten." Norver ncccpt nn apology for n ynwn. Go at once. THERE HE STANDS! Nebraska Directory -j -- g T-j- j-rf-, Vtfyyvy ,m AMTO ,f .,iW ' W'for TOURISTS -RUBUC Omaha U.S.A. L . . LV ." a " - vJWfc aiMTini SEND FOR UNIQUE CATALOG 7 PER ANNUM TAX FREE The Lincoln Trlcyhone A TeleRrniili Com pany, Lincoln, Nob., Is ofrln to inventors nt par, 1100 per shnrp. sumo of Its tux-frot 7 stock that has palil iiuiirttrly dividends for tho pnit It yearn. This In a snfo nnd con venient lnetmrtit, check for dividends bo In mailed to your udilresi for $ 1 T per $100 shnru In .lanuary, April, July and Oo tolier. For Information or for shares ot stoch address O. 1'. Iluniell, Hecy. Lincoln Tclo phono ft Telonrnnh Company. Telephon l)Mc Lincoln. Neb. IN OMAHA XShe Henshaw Hotel ICUllOl'KAN I'JLAN J. U, Roenan, Mrr. 11.60 WITHOUT BATn 12 00 1)1' WITUIIATU 16th nd Farnun Sta Omaha SANITARIUM SULPH0 SALINE SPRINGS Located on our own premises and Ubcd in tho Natural Mineral Water Baths Unsurpassed in tho treatment of RHEUMATISM llcurt, Ktomnch, Kidney and Liver Diseases. Moderate charges. Address DR. O.W. EVERETT. Mar. 1 4th and M SU. Lincoln. Nek. If a man will stand being petted his wife has no earthly uso for any, other pet animal. Roosters do n lot of crowing, but the) bens egg them on. TlaBia4LLLHJBLBJHLlBsiaaai Tfypj 'tVAWtCdltMMUX y 'it.'r2HfHlt-mnfi nmmwMmimMHW&fiZgb franOT,WMt tnj