FijV'sw&-' r iftft-V , l-N-sr- ,-'' red cloud, meifcMKA, osnr JJA- A-1" bl' Carpenter, Home Office Red 312 Improved half section adjoining Onlcley with 80 acres of wheat which nil goes to huycr, a bargain at $ 10.00 per acre. (Thomas County.) 315Ono of the finest sections in Thomas county, not n pimple on it, M'O acres in cullivnliui, fine two-story a Inrge loft, gQod grannies, chicken $40.00 nor acre. S7.500 cash, balance County.) 110 A fine secli n, three miles urovements. all equipped for liandiing House all modem, about 300 acres in nercs of fine wheat, nil goes to the buyer. Tills is an ideal all purpose lnrm and a beauty. Trice $37.50 per acre. 119 Half section, all fine, level 5n pasture, 100 acres) in wheat and it Good well and windmill, good shed barn, cement chicken house and granary ir 1E00 burhcls. Trice $32.50 per 110480 acres well improved, nice house and barn, lots of out buildings, good well and windmill. About 250 acres in cutlivation, the balance in pas ture. 200 acres of fine wheat, nil goes from Campus and in a good community. 50 per acre. (Govo County.) 15 Fino quarter of land two miles from town, 120 acres in cultivation, all level, good five room house, Bhcd barn for 12 head, good well and winmill. 40 acres fenced in pasture, rented for this year. Price $32.50 per acre. (Logan County.) 203 Tin's i a beautiful half section, close to Grainfield, not a blemish en it, 200 acres in cultivation. This in wheat. Price 827.50 per acre. (Sheridan County.) 2M- This' is without doubt one, if not the best, sections of land in tho county, about 6 ndlen north of Grinncll, nnd six miles from tho famous An gelus church, one of the finest in tho state; 480 acres in cultivation, 300 acres in wheat, one-fourth goes to the buyer; good granary, and fine well. Price $32.50 per acre. (Sheridan County.) 10320 ncrcs well located and 150 acres in wheat and 100 acres in pas ture, balance will bo put to spring crop. One-third of tho crop goes with tho farm. Nearly now 10-ro',m house, largo barn will hold 30 head of stock, hay-mow for about 20 ton of hay, good large granary, good well and windmill anil tank. Half mile to school. This farm is considered a bargain at ?60. 00 per acre on easy terms. Could give possession of tho land if necess ary. This farm is well located bewtcen two good railroads and two towns; eight miles from one town and six miles from the other. (Sheridan Coun ty.) The nbovo Htt is subject to prior sale or change in price without notice. Th&o are just n few of our special bargains. Wo have cheaper land, if interested write oi come and seen us. Carpenter, Son & Co. Office Over Stacte Bank, Red Cloud, Neb. asrraatiasratt Capital and Surplus $35,000.00 Intern! Paid on Time Deposit w THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florance, Cashier Dtjintitt auaiaitUtd by the Jiepotllort Guarunttt fund of (t Viile of XtbruUu mmrmwM WBBm HBflLH k. fciLJ 4dx$- $? .jmwMmmwzwmmfflMii& jMfmmm&Tmm vou shoma MMfMmmmwM'ml . . are so -7MiL. satisfying. First, CmPMmWmmm Camels expert blend fli'iKrj'i.Wf i:r,z.ti.v4 fn.w'fAw KflfJOTsWTLK; ODOMESTICVZW Son & Co. Cloud, Nebraska house of 1) rooms, big red barn with house nnd other out buildings. -Price five years at G per cent. (i nomas from Campus. $12,000 worth of im cattle or hogs, fine water system. cultivation, balance in pasture, 200 (Gove County.) land, 220 acres in cultivation, 110 acres nil goes with tlio place, all drilled acre. (Gove County.) to the buyer. This is seven, miles Possession any time. Price $37.- is strictly a German settlement. Half A WORTHY IDEAL Lincoln said: "I will be prepared and when my opportnnity comes I will be ready'1 HTO THE YOUNG MEN OF TODAY - HIS BANK oilers facilities to help tnem pre pare for the time when their opportunity arrives. But you must do your part by depositing regularly o portion of your earnings, We will guard it for you, pay you interest on it and whe the time comes that you need it we will have it ready for you. Prepate for the opportunity, it may come any day and you should he ready. It's a cinch to figure why WBmWmBk r i and choice Cdmala are nold everywhere in ncienlificallr aentti packaA of 30 crfi rod 1 lor 30 cent! or ten pcktHei t 300 ctttretto) in j)ine papt covered CMrlon, We tlrongly recommend Ihi carton for the home tr office eupply or when you t revel. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Wintton-Sftlem, N. C. Frank Cowden returned home Sun day morning from the western part of the state and also tho northern part of Kansas where he had been on business. - Referee's Sale of Real Estate. Notice It lii'rctiy ulvcn Hint uIickiih In thu notion pemlliii: In the District ( nnrt of Well filer County, wherein Willlnm . clotiil. mill Myrth ('. I'tutul nre ptnliill lis ninl lion l;. Cloud et :il.. nre defendants for the partition of the estate herelnnlter do Hcrll'i d n ih ereo of mild court has In encnter ed coiillrniiiiK theHlinresof the parties nnd illreclliu partition and a report of the referee ha hem made that n division of the land cannot eiiltabty be made and the court has approved Mich report and directed n milo of the preuilxis, NOW Tlli:ili:i"Olli:, I. Howard H. Toe. referee In xnld action, will on Monday May 10,, nt two o'clock p. in., at the south front floor of the. court limine In Ited Cloud, WulvUer County, Nchinstin. sell nt public miction to the blithest bidder, (or cash, the followlimdeticrlbiil real estate, tiiivll: Tins Northeast Quarter (N'W,) of .Section Twcnty-Hcvcn (!!7),Ti)wnNliliTvo (-) Mature Twelve (I!!) lu Welmter County, Nebraska. 'I be purchaser will be required to pay to tho referee at the time of the sain J 1 000 nnd tho remainder ol the purchase prlco upon con firmation of tho salu by the court. Sale will beheld open one hour. Dated April 7, lO, HOWAIUfS. KOK, Ucfcrco Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVER STATE. BANK REDCLOUD NEBRASKA Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST OfUco Over Albright's Storo Red Cloud Nebraska E. S. Garber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures The Margin of Safety Is represented by thoj amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself into a funded security. Because fire has never touched you it doesn't follow that you're immune Tomorrow -no today, if you have time and you better find time oome totho ollloe JatidJJwo'll write a policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise. LATER MAY HE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL R.elia.ble Insurance rmmannmrnm mr mm ell! . M &w know why Camels unusual, so refreshing, so quality second, of choice Turkish Domestic tobaccos which you'll certainly prefer to either kind smoked straight I Camels blend makes possible that wonderful mellow mildness yet all the desirable body is there ! And, Camels never tire your taste I You'll appreciate Camels freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after taste or unpleasant cigaretty odor I For your own satisfaction compare Camels puff by puff with any ciga rette in the world at any price ! Wild Lettuce is spreading fast In our city and bids fair to outrival the dandelion. Hoe it nut, We op it ftom ffoltur to seed iib well HHall other woods. Let us not give our visiters ths chance this year thoy had last or finding six fojt weeds within a block of Main street or within many blocks. Our city fan bi just ns clean and beautiful as any other if each will do his pint Again it is the tiuin of the your to light the dandelion. Tho host way to exterminate them is to remove and burn bln-shum and buds ' This i a method siiccevdmly e'mplfiyed lu other places. If not burm-d tho M-eds ripen and nothing has been aecomplihlicd. Th.t pliilit lives but two yeius. To guard your lawn against now plants ow good gtaus seed buveral times dur ing the Miiisou. Dandelions have a very poor chance in good blue grus. sod. MINISTERS NEED FREE HOSPITALS Survey by Interchurch World Movement Reveals Pulpit's Poverty. $1,242 HIGH AVERAGE SALARY F0RPR0TESTANTPREACHERS Cllnlcr. and Homco for Aged and In firm and Better Salaries for Pas tors Are Part of New Co operation Program. As j result of I lie I'umpulgu now being made by the lntercliurch World Mowiiii'iit the combined Protestant hurelies of America will provide many more hospitals, clinics mid liomes fur t lit aged and inllnn. An interesting fenlure of the.-e I'rotestunt 'iiillaN will be free treatment for .uliiKieis, as recent ' suneys made by ilie Iiilfi'climvh oriuiliitlnii have imde the need for special dlieiiMt Jons er obvlou. Tlie following start line fuels were lUuluejl a to the average salaries lu he various denominations.1 Sturtlm; a lib the, the nwrage for Kpls. 'opal ministers Is SI .'-'I-': the average 'or I'revb.Merliin (North), !SI,177; for be 1'nlted I'le-b.Merlans, SI.OlKi; for he Uel'oiined Chureh (I'Mitch), Si, 170; 'it the MethodNt EplM-opal (Ni.rlh). FI.17I5: C'oiigtvgiitlouiil, ."51,0 1'J, and for he liaptlsts, (Northern), .5i."i0. With government experts nnnounc ni: that SI ,.")() Is the lowest salary ipiui which a family can he decen'ly naliilulued and Miiru'cstliii,' hudets for nine lower. lulnNiers hae a dlscour iKing outlook. Such thluus as hopI al bills are uluiost Impossible to meet, mil yet every normal fatally has soinu llness lu lis midst every eui. Ac ordlugly the Interchiireh Movement, .vhlle on Its way to obtain higher uver iges In salurle.s, will a.ssist by provid ing free eare In its Institutions. PATROLMEN TO REPAIR ROADS To Keep Recently Constructed High ways In New Hampshire In Condi tion Many Men Are Employed. Within tho last ten years 412 miles of gravel roads have been built In New Hampshire nt nn average cost of $3,820 per mile. It Is clear that auto travel would ruin them In a short time If they were not maintained In good condition all the time. To meet this necessity several hundred patrol men are employed from tho last of March to the first of! December In patching every little run and hole that appears, in cleaning the ditches and culverts and in hpreadlng oil lightly over tho surface. Each patrolman has a section of road assigned to liltn and Is required to n one-horso wagon, a shovel, a rake, n drag and .such other equipment as Is needed for his work. If the road Is not oiled It is smoothed with the drag after every rain; oiled roads do not require fre quent dragging. The patrolmen are paid Jin average wage of S:j,25 tho day. In 3013 (Tie total cost of main taining these roads was S2-I0 tho mile. The road olllcers off New Hampshire reckon that well-maintained gravel roads cost about S2"0 tho mllo an nually less than any of the more ex pensive types of road for the class of travel on four-fifths of tho through routes in the fjtate. On one-fifth of these routes tho travel Is too heavy to bo carried by gravel and inoro expensive- construction is necessary; no amount of maintenance of a gravel road will make It strong enough to carry more than a certain density Ow travel, particularly where automobile? 'itfLuuwerousj Oil'icult Traneactlon. " "" When n man marries for money," ml M.-- ('ajtiiui', "you tuny expect , .mints from everybody concerned of having gotten the worst of the bar I i Buys Interest in Home Bank Chas. A. Waldo of Iuavale, former Uloomitigton boy and for .seveuil past yoarsa uieiehaut ill Iuavale, hs re cently purchased the interest in the P.irmera suite Hunk of this place whii'h was recently puichaaeil of I U. Montgomery bv Mr. Harvey of Supoi lor. Mr Waldo, v. ho is still in the uiiiicautiio bti-jiiR-s in Iuavale, Intends t ) come to lllooiuiugton as noon as he soils out Ids stock of goods, and take unlive put in the managoinciit of the bank, liioomhigtnti Tribune. Married Wednesday evening, April '23, at six o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Keigle, who reside five miles north east of Iuavale, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Elmii Maude and Mr. Ocorgo Kitchen Pitney. Kev. Clms. K Sc.hotleld. pastor of the Metho dlst church lu Inavalc, ofllclatcd using the beautiful and impressive ring cere mony. Leslie Uoigle, a brother of the bride, was best man and Geneva Har vey, cousin of tho groom, was bride'h maid. Norma Keigle acted as flower girl while Myrtle Maude Mayo, a name sake of the bride, carried the ring in a lily. Miss Hael Ovorleese played the wedding marriage. The bridal party stood in a bay window tastefully dc. corated lu plnlc and white with a buck ground or potted plants. At the dinner served iininediutelj following tho ceremony, plates were btid for fifty Ix guests The pink and white color bcheine was carried out in tho table decorations. The bride was the recipient of a large number of beautiful and usoful gifts. The groom is a sou of Mrs. Cora K. 1'ituey. Tho young couple will make their homo on the X. E. Uarvey tarm northwest of Iuavale. They have the best wishes of their many friends for many years of happiness as they begin life's journey together. Kansas Pickups Smith County Mrs. Relle Ilrown spout last week in Smith Center. desso Oreon and family visited with the Otis Price family Saturday evening. Miss Lois Lannigau is spending this week with friends in Smith Center T. S. apuriier and wife were Sunday visitots at the J. C. Peterson home. Mr. and Mrs. E. Freeman visited old neighbors ami friends in I'liiHipsburg Sunday. Mrs. Kay 1'pp spent a few days this week with her patent'., I). K. Orewell and family. Mis Lillian ll.mies is visiting her grandparent. Mr. and Mrs. U. Himu at .Smith Center. Austin Spurrier and family or I'.iu (Mk visited wltii their son Juuie.i and family Thuruday. , Ml-sps Tlielma and Lois l.antiigii:i and Sybol Lull vi-ited with Mrs Mel ba Abbott last I'liday. E. K. Spurrier and wife spent Thui ilny and Friday with Dr. II. M. Tweedy and family in Smith Center. Kobt. I.tinulgan and family and Earl Abbott and wife spout Monday even ing at the E. E. Spurrier home. Mesdamcs, E. E. Spurrier and H. V. I'ayne visited at the Henry Uarties home Monday. II.jt.ry is not getting along as well as wo would like to see him. Workmen are busy laying the con crete base on West Fourth Avenue. while the grading gang are busy work ing on North Webster street which is in paving district No. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shotwell and daughter, Margaret, returned to their! home in Omaha, Wednesday, after spending a lew nays witn jir. ami Mi. Bernard McNcny. The following shipped stock Sun day: Ed Rciher & Son, one car of hogs to Kansas City; Dclaney Bros., one car of hogs to Kansas City; J. E. Yo-t & Son, one car of cattle to- St. .Top; Wm. Crabill & Son, two cars of hogs to St. Joe. Tho following couples were united in marriage by Judge Ranney: May 2, Howard E. Denton and Miss Rutli Chaplin, both of Cowlcs; May 13rd, Raymond Tttmblin and Miss Elizabeth Blcvins, both of Wymore. The V. C. T. U. will hold A servico in memory of their formal iron dent, Miss Kll.a Cutting, at the lion o o " Mrs. (J. .1 Pope on Wednesday niter toon, May 12, at S:'I0. All members txvi urg ed to bo present and all frlenih of .Miss Cutting are invited. The everlasting trio husband, wife and nihility caused considerable ex citement in tho community Tuesday evening, whon a gentleman from Su peiior came to tho city and found bis wife attending the theater with anoth er man, when ho supposed that she was visiting hor mother in Omnha. Con trjSfy to toports no acts of violence were resorted to, as Marshall Phillips acted as chaperon while tho matter was discussed between the three, at tho home of tho wife in the south ward. The' mutter was brought before the at tetitlon of the county judge, but was continued over until such times as more evidence in the case can be produced. COURT PROCEEDINGS With District Judge Harry S. Dun gau presiding, the April adjourned term of court was convened in tills city on Monday and the following cases taken up and disposed of: Clark Implement Co. vs Win. Wal lace, ct al. continued for term. Ralph Roso vs Chas. Arnold, ct al, continued for term. Estello I.oMoind vs Frank LcMoiml, continued for tho term. John Zoff vs PlainvJew Ccmclory Association, permanent injunction de nied. Anna Wright vs Ivstn Wright, ct al, referee discharged. N. Herbert vs Walter Rhea, con tinued for term. Carl Cornelius vs Earl llruco, plain tiff given HO days to file petition. Gottlieb Sommerholder vs' Martha J. Heal et al, decree quieting title aa prayed for by plaintiff. Archie A. Boren vs C. B. & Q. P.. R., continued for term. Robt. Damerell. administrator of es tate of E. U. Overman, vs Mrs. John Morris, et al, decree quieting title as prayed for by tho plaintiff. Bernard McNcny vs Carrie Fry et al, judgment for plaintiff as prayed for except as to the interests of de fendant, Carrie- Fry. Frank Starr vs C. B. & Q. R. R., continued. Henry G Dicdcrick et al vs city of Red Cloud, continued. Wm. D. Hicks ct a! vs Webster county, demurrer for plaintiffs first cause of action over ruled; second cause sustained; defendant given 80 days to file answer. Application of F. A. Good, admin istrator of estate of John H. Matter, for license to sell real estate, order of court entered to show cause why license should not bo granted and tha date of hearing fixed for June 10th. Application of Robt. A. Richison, administrator of Jas. Richison, for li cense to sell real estate,, order of court entered to show cause why li cense should not be granted nnd the date of hearing set for June 19th N. W. M. Progressing Red Cloud Baptists made a splen did showing in the final evcrv-trcm-ber canvass for tho New World Cam paign fund Sunday when the.. made additional subscriptions, bringing tlie total for the local church up to $7:11.00. Tlie church's quoin was: $5,7-14.00 Reports on the final out come of the campaign were telegraph ed Sunday night to A B. Neweil, state campaign director, by P. P. Bentiey local cairtpnign director. A statement from state headquarters shows that Sunday was the greatest giving day in tlie history of Nebraska Baptist,. Never before have the membois cf tlie church gone down in their pock ets to contribute so generously to a Baptist campaign. During the day more than $200,000 were reported to state headquarters, and the grand to tal of the New World Movement sub- criptions up to date exceeds $600,000.- 00. As a result, Nebraska held her lead among the Ccatral Western states in the New World Movement campaign. "We are not over the top yet but tho great stat-' wide response by Ne braska Baptists Sunday practically insures the success of the New World Movement Campaign in tho state," said Mr. Newell in a statement Tues day, "I am confident that Nebraska will now complete her quota and will hold her high place in the Baptist det nomination" Inavale M. E. Church Notes Sunday, May Ji, 10:111) a. in. Sunday School, 7 p m., I'uiou Christian En deavor at the Christian church. Sun day, May 10 will be observed as Moth, er's Hay with a special evening berviee. DISTRICT 11 Sunday, May!), "Mother's Day". 10 a. m., preaching by Kev. Chas. E. Soho II .'Id. Theme, "Mothers, World Mak ers". Hominy School at 11 a. in. NEW VIRGINIA Sunday, Mar 0, "Mother's Day". 10::i0a, m , Sunday School. 11:30 a. ui., preaching by Rev. Chas. 13. Schofleld. Theme, "Mothers, World Makers". 8 p. m., preaching, theme, Tho Faithful Hod". Baptist Church Notes Sunday School at 10 a. in. Preaching at 11 u. m , by Kev. V, M. Harper The Lord's supper will be observed immediately after the sermon, Kov. I. W EdPon of Juniata has been here assisting in the World Move ment. Pledges have been fairly satis factory altho we havo not yet gone over tho top. This is a time of testing every christ ian who ib able to do so and does not contribute thru soino one of the or ganizations for the furthering of Christ iunity will place themselves among the slackers. If those who enn wheth or they are mumbcrs of any christian church or not and will not come to the 'aid of Christianity In this time of stress and opportunity were where Christian ity wrts unknown perhaps they would realize what Christianity has done for the world. fr I 1 .) n '' tf