brre- RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ! LP SECRETARY Units or tli(! Tank corps lit Ciuup Monde passing In review before Secretary of War linker, (loiu-ml March. Gen eral Ilutehoson, (ienorul I lines and olhur leading army men during the Held day maneuvers and Inspection. i. . SEA SCAVENGER FRIEND OF MAN Expert Says Sharks Can Supply Good Food and Fine Leather. FLESH HAS DELICATE FLAVOR Scientist Gives Some Interesting In formation About Fish Which Seems to Have Been Grossly Libeled Particular About Food. Now York. From time Immemorial the Rhnrk lias been considered as an enemy to man and a scavenger of the en. Ho IlllH been ntctiircil nu (lie cannibal of the deep, and In fiction nas been painted ns tho monster who lurks nbout the Ill-fated ship In order to devour the unfortunates who may have met their death In a pile or on the reef. We. therefore, for Koaora- Klons hnvo cherished an antipathy for this creature of the sea and have been very willing to accept as fact nil of these stories, never stonnlm: to con sider thnt perhaps after all the shark mlgnt have a few points In his favor. To begin with, the shark does not llvo exclusively on the flesh of man, nnyB Dr. Allen Holers of Pratt Insti tute. Brooklyn, In the current number of the Journal of Industrial and En gineering Chemistry of the American Chemical society. In fact, there are 'only u few snecles who would eat hu- inian flesh, even If It were possible for them to secure It. The principal spe cies considered a man eaten the tiger (shark, probably has seldom had the pleasure of this delicacy. Sharks, like 'all other tlsh, live on the smaller llsh, i X s s X X Boy Scout Saves Mother and Pet Canary at Fire New York. Klf teen-year-old Melvln IYtcrkln carried his mother, hysterical from fright, out of their burning home at (i! Pennington avenue, Woodhnven, Queens, and then, dodging past firemen, who would have Inter cepted him, rushed back Into thu blazing house ami saved her pet canary. The fire, which started at 07 Dennlnu'ton avenue, Ignited the roof of the adjoining building and was crackling fiercely In the attic when Melvln nwoke. He found his mother, Mrs. Herbert Peterkln, In the next room and shouted to hei to lice. She re fused. The boy argued with her until the celling started to sag. Then he picked Ik up nnd, though she Is twice his weight, bore her bodily to tho street. Then ho rescued the canary. The boy Is a member of Troop '2, Woodhnven Uiy scouts. ,4 SAYS WIFE Forced to Support Husband If Out of Job. Soviet Marriage Code Provides Prln- cipals Must Support Each Other. J.bndon. A llusslnn wife Is required to support her husband If she be able (to do so and he Is unable to work nnd In need of her support, under the mnrrlago laws of solet Itussla. A copy of this code, translated Into Eng llsh, has Just reached London from the Russian People's Commissariat of Justice. It provides that married persons Bhnll be expected to support each oth er. Should one refuse, and the other ho what Is classed as a "needful," un (fit to work, the latter has tho right to japply to tho department of social so (curlty to compel tho husband or wife, OF WAR INSPECTS TANK CORPS (bus upholding the proverb that the big fish eat the little ones. Sharks Devour Food Fish. Sharks travel In schools or singly ami are found most abundant where food tlsh are plentiful. They are es pecially fond of the mullet, menhaden, mackerel and sea trout. Thus It will be seen that they are migratory and at various seasons are found In differ ent waters. They are naturally warm water fish, which accounts for the large number to be found In the Gulf of Mexico, along the coast of Florida and the West Indies. Being rapid and powerful swimmers, they often follow ships for hundreds of miles, picking up food as It Is thrown over the side of the vessel. Thus their diet at such times Is not unlike that of our domes tic hog and poultry. It Is claimed by fisher folk that the shark will not eat unsound food, which shows him even more particular than our friend the porker. Why, then, If he Is so clean in his habits of life, should we dis criminate against him? Tho bureau of fisheries for several WALNUT IS Is Taking Place of Oak for Furniture. Dea Moines School Board Makes Interesting Post-War Discovery. Des Moines. Desks and furniture In many of the lies Moines schools soon will be of American walnut, and the school board attributed the change from ipiarter-sawed oak to walnut to tho war. The secretary of the board says be believes ho was able to get walnut because It was supposed to have become so scarce that everyone bad ceased to look for It. Incidentally, the walnut to be used lias a varied traveling history. It was originally cut and seasoned for the t'ulted States government for nlrplane propellers. It had been sold by the United Slates to France, and when the war ended France turned the wood back to this country. It was sold and resold several times and was loaded for shipment to Chicago when the school board started -out to buy quar ter sawed oak to build desks and fur niture. The oak, heretofore the standard for school furniture, was found to be too costly by the board of school commis sioners. A few dealers submitted prices around $1,10 a thousand board feet and did not appear overly anxious for the order even at that figure. It was then that the secretary of the board heard of the shipment of walnut and Investigated, lie was Im mediately given a price of $:('.'() a thou sand Teet ami bought $10,000 worth of It. Since that time the boaid of com missioners has purchased a considera ble quantity of unseasoned walnut to MUST WORK as the case may he, to pay support. Mutual consent of husband and wife or merely the desire of one or them to be freed from the other may lie con sidered as grounds for divorce. Local Judges are authorized fo hear divorce cases, but their decisions aie subject to appeal. The iiiutrlumnlnl age Is fixed at 1S for men and 10 for girls. Both must lie of sound mind anil mutually desir ous of marriage. Differences of roll glon or vows of celibacy are no impedi ment. Married persons may choose to bear the surname of the bride or the bridegroom, or of their Joint names. Marriages contracted In no cordanco with religious forms are not binding unless tho union Is registered under the prescribed form or ci so viet 1st marriages. Old forms of mar riage law, or, as It Is termed, "iho legalized forging together of men nnd women," are abolished. Under tho laws of succession In the years has endeavored to Interest the people In this country In' using shark meat as an edible product, with u cer tain amount of success. In fact, thatv species of shark known as the dog fish Is being canned In large uuntltlcs and sold under the name of gray llsh. Cer tain fisheries on the New England coast are removing the head, tall and litis and selling the product in Boston and New York as deep-sea sword llsh. Italians Eat 'Em. In Boston, also shark meat Is helng sold as such to the Italian trade, who nppreclate Its food value and enjoy Its delicate flavor. Why, then, should we not take a lesson from the Italians and ncqulrc the shark-eating habit? For the last live or six years the writer has been Interested In develop ing a method for converting shark skins Into a merchantable leather. As n result of this work several processes have been devised which have been assigned to a company operating fish eries In the south. A conservative estlmnte Indicates that for a catch of '-'.000 sharks dally, at an average weight of 200 pounds, there wouhl be -lOO.tKX) pounds of tlsh. As at least f0 per cent could he used for human consumption, wo would have UOO.(MK) pounds dally, or 71,000, 000 pounds annually. Assuming that the market price could be set nt 10 cents, we have a saving of $7,300,000. NOW CHEAP be made Into school furniture nt prices less than the seasoned wood cost. The school furniture Is made by manual training instructors who arc employed the entire year nround In tho schools, and In this way the cost of manufacture Is reduced to about one-hall'. Since It has become known thnt tho school board Is buying wnlnut, the sec retary of the bmird says, the price Is going up, owing to the Increased do. maud. WILD FOWL FROZEN IN ICE Trapped by Sudden Change In Tern. pcrature Hundreds Die in California. Chlco, Cal. Frozen Into the Ice on fSoosp lake, hundreds of waterfowl died In a recent storm and dozens of birds were found on the windward side of the lake so securely caked In Ice that they were helpless and could be picked up without resistance being offered. Large numbers of waterfowl wero attracted to the lake preceding the storm by a warm spell, but with the sudden drop In temperature mud hens, geese nnd ducks were trapped without a chance to escape, and they were soon covered with an Icy spray Into which they were frozen. Flying Cost Soars Higher. San Francisco. The high cost of flying went up a notch here. Companies engaged In commercial aviation published n tariff Increasing the price of ten-minute "sight-seeing" flights 1M per cent to $ B.riO and fix ing the price of the same period of "stunt" (lying at $'-'0. Increased cost of airplane parts, operation and upkeep was given us the reason. soviet code, none but the "needful" and the state may Inherit properly. The estates of emigrants and of rebels are subject to conlNcatlou by the state. MAN FALLS, LANDS ON GIRL Typist as a Human Cushion Saves Window Cleaner's Life on Trenton Street, Trenton, N. .T. Acting as a hiiuinn cushion, Miss llden Kugler, a pretty, young stato-hoife stenographer, pnib ably saved the life or Augustus .Mil lor, a window (leaner, when the lnt ter, while nt work on u second story window of an olllco building fell anil Inmled on the young woman as she was passing. Miss Kugler, with breath almost knocked out of her. fell Into the street and Miller hunted on his feet. The girl, except for being hndly shaken, was unharmed and was nhlo to go to (he stato house and finish her work. Miller's left foot was sprained and he went to a hospital for treat- NEWS OF STATE TERSELY TOLD Recent Happenings in Nebraska Given in Brief Items For Busy Readers. Overall clubs huc been organized by students In the schools of Itrrueslon. Work has begun on the Scottsbluff Kimball state and federal aid highway.' The Knights of Columbus of McCook plan to erect a new home to cost nbout Sltf.000. All North Platte dance balls now operate under license Issued by the Welfare Hoard. Farmers of Cage county are plan ning to sow a large acreage of sugar cniie this .season. All high school students at Norfolk are members if the newly organized Overall and Denim clulw. I iovernor MeKelvie bus Issued a procliniiiiiloii calling upon the people of Nebraska to observe .Monday, May 0, as "Mother's Day." The annual conference for touchers and those Interested In vocational edu cation will be held at the university state farm, Lincoln, May .'II to .Mine .1. A summer camp for Lincoln business women and working girls Is helm: planned by members ()f the Klwanis club. It win be held on an eight-acre tract at Mllford. Krlckson will Join with the farmers and ranchmen of Wheeler county in one big community or commercial club to work for the bettering of con ditions In the county. Thus far this .onr IM.'IO motor ve hicle licenses have been Issued to Ne maha county automobile owners. is estimated that more than .S'-M.OOO has been taken In from this .source, .lobn O'Connor, county assessor of I'odge c ty, bus adopted a method of advertising assessment returns in the newspapers In order to catch the lax shirker and i:iiullzo the tax bur den. .Miss I'.uimn Mcscrxoy of Fremont was selected by Dodge county demo crats us their nominee for state repre sentative. She was the only woman in the state to be iioinimited and If elect ed will be the llrst woman to sit In the legislature. It Is reported that the Sinclair Oil and Itellnliig company, the largest In dependent company in the country, Is seriously considering Alliance as the site for one of the largest refineries In the west, tn cure for Its large pro duct ion In Wyoming. Hall county sugar beet growers were given a pleasant surprise the other day when they received a letter from the American Bret Sugar company enclos ing a 1 per ton bonus for all beets they raised during the lust season. There was no obligation on the part of the sugar company to grant this bonus. One of the most unbpie gardens In Nebraska this year will he planted nt Stella by Mr. and Mrs. duy Harris, who recently returned from a trip to all Latin-Aiiierhan state. All the seeds were brought Horn Peru and Chile, and seeral of the vegetables that will be grown are unknown to the I'nited States. Eph .lohnsim, farmer near Uehllng, has sent to the soil survey department of the state university samples of lire clay taken from his farm for decision as to the prospects in commercial de wlopmciit. Two acres of farm land have a sub-soil of the clay, declared to be of excellent llro-roslstlng quality and great tensile strength. Old residents or I he Norfolk vicinity say that the rise of the Flkhnrn river at that point the past week was the highest in twenty .scars. The flood partially destroyed the Northwestern bridge, live miles west of Norfolk, mid caused thousands of dollars' damage to properly all along the river from north of Norfolk to points below Fre mont. The death of former governor Silas A. Ilolcomb In Hcllinghain, Wash., re calls, that in the past the years seven Judges and former Judges of the Ne braska siipienie court have passed away. They are: Conrad Ilollonbcck, .Tnnunry 1M, llll."; Mauniih II. Iloeso, September 'JS, 1017; Francis (. Humor, August 10, mis; Thomas O. '. Harri son. ,May 'Ji, ISMS); Samuel II. Sedg wick, December H.'i, mill ; Albert ,1. Cornish, April IS. 1!20; Silas A. Hol i ib. April 'J.", isrjo. Many families living In the south part of Norfolk were driven from their homes last week when the Klkhorn river overflowed and Inundated a large area of the city, While (ioNcruor MeKelvie was In Heat rice last week be discovered a deed to a half-mile of the south Jetty of the harbor at (inhesion, Tex. It Is owned by the Slate of Nebraska. Ileturn of Wjoiulng cut'lo and sheep from Nebraska ranges, where they have been feeding during tho winter, has already begun, according to re ports from O'Neill. It cost a Lewelleu man !.") In fines when he was found with fourteen muskrat skins In Ids possession unlaw fully. Th" Overall club movement has reached Nebraska and organizations have been perfected at Oinalia, Lin coln, Fremont, Norfolk nnd u number of other places over tho state. The total cost of the Hiram Johnson cnmpalgii In Nebrnska was $1,072, according lo u statement filed by (he Johnson campaign manager, in the olllco of the secretary of state at Lincoln. 'me Farmers' union or lumiin vicin ity has Incorporated for .?ur,000 ami will conduct a general store at Inman. Counly roads are nigh Impassable In enstern us well us western Nebraska, because of the continued rains, reports say. Dr. Calvin II. French of New York lias accepted the presidency of Hast ings college to succeed U." I. Crone, who resigned recently. Stock losses In the range countrv of western Nebraska, as the rc-hill of' the recent storms, were the heaviest In many years, reports say. On .May II voters or Scottsbluff will pass on u propositi,,), , M,n, u,0 ,.tv lo Hu. sum ,,r JSI00.000 for the purpose or constructing new school buildings. The iwenty-story American State "niils building to he erected at Omaha will be the largest structure between liicago and Seattle, it s said. In a light over the loc-ition or the new county court house between Co liiiHliiw and Platte Center, Columbus was selected by a majority of l.r.oo. I 'clayed by the spring rains in I(!, planting of .seed potatoes, Holt ( nt limners are guarding their cellars with shotguns against,,. nu.-s, ac cording to reports ft out O'Neill. -Mrs. Kllzaboth Donovon, !l years old, or (ienevn, Is probably the oldest woman voter in Nebraska to east vote at the recent primary election She went to the polls unassisted. The Omaha. Lincoln nn.t it..,.t,-i... Intel-urban will have lis Hue etended from University Place, a suburb of Lincoln, to Oniaba, during l!)il, ac cording to reports from Lincoln. Lancaster .ounty fan -s report that many fields of wheat have been hudly damaged by the eany spring winds. Where It was not damaged by the winds pnc.pects for a good crop are excellent. The Lincoln County Agricultural as sedation Is moving the fair buildings over to the grounds leased bv the asso ciation at North Platte. ' Thev arc planning to double their grandstand seating capacity. The posioihce appropriation hll which establishment of tin iransconiinentul nir mall route from New York to San Francisco by wu of Omaha, has received the otllcl'al slg nature of President Wilson. Six thousand head f sheep and ."00 bend of cattle were frozen to death In bllzards which swept western Ne braska while they were being shipped buck to Wyoming after wintering In Holt county, according to reports. Attorneys for O. V. Langley of Coitland. found guilty of murder in Hie second degree for slaying Justice Chris I'fclffcr and sentenced to '20 years In the Nebraska penitentiary, have dropped the ease and Langley must serve his sentence. Funeral services over the remains of Silas A. Holcomli, former governor of Nebraska, member of the Mule su preme court nnd state board of con trol, were held at Ilroken P.ow. Judge Holcomh died at the home of a daugh ter ut llellingliam, Wash. He was tt'2 years old. According to railroad crop reports Nebraska soil s in splendid condition for planting, and the winter wheat Is practically made, providing the iimimI warm weather follows. P.urlingion ex perls esilniate winter wheat, based mi a full crop, at U'2 per cent In eastern portion, .SS per cent In the central por tion. S!) per cent In the south and southeastern portion and OS per cent In the south-central and southwestern portion. movement Is well under way in Nebraska to erect on the campus or the Slate Fnivei-slty at Lincoln a S1,0(N),- on structure as a stale memorial to l he OO.oon Nebraska soldiers who fought In the world war, veterans of the civil war, the Spanish-Aiiierlcan and the Mexican wars and those who battled the Indians in the early days. The regents or the university have ap propriated the site and the organiza tion for collecting the necessary mon ey has been perfected nnd the drive la making good headway. A considerable stir has been created In Lincoln and especially among state olllclals over Lieutenant (iovernor Har rows pardoning Itay Sandlovlch, , of Lincoln, sentenced to the state pen itentiary for two years on June 1S1, WIS, for receiving stolen automobiles. Harrows' action was caused, it Is said, because the prisoner turned slate's evi dence, for which he was promised clemency by the prosecuting attorney and which was denied by the district Judge who sentenced him. (iovernor MeKelvie was in Chicago at the time and Harrows was acting governor. Motion pictures hnvo been Introduced lino the First Presbyterian church al St. Paul. The department of public works will start out three gangs of prisoners from the state penitentiary for road work, next week. The men will be assigned to work at Tecuiiiseb, in Seward coun ty, and ut Table I Sod;. Judge I'. A. Flaiisburg or Lincoln, who iho late Judge A. J. Cornish o the Nebraska supreme court had asked to have succeed him before bis death, has been appointed to All the vacancy b.v (iovernor MeKelvie. .Lincoln voters at the recent election gave the lighting bond Issue 1,000 ma jority. St. Paul has received a battery of artillery from the, government. It con sists of four howitzers of late model, They will bo parked in tho court house square, around tho soldiers' and sail ors' monument recently erected. A community library for Wheeler county hns been organized nt Hrlck son, books from' the prlvato libraries of county residents helng donated In HUfllclent numbers to start the lihrarj off with a large number of volumes. SIX MONTHS I GOULD NOT WORK Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Made Me Strong and Able to Work I Recommend It To All My Friends. Bayotlne, N. J. "I had paina in back nnd loga bo that I could not stand caused by femalo trouble. l felt so tired all tho time, had bad head aches, and for six months 1 could not work. I was treat ed by a physician nnd took other re medies but Rot no relief. A friend told me about Lydia E. Pinkham's V e g e table Compound and it has heined mn very much. I am well and Btrong and now able to do my work. I cannot thank you enough and I recommend your medicine to my friends who are sick." Mrs. SUSIE SACATANSKY, 25 East 17th St., Bayonne, N. J. It muBt be admitted by every fdr minded, intelligent person, that a medi cine could not live and grow in popular ity for over forty years, and today hold a record forsucn wonderful success as does Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, without possedsing great virtue and actual worth. Such med icines must be looked upon and termed both standard and dependable by every thinking person Friends of the Liver The liver is the regulator of health. If the liver is active and well, good health- ana nappiness prevail; but once you allow your liver to get I r m rwrraiM torpid and slug iwmicKa Run, life be comes a mis cry. Dyspep aia. Indiges tion. Hillnna. IUE IVPD PILLS n?39. Conqtlnattnn t1mAnUMm a .., ..... asjul you. rriultinn tn lack of energy, low of F,';!?0?, 'UI health: but remember Cart rr'a all liveVu's t0U ,he iverand w Snail PIU Small Dose Small Price DR. CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Nature' great nerve and blood tonic for Anenla, Rheumatism, NervousncM, Sleeplessness and Female Wealmei. Milieaulleirtlioilm S&tan&ttC Spilling the Beans. "Now that you have your divorce. ) suppose you have no further use foi Reno?" "fin the contrary," said the beautiful actress "I love Iteno and propose to make my permanent home here." And then her mother had to bawl down the staircase: "Dearie, when does the next train leave?" Louis ville Courier-Journal. Important to Mothorn Examine carefully every bottle of PASTOIJIA. that famous old romoilv of for lufants and children, and wee that It Hears tbo Signature of 6jJ&MJrfc, In Use for Over lib Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria. The Real Term. "I wrote up those athletic achieve ments from some magazine foot notes." "I should call then feat notes." There Is nothing more satisfactory after a day of hard work than a line full of snowy white clothes. For sucb results use Red Cross Ball Blue. Forget as many disagreeable things as you can. it tnkes an umbrella denier to BOfr the silver llulnu of a cloud. Why That Backache? Why he init-crablc with a bad back? You can't be iiappy if every bad day brings lameness: sharp, shooting pains nnd a dull, nagging nchc. Likely the cause is weak kidneys. You may have headaches nnd tlizzy Hpella, too, with a weak, tired feeling. Don't delay. Try Uoan'a Kidney Pills. They have done wonders in thouwuida of audi cases. Ask your neighbor I A Nebraska Case Mrs. Alfred Eyor, Ashland, Ncbr., nays; "Sometimes my back Wnrtff ii: iwjr miriy K'lvo oui on mu jv, I BOt so tired and sorilw?! that I had to llo lovnv?i and rest nt Riich times, v Sty kidneys acted lr-s nr I n w, .. T A.mfl.aX used's KUnoyi PIIlll. Vv Imnk ilni.qn't. . tiro out so easily nowvSgL nnd I nm pnn.ililn rtf" getting around better,"')' Get Doiin'i at Any Stare, AOc Dot DOAN'SSJ? FOSTER. MILDURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. Comfort Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap And Fragrant Talcum Sop 2Sc, Ointmt nt 25 nj 50c,Tilcam 25c. freckles wm$$m Ca.,27S ItMtM Mchi. IIIIIUM'ilJU'lillllllll mkaSh Jfw&H m zp- .pzyiH llllNPf fiWJjBJr rnnfnfi W. j I stk Mh,mB rn iiMi sVVla a ' ,viMr llSfSpjt 4 1' J W. N. Um LINCOLN, NO. 18-1920.