t 'r RED CLOUD,, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 3 i V v Orpheum Theater I Next Wednesday-Thursday COMMISSIONER'S PROCEEDINGS S' Did she know that he was once a convict and now masquerading as a minister? Would she love him if she knew the truth? Let your heart answer for you this drama throws the X-Ray on to the heart. It is a stupendous production. One you will long remember, as every foot teems with the call of humanity. k m k k & : fc: m m k : $ :: a: :: w 5w ft M AS TOLD TO US K K & iii : : . .& x $ :?: a: :: sj : a; m Ruy IJreHtl at Powell and I'npps. See CoUing's new lino of .spring wall paper. Dr. Damcrell spent Frirfav in Guide Rock. Chas. Funk" spent Friday ' in Guide Rock. Ed Jones was down from Imivalc Tuesday. J. C. Mitchell spent Wednesday in Hastings. Max Misser spent Wednesday in Hastings. Lee Gilbert was down from Inavalc Saturday. Everett Stroup spent Saturday in Hastings. Bert Anderson spent Sunday in Hastings. " i' Mrs N. P. Phillips spent Thursday in Hastings. Mrs. D. G. llritton spent" Saturday in Hastings. Irene Mays renlly dries' In the Brownie Hand. , It. 15. Thompson of Cowles was- in the city Saturday. Laird Potter spent Sunday with relatives at Hardy. Judge Dungan returned to Hast ings Wednesday. Mrs. John Auhushon spent Wed nesday in Hastings. Mr. Boyer of Osborne, Kansas, i? in the city this week. j The "Brownie Hand" May 7, 1020. Tiesso Auditorium. Come and see the "Wee, Wee's" May 7, Hrownie Hand. G. R. McCrary was down from Ina vale Tuesday afternoon. Chas. Strong of Culbertson is visjt-J ing friends in the city. (Jooil moiils good service moderate. prices Powell & Popo'bcafo Kut and drink at Powell & U.ite. Pope's tf ORPHEUM E Friday and Saturday GEO. WALSH IN THE 'HONOR 1YSTEM' Si Featuring Gladys Brockers and others in a star cast A very entertaining and instructive picture Also a Sunshine Comedy "THE HIGH COST OF TENDER HEARTS" Monday - Tuesday ELSIE JAMES IN 'THE IMP' Also the first of the BRINGING-UP-FATHER series (not a cartoon) 'Breaking Into Society' COMING- "Desert Gold" "Jubilo "Rio Grande" "Sporting Dutchess" Jack Picklord in the "Little Shepherd of the Kingdom Come" I'-ed ear1, for s-ile. Frame A Smith Urns. Co. (!ooi) no :i oats si o;: a m'siii:l at FARMHIJS BM-'VATOlt. Win. White of McCook spent Sun day with his family here. John Holcomb returned home Sun day morning from Denver. J. K. Yost accompanied a car of stock to St. Joe Sunday. Clarence Riser returned home Wed nesday morning from St. Joe. Dr. Mitchell returned home from Omaha the last of the week. George Atkinson of Selden, Kan sas, was in the city Monday. Elizabeth Mizcr is the Fairy Queen May 7. Hesse Auditorium. , Key.' I. W. Edson of Junita is visit ing his son, W.,D. Kdson and wife. Miss Beatrix McKeiglmn went to Lincoln Monday to visit her mother. Hay Sutton went to ,Wichita, Kan sas, Saturday to spend a few days. The Misses Ethel Hilton and Amie Arnold spent Saturday in Hastings. The Amboy Milling Co., ""shipped a car of hogs to Kansas City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Bloom spsnt Sunday with her parents at Fairbuvy, H. II. Childress of Hastings spent Sunday with his family in this city. Mrs. Koontz and daughter, Miss Faith, went to Kansas City Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kecney were down from Covle Friday afternoon. "Paline" operetta in two acts at the 15es.c Auditorium, Wednesday, May 11. J. W. Auld went to Omaha Wednes day to look after some business mat ters. Dr. McP.rido went to Obcrlin, Kan sas, Tue.-day to look after his realty holdings. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Bloom ic turned home Tuesday evening from Faii-bury. Frank Richardson !elt Tue.-day for Rochester, Indiana, where he will visit relatives. Mrs. Tom Kralick and her daugh ter, Mrs. Katie Beardslee, spent Mon day in Hastings. Attorney A. M. Walters of Blue Hill was .in the city Tuesday attend ing district court. Mrs. Chas. Perry of Harvard spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perry. The Democratic and Republican county conventions vrifi be held in this city next Tuesday. William McBride returned to Lin coln Monday to resume his studies at the state university. Help us get a piano for the Lincoln building by buying tickets to "The Big Three" operettas. James Tanquary went to McCook Wednesday morning to take the switchman examination. B. S. Van Dyke left Friday for Hot Springs, Arkansas where he will receive medical treatment. Ed Garber was doing construction work on the transmission lino to the Ilomjue farm Wednesday. Saturda y afternoon while Supt. Stephenson was removing an anchor pole to which a smoke stack guy wire was attached the smoko stack fell off its base at the power house and con sequently part of the citizens of this city arc using lamps and candles at night this week. FARM LOANS If you want a farm loan and it is an exceptionally good one I can make it for you if closed soon at an at tractive rnto of interest. J. II. BAILEY Red Cloud, Ncbr. May 3rd The County Board of Cominission-,-s met. as per adjournment at 1 o'cokk p. in., with all members pres et. Motion made and carried that the County Ircastner bo instructed to stiiko oil the assessment of the lied Cloud Produce Co for the year 1919. Same being an erroneous assessment. The report of Vcncil Zajic, Rond Overbed of District No. 11 was np I "j ed by Boaul. C i'rty Treasurer .instructed to re-' fluid to Mrs. Alice Hosmer the prop er f.mot'nt duo her on tli3 s'ini of $ir.U iMuul value on her 19J9 Pci sonal Tax. Said amount being giv en in by her on 1919 .-cludulo through cno". County Treasurer instructed to re duce the 1919 real cstat-j t.ix of Mrs. Ida MarMiall by $200 .letiuil value on her propei ty in Garber's Addition to Red Cloud also to collect tax due for 1912 less the interest on same County Treasurer instructed to re fund over charge on real i.Mtate t.ix for 1919 on Lots l and 5, block J8, Morey's Addition to Blue Hill owncit by W. A. McMahon. Said property being assessed $900 for improvements which had been removed from lots prior to 1919 A petition requesting that a license be granted to W. R. Burwrll to con duct a pool and billiard hall in Ina valc at the expiration of his present licence was presented to Boa -d. June 21st at 2 o'clock p. :i., was the time set for the hearing of thh pctiticn and County Clerk in -.trie-"! to pub lish the notice of said heu'lng as pro vided by law. Motion made oy Fiddler and so -onded by Waldo that Line piccii.ct now in Commissioner District No. .'" be placed in and become part of Com missioner District No. 1 Webster County, Nebraska. Motion carried. The following is the invoice of the County Poor Farm as made March 18, 1920: Farm .Machinery, Wagons and Harness .,.. $ 770.00 Household Goods ... . . 510.00, Oats, 250 bu .'. 2Q0.00 Oats, 250 bu. 200.00 Wheat, 40 bu 90.00 Hay, 10 tons of alfalfa lOO.pO' Hay, 7 tons of prairie 70.00 Horses, 5 head .. 520.00. Mules, 4 head . 700.00 Chickens, 100 head 100.00 Hogs, 31 head 671.00 Cattle, 19 head ... 1360.00 John Tu I leys of Lincoln is In thoelty ' today. Harvey RIcUmmiii is batching as his wife Is visiting her folks at Orleans. Nate Plait returned to Hastings Friday morning after attending to some business matters hero. Edgar Throne returned to Wichita, Kaiuns-, Saturday after spending a few flays with relatives hete. i S. C. Ellis and family left Tliurs-; day e oning for Denver where theyi will make their future home. I Mi's. Ray Fordyce and Mrs. James lanqiiary spent Friday with Mrs. Paul New-house in Guide Rock. Mr. Burton of Franklin was called to thi.s city Monday to tunc the piano used at the Rosso auditorium. Mr. Will Sunberrv returned homo 'I'l.... I... e ii i-i! f-u. i l mil Miry I IOIU ItepUUIH'UIl V. liy WUOIO she had boon visiting her parents. Ernest Welsch returned homo Tups day from Brownvillo, Texas whore he had been looking after his realty hold ing. Mrs. C. E. Morrison returned to Blue 1 1 ill Tuesday after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mark McConkey and family. J. E. Yost & Son have hnd the in terior of their meat market painted which improves its appearance con siderable. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hoaton have moved into the livimr rooms in the second story of his building on Web ster .street. Mr. George Van Camp of Lincoln nrriM-d in the city Friday evening to UK tul a few days with Dr. and Mrs. Roht. Dameiell. Miss Mildred Mercer, who is teach ing school near lnavale, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mr, m. A. Morcor. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. M alone and Mrs. Maon and little son of Wash inuton. D. C. are visiting Mr nnd Mrs. H. C. Gellatly. Mrs. Chas. Perry returned to her home at Harvard Wednesday after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perry. Mrs. Louise McFarland left Sun dav for Grovbull. Wyoming, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs Ralph Foe and family. Chas.- Kaley left Sunday via aulo- irjiobilc for Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, wnerc ne win iook aucr me iiuere.sm 'of the Kansas Border Oil & Gas Co. L Total $5871.00 Poor Farm Committee Grant Shidler; C. A. Waldo; Jas. Hubatka. The following claims were audited and allowed and County Clerk in structed to draw warrants on the proper funds in payment of same: GENERAL FUND Aug. Lampman 4.00 'I. Ludlow 5.00 Win. Roscncrans Alice Hosmer . J. F. Kniggc C. F. Pease Co. ; J. W. Harpham O. J. Kailcy i J. II. Chancy D. II. Kaley A. K. Saladcn J. W. McCracken C Stevens W. II. Roscncrans . . Annie B. Spanogle , E. S. Garber Jas. Hubatka E. J. EmertJii .. Denton & Ruschke May HuflToi' Frank Starr . Annie B. Spanogle Merl Fringcr Graham Furniture Co. Kamil Ondrak II. R. Fausch . .. BRIDGE FUND Omar Wolfe G. W. Darwin Anr.(. Mcents Joe Mudd ... . A. O. McflVml Board adjourned to the call Co ml Clerk. H. F. PERRY, County Cleric Piano Tuners Coming Leave all ordeif. promptly at the Amaelc Piano Storo for Mr. Burton and .Mi-s (Jettle The Franklin tuneis. eoniiiig soon. 7S.00 25.00 232.50 19.40 20.00 90.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 2.00 42.93 300.90 14.63 58.92 45.00 147.3C 4 LOG 17.00 5.80 46.75 150.00 20.00 9.80 130.00 20.00 36.00 of the groiiiinrau A PROFITABLE EXPERIMENT TTAKE a suit of clothes any 1 suit; divide the price by the number of months it worked for you, the wear you got; then you'll know how much it cost per month. If every man in town would do that, three fourths 'of them would buy their clothes here, for there's no use talking, Hart, 'Schaffner and Marx clothes do cost less per month W. G. Hamilton Clothing Co. "The Home of Hart, Sclmffncr nnd Marx Clolhes" H liiiititMraniiiniiiniiaiiiiiiiiiiBiitniiitriUsrjiiiiiiiiiiiiii:;;! . ::::. ,iii::nraBniiiaiiimiKis:i I' O PSCDUCTIONS.LS'C. . 9 Presents ( SHOES' Smoke-less Burns Less Fuel : Oder-less Gives More Heat No wicks to clean, trim or adjust. Always ready. No valves to worry about. It does not require generating. Burns ordinary kerosene. The "Florence" is the .one Ideal Oil Cook Stove Hundred of satisfied 'Florence' users in this community Ask one of them or come into our store. GEO. W. TRINE Authorized Sales Agent Red Cloud, Nebraska lo r Halo An extra KomlyonnK Hure. fonl Hull. Harry Lotson, StonubroaU er Ranch, S lulles'soutli of Red UIouil, Messrs ami Mcdames Hyo Shepherd, sou nnd J K. Morrln weio down from Rivorton Wednesday evening attend inp the Lenp Yenr Ball Kivn in the ball room of the uuditorluru. Mrs. Broadstoue aud daughter, Eva line, of Superior wero in the oity the Ami of the week as the K'lexts of Dr. and Mrtj, A. E. Ci-eightou. During their bty they were entertained, also, by Mr. and Mr. and Mr. W. A. Hhorwood, Mr. and Mm. A. U KnluyMr. and Mrs. D. If. Kaley, and Mr! nnd Mrs. V. W Uowden. ANNOUNCEMENT! On Saturday, May 8, 1 920, at 9 a. m. we will open an up to date Music Store in the Albright building, with a complete line of Pianos, Player Pianos, Victrolas, Brunswick and Kimball Talking Machines, Victor Records, Sheet Music, Band Instruments, Violins, Ukuleles, Guitars, Man dolins, Banjos, Etc. , We are selling today, many makes of pianos that we sold your neighbors twenty years ago and these makes have proven the test through time. Among the world-famous line of Pianos and Player Pianos we offer you are; Kabe, A. B. Chase, McPhail, Kimball, Price and TccpleJ3r inker hoff, Gaston, Autopiano, Gulbranson Dichnson, Schaffer Smith anil Barnes and Others, A Useful Souvenir will be presented to every lady visit ing our store on Opening Day, SATURDAY, MAY 8th WctteiD DUiributers of C. G. CONN BAND INSTRUMENTS HOME vu OF THE V1CTROLA , Everything in Music